A combined list of all 1600 symbols defined in this Content Dictionary collection.
Symbol | Description |
setname2/ A |
This symbol represents the set of algebraic numbers. |
hypergeon1/ a_hypergeomeric |
A-hypergeometric series reference: authors: "Saito, Sturmfels, Takayama" title: "Grobner Deformations of Hypergeometric Differential Equations" pages: 127 |
algebraic_cats/ Abelian_group |
This symbol is the constructor for Abelian groups, that is a group such that the operation is commutative between members of the group. The Abelian_group constructor takes four arguments, the set of the Abelian group, a binary function taking two elements of the set into itself to represent the operation of the Abelian group, an element of the set to represent the identity of the Abelian group and a unary function taking the set into itself to specify inverse elements. |
generic_alg_cats/ Abelian_group |
This Symbol represents the generic category of Abelian group. |
algebraic_cats/ Abelian_group_identity |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an Abelian group. It returns the identity of the Abelian group. |
algebraic_cats/ Abelian_group_inverse |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an Abelian group. It reurns a unary function, which should be the inverse function for the Abelian group. |
algebraic_cats/ Abelian_group_operation |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an Abelian group. It returns a binary function, which represents the operation of the Abelian group. |
algebraic_cats/ Abelian_group_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an Abelian group. It returns the set of the Abelian group. |
algebraic_cats/ Abelian_monoid |
This is the constructor for Abelian monoids. An Abelian monoid is a monoid, such that the operation is commutative between members of the Abelian monoid. The Abelian_monoid constructor takes three arguments, the set of the Abelian monoid, a binary function taking two elements of the set into itself to represent the operation of the Abelian monoid and an element of the set to represent the identity of the Abelian monoid. |
generic_alg_cats/ Abelian_monoid |
This Symbol represents the generic category of Abelian monoid. |
algebraic_cats/ Abelian_monoid_identity |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an Abelian monoid, it returns the identity of the Abelian monoid. |
algebraic_cats/ Abelian_monoid_operation |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an Abelian monoid, it returns the operation of the Abelian monoid. |
algebraic_cats/ Abelian_monoid_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an Abelian monoid, it returns the set of the Abelian monoid. |
algebraic_cats/ Abelian_semigroup |
This symbol is the constructor for an Abelian semigroup, that is a semigroup which has an operator which is commutative over the set of the semigroup. The Abelian semigroup constructor takes two arguments, the set of the Abelian semigroup and a binary function which represents the operation of the Abelian semigroup. |
generic_alg_cats/ Abelian_semigroup |
This Symbol represents the generic category of Abelian semigroup. |
algebraic_cats/ Abelian_semigroup_operation |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an Abelian semigroup. It returns a binary function, which should represent the operation of the Abelian semigroup. |
algebraic_cats/ Abelian_semigroup_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an Abelian semigroup. It returns a set, which should be the set of the Abelian semigroup. |
limit1/ above |
This symbol is used within a limit construct to show the limit is being approached from above. It takes no arguments. |
arith1/ abs |
A unary operator which represents the absolute value of its argument. The argument should be numerically valued. In the complex case this is often referred to as the modulus. |
test-x/ abs |
A unary operator which represents the absolute value of its argument. The argument should be numerically valued. In the complex case this is often referred to as the modulus. |
numerical1/ absolute_error_bound |
This symbol marks an estimated upper bound for the absolute error ( |true-computed| ) on a computation. |
numerical1/ absolute_error_requested |
This symbol marks a requirement for the absolute error ( |true-computed| ) on a computation. |
physical_consts1/ absolute_zero |
This symbol represents the absolute zero of temperature, synonymous with the object of that temperature having zero latent heat. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ absorbed-dose |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of absorbed dose is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, "D". |
dimensions1/ acceleration |
This symbol represents the acceleration physical dimension. It is the second derivative of distance with respect to time. |
units_imperial1/ acre |
This symbol represents the measure of one acre. This is a standard imperial measure for area. |
units_us1/ acre_us_survey |
This symbol represents the measure of one U.S. Survey acre. |
weylalgebra1/ act |
action of a differential operator to a function. |
weylalgebra1/ act_of_poly |
action of a polynomial as a differential operator to a function. act_of_poly is equivalent to the composition of act and diffop. |
permutation1/ action |
This symbols is a binary function whose first argument is a permutation (or a endomap) and whose second argument is a point. When applied to permutation or endomap p and point x, it represents the image of the point x under the permutation p. |
field1/ addition |
This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a field. It returns the addition map on the field. We allow for the map to be n-ary. |
ring1/ addition |
This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a ring. It returns the addition on the ring. We will allow for the map to be n-ary. |
field1/ additive_group |
This symbol is a unary function, whose argument should be a field S. When applied to S its value is the monoid underlying S. |
ring1/ additive_group |
This symbol is a unary function, whose argument should be a ring S. When applied to S its value is the monoid underlying S. |
plangeo4/ affine_coordinates |
This function yields the affine coordinates vector if applied to a point or line with coordinates in the affine plane. |
aggregate_cats/ aggregateType |
This symbol represents a generic type for aggregates (or collections of objects. |
airy/ Ai |
The symbol Ai defines the unary Airy Ai function; as in Abramovitz & Stegun equation 10.4.1. This is a solution to the equation: |
airy/ Ai2 |
The symbol Ai2 takes two arguments, it represents derivatives of the Airy Ai function. The symbol Ai2(n,z) represents the n'th derivative of Ai(z). |
hypergeo2/ airyAi |
The first Airy function. This function is one of the famous two solutions of the Airy differential equation, and converges to 0 when z->\infty |
hypergeo2/ airyBi |
The second Airy function. This function is the another one of the famous two solutions of the Airy differential equation, and diverges when z->\infty |
order1/ algebraic_integer |
This is a binary function. The first argument is an order O. The second argument should be a list L of elements of the Dedekind ring R, such that O is an order over the polynomial ring of R (cf. order). The length of L should be equal to the degree n of the polynomial generating the order O. When applied to O and L, it represents the element L[0] + L[1] b + L[2] b^2 + ... + L[n-1] b^(n-1) of O, where b stands for a primitive element of O. |
order1/ algebraic_number |
This is a binary function. The first argument is a number field F. The second argument should be a list L of elements of Q in case of an absolute number field F. Otherwise the second argument is a list L of elements of the number field whose ring of integers is the ring R over which F is defined (cf. number_field). The length of the list L should be equal to the degree n of F. When applied to F and L, it represents the element L[0] + L[1] b + L[2] b^2 + ... + L[n-1] ^(b-1) of F, where b stands for a primitive element of F. |
interval_types/ algebraicIntervalType |
This symbol represents the type of algebraic intervals. |
moreerrors/ algorithm |
This symbol represents the error which is returned when an application raises an error due to algorithmic restrictions of the implementations. This includes operations not implemented or partially implemented, divisions by zero and other domain errors. It will have at least one argument, which is a string describing the problem. It may have a second argument which is relevant to the error. |
patterns/ all_of |
This symbol represents a pattern constructor for matching the conjunction of one or more patterns. The operator is most useful for reusing multiple existing patterns. |
mathmlkeys/ alternate-representation |
This key specifies that the corresponding value is an alternate representation of the annotated element in some unspecified way. |
group3/ alternating_group |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a set X. When applied to a set X it represents the group of all even permutations on X . |
permgp2/ alternating_group |
This symbol represents a unary function. Its argument is either a positive integer or a set. When evaluated on a set, it represents the permutation group of all even permutations of that set. When evaluated on a positive integer n, it represents the permutation group of all even permutations of the set {1,..., n}. |
group3/ alternatingn |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a natural number n. When applied to n it represents the group of all even permutations on the set {1,2, ...,n}. |
plangeo3/ altitude |
Given a point p and a line L, this defines the segment starting at p and ending in the unique point of L closest to p. |
polyd1/ ambient_ring |
This is a unary function, whose argument should be a DMP f. When applied to f, it represents the first argument of f, that is, ring of the form poly_ring_d(...) used to define f. |
SI_BaseQuantities/ amount-of-substance |
This symbol represents the SI base quantity of amount of substance. It has the short symbol form, "N". |
units_metric1/ amp |
This symbol represents the measure of one amp. This is the standard SI measure for current. |
SI_BaseUnits1/ ampere |
This symbol represents the measure of one ampere, the standard SI unit of measure for quantities of electric current. It has the short symbol form, "A", in upright roman font. |
logic1/ and |
This symbol represents the logical and function which is an n-ary function taking boolean arguments and returning a boolean value. It is true if all arguments are true or false otherwise. |
plangeo3/ angle |
Angle of a corner, always measured in positive (anti-clockwise) direction. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ angle |
This symbol represents the quantity of a geometric planar angle. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of angle is commonly represented with the italic, lower case greek variable, e.g., "\theta;". |
polyd/ anonymous |
Indicates a variable that we do not want to name |
polyd1/ anonymous |
Indicates a variable that we do not want to name |
linalg5/ anti-Hermitian |
This symbol represents an anti-Hermitian matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of values which determine the upper triangle of the matrix. The lower triangle of the matrix is specified by the following relation: - M^* = transpose(M), were M^* denotes the matrix consisting of all the complex conjugates of M. This rules implies that the main diagonal is zero, therefore the argument should not include it. |
linalgsym1/ anti_Hermitian |
This symbol represents an anti-Hermitian matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of values which determine the upper triangle of the matrix. The lower triangle of the matrix is specified by the following relation: - M^* = transpose(M), were M^* denotes the matrix consisting of all the complex conjugates of M. These rules imply that the main diagonal is zero, therefore the argument should not include it. |
relation0/ antisymmetric |
Proposition; the type of antisymmetric binary relations. |
patterns/ any |
This symbol represents a wild card for matching any expression. |
patterns/ any_of |
This symbol represents a pattern constructor for matching the disjunction of the given arguments. |
hypergeon2/ appel_F1 |
Appell's hypergeometric series F_1 reference: authors: "Appel, Kampe de Feriet" title: "Les Fonctions Hypergeometriques de Plusieurs Variables et Polynome d'Hermite" pages: 14 |
hypergeon2/ appel_F2 |
Appell's hypergeometric series F_2 reference: authors: "Appel, Kampe de Feriet" title: "Les Fonctions Hypergeometriques de Plusieurs Variables et Polynome d'Hermite" pages: 14 |
hypergeon2/ appel_F3 |
Appell's hypergeometric series F_3 reference: authors: "Appel, Kampe de Feriet" title: "Les Fonctions Hypergeometriques de Plusieurs Variables et Polynome d'Hermite" pages: 14 |
hypergeon2/ appel_F4 |
Appell's hypergeometric series F_4 reference: authors: "Appel, Kampe de Feriet" title: "Les Fonctions Hypergeometriques de Plusieurs Variables et Polynome d'Hermite" pages: 14 |
list2/ append |
The operation of joining one list to another |
list3/ append |
This symbol represents a function with two arguments, the first of which should be a list. When applied to A and b, it represents the list obtained from A by appending the element b to it. |
fns2/ apply_to_list |
This symbol is used to denote the repeated application of an n-ary function on the elements of a given list. For example when used with plus or times this can represent sums and products. The symbol takes two arguments; the first of which is the n-ary function, the second a list. |
relation1/ approx |
This symbol is used to denote the approximate equality of its two arguments. |
relation2/ approx |
This symbol is used to denote the approximate equality of its two arguments. |
plangeo3/ arc |
an arc of a circle M from A to B is the set of points of M that are encountered when traversing the circle clockwise from A to B. |
transc1/ arccos |
This symbol represents the arccos function. This is the inverse of the cos function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4. It takes one argument. |
transc3/ arccos |
This symbol represents the arccos function. This is the multivalued inverse of the cos function. |
transc1/ arccosh |
