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+/** \page improve_compressed_perf Improving I/O Performance When Working with HDF5 Compressed Datasets
+ * Internal compression is one of several powerful HDF5 features that distinguish HDF5
+ * from other binary formats and make it very attractive for storing and organizing data.
+ * Internal HDF5 compression saves storage space and I/O bandwidth and allows efficient
+ * partial access to data. Chunked storage has to be used when HDF5 compression is
+ * enabled.
+ *
+ * Certain combinations of compression, chunked storage, and access pattern may cause
+ * I/O performance degradation if used inappropriately, but the HDF5 Library provides
+ * tuning parameters to achieve I/O performance comparable with the I/O performance on
+ * raw data that uses contiguous storage.
+ *
+ * In this paper, we discuss the factors that should be considered when storing
+ * compressed data in HDF5 files and how to tune those parameters to optimize the I/O
+ * performance of an HDF5 application when working with compressed datasets.
+ *
+ *
+ * - @ref sec_improve_compressed_perf_intro
+ * - @ref sec_improve_compressed_perf_case
+ * - @ref sec_improve_compressed_perf_chunk
+ * - @ref sec_improve_compressed_perf_tune
+ * - @ref sec_improve_compressed_perf_rec
+ *
+ *
+ * \section sec_improve_compressed_perf_intro Introduction
+ * One of the most powerful features of HDF5 is its ability to store and modify compressed data. The HDF5
+ * Library comes with two pre-defined compression methods, GNU \b zip or \b gzip and \b szip or \b libaec, and has
+ * the capability to use third-party compression methods, \ref subsubsec_dataset_filters_dyn. The variety of available compression
+ * methods means users can choose the compression method that is best suited for achieving the desired
+ * balance between the CPU time needed to compress or un-compress data and storage performance.
+ *
+ * Compressed data is stored in a data array of an HDF5 dataset using a chunked storage mechanism.
+ * When chunked storage is used, the data array is split into equally sized chunks each of which is stored
+ * separately in the file.
+ *
+ * Data array is logically split into equally sized chunks each of which is stored separately in the file
+ *
+ * \image html improve_perf-compress_fig_1.png "Figure 1"
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ * Compression is applied to each individual chunk. When an I/O operation is performed on a subset of the
+ * data array, only chunks that include data from the subset participate in I/O and need to be
+ * uncompressed or compressed.
+ *
+ * Library will only read highlighted chunks when reading selected columns
+ *
+ * \image html improve_perf-compress_fig_2.png "Figure 2"
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ * Chunked storage also enables adding more data to a dataset without rewriting the whole dataset. Figure
+ * 3 below shows more rows and columns added to a data array stored in HDF5 by writing highlighted
+ * chunks that contain new data.
+ *
+ * More rows and columns were added to the dataset
+ *
+ * \image html improve_perf-compress_fig_3.png "Figure 3"
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ * While HDF5 chunk storage and compression obviously provide great benefits in working with data, many
+ * HDF5 users have found that sometimes I/O performance is slower for compressed data than for
+ * uncompressed data. For example, as we show in this paper, there may be a huge performance
+ * difference between an application reading compressed data and reading the same data that was not
+ * compressed. For an application that writes compressed data, I/O performance may be excellent, but
+ * when data is moved to another system and read back, I/O performance drastically drops making data
+ * virtually unusable.
+ *
+ * Many of these cases of drastically slower reading performance can be ameliorated by more careful
+ * consideration of avoiding chunking arrangements that may cause poor reading performance when
+ * creating datasets or by a few simple changes to the application reading the data. In this paper, we will
+ * discuss the factors that should be considered when storing compressed data in HDF5 files and when
+ * tuning an HDF5 application that writes or reads compressed data. We assume that the reader knows
+ * HDF5 \ref LearnBasics and would like to learn a set of performance tuning techniques when working with
+ * compressed data.
+ *
+ * In our discussion, we use an HD5 file with Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CriS) data from the Suomi NPP
+ * satellite to illustrate several performance tuning techniques for HDF5 applications. The paper is
+ * organized as follows:
+ * \li The structure of the file and the properties of the datasets are discussed in the
+ \ref sec_improve_compressed_perf_case section.
+ * \li In the \ref sec_improve_compressed_perf_chunk section, we review HDF5 chunking and
+ * compression features in more detail.
+ * \li In the \ref sec_improve_compressed_perf_tune section, we discuss the performance tuning approach.
+ * \li The \ref sec_improve_compressed_perf_rec section summarizes our recommendations.
+ *
+ * In the near future, we intend to make available a new CCP (Chunking and Compression Performance)
+ * tool. This tool will allow users to vary access patterns, chunk sizes, compression method, and cache
+ * settings using the tool’s command options, reducing the need to create and compile test programs such
+ * as those used in the “Case Study” section on page 7.
+ *
+ * For more information on other things that can affect performance, see the “Things That Can Affect
+ * Performance” page in the FAQ on the website.
