Releases: FluxML/Zygote.jl
Releases · FluxML/Zygote.jl
Zygote v0.5.8
Closed issues:
- Custom Adjoint when Taking Gradient of Gradient (2nd Gradient) (#745)
Merged pull requests:
Zygote v0.5.6
Merged pull requests:
- Test that keyword arguments are correct (#781) (@ChrisRackauckas)
Zygote v0.5.5
Closed issues:
- ignore Base.OneTo (#753)
- Errors in adjoints for ifft(xs,d,dims) (#755)
- Need an adjoint for constructor Pair (#761)
- Optimising some linear algebra related adjoints (#773)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix FFT type promotions (#751) (@wkearn)
- add @Nograd for Base.OneTo (#754) (@jamblejoe)
- Call the correct function for irfft(xs,d,dims) (#756) (@wkearn)
- Remove Base.parameter_upper_bound given removal from Base (#757) (@ianshmean)
- fix for #758 (#765) (@racinmat)
- Update ArrayLayouts and FillArrays (#768) (@devmotion)
Zygote v0.5.4
Closed issues:
- wrong gradient type when dividing by integer (#727)
- New ChainRule.rrule definition not working on Jupyter notebook even after Zygote.refresh() (#741)
Merged pull requests:
- Stateful map (#676) (@MikeInnes)
- fix export (#737) (@CarloLucibello)
- Speed up of selu (#748) (@racinmat)
Zygote v0.5.3
Closed issues:
- Incorrect complex gradients, Zygote 0.4.21 (#705)
Merged pull requests:
Zygote v0.5.2
Closed issues:
- Gradient of max(x...) (#711)
Merged pull requests:
- Forward Mode (#503) (@MikeInnes)
- Backport for Zygote 0.4 (#707) (@CarloLucibello)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "DiffRules" at version "1.0" (#708) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "NaNMath" at version "0.3" (#709) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "SpecialFunctions" at version "0.10" (#710) (@github-actions[bot])
- Use ChainRules v0.7.0 (#721) (@sethaxen)
Zygote v0.5.1
Closed issues:
- Gradient through Distributions.jl's loglikelihood returns "nothing" (but Tracker succeeded) (#436)
- Zygote doesn't work with CUDA.CuArray (#665)
- Regression on Zygote v0.5 (#703)
Merged pull requests:
- nograd div (#706) (@CarloLucibello)
Zygote v0.4.22
Closed issues:
- Gradient through Distributions.jl's loglikelihood returns "nothing" (but Tracker succeeded) (#436)
- MethodError: no method matching +(::Nothing, ::Array{Float32,2}) (#454)
- Ref does not play nicely with Adjoint (#490)
- deprecate dropgrad (#536)
- Array Indexing Error (#597)
- Zygote doesn't work with CUDA.CuArray (#665)
- Gradient doubling (#687)
- Tag? (#690)
- Gradient doubling (part 2) (#691)
- Regression on Zygote v0.5 (#703)
Merged pull requests:
- move to CUDA.jl (#701) (@CarloLucibello)
- tag new release (#702) (@CarloLucibello)
- nograd div (#706) (@CarloLucibello)