This symbol represents the arccosh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. |
transc3/ arccosh |
This symbol represents the Arccosh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. |
transc1/ arccot |
This symbol represents the arccot function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4. |
transc3/ arccot |
This symbol represents the multi-valued arccot function as the inverse of cot |
transc1/ arccoth |
This symbol represents the arccoth function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. |
transc3/ arccoth |
This symbol represents the Arccoth function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. |
transc1/ arccsc |
This symbol represents the arccsc function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4. |
transc3/ arccsc |
This symbol represents the multivalued arccsc function as the inverse of csc. |
transc1/ arccsch |
This symbol represents the arccsch function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. |
transc3/ arccsch |
This symbol represents the Arccsch function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. |
transc1/ arcsec |
This symbol represents the arcsec function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4. |
transc3/ arcsec |
This symbol represents the multivalued arcsec function as the inverse of sec. |
transc1/ arcsech |
This symbol represents the arcsech function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. |
transc3/ arcsech |
This symbol represents the Arcsech function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. |
transc1/ arcsin |
This symbol represents the arcsin function. This is the inverse of the sin function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4. It takes one argument. |
transc3/ arcsin |
This symbol represents the arcsin function. This is the multi-valued inverse of the sin function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4. It takes one argument. |
transc1/ arcsinh |
This symbol represents the arcsinh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. |
transc3/ arcsinh |
This symbol represents the Arcsinh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. |
transc1/ arctan |
This symbol represents the arctan function. This is the inverse of the tan function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.4. It takes one argument. |
transc2/ arctan |
This symbol represents the two-argument arctan function as in Fortran's ATAN2. arctan(x,y) is a value of arctan(y/x). For real x,y arctan(x,y) is positive when y is positive, negative when y is negative. If y is zero, the result is 0 if x is positive, and |
transc3/ arctan |
This symbol represents the arctan function. This is the multi-valued inverse of the tan function. |
transc1/ arctanh |
This symbol represents the arctanh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. |
transc3/ arctanh |
This symbol represents the Arctanh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.6. |
group4/ are_conjugate |
This symbol represents a boolean ternary function whose first argument is a group G and whose second and third arguments are elements x and y of G. Its value on G, x, and y is true if and only if x and y are conjugate in G. |
permutation1/ are_distinct |
This symbol is an n-ary boolean function. When applied to a_1, ..., a_n, it is true if and only if the arguments are mutually distinct (that is, a_i and a_j are equal only if i=j). |
permutation1/ are_distinct |
This symbol is an n-ary boolean function. When applied to a_1, ..., a_n, it is true if and only if the arguments are mutually distinct (that is, a_i and a_j are equal only if i=j). |
plangeo3/ are_on_circle |
The statement that a set of points is on one circle. |
plangeo6/ are_on_conic |
The symbol is a boolean n-ary function. Its arguments should be points. When applied to a sequence of points, its evaluated to true if and only if there is a conic on which all arguments lie. |
plangeo1/ are_on_line |
The statement that a set of points is collinear. |
ThreeDgeo2/ are_on_line |
The symbol is a boolean n-ary function. Its arguments should be points. When applied to a sequence of points in 3-dimensional Euclidean space, its evaluated to true if and only if there is a line on which all arguments lie. |
ThreeDgeo2/ are_on_plane |
The symbol is a boolean n-ary function. Its arguments should be points. When applied to a sequence of points in 3-dimensional Euclidean space, its evaluated to true if and only if there is a plane on which all arguments lie. |
dimensions1/ area |
This symbol represents the area physical dimension. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ area |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of area. |
complex1/ argument |
This symbol represents the unary function which returns the argument of a complex number, viz. the angle which a straight line drawn from the number to zero makes with the Real line (measured anti-clockwise). The argument to the symbol is the complex number whos argument is being taken. |
patterns/ argument |
This symbol represents a pattern constructor for the order-independent matching of multiple function arguments. |
graph1/ arrowset |
This symbol represents the set of arrows of a directed graph. It takes one argument, the directed graph. |
plangeo1/ assertion |
The symbol is a constructor with two arguments. Its first argument should be a configuration, its second argument a statement about the configuration, called thesis. When applied to a configuration C and a thesis T, the OpenMath object assertion(C,T) expresses the assertion that T holds in C. |
ThreeDgeo3/ assertion |
The symbol is a constructor with two arguments. Its first argument is a 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry configuration, its second argument a statement about the configuration, called thesis. When applied to a configuration C and a thesis T, the OpenMath object assertion(C,T) expresses the assertion that T holds in C. |
fns4/ assign_to |
This symbol denotes a function with a even and positive number of arguments. When applied to a_1,b_1,....a_n,b_n, it represents the assignment of b_i to a_i for each index i=1,...,n. It can be used to specify the behaviour of a function f, by giving the images b_i of a_i under f. |
prog1/ assignment |
This symbol is used to assign values to variables. The syntax is assignment(variable, value), where variable is the encoding of an OpenMath variable (OMV) and value is an OpenMath object. |
semigroup/ associative |
The type of associative binary operation. |
SIUsed_OffSystemMeasuredUnits1/ astronomical-unit |
This symbol represents the measure of one astronomical unit of distance. It has the short symbol form, "ua". It is the mean distance between the sun and the earth. Its measured value is 1 ua = 1.49597870691(6) * 10^11 m [DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/DIS 80000-1, International Organization for Standardization, 2008] |
asymp1/ asymptotic |
The asymptotic symbol represents a binary relation between two functions of type reals to reals. The asymptotic relation between two functions returns true if the two functions have the same rate of growth and more precisely there ratio approaches 1 as the variable approaches infinity. Formally we say that f(x) is asymptotic to g(x) if and only if the limit as x tends to infinity of f(x)/g(x) = 1. |
moreerrors/ asynchronousError |
This symbol represents the error which is returned when an application encounters some asynchronous error, for example if a limit in memory has been reached, or an error has occurred in some system call (I/O error, disk full, machine down). It should have one argument, which is a string describing the problem. |
units_siprefix1/ atto |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
sts/ attribution |
An `attribution' object consists of pairs of keys and values. The use of the symbol `attribution' in a signature indicates that the symbol is to be used as a key. |
field4/ automorphism_group |
This is a function with a single argument which must be a field. It refers to the automorphism group of its argument. |
graph2/ automorphism_group |
This symbol is a unary function whose argument is an undirected graph. When applied to an undirected graph G, it represents the automorphism group of G. The resulting automorphism group is represented as a permutation group on the vertices of the graph G. |
group3/ automorphism_group |
This is a function with a single argument which must be a group. It refers to the automorphism group of its argument. |
magma3/ automorphism_group |
This is a function with a single argument which must be a magma. It refers to the automorphism group of its argument. |
monoid3/ automorphism_group |
This is a function with a single argument which must be a monoid. It refers to the automorphism group of its argument. |
ring5/ automorphism_group |
This is a function with a single argument which must be a ring. It refers to the automorphism group of its argument. |
semigroup3/ automorphism_group |
This is a function with a single argument which must be a semigroup. It refers to the automorphism group of its argument. |
semigroup4/ automorphism_group |
This is a function with a single argument which must be a semigroup. It refers to the automorphism group of its argument. |
physical_consts1/ Avogadros_constant |
This symbol represents the number of atoms in 12 grammes of pure carbon(12). It is approximately 6.0221367*10^(23) +/- 3.6*10^(17). |
logic3/ axiom_instance |
This symbol represents a line in a formal proof which is an instance of an axiom. The first child is the line in the proof: the second is the axiom used. |
linalg4mat/ banded |
This symbol represents a square (p,q) banded matrix. It takes one argument. A (p,q) banded matrix should always be square. The lower non-zero subdiagonal is the first element of the argument, whilst the highest non-zero super-diagonal is given by the last element of the argument. The argument determines the band of possibly non-zero entries which are positioned around the diagonal. It should be a vector of vectors, we note that they will not all be the same length, however the length of the vectors determine p and q. The longest element specifies the diagonal of the matrix and hence the size of the matrix. Every element not in the band is zero. |
linalg5/ banded |
This symbol represents a (p,q) banded matrix, it takes one argument. A (p,q) banded matrix should always be square. The lower non-zero subdiagonal is the first element of the argument, whilst the highest non-zero super-diagonal is given by the last element of the argument. The argument determines the band of possibly non-zero entries which are positioned around the diagonal. It should be a vector of vectors, we note that they will not all be the same length, however the length of the vectors determine p and q. The longest element specifies the diagonal of the matrix and hence the size of the matrix. Every element not in the band is zero. |
matrix1/ banded |
This symbol is a constructor for banded matrices. It takes at least 2 arguments, the first of which being the number of upper bands and the second being the number of lower bands. Amongst the further arguments you can specify AT MOST one matrix1.diagonal object. You MUST exactly as many matrix1.upper_band objects as you specified upper bands, and you MUST specify as many matrix1.lower_band objects as you specified lower bands. This symbol facilitates the use of blas based systems which expect to know the bands structure upfront. |
units_imperial1/ bar |
This symbol represents the measure of one bar. This is the standard imperial measure for pressure. |
permgp1/ base |
This is a function with one argument, which should be a permutation group. When evaluated with argument G it returns a list of points permuted by G such that the stabilizer of all elements of the list in G is trivial. Besides, the list is minimal with respect to the latter property (in the sense that the stabilizer in G of the elements of no proper subset is trivial). |
nums1/ based_float |
This symbol represents the constructor function for floating point numbers, specifying the base. It takes two arguments, the first is a positive integer to denote the base to which the number is represented, the second argument is a string which contains an optional sign and the digits of the number, using 0-9a-z and optionally a "." (as a consequence of this no radix greater than 36 is supported). |
nums1/ based_integer |
This symbol represents the constructor function for integers, specifying the base. It takes two arguments, the first is a positive integer to denote the base to which the number is represented, the second argument is a string which contains an optional sign and the digits of the integer, using 0-9a-z (as a consequence of this no radix greater than 36 is supported). Base 16 and base 10 are already covered in the encodings of integers. |
tensor1/ basis_selector |
This symbol takes 2 arguments, a tuple of basis elements and a covar_index or a contra_index, and returns the basis element indicated by the index value. |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ becquerel |
This symbol represents an SI unit of radio nuclide activity, or radioactivity. A becquerel of activity represents one nuclear decay event per second. It has the short symbol form, "Bq". |
SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1/ bel |
This symbol represents the dimensionless measure of one bel. It has the short symbol form, "B". |
combinat1/ Bell |
The Bell numbers: Bell(n) is the total number of possible partitions of a set of n elements. |
limit1/ below |
This symbol is used within a limit construct to show the limit is being approached from below. It takes no arguments. |
hypergeo2/ besselJ |
The Bessel function. This function is one of the famous two solutions of the Bessel differential equation at z=0. |
hypergeo2/ besselY |
The Bessel function. This function is the another one of the famous two solutions of the Bessel differential equation at z=0. |
hypergeo0/ beta |
Euler's beta function |
airy/ Bi |
The symbol Bi defines the unary Airy Bi function. This is defined in Abramivitz and Stegun 10.4.1 and is a solution to the equation: |
airy/ Bi2 |
The symbol Bi2 takes two arguments, it represents derivatives of the Airy Bi function. The symbol Bi2(n,z) represents the n'th derivative of Bi(z). |
set3/ big_intersect |