+ *
+ * \section sec_improve_compressed_perf_case Case Study
+ * We will use two HDF5 files to compare I/O performance and to illustrate the issues users may encounter
+ * when working with compressed data. These HDF5 files and the application programs used to read them
+ * can be downloaded [ 7 ] by readers wishing to reproduce the performance results discussed in this
+ * paper.1
+ * \li 1:Performance results provided in the paper are intended to show the difference in
+ * performance when different HDF5 parameters are used. The reader should be aware that the numbers
+ * on his/her system would differ from those provided in the paper, but the effect of the HDF5
+ * parameters should be the same.
+ *
+ * SCRIS_npp_d20140522_t0754579_e0802557_b13293_c20140522142425734814_noaa_pop.h5
is the
+ * first file we will use. It is an original data file with Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CriS) data from the
+ * Suomi NPP satellite. For brevity, we will refer to this file in this document as File.h5
+ *
+ * The second file is gz6_SCRIS_npp_d20140522_t0754579_e0802557_b13293__noaa_pop.h5
. We
+ * will refer to this file as File_with_compression.h5
. The file was created from
+ * File.h5
by the \ref sec_cltools_h5repack tool that applied the \b gzip compression
+ * to all datasets using level 6 effort. Repacking File.h5
using \b gzip compression
+ * reduced the storage space by 1.3 times. We will use the file to demonstrate the most common issues
+ * HDF5 users encounter when working with compressed data in HDF5.
+ *
+ * We selected these files because they have characteristics that would be the first ones to look at when
+ * tuning I/O performance of both writing and reading HDF5 applications. First, this data file represents
+ * files generated on a big-endian system that is usually not available to general users of the data. The data
+ * provider used the HDF5 parameters to minimize storage space for data and to maximize write speed
+ * that were not necessarily the optimum parameters for the systems where the data would be read.
+ * Second, the users’ applications read data in a way that was optimized for scientific data analysis but not
+ * optimal for the HDF5 I/O performance. We will use the files to show what the users can do to improve
+ * performance of their applications, and which factors data providers should consider before creating
+ * data products.
+ *
+ * In our case study, we used a 4-dimensional array of 32-bit big-endian floating point numbers stored in
+ * the HDF5 dataset /All_Data/CrIS-SDR_All/ES_ImaginaryLW
in both files. The data array is
+ * extensible and has the current dimension sizes 60x30x9x717. When compressed with \b gzip compression
+ * with level 6, the compression ratio is 1.0762. We used HDF5 command line tools
+ * \ref sec_cltools_h5dump and \ref sec_cltools_h5ls
+ * and the HDF Java-based browser HDFView to find various properties of the dataset that would help us to
+ * understand performance problems and propose solutions. If the reader decides to follow the discussion
+ * using a “hands on” approach, the examples below illustrate how to use h5dump and h5ls to get the
+ * characteristics of the /All_Data/CrIS-SDR_All/ES_ImaginaryLW
+ * \li 2:The ratio itself is not a subject of this paper, but the fact that the dataset was
+ * compressed is. It is one of the factors that affected the performance. While the total compression
+ * ratio for the file is 1.3, one should be careful about applying the same compression to all datasets
+ * in a file. For some datasets, compression will not significantly reduce storage space while requiring
+ * extra I/O time for decompression as this example shows.
+ *
+ * The \ref sec_cltools_h5dump command line below will yield the results shown in Figure 4 below:
+ * \code
+ * % h5dump -H -d /All_Data/CrIS-SDR_All/ES_ImaginaryLW File_with_compression.h5
+ *
+ * HDF5 "gz6_SCRIS_npp_d20140522_t0754579_e0802557_b13293__noaa_pop.h5" {
+ * DATASET "/All_Data/CrIS-SDR_All/ES_ImaginaryLW" {
+ * DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 60, 30, 9, 717 ) / ( H5S_UNLIMITED,
+ * CHUNKED ( 4, 30, 9, 717 )
+ * SIZE 43162046 (1.076:1 COMPRESSION)
+ * }
+ * }
+ * VALUE -999.3
+ * }
+ * }
+ * }
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ * Figure 4: Output of the h5dump command that shows properties of the dataset /All_Data/CrIS-SDR_All/ES_ImaginaryLW
+ *
+ * The \ref sec_cltools_h5ls command line below will yield the results shown in Figure 5 below:
+ * \code
+ * % h5ls -lrv gz6_SCRIS_npp_d20140522_t0754579_e0802557_b13293__noaa_pop.h5
+ *
+ * /All_Data/CrIS-SDR_All/ES_ImaginaryLW Dataset {60/Inf, 30/Inf, 9/Inf,
+ * 717/Inf}
+ * Location: 1:60464
+ * Links: 1
+ * Chunks: {4, 30, 9, 717} 3097440 bytes
+ * Storage: 46461600 logical bytes, 43162046 allocated bytes, 107.64%
+ * utilization
+ * Filter-0: deflate-1 OPT {6}
+ * Type: IEEE 32-bit big-endian float
+ * \endcode
+ * Figure 5: Output of the h5ls command that shows properties of the dataset /All_Data/CrIS-SDR_All/ES_ImaginaryLW
+ *
+ * In HDFView, right click on the dataset to choose “Show Properties” option from the drop-down menu.
