This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 0.4.0 version.
- Added .codeclimate.yml file.
- Added definition bundle.
- Fixed accessor typo in Enabled entity attribute.
- Added Published entity attribute.
- Restructured navigation menu.
- Added Published entity attribute to Service entity.
- Fixed linkedin oauth login display condition.
- Fixed linkedin security enabled condition.
- Fixed flatly-custom theme padding issue in navigation.
- Fixed locale listener translator argument type hinting.
- Fixed firewall to align with Oro 2.0 anonymous firewall configs.
- Fixed bpm user task variable name.
- Updated account user persona page to use definition title.
- Updated flatly-custom theme.
- Updated copyright widget year.
- Added PortalApi bundle.
This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 0.3.0 version.
- Upgraded Oro Platform to 2.0.
- Upgraded bundle and files to be 2.0 compatible.
- Added Platform bundle.
- Updated composer configurations.
This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 0.2.1 version.
- Updated composer dependency digitalstate/platform-bpm-camunda-bundle to version that uses forked version of camunda sdk.
- Added file attachment capability to the Asset entity.
- Added file attachment capability to the Record entity.
This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 0.2.0 version.
- Synchronized repository tag versions with migration versions across all platform repositories.
This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 0.1.2 version.
- Setuped ds_portal_menu and ds_account_menu navigation menus and removed hard-coded menu links to appropriate bundles.
- Fixed camunda sdk dependency bug.
- Added new widget position on dashboard index page.
- Fixed service sub-entities ownership bug.
- Added localized title to datagrid.
- Remove hard-coded paths for bpm forms.
- Fixed account record widget position bug.
- Added bpm localization variables to process start event.
- Added locale to portal routes.
- Added locale to account routes.
- Fixed bug related to record view template.