This symbol is a unary function whose argument should be a collection C of subsets of a given set. When applied to C, it represents the intersection over all members of C. |
set3/ big_union |
This symbol is a unary function whose argument should be a collection C of subsets of a given set. When applied to C, it represents the union over all members of C. |
bigfloat1/ bigfloat |
The bigfloat constructor takes three arguments, a mantissa, a base and the exponent. |
bigfloat1/ bigfloatprec |
The bigfloat "with precision specified in (another) radix" constructor. Takes 3 arguments, the first argument is a floating point number constructed with the bigfloat constructor, the second is the new radix, whilst the third specifies how many digits are significant. |
sts/ binder |
An `OMBIND' object has three parts: a "binder" such as "lambda" or "for all", a (list of) bound variables, and an expression. The use of `binder' in a signature indicates that we are describing something which can only be used as the first child of an OMBIND construct. |
combinat1/ binomial |
The binomial coefficients. binomial(n, m) is the number of ways of choosing m objects from a collection of n distinct objects without regard to the order. |
matrix1/ block |
This symbol is like the matrix constructor as described above, but intended for use inside matrix to form ``submatrices''. The symbol takes at least two arguments: a column_dimension and a row_dimension object which denote the total extent of the block. |
prog1/ block |
This symbol is meant to represent an arbitray block of code. A block of code can be empty. The syntax is block(obj1, obj2,...,objN), where obji is the OpenMath encoding of the ith sentence (or action) inside the body. |
FundamentalPhysicalConstants1/ Boltzmann-constant |
The Boltzmann constant relates energy at the particle level with temperature observed at the bulk level via the ideal gas law, pV = NkT. By measurement it is found to be approximately equal to 1.3806504(24)*10^(-23) joule per kelvin. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, "k". |
physical_consts1/ Boltzmann_constant |
A constant which describes the relationship between temperature and kinetic energy for molecules in an ideal gas. It is approximately 1.380658*10^(-23) +/- 1.2*10^(-28) Joules per Kelvin. |
setname2/ Boolean |
This symbol represents the set of Booleans. That is the truth values, true and false. |
limit1/ both_sides |
This symbol is used within a limit construct to show the limit is being approached from both sides. It takes no arguments. |
omtypes/ bytearray |
The type of byte arrays |
fieldname1/ C |
This is a symbol representing the field of complex numbers. |
setname1/ C |
This symbol represents the set of complex numbers. |
units_time1/ calendar_month |
This symbol represents the measure of one month of (calendar) time. |
units_time1/ calendar_year |
This symbol represents the measure of one year of (calendar) time. |
prog1/ call_arguments |
This symbol can be used to encode the arguments that will be passed to a function or procedure. |
scscp1/ call_id |
Uniquely identifies a procedure call. Used in subsequent communication, so the parties know which call they are talking about. |
SI_BaseUnits1/ candela |
This symbol represents the measure of one candela, the standard SI unit measure for quantities of luminous intensity. It has the short symbol form, "cd", in upright roman font. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ capacitance |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of electric capacitance. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of capacitance is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, "C". |
field1/ carrier |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a field S (for instance constructed by field). When applied to S, its value should be the set of elements of S. |
group1/ carrier |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a group G (for instance constructed by group). When applied to G, its value should be the set of elements of G. |
magma1/ carrier |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a magma G (for instance constructed by magma). When applied to G, its value should be the set of elements of a magma. |
monoid1/ carrier |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a monoid M (for instance constructed by monoid). When applied to M, its value should be the set of elements of a monoid. |
ring1/ carrier |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a ring S (for instance constructed by ring). When applied to S, its value should be the set of elements of S. |
semigroup1/ carrier |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a semigroup S (for instance constructed by semigroup). When applied to S, its value should be the set of elements of S. |
tensor1/ Cartesian |
This symbol takes one argument, a natural number, and returns the Cartesian coordinate, of a right handed Cartesian coordinate frame, corresponding to the value of the argument. These coordinates are commonly named X, Y, and Z in three dimensions, though X, Y, and Z are non-exclusively used for this and other purposes. |
set3/ cartesian_power |
This symbol is a binary function whose first argument should be a set A and whose second argument should be a natural number k. When applied to A and k, it represents the Cartesian product of k copies of A. |
multiset1/ cartesian_product |
This symbol represents an n-ary construction function for constructing the Cartesian product of multisets. It takes n multiset arguments in order to construct their Cartesian product. |
set1/ cartesian_product |
This symbol represents an n-ary construction function for constructing the Cartesian product of sets. It takes n set arguments in order to construct their Cartesian product. |
hypergeon0/ cartesian_product_n |
the cartesian product of n copies of the first argument. Binary function. |
set1p/ cartesian_product_n |
the cartesian product of n copies of the first argument. Binary function. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ catalytic-activity |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of catalytic activity, an amount of catalyst that effects a rate of catalytic conversion of an amount of substance. |
meta_cats/ Category |
This symbol is intended to denote the type of a category. |
meta/ CD |
The top level element for the Content Dictionary. It just acts as a container for the elements described below. |
meta/ CDBase |
An optional element. If it is used it contains a string representing the URI to be used as the base for generated canonical URI references for symbols in the CD. |
meta/ CDComment |
This symbol is used to represent the element of a content dictionary which explains some aspect of that content dictionary. It should have one string argument which makes that explanation. |
metagrp/ CDComment |
This symbol is used to represent the element of a CDGroup which explains some aspect of the corresponding content dictionary. It should have one string argument which makes that explanation. |
meta/ CDDate |
An element which contains a date as a string in the ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DD format. This gives the date at which the Content Dictionary was last edited. |
meta/ CDDefinition |
This symbol is used to represent the element which contains the definition of each symbol in a content dictionary. That is: it must contain a 'Name' element and a 'Description' element, and it may contain an arbitrary number of 'Example', 'FMP' or 'CMP' elements. |
metagrp/ CDGroup |
This symbol represents the outermost element of a CDGroup. It has an arbitrary number of arguments which may be elements of type corresponding to the other symbols defined in this file. |
metagrp/ CDGroupDescription |
This symbol represents the element of a CDGroup which describes the CDGroupDescription element. It has one string argument, this should be the contents of the CDGroupDescription element intended to describe the mathematical area of the CDGroup. |
metagrp/ CDGroupMember |
This symbol represents the element of a CDGroup which describes each CDGroupMember element. It has one string argument, this should be the contents of the intended CDGroupMember element of the CDGroup. This should be used to identify each member of the CDGroup. |
metagrp/ CDGroupName |
This symbol represents the element of a CDGroup which describes the name of that CDGroup, it has one argument that should be a string corresponding to the name. The syntactical requirements are given in the OpenMath standard. |
metagrp/ CDGroupURL |
This symbol represents the element of a CDGroup which describes the CDGroupURL element. It has one string argument which should describe the URL for that CDGroup, not necessarily for the member Content Dictionaries, The syntactical requirements are given in the OpenMath standard. |
metagrp/ CDGroupVersion |
meta/ CDName |
An element which contains the string corresponding to the name of the CD. The string must match the syntax for CD names given in the OpenMath Standard. Here and elsewhere white space occurring at the beginning or end of the string will be ignored. |
metagrp/ CDName |
This symbol represents the element of a CDGroup which describes each CDName element. It has one string argument, this should be the string corresponding to the name of a content dictionary which is in this CDGroup. |
meta/ CDReviewDate |
An element which contains a date as a string in the ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DD format. This gives the date at which the Content Dictionary is next scheduled for review. It should be expected to be stable until at least this date. |
meta/ CDRevision |
An element which contains a revision number (or minor version number) This should be a non-negative integer starting from zero for each new version. Additional examples would be typical changes to a CD requiring a new revision number. |
metasig/ CDSComment |
This symbol is used to represent the element of a signature file which explains some aspect of that signature file. It should have one string argument which makes that explanation. |
metasig/ CDSignatures |
This symbol is used to represent the outermost element of the Signature File which is characterized by two required attributes that identify the type system and the Content Dictionary whose signatures are defined. The value of the XML attribute 'type' is the name of the Content Dictionary or of the CDGroup that represents the type system. The value of the XML attribute 'cd' is the name of the Content Dictionary whose symbols are assigned signatures in this Signature File. It has an arbitrary number of arguments which may be elements of type corresponding to the other symbols defined in this file. |
metasig/ CDSReviewDate |
This symbol is used to represent the element of a signature file which specifies the earliest possible revision date of the signature file. It should have one string argument which specifies that date. The date should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2000-02-29. |
metasig/ CDSStatus |
This symbol is used to represent the element of a signature file which specifies the status of that signature file. It should have one string argument, which should be one of 'official' (approved by the OpenMath Society according to the procedure outlined in the OpenMath standard), 'experimental' (currently being tested), 'private' (used by a private group of OpenMath users) or 'obsolete' (an obsolete signature file, kept only for archival purposes). |
meta/ CDStatus |
An element giving information on the status of the CD. The content of the element must be one of the following strings. official (approved by the OpenMath Society), experimental (currently being tested), private (used by a private group of OpenMath users), or obsolete (an obsolete CD kept only for archival purposes). |
meta/ CDURL |
An optional element. If it is used it contains a string representing the URL where the canonical reference copy of this CD is stored. |
metagrp/ CDURL |
This symbol represents the element of a CDGroup which describes each CDURL element. It has one string argument, this should be the string corresponding to the contents of the CDURL element for each Content Dictionary in the CDGroup. The element is optional, in case it is missing, the location of the CDGroup identified by the element CDGroupURL is assumed. |
meta/ CDUses |
An element which contains zero or more CDNames which correspond to the CDs that this CD depends on, i.e. uses in examples and FMPs. If the CD is dependent on any other CDs they may be present here. |
meta/ CDVersion |
An element which contains a version number for the CD. This should be a non negative integer. Any change to the CD that affects existing OpenMath applications that support this CD should result in an increase in the version number. |
metagrp/ CDVersion |
This symbol represents the element of a CDGroup which describes each CDVersion element. It has one integral argument, this should specify which version of the content dictionary is to be taken as member of the CDGroup. The element is optional. In case it is missing, the last version is the one included in the CDGroup. |
rounding1/ ceiling |
The round up (to +infinity) operation. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ Celsius-temperature |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of Celsius temperature. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of temperature is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, "T". |
group3/ center |
This symbols represents a unary function whose argument should be a group G. Its value is the biggest subgroup of G all of whose elements commute with all elements of G. |
plangeo3/ center |
Defines the center of a circle. |
plangeo3/ center_of |
Gives the center of the circle |
plangeo3/ center_of_gravity |
Center of gravity of a number of points. |
units_siprefix1/ centi |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
group3/ centralizer |
This symbols represents a binary function whose first argument should be a group G and whose second argument should be an element g or a list of elements L of the group G. Its value is the subgroup of G of all elements commuting with g or, if the second argument is a list, all elements of L. |
gp1/ character_table |