+ * The properties will appear in the new window as shown in Figure 6.
+ *
+ * HDFView window with information about the dataset
+ *
+ * \image html improve_perf-compress_fig_6.png "Figure 6"
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ * Our application read the dataset along the fastest changing dimension, 717 elements at a time from the
+ * dataset in both files. In the 2-dimensional case, this would correspond to reading an array by “row”.
+ * There were 16,200 reads to get all of the data. What we found was a several orders of magnitude drop
+ * in the performance when data was read from the compressed dataset as shown in Table 1.
+ *
+ * Table 1: Reading by 1x1x717 hyperslab (or “rows”) from original and compressed datasets.
+ * Performance drops more than 3000 times.
+ * File Name | File.h5 | File_with_compression.h5 (gzip level 6) |
+ * Read Time | 0.1 seconds | 0.37 seconds |
+ *
+ *
+ * We experimented with the HDF5 parameters such cache size and chunk size and modified our
+ * application to use different access patterns. The details of the experiments and achieved results will be
+ * discussed in the \ref sec_improve_compressed_perf_tune section. Here we provide the results just to show
+ * the difference in the read performance the change in the parameters made.
+ *
+ * The table below, Table 2, shows the result of reading data as in the example above with the difference
+ * that the application used a chunked cache size of 3MB instead of the default 1MB. Reading performance
+ * from the compressed dataset was only 4 times slower than for reading the uncompressed data.
+ *
+ * Table 2: Reading by 1x1x717 hyperslab (or “rows”) from original and compressed datasets. Changing
+ * the chunk cache size from 1MB to 3MB improved application performance by a factor of 1000.
+ * File Name | File.h5 | File_with_compression.h5 (gzip level 6) |
+ * Read Time | 0.1 seconds | 0.37 seconds |
+ *
+ *
+ * We also experimented with a different access pattern to read data from both files. Instead of reading
+ * 717 elements at a time, we read a contiguous HDF5 hyperslab with dimensions 4x30x9x717. The reader
+ * who knows about HDF5 chunking will immediately recognize that we read one chunk at a time, a total
+ * 15 of them. With this change, reading from the non-compressed dataset was only 10 times better than
+ * reading from the compressed dataset; see Table 3 below and compare with the results in Table 1.
+ *
+ * Table 3: Reading by 4x30x9x717 hyperslabs from original and compressed datasets. Performance for
+ * compressed dataset is several orders of magnitude better than the result in Table 1 and comparable
+ * to the result in Table 2.
+ * File Name | File.h5 | File_with_compression.h5 (gzip level 6) |
+ * Read Time | 0.04 seconds | 0.36 seconds |
+ *
+ *
+ * In our last experiment, we repacked both files with \ref sec_cltools_h5repack to use a chunk size of 1x30x9x717, 4
+ * times smaller than the original chunks, and read the file by using the original access pattern of
+ * 1x1x1x717 hyperslab (by “row”). The result is shown below in Table 4. Once again, we got much better
+ * performance than shown in Table 1, even when considering the time to repack the file with h5repack.
+ *
+ * Table 4: Reading by 1x1x1x717 hyperslab (by “row”) from non-compressed and compressed datasets;
+ * a smaller chunk size of 1x30x9x717 was used to store data in both files. Performance for the
+ * compressed dataset is comparable to the result in Table 2 and Table 3.
+ * File Name | File.h5 | File_with_compression-small-chunk.h5 (gzip level 6) |
+ * Read Time | 0.08 seconds | 0.36 seconds |
+ * Repack Time | 3 seconds | 12 seconds |
+ *
+ * \li Note that the read and repack times in the tables above are approximate values.
+ *
+ * \section sec_improve_compressed_perf_chunk Chunking and Compression in HDF5
+ * In this section we will give a brief overview of the chunking and compression features needed to follow
+ * the approach presented later in the “Tuning for Performance” section on page 15. For more information
+ * on HDF5 chunking, see the \ref hdf5_chunking document.
+ *
+ * \subsection subsec_improve_compressed_perf_chunk_chunk Chunking in HDF5
+ * Data of HDF5 dataset can be stored in several different ways in HDF5 file. See the
+ * \ref subsubsec_dataset_program_transfer
+ * section in the \ref sec_dataset chapter in the \ref UG for more information.
+ *
+ * The default storage layout of HDF5 files is contiguous storage: data of a multidimensional array is
+ * serialized (or flattened) along the fastest changing dimension and is stored as a contiguous block in the
+ * file. This storage mechanism is recommended if the size of a dataset is known and the storage size for
+ * the dataset is acceptable to the user: in other words, no data compression is desired. The contiguous
+ * storage is efficient for I/O if a whole HDF5 dataset is accessed or if a contiguous subset (as stored in the
+ * file) of an HDF5 dataset is accessed. The figure below shows an example with a row of a 2-dimensional
+ * array stored in an HDF5 dataset by a C application. In this case, the HDF5 Library seeks to the start
+ * position in the file and writes/reads the required number of bytes.
