- remove flow bite
- increase button size
- remove spinner
- make backend for saving routes
- make front end
- [] set up linting
- set up branch deployments
- Limit CI to main branch
- Show warning on big routes
- Analytics
- number users
- number page views
- number routes saved
- [] number of registered users with webhook
- [] number with the "write" permission
- [] number of saved routes
- [] umber of manual strava updates
- [] number of webhook strava updates
- [] number of rivers
- [] geojson of rivers
- [] number of countries
- [] length of activites
- [] order river in info
- [] optimize assets
- [] self host maps
- [] react
- [] Add nice popups for controls.
- [] add tour
- increase font size
- [] add demo data links
- [] move umami webiste-id to a env var.
- ensure that umami does not block the rest of the site from loading
- favicon emoji flag
- [] listen for description updates and update the message accordingly.... (check if message exists and if not append to the end of the message, if a manual update)
- [] ensure the route layer is always on top
- [] implement the class based approach for finding intersections and profile it https://github.com/rowanwins/sweepline-intersections?tab=readme-ov-file#complex-use
- fix email
- add a way to delete routes
- dist analytics sctript with the build.
- spin before the routes load...
- Iphone river list empty line bug.
- replace the auth.kreuungen.com with the actual link.
- refactor umami to its on repo.