This is the constructor for a character table. Usage: CharacterTable(centralizer_primes, centralizer_indices, classnames, power_map, irreducibles_matrix) If G has n conjugacy classes then: * centralizer_primes is of the form [p1, .., pk] i < j implies that pi < pj and the pi are precisely the primes which divide the order of some centralizer of a conjugacy class * centralizer_indices is of the form [[i11, ...,i1k] ... [in1,...ink]] so the centralizer of class 1 has order p1^i11 ... pk^i1k etc * classnames is a list of n strings which name the conjugacy classes in line with the convention used in the Atlas of Finite Groups * power_map is of the form [list1, ..., listk] where listi[j] is the name of the class where elements of class j go when raised to the power pi. * irreducibles_matrix: rows correspond to irreducible characters, columns are conjugacy classes. Entries are the value of an element of the column's conjugacy class under the character of the row. |
gp1/ character_table_of_group |
Refers to the character table of its argument which must be a group. |
linalg4/ characteristic_eqn |
This symbol represents the polynomial which appears in the left hand side of the characteristic equation of a matrix. It takes one argument which should be the matrix. A definition of the characteristic equation is given in Elementary Linear Algebra, Stanley I. Grossman in Definition 2 of chapter 6, page 535. |
linalgpoly1/ characteristic_poly |
This symbol represents a binary function. This first argument should be a square matrix A defined over a field F, the second argument a variable X. When applied to A and X, it represents the characteristic polynomial of A in the variable X over the field F. (The output should be semantically equivalent to an object obtained by the poly_ring_d_named constructor of the CD polyd1.) |
dimensions1/ charge |
This symbol represents the charge physical dimension. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ charge |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of electric charge. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of charge is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, "Q". |
intpath1/ circle |
The symbol circle(c,r) is the circle in the Riemann sphere of which center is c and the radius is r. The direction of the circle is the counter clockwise. When the center is intpath1.infty, the radius should be given in the standard coordinate t=1/z at the infinity. |
plangeo3/ circle |
The symbol represents a circle. The circle may be subject to constraints. |
ThreeDgeo1/ circle |
The symbol is used to indicate a circle in 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry by a variable. The circle may (but need not) be subject to constraints. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the constraints as further arguments. |
ThreeDgeo2/ circle_center |
The statement that a circle in 3-dimensional Euclidean space has a given point as center. Takes the circle as first argument and the point as second argument. |
intpath1/ circle_with_starting_point |
The symbol circle_with_starting_point(c,r,z0) is the circle in the Riemann sphere of which center is c and the radius is r. The direction of the circle is the counter clockwise and the staring point is z0. |
integer2/ class |
This symbol represents a bivariate function, whose arguments should be integers. If a, m are integers, then class(a,m) denotes the residue class a mod m in setname2.Zm. |
mathmlattr/ class |
A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify the class attribute of the object. The annotation should be an OpenMath string representing the value of the class attribute. |
polynomial2/ class |
This symbol represents a bivariate function, whose arguments should be polynomials. If a, m are polynomials in a polynomial ring R[X], then class(a,m) denotes the residue class a mod m in the quotient ring R[X]/ (mR[X]). |
relation3/ class |
This symbol represents a ternary function whose first argument is a set S, whose second argument is a relation R on S, and whose third argument is an element a of S. When applied to S, R, and a, it represents the set of all elements in S related to a by R, that is, the set {b in S | (a,b) in R}. |
relation3/ classes |
This symbol represents a binary function whose first argument is a set S, whose second argument is a relation R on S. When applied to S and R, it represents the set of all elements in S of the form class(S,R,a) for a in S. |
intpath1/ closed_path |
The symbol closed_path(start_end,points_in, points_out) is a closed path with the starting point "start_end". The direction of the path is counter clockwise. It contains the set of points "points_in" in the inside of the path. The winding number of the path for each point in the set points_in is 1. The path is zero homotope in the space (P^1 - points_in). |
meta/ CMP |
An optional element (which may be repeated many times) which contains a string corresponding to a property of the symbol being defined. |
poly/ coefficient |
The coefficient with respect to a list of variables (the second argument) raised to a list of powers (the third argument). Zero if no such term is present. Not all variables need be specified. |
polynomial1/ coefficient |
This symbol is a binary function whose first argument should be a polynomial f and whose second argument should be a non-negative integer n. It represents the coefficient of the i-th power of the variable in the polynomial f. |
poly/ coefficient_ring |
The coefficient ring. |
polynomial1/ coefficient_ring |
This symbol is a unary function whose argument should be a polynomial. It represents the coefficient ring of the polynomial. |
polyd3/ collect |
This a binary function. Its first argument should be a DMP f, its second argument a list of positive integers L. When applied to f and L, it represents the DMP with coefficients from the poly_ring_d whose variables only have indices i for i not occurring in the list L, and whose monomials are built up from the variables indexed by the entries of L. |
matrix1/ column_dimension |
This symbol is a unary function whose first argument must be either a non-negative OpenMath integer or nums1.infinity. When applied this creates an object that denotes the dimension of the domain of the linear mapping represented by the matrix. |
linalg3/ columncount |
This symbol represents the function which takes one matrix argument and returns the number of columns in that matrix. |
linalg4/ columncount |
This symbol represents the function which takes one matrix argument and returns the number of columns in that matrix. |
logic3/ complete_pred_deduction |
This symbol is used to claim, with proof (the third child), that a statement (the first child) is a deduction of the classical predicate calculus, i.e. that it follows by applications of Modus Ponens, forall-introduction and exists-elimination, from instantiations of the axioms (which may be the common three involving applications of Modus Ponens, and generalisation from instantiations of the Axioms (which may be the common three involving 'implies', together with forall-instantiation and moving forall inside implication, but need not be), and the hypotheses (elements of the set which is the second child). |
logic3/ complete_pred_theorem |
This symbol is used to state, with justification, that a statement is a theorem of the classical first-order predicate calculus, i.e. that it follows by applications of Modus Ponens, and generalisation from instantiations of the Axioms (which may be the common three involving 'implies', together with forall-instantiation and moving forall inside implication, but need not be), and the hypotheses (elements of the set which is the second child). |
logic3/ complete_prop_deduction |
This symbol is used to claim, with proof (the third child), that a statement (the first child) is a deduction of the classical propositional calculus, i.e. that it follows by applications of Modus Ponens from instantiations of the axioms (which may be the common three involving 'implies', but need not be), and the hypotheses (elements of the set which is the second child). |
logic3/ complete_prop_theorem |
This symbol is used to state, with proof (the second child), that a statement (the first child) is a theorem of the classical propositional calculus, i.e. that it follows by applications of Modus Ponens from instantiations of the axioms (which may be the common three involving 'implies', but need not be). |
polyd/ completely_reduced |
This attribute, attached to a groebnered object, says 'true' if the base is fully reduced, i.e. no monomial is divisible by the leading monomial of any other polynomial. |
polygb1/ completely_reduced |
This attribute, attached to a groebnered object, says 'true' if the base is fully reduced, i.e. no monomial is divisible by the leading monomial of any other polynomial. |
complex1/ complex_cartesian |
This symbol represents a constructor function for complex numbers specified as the Cartesian coordinates of the relevant point on the complex plane. It takes two arguments, the first is a number x to denote the real part and the second a number y to denote the imaginary part of the complex number x + i y. (Where i is the square root of -1.) |
mathmltypes/ complex_cartesian_type |
A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type of a complex number specified in terms of its real and imaginary parts. |
complex1/ complex_polar |
This symbol represents a constructor function for complex numbers specified as the polar coordinates of the relevant point on the complex plane. It takes two arguments, the first is a nonnegative number r to denote the magnitude and the second a number theta (given in radians) to denote the argument of the complex number r e^(i theta). (i and e are defined as in this CD). |
mathmltypes/ complex_polar_type |
A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type of a complex number specified in terms of its modulus and argument. |
list3/ concatenate |
The operation of joining one list to another |
monoid3/ concatenation |
This symbol represents a binary concatenation operation on strings. |
dimensions1/ concentration |
This symbol represents the concentration physical dimension, it is the amount of a substance in a volume. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ concentration |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of concentration, the amount of a substance in a volume. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ conductance |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of electrical conductance, the inverse of resistance. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of conductance is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, "G" or "S". |
plangeo1/ configuration |
The symbol represents a configuration in Euclidean planar geometry consisting of a sequence of geometric objects like points, lines, etc, but also of other configurations. |
ThreeDgeo3/ configuration |
The symbol represents a configuration in Euclidean 3-dimensional geometry consisting of a sequence of geometric objects like points, lines, etc, but also of other configurations. |
plangeo6/ conic |
The symbol represents a conic. The conic may be subject to constraints. |
gp1/ conjugacy_class |
The binary function whose value is the set of elements which are conjugate to the second argument in the first. |
group4/ conjugacy_class |
This symbol represents a binary function, whose first argument is a group G and whose second argument is an element x of G. Its value on G and x is the set of elements which are conjugate to x in G. |
group4/ conjugacy_class_representatives |
This symbol represents a unary function whose argument should be a group. Its value on a group is a set of representatives of the conjugacy classes of that group. |
group4/ conjugacy_classes |
This symbol represents a unary function whose argument should be a group. Its value on a group is the set of conjugacy classes of that group. |
complex1/ conjugate |
A unary operator representing the complex conjugate of its argument. |
field2/ conjugation |
This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a field M and a nonzero element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes conjugation on M by x. |
group2/ conjugation |
This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a group M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes conjugation on M by x. |
list2/ cons |
This symbol represents the cons list function. It takes 2 arguments: the second must be a list, where the elements have the same type as the type of the first. The function denotes a new list which has the first argument as its first element followed by the elements of the second argument. |
list2/ cons |
This symbol represents the cons list function. It takes 2 arguments: the second must be a list, where the elements have the same type as the type of the first. The function denotes a new list which has the first argument as its first element followed by the elements of the second argument. |
polyslp/ const_node |
This constructor takes one argument, which is a value from the coefficient ring. It is intended to represent a constant node. |
linalg4mat/ constant |
This symbol represents a matrix which has all entries of the same value. It takes three arguments, the first is the rowcount of the matrix, the second is the column count, and the third is the constant which determines every element. |
linalg4vec/ constant |
This symbol represents a binary function whose first argument should be a natural number. When applied to n and c, it represents the constant (row) vector (so vector as defined in linalg2), so size (dimension) n all of whose components have the value c. |
linalg5/ constant |
This symbol represents a matrix which has all entries of the same value. It takes two arguments, the first is the size of the matrix, the second is the constant which determines every element. |
linalg7/ constant |
The constant symbol represents the constant vector. It takes two parameters, the length (dimension) of the vector and the constant value, which all the elements are equal to. |
mathmltypes/ constant_type |
A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey a type for the common constants, pi ~= 3.1415, e ~= 2.718, i = square root of -1, gamma ~= .5772, NaN, infinity (all in the nums cd), true and false (in the logic cd). Also for MathML variables declared to have type constant, as in <ci type="constant">x</ci>. |