+ *
+ * Elements of the rows of the 6x9 two-dimensional array are stored contiguously in the file while elements of the columns are not
+ *
+ * \image html improve_perf-compress_fig_7.png "Figure 7"
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ * If we change the access pattern to accessing the dataset by columns instead of by rows, the contiguous
+ * layout may not work well. The column’s elements are not stored contiguously in the file (see Figure 8).
+ * Accessing a column will require several seeks to find the data in the file and multiple reads/writes of one
+ * element at a time. Seeks and small size I/O operations may affect performance especially for large datasets.
+ * Obviously, contiguous storage is not as favorable for a column access pattern as it is for a row
+ * access pattern, and other storage options may be more beneficial.
+ *
+ * Elements of the column are not stored contiguously in the file
+ *
+ * \image html improve_perf-compress_fig_8.png "Figure 8"
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ * An alternative is chunked storage (a chunked storage layout). When chunked storage is used, a
+ * multidimensional array is logically divided into equally sized chunks. For example, Figure 9 below shows
+ * the 6x9 array divided into 6 3x3 chunks. Chunked storage layout and chunk sizes (number of elements in
+ * a chunk along each dataset dimension) are specified at dataset creation time and cannot be changed
+ * without rewriting the dataset. Chunked storage is \b required if data will be added to an HDF5 dataset and
+ * the maximum size of the dataset is unknown at creation time (see Figure 3). Chunked storage is also
+ * \b required if data will be stored \b compressed.
+ *
+ * The logical chunk is stored as a contiguous block in the file (compare with the contiguous storage when
+ * the whole data array is stored contiguously in the file). When compression is used, it is applied to each
+ * chunk separately. During the I/O operation each chunk is accessed as a whole when the HDF5 Library
+ * reads or writes data elements stored in the chunk. For example, two chunks will be read (and
+ * uncompressed if needed) when accessing the 2nd column as shown in Figure 9.
+ *
+ * The chunk size is an important factor in achieving good I/O and storage performance.
+ *
+ * If the chunk size is too small, I/O performance degrades due to small reads/writes when a chunk is
+ * accessed. Storing a large number of small chunks increases the size of the internal HDF5 data structures
+ * needed to track the positions and sizes of chunks in the file, creating excessive storage overhead.
+ *
+ * On the other hand, if the chunk size is too big and compression is used, I/O performance may degrade
+ * with unsuitable combinations of access patterns and chunk cache sizes or on systems that do not have
+ * enough memory to compress or to uncompress chunks. For instance, an application that reads data by
+ * row from a chunk too large to fit in the configured cache will cause decompression of the entire chunk
+ * for each row that is read, resulting in a great deal of unnecessarily repeated disk reads and
+ * decompression processing.
+ *
+ * As was mentioned above, the storage layout cannot be changed after the dataset has been created. If
+ * desired, one can use the \ref sec_cltools_h5repack tool to modify the storage layout of a copy of a dataset; for
+ * example, the tool can be used to change the size of the chunk, to remove compression and store the
+ * dataset using contiguous storage, or to apply a different compression method. If data is read from the
+ * file many times, it may be much more efficient to rewrite the file using \ref sec_cltools_h5repack with the more
+ * appropriate storage parameters for reading, than to read data from the original file with an unfavorable
+ * compression and chunking arrangement.
+ *
+ * Each chunk is stored separately in the HDF5 file. Two chunks will be read by HDF5 to access the 2nd column of the array
+ *
+ * \image html improve_perf-compress_fig_9.png "Figure 9"
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ * Another important aspect of HDF5 chunking is the chunk cache.
+ *
+ * HDF5 does not cache raw data unless chunked storage is used. When data is accessed for a chunked
+ * dataset, the chunks that contain the requested data are brought to the cache one by one and stay in
+ * cache until they are evicted. If a chunk is cached, then reading or writing data stored in the chunk does
+ * not require disk accesses. In other words, chunk caching helps when the same chunk is accessed
+ * multiple times during I/O operations.
+ *
+ * The HDF5 Library provides the #H5Pset_cache and #H5Pset_chunk_cache functions to control the
+ * size of the chunk cache and the chunk eviction policy to specify the appropriate cache parameters for a
+ * particular access pattern.
+ *
+ * As will be shown in the \ref sec_improve_compressed_perf_tune section, chunked storage and chunk cache
+ * parameters affect I/O performance and should be chosen with care depending on the I/O access
+ * pattern.