mathmlkeys/ contentequiv |
This key specifies that the corresponding value is the content MathML equivalent of the annotated element. |
fns3/ continuous |
A predicate to indicate that a function is continuous everywhere. |
function_properties/ continuous |
fns3/ continuous_on |
A predicate to indicate that a function is continuous over a particular region or range. |
aggregate_cats/ continuousSetType |
This symbol represents the type of continuous sets. |
tensor1/ contra_index |
This symbol takes a natural number as its argument and returns a contravariant index. |
poly/ convert |
Conversion between polynomial rings. The first argument is a polynomial and the second is a polynomial ring. This represents the conversion of the given polynomial as an element of the given ring. A program that can compute the conversion is required to return a polynomial in the given ring. |
finfield1/ conway_polynomial |
This symbol represents a binary function. Its arguments should be a prime number p and a positive integer n. Before defining which of the possible f(X) is the Conway polynomial we introduce an ordering of the (univariate) polynomials of degree n over GF(p). Here the coefficients of the polynomials are taken in {0, ..., p-1}, the indeterminate is X. Let g(X) = g_nX^n + ... + g_0 and h(X) = h_nX^n + ... + h_0. Then we define g < h if and only if there is an index k with g_i = h_i for i > k and (-1)^{n-k} g_k < (-1)^{n-k} h_k. The Conway polynomial f_{p,n}(X) for GF(p^n) is defined recursively as the smallest polynomial of degree n with respect to this ordering such that: 1) f_{p,n}(X) is monic, 2) f_{p,n}(X) is primitive, that is, it is irreducible and its zeros are generators of the (cyclic) multiplicative group of GF(p^n), 3) for each proper divisor m of n we have that f_{p,m}(X^{(p^n-1) / (p^m-1)})= 0 mod f_{p,n}(X); that is, the ((p^n-1) / (p^m-1))-th power of a zero of f_{p,n}(X) is a zero of f_{p,m}(X). |
plangeo4/ coordinates |
This function yields the coordinates vector if applied to a point or line with coordinates. |
plangeo5/ coordinatize |
This symbol is a function of one argument which must be a configuration or an assertion (as defined in plangeo1). When applied to a configuration C, it stands for the same configuration but now with coordinates attached to each object of C. The new variables are bound within an OMBIND element with head element the lambda symbol. The bound variables (placed within an OMBVAR element) are the new variables, and the last argument of OMBIND is the expression C in which each object is coordinatized. If an object already has coordinates, these are left as they are. If not, then new variables are introduced to coordinatize the object. When applied to an assertion of the form assertion(C,S), it leads to the same result except that the last argument of OMBIND is the assertion whose configuration argument is the expression C in which each object is coordinatized, and whose thesis argument is S. |
plangeo2/ corner |
The corner between two halflines L and M, both starting at the same point. Given three points A, B and C, the corner A, B, C is the corner of the two halflines BA and BC. Corresponding to the two cases, the symbol can have as arguments two halflines or three points. |
transc1/ cos |
This symbol represents the cos function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument. |
transc1/ cosh |
This symbol represents the cosh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument. |
transc1/ cot |
This symbol represents the cot function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument. |
transc1/ coth |
This symbol represents the coth function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument. |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ coulomb |
This symbol represents an SI unit of electric charge. It has the short symbol form, "C". |
units_metric1/ Coulomb |
This symbol represents the measure of one Coulomb. This is the standard SI measure for charge. |
FundamentalPhysicalConstants1/ Coulomb-constant |
The value of the Coulomb constant is implied by international definitions of the speed of light and the vacuum permeability. By definition, its exact value is equal to (299,792,458)^2 * 10^-7 N m^2 C^-2. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, "k" subscripted with the upright letter "e". |
tensor1/ covar_index |
This symbol takes a natural number as its argument and returns a covariant index. |
transc1/ csc |
This symbol represents the csc function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument. |
transc1/ csch |
This symbol represents the csch function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument. |
veccalc1/ curl |
This symbol is used to represent the curl function. It takes one argument which should be a vector of scalar valued functions, intended to represent a vector valued function and returns a vector of functions. It should satisfy the defining relation: curl(F) = i X \partial(F)/\partial(x) + j X \partial(F)/\partial(y) + j X \partial(F)/\partial(Z) where i,j,k are the unit vectors corresponding to the x,y,z axes respectively and the multiplication X is cross multiplication. |
dimensions1/ current |
This symbol represents the current physical dimension. |
SI_BaseQuantities/ current |
This symbol represents the SI base quantity of electrical current. It has the short symbol form, "I". |
permutation1/ cycle |
This symbol is an n-ary constructor. It marks a relation on the set of its arguments a_1, a_2,...,a_n consisting of the pairs (a_i,a_{i+1}) for i=1,...,n-1 and the pair (a_n,a_1). The arguments a_i should all be distinct. The number n is referred to as the length of the cycle. |
permutation1/ cycle |
This symbol is an n-ary function, with n at least 1. It marks a relation on the set of its arguments a_1, a_2,...,a_n consisting of the pairs (a_i,a_{i+1}) for i=1,...,n-1 and the pair (a_n,a_1). The arguments a_i should all be distinct. The number n is referred to as the length of the cycle. |
permutation1/ cycle_type |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which is a permutation. When applied to a permutation P, it represents the multiset of lengths of cycles occurring as arguments of P. |
permutation1/ cycle_type |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which is a permutation. When applied to a permutation P, it represents the multiset of lengths of cycles occurring as arguments of P. |
permutation1/ cycles |
This symbol has one argument which should be a endomap p. It returns the list of cycles of p. |
groupname1/ cyclic_group |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a natural number n. When applied to n it represents the cyclic group of order n. |
permgp2/ cyclic_group |
This symbol represents a unary function whose argument should be a positive integer. When evaluated at the integer n, it represents the permutation group generated by the permutation (1,2,...,n). |
monoid3/ cyclic_monoid |
This symbol is a function of two natural numbers, the first of which should be positive. When evaluated at k and l, it denotes the cyclic monoid with a cycle of length l and a tail (including the identity element) of length k. |
semigroup3/ cyclic_semigroup |
This symbol denotes the cyclic semigroup with a cycle of length l and a tail of length k. |
SIUsed_OffSystemMeasuredUnits1/ dalton |
This symbol represents the measure of one dalton of mass. It has the short symbol form, "Da". The dalton is one-twelth the mass of an atom of Carbon-12 at rest and in its ground state. Its measured value is 1 Da = 1.660538782(83) * 10^–27 kg [CODATA 2006] |
SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1/ day |
This symbol represents the measure of one day of time. It has the short symbol form, "d". |
units_time1/ day |
This symbol represents the measure of one day of time. The definitions below ignore the possibilities of "leap seconds". |
units_siprefix1/ deci |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
directives1/ decide |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a clause. When applied to a clause, it asks whether the clause holds. |
gp1/ declare_group |
This symbol is a constructor for groups. It takes four arguments in the following order; a set to specify the elements in the group, a binary operation to specify the group operation, a unary operation to specify inverses of group elements and an element to specify the identity. Both the binary and unary operations should act on elements of the set and return an element of the set. |
prog1/ def_arguments |
This symbol can be used to encode the arguments that a function or procedure can receive. |
polynomial4/ definitely_irreducible |
A symbol which denotes that a factor of the factorisation is definitely irreducible. |
mathmlattr/ definitionURL |
A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify the definitionURL attribute of the object. The annotation should be an OpenMath string representing the value of the definitionURL attribute. |
calculus1/ defint |
This symbol is used to represent definite integration of unary functions. It takes two arguments; the first being the range (e.g. a set) of integration, and the second the function. |
calculus1/ defint |
This symbol is used to represent definite integration of unary functions. It takes two arguments; the first being the range (e.g. a set) of integration, and the second the function. |
cauchypv/ defint |
This symbol is used to represent definite (Cauchy principal value) integration of unary functions. It takes two arguments; the first being the range (e.g. a set) of integration, and the second the function. |
poly/ degree |
The total degree of its argument. The value returned is a non-negative integer. We note that the degree of 0 is undefined. Note that this operation takes no account of any weights that have been defined: see weighted_degree in polyd. |
polynomial1/ degree |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be univariate polynomial. When applied to a polynomial, it represents its degree, that is the highest power of the variable occurring in a term of the polynomial. If the polynomial has no terms, it is the zero polynomial, in which case the value represented is -1. |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ degree-Celsius |
This symbol represents an SI unit of Celsius temperature. It has the short symbol form, "ºC". |
SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1/ degree-of-arc |
This symbol represents the angular measure of one degree of arc. It has the short symbol form of the degree symbol, a superscript circle, Unicode: U+00B0 or HTML: °. |
units_metric1/ degree_Celsius |
This symbol represents the measure of one degree Celsius. This is a standard metric measure for temperature. |
units_imperial1/ degree_Fahrenheit |
This symbol represents the measure of one degree Fahrenheit. This is the standard imperial measure for temperature. |
units_metric1/ degree_Kelvin |
This symbol represents the measure of one degree Kelvin. This is a standard SI measure for temperature relative to absolute zero. |
poly/ degree_wrt |
The degree with respect to a variable (the second argument). We note that the degree of 0 is undefined. |
units_siprefix1/ deka |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
equations1/ dense |
A predicate to indicate that an equation or system of equations is dense. |
matrix1/ dense |
This symbol is an |
dimensions1/ density |
This symbol represents the density physical dimension, it is the mass per unit volume. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ density |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of volumic mass density. |
polyslp/ depth |
A unary function taking an slp as argument and returning the greatest depth of any leaf node, that is the length of the longest contiguous path to any leaf node. |
gp1/ derived_subgroup |
The unary function whose value is the subgroup of argument generated by all products of the form xyx^-1y^-1. |
group3/ derived_subgroup |
The unary function whose value is the subgroup of argument generated by all products of the form xyx^-1y^-1. |
patterns/ descendant |
This symbol represents a pattern constructor for matching any descendant of the current element. |
meta/ Description |
An element which contains a string corresponding to the description of either the CD or the symbol (depending on which is the enclosing element). |
linalg1/ determinant |
This symbol denotes the unary function which returns the determinant of its argument, the argument should be a square matrix. |
matrix1/ diagonal |
This symbol is an |
linalg4mat/ diagonal_matrix |
This symbol denotes an n_ary function which is used to construct an (nxn) diagonal matrix, that is a matrix where every non-diagonal element is zero, the diagonal elements are equal to the n arguments. |
linalg5/ diagonal_matrix |
This symbol denotes an n_ary function which is used to construct an (nxn) diagonal matrix, that is a matrix where every non-diagonal element is zero, the diagonal elements are equal to the n arguments. |
calculus1/ diff |
This symbol is used to express ordinary differentiation of a unary function. The single argument is the unary function. |
calculus1/ diff |
This symbol is used to express ordinary differentiation of a unary function. The single argument is the unary function. |
weylalgebra1/ diff |
Differentiation of a given function in one variable. |
list3/ difference |
This symbol takes two arguments both a list. It represents a function which returns a list made up of all the elements of the first list which are not in the second. |
list4/ difference |
This symbol represents a function with two arguments, both lists. When applied to two lists, it represents a list made up of all the elements of the first list which do not occur in the second, appearing in the order in which they occur in the first list. |
fns3/ differentiable |
A predicate to indicate that a function is differentiable over its whole domain. |
function_properties/ differentiable |
fns3/ differentiable_on |
A predicate to indicate that a function is differentiable on a region. |
weylalgebra1/ diffop |
constructor of a differential operator from a polynomial or from an element of the finitely generated free algebra. The inverse of gr. |
graph1/ digraph |
This symbol refers to a digraph. It has two arguments. The first is the set of vertices, the second is the set of arrows. Arrows are represented by lists of length two, where a list represents the arrow from the first element to the second. |
groupname1/ dihedral_group |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a positive integer n. When applied to n it represents the dihedral group of order 2n. This is the group of all isometries (including reflections) of the regular n-gon in the plane. |
permgp2/ dihedral_group |
This symbol represents a unary function whose argument should be a positive integer. When evaluated at the integer n, it represents the dihedral group of all 2n permutations of {1,2,...,n} preserving the n-gon 1,2,...,n. |
SI_functions1/ dim |
The symbol to represent the function that returns the physical dimension of its argument in terms of products of powers of SI base quantities. The dim operation may be meaningfully applied to SI quantities, SI units, and numbers without physical dimension. |
group3/ direct_power |
This is a binary function whose first argument should be a group G and whose second argument should be a natural number n. It refers to the direct product of n copies of G. |
monoid3/ direct_power |
This is a binary function whose first argument should be a monoid M and whose second argument should be a natural number n. It refers to the direct product of n copies of M. |
ring3/ direct_power |
This is a symbol with two arguments. The first argument should be a ring S and the second argument a positive integer n. It denotes the direct product of n copies of S. |
semigroup3/ direct_power |
This is a binary function whose first argument should be a semigroup M and whose second argument should be a natural number n. It refers to the direct product of n copies of M. |
group3/ direct_product |
This is an n-ary function whose arguments must be groups. It refers to the direct product of its arguments. |
magma3/ direct_product |
This is an n-ary function whose arguments must be magmas. It refers to the direct product of its arguments. |
monoid3/ direct_product |
This is an n-ary function whose arguments must be monoids. It refers to the direct product of its arguments. |
ring3/ direct_product |
This is a symbol with two or more arguments, all of which are rings. It denotes the ring that is the direct product of its arguments. |
semigroup3/ direct_product |
This is an n-ary function whose arguments must be semigroups. It refers to the direct product of its arguments. |
ThreeDgeo3/ discovery |
The symbol is used to describe the task of finding necessary conditions for some properties to hold in a geometric configuration in 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry. The symbol takes a configuration as the first argument and the properties for which necessary conditions are to be sought as further arguments. |
finfield1/ discrete_log |
This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument is the base b, a primitive element of a finite field F. The second argument is a nonzero element x in F. It returns the smallest nonnegative integer i such that x=b^i. |
aggregate_cats/ discreteSetType |
This symbol represents the type of discrete sets. |
poly/ discriminant |
Function taking two arguments, it represents the discriminant of a polynomial, which is the first argument, with respect to the given variable which is the second argument. |
numerical2/ discrimination_criteria |
This symbol is used to describe the minimum distance between two distinct objects, i.e. if the distance is less than this they are considered to be the same. |
dimensions1/ displacement |
This symbol represents the spatial difference between two points. The direction of the displacement is taken into account as well as the distance between the points. |
directives1/ disprove |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a clause. When applied to a clause C, it asks for a proof of that C does not hold. |
plangeo3/ distance |
The distance between two affine points is the Euclidean distance. The distance between two geometric objects O and O' is the infimum of the distances between two affine points, one on O and one on O'. |
ThreeDgeo3/ distance |
The distance between two affine points in 3-dimensional Euclidean space is the Euclidean distance. The distance between two geometric objects O and O' in 3-dimensional Euclidean space is the infimum of the distances between two affine points, one on O and one on O'. |
veccalc1/ divergence |
This symbol is used to represent the divergence function. It takes one argument which should be a vector of scalar valued functions, intended to represent a vector valued function and returns a scalar value. It should satisfy the defining relation: divergence(F) = \partial(F_(x_1))/\partial(x_1) + ... + \partial(F_(x_n))/\partial(x_n) |
arith1/ divide |
This symbol represents a (binary) division function denoting the first argument right-divided by the second, i.e. divide(a,b)=a*inverse(b). It is the inverse of the multiplication function defined by the symbol times in this CD. |
opnode/ divide |
A constant value, constructs the divide for division nodes. |
polynomial4/ divide |
This symbol is a binary function whose arguments are polynomials f and g which must be defined over the same ground domain. When applied to f and g, it represents the quotient arising from dividing f by g and the remainder h such that h is congruent f modulo g. The result is gathered in a polynomial4.quotient_remainder cell. Hint: We consider named polynomial rings, i.e. the indeterminate is explicitly specified by a named variable, different once the variable names differ. That is, a polynomial in Z[X] cannot be divided by a polynomial in Z[Y] a priori. However, we leave it up to the implementor to handle this differently, though we strongly encourage implementors to return a polynomial in an anonymous indeterminate (using e.g. polyd1.poly_ring_d rather than polyd1.poly_ring_d_named). |
test-x/ divide |
This symbol represents a (binary) division function denoting the first argument right-divided by the second, i.e. divide(a,b)=a*inverse(b). It is the inverse of the multiplication function defined by the symbol times in this CD. |
integer2/ divides |
This symbol represents a bivariate Boolean function, whose arguments should be integers. When applied to integers a and b, it denotes the property that a divides b. |
polynomial2/ divides |
This symbol represents a bivariate Boolean function, whose arguments should be polynomials in the same polynomial ring. When applied to a and b, it denotes the property that a divides b. |
monoid1/ divisor_of |
This symbol is a ternary function. Its first argument should be a monoid M and the second and third arguments should be elements of M. When applied to M, a, and b, it denotes the fact that a is a divisor of b in M. This means that there are u,v in carrier(M) such that uav=b. |
polyd/ DMP |
The constructor of DMPs. The first argument is the polynomial ring containing the polynomial and the second is a "SDMP". Should be of the form DMP(PolyRingD(...), SDMP(...)) |
polyd1/ DMP |
The constructor of DMPs. The first argument is the polynomial ring containing the polynomial and the second is a "SDMP". Should be of the form DMP(poly_ring_d(...), SDMP(...)) |
polyd/ DMPL |
The constructor for lists of multivariate polynomial members of the same polynomial ring. The first argument is a polynomial ring and the rest are "SDMP"s. DMPL can be attributed with the "ordering" symbol to indicate a particular ordering for monomials of all its polynomials. Should be of the form DMPL(PolyRingD(...), SDMP(...)+) |
polyd1/ DMPL |
The constructor for lists of multivariate polynomial members of the same polynomial ring. The first argument is a polynomial ring and the rest are "SDMP"s. DMPL can be attributed with the "ordering" symbol to indicate a particular ordering for monomials of all its polynomials. Should be of the form DMPL(poly_ring_d(...), SDMP(...)+) |
fns1/ domain |
This symbol denotes the domain of a given function, which is the set of values it is defined over. |
meta_cats/ domain |
These objects have categories as there types and specific implementations of their functions. *** details to be worked out *** *** for now *** The first argument is a Category, the remaining arguments are the functions (e.g. lambda bindings or unapplied functions). |
permutation1/ domain |
This symbol is a function with one argument which is a endomap. When applied to a endomap whose arguments are a_1,...,a_n, it represents the set {1,...,n}. |
fns1/ domainofapplication |
Deprecated. This symbol was intended to model MathML domainofapplication but as defined it is a synonym for domain. In MathML3, MathML compatibility is defined to use the new restriction symbol. |
linalgrank1/ dual_kernel_matrix |
This symbol represents a unary function whose argument should be a matrix. When applied to a matrix, it represents a list of column vectors spanning the kernel of the matrix acting on the left. |
expint/ E |
The symbol E defines the generalised exponential integral as in Abramovitz & Stegun equation 5.1.4. This is an ordinary integral: |
nums1/ e |
This symbol represents the base of the natural logarithm, approximately 2.718. See Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, section 4.1. |
graph1/ edgeset |
This symbol represents the set of edges of an undirected graph. It takes one argument, the undirected graph. |
expint/ Ei |
The symbol Ei defines the basic exponential integral as in Abramovitz & Stegun equation 5.1.2. This is a Cauchy principal value integral: |
linalgeig1/ eigenspace |
This symbol represents a binary function, whose arguments should be a square matrix A over a field F and an element lambda of F. When applied to A and lambda, it returns a matrix whose rows are a basis of the eigenspace of A with respect to lambda. |
linalg4/ eigenvalue |
This symbol represents the eigenvalue of a matrix. It takes two arguments the first should be the matrix, the second should be an index to specify the eigenvalue. The ordering imposed on the eigenvalues is first on the modulus of the value, and second on the argument of the value. A definition of eigenvalue is given in Elementary Linear Algebra, Stanley I. Grossman in Definition 1 of chapter 6, page 533. |
linalgeig2/ eigenvalue |
This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument should be a square matrix A defined over the field of complex numbers, the second should be an index i to specify the eigenvalue. When applied to A and i it represents the i-th eigenvalue of A (counted without multiplicities). The ordering imposed on the eigenvalues is first on the modulus of the value, and second on the argument of the value. A definition of eigenvalue is given in Elementary Linear Algebra, Stanley I. Grossman in Definition 1 of chapter 6, page 533. |
linalgeig1/ eigenvalues |
This symbol represents a binary function, whose arguments should be a square matrix A and a field F over which the matrix A is defined. When applied to A and F, it returns a vector whose entries are the eigenvalues of A contained in F, with multiplicities. |
linalg4/ eigenvector |
This symbol represents the eigenvector of a matrix. It takes two arguments the first should be the matrix, the second should be an index to specify which eigenvalue this eigenvector should be paired with. The ordering is as given in the eigenvalue symbol. A definition of eigenvector is given in Elementary Linear Algebra, Stanley I. Grossman in Definition 1 of chapter 6, page 533. |
linalgeig2/ eigenvector |
This symbol represents a binary function. Its first argument should be a square matrix A defined over the complex numbers, the second should be an index i to specify which eigenvalue this eigenvector should be paired with, with the ordering specified in the definition of eigenvalue in this CD. When applied to A and i, it represents an eigenvector for A with respect to the i-th eigenvalue. |
SIUsed_OffSystemMeasuredUnits1/ electronvolt |
This symbol represents the measure of one electronvolt of energy. It has the short symbol form, "eV". It is the kinetic energy acquired by an electron in passing through a potential difference of 1 volt in a vacuum. Its measured value is 1 eV = 1.602176487(40) * 10^–19 J [CODATA 2006] |
gp1/ element_set |
The unary function which returns the set of elements of a group. |
polyd/ elimination |
This is an ordering, which is partially in terms of one ordering, and partially in terms of another. First argument is a number of variables. Second is ordering to apply on the first so many variables. Third is an ordering on the rest, to be used to break ties. |
polyd2/ elimination |
This is an ordering, which is partially in terms of one ordering, and partially in terms of another. First argument is a number of variables. Second is ordering to apply on the first so many variables. Third is an ordering on the rest, to be used to break ties. |
multiset1/ emptyset |
This symbol is used to represent the empty multiset, that is the multiset which contains no members. It takes no parameters. |
set1/ emptyset |
This symbol is used to represent the empty set, that is the set which contains no members. It takes no parameters. |
monoid3/ emptyword |
This symbol represents a constant. It represents the empty string. |
moreerrors/ encodingError |
This symbol represents the error which is returned when an application detects a lexical or syntactic error. It should have one argument which is a string, which should explain the error that occurred. |
permutation1/ endomap |
This symbol is an n-ary constructor. Its arguments should be positive integers. When applied to arguments a_1,...,a_n, the resulting value is the map sending i to a_i for i=1,...,n. |
permutation1/ endomap_left_compose |
This symbol is a binary function. Its arguments should be endomaps with identical domain D. When applied to arguments P1 and P2, the resulting value is the endomap which maps x in D to P1(P2(x)). |
permutation1/ endomap_right_compose |
This symbol is a binary function. Its arguments should be endomaps with identical domain D. When applied to arguments P1 and P2, the resulting value is the endomap which maps x in D to P2(P1(x)). |
plangeo2/ endpoint |
The endpoint of a halfline. |
plangeo2/ endpoints |
The two endpoints of a segment. |
ThreeDgeo1/ endpoints |
The symbol is used to indicate the set of the two endpoints of a segment in 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry by a variable. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the segment as second argument. |