+ *
+ * \subsection subsec_improve_compressed_perf_chunk_comp Compression in HDF5
+ * As it was mentioned in the previous sections, in HDF5 data can be stored compressed. The HDF5 Library
+ * comes with the built-in compression methods:
+ * \snippet{doc} H5Zmodule.h PreDefFilters
+ * One can also build in a custom filter, \ref subsec_dataset_filters, or use \ref subsubsec_dataset_filters_dyn.
+ *
+ * The compression method is chosen at a dataset creation time and cannot be changed later. As with the
+ * chunked layout, one can use \ref sec_cltools_h5repack to rewrite the dataset in a copy of the dataset using a different
+ * compression method or to remove compression completely.
+ *
+ * HDF5 tools such \ref sec_cltools_h5dump and \ref sec_cltools_h5ls can be used to check the efficiency of the compression. For
+ * example, both \ref sec_cltools_h5dump and \ref sec_cltools_h5ls show the compression ratio for a dataset. The compression ratio is
+ * defined as a ratio of the original data size to the size of compressed data. For example, the ratio for the
+ * dataset /All_Data/CrIS-SDR_All/ES_ImaginaryLW
is 1.07 (see Figure 4) meaning that there was
+ * not much benefit in applying compression to save space in the file. For more information, see the \ref CompTS
+ * technical note for a discussion of compression efficiency.
+ *
+ * The HDF5 Library applies compression encoding or decoding when the chunk is moved between the
+ * chunk cache and the file. Since compression encoding and decoding takes CPU time, it affects HDF5
+ * write and read performance. This is especially true when data is read or written many times from the
+ * same chunk and the chunk is not cached between the accesses; this means the chunk has to be brought
+ * from disk every time it is accessed.
+ *
+ * In the next section we will see the effect of compression on the I/O performance.
+ *
+ * \section sec_improve_compressed_perf_tune Tuning for Performance
+ * In this section we will discuss several strategies one can apply to get better I/O performance. We will
+ * explain in detail how a particular strategy works and when it should be applied. While the examples
+ * below focus on reading only, the same approach will work for writing too.
+ *
+ * The strategies for improving performance require modifications to the reading application or to the
+ * HDF5 file itself. The reader should choose the strategies that are appropriate for a particular use case.
+ *
+ * \subsection subsec_improve_compressed_perf_tune_cache Adjust Chunk Cache Size
+ * The HDF5 Library automatically creates a chunk cache for each opened chunked dataset. The first
+ * strategy is to check whether the current chunk cache settings work properly with the application access
+ * pattern and reset the chunk cache parameters as appropriate.
+ *
+ * The HDF5 Library provides two functions, #H5Pset_cache and #H5Pset_chunk_cache, to control
+ * chunk cache settings. #H5Pset_cache controls the chunk cache setting for ALL datasets in the file, and
+ * #H5Pset_chunk_cache controls the chunk cache settings per dataset. To find out the default or current
+ * settings, use the #H5Pget_cache or #H5Pget_chunk_cache functions and then reset appropriate
+ * parameters if necessary. See the \ref subsubsec_improve_compressed_perf_tune_cache_how section for more
+ * information.
+ *
+ * The default size of the cache is 1MB. The size can be modified by setting the \b nbytes parameter in
+ * #H5Pset_cache and #H5Pset_chunk_cache. Several chunks can be held in the cache if their total size
+ * in bytes is less or equal to 1MB.
+ *
+ * To look up a chunk in cache, the HDF5 Library uses an array of pointers to the chunks (hash table). The
+ * array has \b nslots elements (or slots in the hash table) with a default value of 511. One can use the
+ * \b nslots parameter in #H5Pset_cache and #H5Pset_chunk_cache to change the default size of the
+ * hash table.
+ *
+ * Each chunk has an associated hash value that is calculated as follows. All chunks of the dataset have an
+ * index (\b cindex) in a linear array of chunks. For example, chunks in Figure 9 will have indices from 0 to 5,
+ * with the upper left chunk having index 0, the middle one in the top row having index 1, and the lower
+ * right chunk having index 5. The hash value is calculated as the remainder of dividing \b cindex by \b nslots
+ * (known as a modulo operation cindex mod nslots). The hash table can contain only one chunk with
+ * the same hash value. This fact is important to remember to avoid situations when the needed chunks
+ * have the same hash value. For example, let’s assume \b nslots is 3. Then in Figure 9 the chunks with the
+ * indices 0 and 3 (in other words, the chunks that contain the first three columns) have the same hash
+ * values and cannot be in the chunk cache simultaneously even though their total sizes are less than 1MB.
+ *
+ * Now, we can analyze what happens when data is read by “rows” (contiguous 717 elements) from the
+ * /All_Data/CrIS-SDR_All/ES_ImaginaryLW
dataset and the default chunk cache settings are
+ * used. The number of slots \b nslots in the hash table is not a concern since the default value is 511 and
+ * we have only 15 chunks. Now let’s analyze how the chunk cache size affects the performance.
+ *
+ * Each row is stored in one of the 15 chunks that comprise the dataset. Each chunk has 4x30x9 or 1,080
+ * “rows”. To read the first row of the chunk, the whole chunk is read, uncompressed and the row is copied
+ * to the application buffer by the HDF5 Library. Since the size of the uncompressed chunk is 2.95 MB, the
+ * cache cannot hold the chunk. When the second row is read, the process repeats until all rows from the
+ * same chunk are read. Thus, the chunk will be read and uncompressed 1,080 times. When we increase
+ * the cache size to 3MB, the chunk stays in the cache and all rows can be copied to the application buffer
+ * without the HDF5 Library fetching data from disk and uncompressing the chunk every time the chunk is
+ * accessed.
+ *
+ * Since all 15 chunks have to be read, the HDF5 Library will be touching the disk 16,200 times when a 1MB
+ * size cache is used compared with 15 times when a 3MB cache is used. The first column in Table 5 below
+ * shows that it took 345 seconds to read a compressed dataset when using the default cache size of 1MB
+ * while it took only 0.37 seconds to read the dataset when using the chunk cache size of 3MB. We see
+ * several orders of magnitude performance improvements when we increase chunk cache size to 3MB.
+ *
+ * Table 5: Performance improved when the chunk cache size was adjusted to 3MB by several orders of
+ * magnitude.
+ * File Name | File_with_compression.h5 | File_with_compression.h5 |
+ * Cache Size | 1MB (default) | 3MB |
+ * Read Time | 345 seconds | 0.37 seconds |
+ *
+ *
+ * As shown in Table 6 below, the reading performance with the 3MB cache size is comparable to the
+ * reading performance of the data stored without compression applied. Please notice that the chunk
+ * cache size did not affect the reading performance for the uncompressed data.
+ *
+ * Table 6: With the chunk cache size adjusted to 3MB, performance is comparable with the
+ * performance of reading data that was stored without compression.
+ * File Name | File_with_compression.h5 | File.h5 |
+ * Cache Size | 3MB | 1MB or 3MB |
+ * Read Time | 0.37 seconds | 0.1 seconds |
+ *
+ * \li Note that the read times in the tables above are approximate values.
+ *
+ * \subsubsection subsubsec_improve_compressed_perf_tune_cache_how How to Adjust the Chunk Cache Size
+ * As was mentioned above, an application can adjust the chunk cache size by calling either
+ * #H5Pset_cache or #H5Pset_chunk_cache functions. #H5Pset_cache sets the chunk cache size for all
+ * chunked datasets in a file, and #H5Pset_chunk_cache sets the chunk cache size for a particular
+ * dataset.
+ *
+ * The programming model for using both functions is the following:
+ * \li Use #H5Pget_cache or #H5Pget_chunk_cache to retrieve the default parameters set by the
+ * library or by a previous call to the function.
+ * \li Use #H5Pset_cache or #H5Pset_chunk_cache to modify a subset of the parameters.
+ *
+ * Below are the code snippets that show the usage.
+ *
+ * The first example below shows how to change the cache size for all datasets in the file using
+ * #H5Pset_cache. Since the function sets a global setting for the file, it uses a file access property list
+ * identifier to modify the cache size. #H5Pget_cache is called first to retrieve default cache settings that
+ * will be modified by #H5Pset_cache. In the example below, every chunked dataset will have a cache size
+ * of 3MB. To overwrite this setting for a particular dataset one can use #H5Pset_chunk_cache as shown
+ * in the second example.
+ *
+ * Code Example 1: Using H5Pset_cache to change the cache size for all datasets. |
+ *
+ * \code
+ * hid_t fapl; // File access property identifier
+ * int nelemts; // Dummy parameter in API, no longer used
+ * size_t nslots; // Number of slots in the hash table
+ * size_t nbytes; // Size of chunk cache in bytes
+ * double w0; // Chunk preemption policy
+ * ……
+ * fapl = H5Pcreate (H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
+ * // Retrieve default cache parameters
+ * H5Pget_cache(fapl, &nelemts, &nslots, &nbytes, &w0)
+ * // Set cache size to 3MBs and instruct the cache to discard the fully read chunk
+ * nbytes = 3 * 1024 * 1024;
+ * w0 = 1.
+ * H5Pset_cache(fapl, nelemts, nslots, nbytes, w0);
+ * fid = H5Fopen (file, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, fapl);
+ * H5Dopen2 (fid, “/All_Data/CrIS-SDR_All/ES_ImaginaryLW”, H5P_DEAFULT);
+ * ……
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * The second example, see below, shows how to set at dataset creation time the chunk cache size for the
+ * /All_Data/CrIS-SDR_All/ES_ImaginaryLW
dataset. The cache sizes for other datasets will not be
+ * modified.