dimensions1/ energy |
This symbol represents the energy physical dimension. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ energy |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of energy. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of energy is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, "E". |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ entropy |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of entropy, a measure of the disorder of a system. |
list3/ entry |
This symbol represents a binary function whose first argument should be a list L and whose second argument should be a positive integer i such that the absolute value of i is in the interval [1..n], where n is the length of L. If i is positive, it returns the i-th entry L[i] of L, if i is negative it returns the (n+1-i)-th entry of L. |
list4/ entry |
This symbol represents a binary function whose first argument should be a list L and whose second argument should be a positive integer i such that the absolute value of i is in the interval [1..n], where n is the length of L. If i is positive, it returns the i-th entry L[i] of L, if i is negative it returns the (n+1-i)-th entry of L. |
matrix1/ entry_domain |
This symbol is a unary function, whose argument should be a ring r. When applied to r, it represents the matrix-algebra ground domain (MAD). |
relation1/ eq |
This symbol represents the binary equality function. |
integer2/ eqmod |
This symbol represents a Boolean valued trivariate function, whose arguments should be integers. When applied to integers a, b, m, it denotes the Boolean evalue of the assertion that a and b are equal modulo m. |
polynomial2/ eqmod |
This symbol represents a Boolean valued trivariate function, whose arguments should be polynomials. When applied to polynomials a, b, m, it denotes the Boolean evalue of the assertion that a and b are equal modulo m. |
relation4/ eqs |
This symbol is used to denote the n-ary version of equality. When applied to n arguments a1, ..., an, it represents the boolean expression that a1, a2, ,,, and an are equal. |
relation0/ equivalence |
Proposition; the type of equivalence relations, namely relations that are reflexive, symmetric and transitive. |
relation3/ equivalence_closure |
This symbol represents a binary function whose first argument is a set S, whose second argument is a relation R on S. When applied to S and R, it represents the smallest equivalence relation (with respect to inclusion) on S containing R. |
logic1/ equivalent |
This symbol is used to show that two boolean expressions are logically equivalent, that is have the same boolean value for any inputs. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ equivalent-dose |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of equivalent dose of ionizing radiation. Equivalent dose is similar to absorbed dose but is weighted to reflect differing biological effects and different radiation types. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of equivalent dose is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, "H". |
sts/ error |
The error symbol is the 'return type' of error symbols in the error signature file. |
scscp1/ error_memory |
A description of the error that caused a procedure call to be terminated. This symbol is used with a procedure_terminated, when the system exceeded the amount of memory specified in the option_max_memory option given in the corresponding procedure call. It carries one argument: An OMSTR, which may be empty. |
scscp1/ error_runtime |
A description of the error that caused a procedure call to be terminated. This symbol is used with a procedure_terminated, when the system exceeded the runtime specified in the option_runtime option given in the corresponding procedure call. It carries one argument: An OMSTR, which may be empty. Note that this symbol is not intended to be used when a different runtime error occurred. In those cases, one should use error_system_specific. |
scscp1/ error_system_specific |
A description of the error that caused a procedure call to be terminated. This symbol is used with a procedure_terminated, when the error is specific to the system that carried out the calculation. This error must carry exactly one argument, and it must be an OMSTR describing the error that occurred. |
algebraic_cats/ Euclidean_domain |
This symbol is the constructor for Euclidean domains. A Euclidean domain is a ring on which there is no zero divisors together with an integer norm function. The Euclidean_domain constructor takes six arguments: The set of the Euclidean domain. A binary function into itself to represent the multiplication operation, *. A binary function into itself to represent the addition operation, +. A member of the set of the Euclidean domain to specify the additive identity, 0. A unary function taking the set of the Euclidean domain into itself to represent the additive inverses (i.e. inverses under +, or negatives). And a unary function taking elements of the set into the positive integers, to represent the integer norm function. |
generic_alg_cats/ Euclidean_domain |
This Symbol represents the generic category of Euclidean domain. |
algebraic_cats/ Euclidean_domain_abs |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a Euclidean domain. It returns a unary function, which is the absolute value function of the Euclidean domain. |
algebraic_cats/ Euclidean_domain_negative |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a Euclidean domain. It returns a unary function, which represents additive inverses of the Euclidean domain. |
algebraic_cats/ Euclidean_domain_plus |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a Euclidean domain. It returns a binary function, which represents the additive operation of the Euclidean domain. |
algebraic_cats/ Euclidean_domain_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a Euclidean domain. It returns the set of the Euclidean domain. |
algebraic_cats/ Euclidean_domain_times |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a Euclidean domain. It returns a binary function, which represents the multiplicative operation of the Euclidean domain. |
algebraic_cats/ Euclidean_domain_zero |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a Euclidean domain. It returns the additive identity of the Euclidean domain. |
norm1/ Euclidean_norm |
This symbol signifies the Euclidean ( |
integer2/ euler |
This symbol denotes the univariate Euler totient function. If m is an integer, then euler(m) denotes the order of the multiplicative group of invertible elements in the residue class ring Z/mZ. |
directives1/ evaluate |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a mathematical expression. When applied to a mathematical expression, it asks for an evaluation or simplification of the expression. The evaluation or simplification to be carried out by a service is a simpler mathematical expression (in some definition of complexity of objects) which is equal to the argument. |
poly/ evaluate |
Evaluation of a polynomial at a value or vector of values. |
directives1/ evaluate_to_type |
This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a mathematical expression and a type. When applied to a mathematical expression E and a type T, it asks for an evaluation or simplification of E to a mathematical expression of type T. |
units_siprefix1/ exa |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
meta/ Example |
An element which contains an arbitrary number of children, each of which is either a string or an OpenMath Object. These children give examples in natural language, or in OpenMath, of the enclosing symbol definition. |
units_binaryprefix1/ exbi |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
quant1/ exists |
This symbol represents the existential ("there exists") quantifier which takes two arguments. It must be placed within an OMBIND element. The first argument is the bound variables (placed within an OMBVAR element), and the second is an expression. |
transc1/ exp |
This symbol represents the exponentiation function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.2. It takes one argument. |
poly/ expand |
Converts a factored or squarefreed form into the expanded polynomial over the same ring, so that factored(recursive) -> recursive, etc. |
polynomial1/ expand |
Expands a polynomial. |
polyoperators1/ expand |
Expands a polynomial. Acts as expand(expresion). |
directives1/ explore |
This symbol is a unary function whose argument should be a mathematical assertion. When applied to an assertion A, it asks for conditions under which the assertion holds. |
field1/ expression |
This symbol is a function with two arguments. Its first argument should be a field. The second should be an arithmetic expression A, whose operators are times, plus, minus, unary_minus, and power, and whose leaves are members of the carrier of G. When applied to G and A, it denotes the element (of G) that is the element obtained from the leaves of A by applying the operations of G instead of those from the CD arith1 according to A. Here multiplication, addition, subtraction, minus, and power take over the roles of times, plus, minus, unary_minus, and power, respectively. Also, an integer m occurring in A will be interpreted as a member of G by interpreting it as the sum of m copies of the identity element, the symbol alg1.one will be interpreted as the identity, and the symbol alg1.zero will be interpreted as the zero of G. |
group1/ expression |
This symbol is a function with two arguments. Its first argument should be a group. The second should be an arithmetic expression A, whose operators are times and power, and whose leaves are members of the carrier of G. When applied to G and A, it denotes the element (of G) that is obtained from the leaves of A by applying the multiplication and the power map of G instead of the times and power from the CD arith1 appearing in A. The symbol alg1.one occurring in A will be interpreted as the identity of G. |
monoid1/ expression |
This symbol is a function with two arguments. Its first argument should be a monoid. The second should be an arithmetic expression A, whose operators are times and power, and whose leaves are members of the carrier of G. The second argument of power should be nonnegative. When applied to G and A, it denotes the element (of G) that is obtained from the leaves of A by applying the multiplication and the power map of G instead of the times and power from the CD arith1 appearing in A. The symbol alg1.one occurring in A will be interpreted as the identity of G. |
ring1/ expression |
This symbol is a function with two arguments. Its first argument should be a ring. The second should be an arithmetic expression A, whose operators are times, plus, minus, unary_minus, and power, and whose leaves are members of the carrier of G. (Here an integer m will be interpreted as a member of G by interpreting it as the sum of m copies of the identity element, the symbol alg1.one will be interpreted as the identity, and the symbol alg1.zero will be interpreted as the zero of G.) When applied to G and A, it denotes the element (of G) that is the element obtained from the leaves by applying the arithmetic operations of G instead of those from the CD arith1. |
semigroup1/ expression |
This symbol is a function with two arguments. Its first argument should be a semigroup G. The second should be an arithmetic expression A, whose operators are times and power, and whose leaves are members of the carrier of G. The second argument of power should be positive. When applied to G and A, it denotes the element (of G) that is obtained from the leaves of A by applying the multiplication and the power map of G instead of the times and power of the CD arith1 appearing in A. |
arith3/ extended_gcd |
The symbol represents the n-ary function, a_1,...,a_n to return a list consisting of the gcd (greatest common divisor) of its arguments, together with n elements x_1,...,x_n such that gcd(a_1,...,a_n)=x_1 a_1+...+x_n a_n |
polygb2/ extended_in |
This symbol is a function of at least 3 arguments. The first argument is a list of variables. The second and third argument are lists of polynomials in the variables from the first argument, C and T respectively. When applied to its arguments, it represents the boolean value of the assertion that all elements t in T can be written as t = f_1*c_1 + ... + f_n*c_n (c_i in C). If the optional 4th argument is 1, those f_i are returned. |
poly/ factor |
The decomposition of its argument into irreducible factors. A program that can compute the factorization is required to return a "factored" object - see above. It is currently an open question whether powers of 1 can be omitted. |
polynomial4/ factor |
A symbol which represents one factor of a factorisation, it takes at least 2 arguments, the first of which being the factor polynomial, e.g. a polyd1.DMP, and the second being its multiplicity specified as an integer >= 1. Optionally, the third argument is one of polynomial4.definitely_irreducible, polynomial4.possibly_reducible to indicate whether or not the given factor is guaranteed to be irreducible. Furthermore, this symbol may contain polynomial4.ground_ring_injected to indicate that the ground ring is considered to be embedded in the polynomial algebra and hence the factor is actually the factorisation of a polynomial coefficient. |
polyoperators1/ factor |
The action of factoring a polynomial into irreducible factors (I know this is field dependent but lets keep it simple by now). |
semigroup1/ factor_of |
This symbol is a ternary function. Its first argument should be a semigroup S and the second and third arguments should be elements of S. When applied to S, a, and b, it denotes the fact that a is a divisor of b in S. This means that there are u,v in carrier(S) such that uav=b. |
poly/ factored |
The constructor for a factorization. Its arguments are formal powers (see previous operator), where the polynomials are supposed to be irreducible (except possibly for a content from the ground ring). Note that "factored" is not a call to factorise something, rather a statement that we know a factorisation. |
integer1/ factorial |
The symbol to represent a unary factorial function on non-negative integers. |
polynomial4/ factorisations |