+ *
+ * Code Example 2 : Using H5Pset_chunk_cache to change one dataset. |
+ *
+ * \code
+ * hid_t dapl; // File access property identifier
+ * size_t nslots; // Number of slots in the hash table
+ * size_t nbytes; // Size of chunk cache in bytes
+ * double w0; // Chunk preemption policy
+ * ……
+ * dapl = H5Pcreate (H5P_DATASET_ACCESS);
+ * // Retrieve default cache parameters
+ * H5Pget_chunk_cache(dapl, &nslots, &nbytes, &w0)
+ * // Set cache size to 3MBs and instruct the cache to discard the fully read chunk
+ * nbytes = 3 * 1024 * 1024;
+ * w0 = 1.
+ * H5Pset_chunk_cache(dapl, nslots, nbytes, w0);
+ * H5Dopen2 (fid, “/All_Data/CrIS-SDR_All/ES_ImaginaryLW”, dapl);
+ * ……
+ * \endcode
+ * As we will see in the next section, care needs to be taken when working with chunked datasets and
+ * setting chunk cache sizes: an application’s memory footprint can be significantly affected.
+ *
+ * \subsubsection subsubsec_improve_compressed_perf_tune_cache_mem Chunk Cache Size and Application Memory
+ * A chunk cache is allocated for a dataset when the first I/O operation is performed. The chunk cache is
+ * discarded after the dataset is closed. If an application performs I/O on several datasets, memory
+ * consumed by an application increases by the total size of all chunk caches. One can also see an increase
+ * in the metadata cache size.
+ *
+ * If memory consumption is a concern, it is recommended that I/O be done on a few datasets at a time
+ * and to close the few datasets after I/O operation has been completed. As we will see in the next
+ * sections, there are access patterns that cannot take advantage of a chunk cache at all. If this is the case,
+ * the application can disable a chunk cache completely and thus reduce the memory footprint. To disable
+ * a chunk cache, use 0 for the value of the \b nbytes parameter in the calls to #H5Pset_cache or
+ * #H5Pset_chunk_cache.
+ *
+ * \subsection subsec_improve_compressed_perf_tune_access Change the Access Pattern
+ * When changing the chunk cache size is not an option (for example, there is no access to the program
+ * source code), one can consider a reading strategy that will minimize the effect of the chunk cache size.
+ * The strategy is to read as much data as possible in each read operation.
+ *
+ * As we mentioned before, the HDF5 Library performs I/O on the whole chunk. The chunk is read,
+ * uncompressed, and the requested data is copied to the application buffer. If in one read call the
+ * application requests all data in a chunk, then obviously chunk caching (and chunk cache size) is
+ * irrelevant since there is no need to access the same chunk again.
+ *
+ * In our case, suppose the application reads the selection that corresponds to the whole chunk. In other
+ * words, if a hyperslab with dimensions 4x30x9x717 is used instead of a hyperslab with dimensions
+ * 1x1x1x717, then the HDF5 Library would perform only 15 reading and decoding operations instead of
+ * 16,200. The significant improvement in performance is shown in Table 7 below. We see a similar I/O
+ * performance improvement as in the case when we increased the chunk cache size to 3MB (see Table 5).
+ *
+ *
+ * Table 7: Leaving the chunk cache size unchanged and changing the access pattern to read more data
+ * improves performance by several orders of magnitude.
+ * File Name | File_with_compression.h5 | File_with_compression.h5 |
+ * Access Pattern | 1x1x1x717 | 4x30x9x717 |
+ * Read Time | 345 seconds | 0.36 seconds |
+ *
+ * \li Note that the read times in the table above are approximate values.
+ *
+ * \subsection subsec_improve_compressed_perf_tune_size Change the Chunk Size
+ * Data producers should consider that users who cannot modify applications to increase the chunk cache
+ * size or to change the access pattern will not encounter the performance problem described in the
+ * \ref subsubsec_improve_compressed_perf_tune_cache_how section if chunks in the file are smaller than 1MB (1x30x9x717 by
+ * 4 bytes) because the whole chunk will fit into the chunk cache of the default size. Therefore if data in
+ * the HDF5 files is intended for reading by unknown user applications or on systems that might be
+ * different from the system where it was written, it is a good idea to consider a chunk size less than 1MB.
+ * In this case the applications that use default HDF5 settings will not be penalized.
+ *
+ * As shown in the \ref sec_improve_compressed_perf_case section, Table 4, the performance of reading by row (717
+ * elements) when the chunk size is 1x30x9x717 (total size in bytes is approximately 0.74MB) is
+ * comparable to the performance of reading non-compressed data and is similar to the performance for
+ * reading compressed data when using a bigger cache size (Table 2) or bigger amount of data (Table 3).
+ * The above statement is summarized in the \ref sec_improve_compressed_perf_rec section.
+ *
+ * For users who encounter datasets with large chunk sizes and with applications that cannot be easily
+ * modified: since the chunk size is set at the dataset creation time and cannot be changed later, the only
+ * option is to recreate the dataset by using the \ref sec_cltools_h5repack tool to change the storage layout properties.
+ * The command below will change the chunk size of the /All_Data/CrIS-SDR_All/ES_ImaginaryLW
+ * dataset from 4x30x9x717 to 1x30x9x717 making chunk size in bytes 0.74MB instead of the original
+ * 2.96MBs size.
+ * \code
+ * % h5repack -l /All_Data/CrIS-SDR_All/ES_ImaginaryLW:CHUNK=1x30x9x717
+ * gz6_SCRIS_npp_d20140522_t0754579_e0802557_b13293__noaa_pop.h5 new.h5
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * \section sec_improve_compressed_perf_rec Recommendations
+ * This section summarizes the discussion and recommendations for working with files that use the HDF5
+ * chunking and compression feature.
+ *
+ * When compression is enabled for an HDF5 dataset, the library must always read an entire chunk for
+ * each call to #H5Dread unless the chunk is already in the cache. To avoid trashing the cache, make sure
+ * that the chunk cache size is big enough to hold the whole chunk or that the application reads the whole
+ * chunk in one read operation bypassing the chunk cache.
+ *
+ * When experiencing I/O performance problems with compressed data, find the size of the chunk and try
+ * the strategy that is most applicable to your use case:
+ * \li Increase the size of the chunk cache to hold the whole chunk.
+ * \li Increase the amount of the selected data to read (making selection to be the whole chunk will
+ * guarantee bypassing the chunk cache).
+ * \li Decrease the chunk size by using \ref sec_cltools_h5repack tool to fit into the default size chunk cache.
+ *
+ * The results of all three strategies provide similar performance and are summarized in Table 8 below.
+ *
+ * Table 8: By varying different parameters (highlighted) one can achieve good I/O performance for
+ * reading compressed data.
+ * File Name |
+ * File_with_compression.h5 |
+ * File_with_compression.h5 |
+ * File_with_compression.h5 |
+ * File_with_compression-small-chunk.h5 |
+ * Cache Size |
+ * 1MB |
+ * 3MB |
+ * 1MB |
+ * 1MB |
+ * Chunk Size |
+ * 4x30x9x717 |
+ * 4x30x9x717 |
+ * 4x30x9x717 |
+ * 1x30x9x717 |
+ * Access Pattern (Hyperslab Size) |
+ * 1x1x1x717 |
+ * 1x1x1x717 |
+ * 4x30x9x717 |
+ * 1x1x1x717 |
+ * Read Time |
+ * 345 seconds |
+ * 0.37 seconds |
+ * 0.36 seconds |
+ * 0.36 seconds |
+ * Repack Time |
+ * NA |
+ * NA |
+ * NA |
+ * 12 seconds |
+ *
+ * \li Note that the read and repack times in the table above are approximate values.
+ *
+ * Please notice that when compression is disabled, the library’s behavior depends on the cache size
+ * relative to the chunk size. If the chunk fits the cache, the library reads entire chunk for each call to
+ * #H5Dread unless it is in cache already. If the chunk doesn’t fit the cache, the library reads only the data
+ * that is selected directly from the file. There will be more read operations, especially if the read plane
+ * does not include the fastest changing dimension.
+ *
+ * One can use \ref sec_cltools_h5repack tool to remove compression by using the following command:
+ * \code
+ * % h5repack -f /All_Data/CrIS-SDR_All/ES_ImaginaryLW:NONE
+ * gz6_SCRIS_npp_d20140522_t0754579_e0802557_b13293__noaa_pop.h5 new.h5
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * The CCP tool described in the introduction is intended to facilitate optimization of the parameters
+ * chosen when creating files and investigation of possible solutions when performance problems are
+ * encountered.
+ *
+ */
diff --git a/doxygen/dox/LearnBasics3.dox b/doxygen/dox/LearnBasics3.dox
index 6843486e32d..fadd9fbe83a 100644
--- a/doxygen/dox/LearnBasics3.dox
+++ b/doxygen/dox/LearnBasics3.dox
@@ -252,8 +252,7 @@ The following operations are required in order to create a compressed dataset:
\li Create the dataset.
\li Close the dataset creation property list and dataset.
-For more information on troubleshooting compression issues, see the
- HDF5 Compression Troubleshooting (PDF).
+For more information on troubleshooting compression issues, see \ref CompTS.
\section secLBComDsetProg Programming Example
diff --git a/doxygen/dox/TechnicalNotes.dox b/doxygen/dox/TechnicalNotes.dox
index 8ca60b1788c..fa272193f68 100644
--- a/doxygen/dox/TechnicalNotes.dox
+++ b/doxygen/dox/TechnicalNotes.dox
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
\li \ref FileLock
\li \ref InitShut
\li \ref IOFLOW
+\li \ref improve_compressed_perf
\li \ref collective_metadata_io
\li \ref ParCompr
\li \ref TNMDC
diff --git a/src/H5Dmodule.h b/src/H5Dmodule.h
index d7acb0d9f51..ab46f8a9260 100644
--- a/src/H5Dmodule.h
+++ b/src/H5Dmodule.h
@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@
* szip compression |
* Data compression using the szip library. The HDF Group now uses the libaec library for the szip
-filter. |
+ * filter.