This symbol may be used in the reply of polynomial4.factorise and takes at least 1 argument. The first argument is one of polynomial4.factorisations_complete to indicate that the following list of polynomial4.factors cells covers all possible factorisations. The counterpart would be polynomial4.factorisations_possibly_incomplete to indicate that the following list of factorisations are some of possibly many more factorisations. Note: If the polynomial algebra is a UFD (unique factorisation domain) the uniqueness can be underpinned by giving exactly one polynomial4.factors cell and using the symbol polynomial4.factorisations_complete here. The rest of the arguments are polynomial4.factors cells, each of which being a possible factorisation. Using the call of polynomial4.factorise above we might obtain: |
polynomial4/ factorisations_complete |
A symbol to indicate that a given list of factorisations of a polynomial covers in fact all possible factorisations. |
polynomial4/ factorisations_incomplete |
A symbol to indicate that a given list of factorisations is an assortment of all possible factorisations. |
polynomial4/ factorise |
This symbol is a unary function, whose argument should be a polynomial f. When applied to f, it represents a list of factors of f. Cf. polynomial4.factorisations for a description of the expected reply. |
integer1/ factorof |
This is the binary OpenMath operator that is used to indicate the mathematical relationship a "is a factor of" b, where a is the first argument and b is the second. This relationship is true if and only if b mod a = 0. |
polynomial3/ factors |
This symbol is a unary function, whose argument should be a polynomial f. When applied to f, it represents a complete list of irreducible factors of f. |
polynomial4/ factors |
This symbol is used in the reply of polynomial4.factorise and takes at least 2 arguments. Note this symbol may also be used in a polynomial4.factorisations cell. The first argument is one of polynomial4.definitely_irreducible or polynomial4.possibly_reducible and specifies whether the computed factorisation is known to be irreducible or if the irreducibility of some of the factors is not guaranteed. Note: This symbol is mandatory even if the factors themselves (see polynomial4.factor) can carry that information, this is simply to connive at computer algebra systems that cannot figure out which of the factors is the possibly reducible one. Generally this slot must be polynomial4.possibly_reducible if at least one of the factors is possibly reducible. The second argument contains a polyd1.poly_ring_d or polyd1.poly_ring_d_named cell, as specified in e.g. polyd or polyd1 to indicate the underlying polynomial algebra. The third argument is a symbol polynomial4.common_coefficient and denotes the common coefficient of the factorisation. Note: In case the ground ring itself is regarded as being injected into the polynomial algebra, or the factorisation is normalised, this field may be used to specify the unit giving the normalisation. Furthermore, the cell comprises polynomial4.factor cells which in turn represent the factors of the polynomial in a factorisation along with their multiplicities. Using the call of polynomial4.factorise above we might obtain: |
polyoperators1/ factors |
The action of returning a list composed of the irreducible factors of a polynomial. (I know this is field dependent but lets keep it simple by now). |
hypergeon1/ falling_factorial |
falling_factorial(n,i) is equal to n*(n-1)* ... *(n-i+1). |
hypergeon1/ falling_multi_factorial |
falling_multi_factorial is a product of falling pochhammer symbols. 2-ary function. reference: authors: "Saito, Sturmfels, Takayama" title: "Grobner Deformations of Hypergeometric Differential Equations" pages: 127 |
logic1/ false |
This symbol represents the boolean value false. |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ farad |
This symbol represents an SI unit of electric capacitance. It has the short symbol form, "F". |
physical_consts1/ Faradays_constant |
This symbol represents the electric charge carried by one mole of electrons. It is approximately 96485.309 +/- 0.029 Coulombs per mole. |
units_siprefix1/ femto |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
combinat1/ Fibonacci |
The Fibonacci numbers, defined by the linear recurrence: Fibonacci(0) = 0, Fibonacci(1) = 1, and Fibonacci(n + 1) = Fibonacci(n) + Fibonacci(n - 1). Note that some authors define Fibonacci(0) = 1. |
algebraic_cats/ field |
This symbol is the constructor for fields. A field is an Abelian group under +, the set of the field complement {0} with * is an Abelian group, a field has a further rule which associates the two operations, that is left and right distributivity. The field constructor takes seven arguments: The set of the field. A binary function into itself to represent the multiplication operation, *. A binary function into itself to represent the addition operation, +. A member of the set of the field to specify the multiplicative identity, 1. A member of the set of the field to specify the additive identity, 0. A unary function taking the set of the field into itself to represent the multiplicative inverses (i.e. inverses under *). A unary function taking the set of the field into itself to represent the additive inverses (i.e. inverses under +, or negatives). |
field1/ field |
This symbol is a constructor for fields. It takes seven arguments R, a, o, n, m, e, i: which are, respectively, a set R to specify the elements in the field, a binary operation a on R, an element o of R, and a unary operation n on R such that [R,a,o,n] is a commutative group, a binary operation m on R, an element e of R, and a map from R - {o} to itself such that [R,m,e] is a monoid and such that [R - {o},m',e,i] is a group, where m' is the restriction of m to R -{o}. |
generic_alg_cats/ field |
This Symbol represents the generic category of field. |
finfield1/ field_by_conway |
This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument should be a prime number p, the second argument a positive integer n. This symbol returns the field GF(q)[X]/ (C(X)), where q = p^n, X is an indeterminate, C(X) is the Conway polynomial f_{n,p}(X), and (C(X)) is the ideal in the polynomial ring GF(q)[X] generated by C(X). |
finfield1/ field_by_conway |
This symbol has two arguments. Its first argument should be a prime number p and its second argument a positive integer n. When applied to p and n, the result is the field defined as the quotient ring GF(p)[X]/(c(X)), where c(X)=conway_polynomial(p,n). |
field3/ field_by_poly |
This symbol is a binary function whose first argument is a univariate polynomial ring R over a field, and whose second argument is an irreducible polynomial f in this polynomial ring R. So, when applied to R and f, the function has value the quotient ring R/(f). |
field4/ field_by_poly_map |
Same as quotient_by_poly_map in CD ring5, except that R and the quotient ring R[X]/(f) are fields (so f is irreducible in R[X]). |
field4/ field_by_poly_vector |
This symbol is a binary function. Its first argument should be a field_by_poly(R,f). Its second argument should be a list L of elements of F, the coefficient field of the univariate polynomial ring R = F[X]. The length of the list L should be equal to the degree d of f. When applied to R and L, it represents the element L[0] + L[1] x + L[2] x^2 + ... + L[d-1] ^(d-1) of R/(f), where x stands for the image of x under the natural quotient map R -> R/(f). If the first argument is a field_by_conway(p,n), defined in the CD finfield1, then the same interpretation holds, where R and f are respectively poly_ring_d(GFp(p),1) and conway_polynomial(p,n). |
algebraic_cats/ field_negative |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a field. It returns a unary function, which is the additive inverse function of the field. |
algebraic_cats/ field_one |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a field. It returns the multiplicative identity of the field. |
algebraic_cats/ field_plus |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a field. It returns a binary function, to represent the additive operation of the field. |
algebraic_cats/ field_reciprocal |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a field. It returns a unary function, which is the multiplicative inverse function of the field. |
algebraic_cats/ field_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a field. It returns the set of the field. |
algebraic_cats/ field_times |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a field. It returns a binary function, to represent the multiplicative operation of the field. |
algebraic_cats/ field_zero |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a field. It returns the additive identity of the field. |
directives1/ find |
This symbol is a binder, whose body should be a clause. When bound to a variable (or list of variables) x with body P(x), it asks for a mathematical expression A such that P(A) holds. |
aggregate_cats/ finiteSetType |
This symbol represents the type of finite sets. |
list2/ first |
This symbol represents a function which returns the first elements of its argument, which should be a list. |
list2/ first |
This symbol represents a function which returns the first elements of its argument, which should be a list. |
permutation1/ fix |
This symbol is a function with two arguments. The first argument should be a permutation, the second argument a set. When applied to a permutation g and a set X, it represents the subset A of X all points that do not belong to the support of g. |
omtypes/ float |
The type of floating point numbers |
rounding1/ floor |
The round down (to -infinity) operation. |
meta/ FMP |
An optional element which contains an OpenMath Object. This corresponds to a property of the symbol being defined. |
mathmltypes/ fn_type |
A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type for a function name. |
units_imperial1/ foot |
This symbol represents the measure of one foot. This is the standard imperial measure for distance. |
units_us1/ foot_us_survey |
This symbol represents the measure of one U.S. Survey foot. |
prog1/ for |
This symbol can be used to encode the for loop. The syntax is for(block1,conditional_block,block3,block4), where block1 is the initialization block, conditional_block is the conditional block that determines the end of the loop, block3 is the incremental block and block4 is the body of the for loop. Each of this blocks should be present (althougth they can be empty). |
quant1/ forall |
This symbol represents the universal ("for all") quantifier which takes two arguments. It must be placed within an OMBIND element. The first argument is the bound variables (placed within an OMBVAR element), and the second is an expression. |
dimensions1/ force |
This symbol represents the force physical dimension. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ force |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of force. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of force is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, "F". |
mathmlattr/ foreign |
A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify an attribute of the object. The annotation should be an quadruple of strings constructed via a head foreign_attribute. |
mathmlattr/ foreign_attribute |
A symbol to be used as the head of the OpenMath application to construct the object used as the value of the foreign attribution. The four arguments of this function should be OpenMath strings representing in order, the Namespace, prefix and local name and value of the MathML attribute. |
field3/ fraction_field |
This is a unary function. Its argument should be a domain (as in CD ring4). It denotes the fraction field of the domain. |
field3/ free_field |
This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument should be a natural number p which is zero or a prime number, the second argument a list or a set L. When evaluated on such arguments p and L, the function represents the field of rational functions in L over the rationals if p = 0 and over the field of integers mod p if p is a prime. |
group3/ free_group |
This symbol represents a unary function. The argument is a list or a set. When evaluated on such an argument, the function represents the free group generated by the entries of the list or set. |
magma3/ free_magma |
This symbol represents a binary function. The argument is a list or a set. When evaluated on such an argument, the function represents the free magma generated by the entries of the list or set. |
monoid3/ free_monoid |
This symbol represents a unary function. The argument is a list or a set. When evaluated on such an argument, the function represents the free monoid generated by the entries of the list or set. |
ring3/ free_ring |
This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument should be a ring and the second a list or a set. When evaluated on such arguments R and L, the function represents the free ring over R generated by the elements (or entries) of L. This ring can also be viewed as the ring of non-commutative polynomials over R with variables the elements of L. |
semigroup3/ free_semigroup |
This symbol represents a binary function. The argument is a list or a set. When evaluated on such an argument, the function represents the free semigroup generated by the entries of the list or set. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ frequency |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of frequency. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of frequency is commonly represented with the italic, lower case greek variable, "\omega;". |
fns3/ function |
This symbol denotes a function constructor. When aplied to at least two arguments, which are sets, the first argument is the domain and the second the range of the function. When applied to at least three arguments, the first two of which are stes and the third of which is a lambda expression, the third argument gives the function specification. |
prog1/ function_block |
The block of code defining the body of the function. The syntax is function_block(local_var,block1), where local_var encodes the local variables (private to the function body) and block1 is the body of the function. Both locar_var and block1 should be present (and of course both can be also empty). |
prog1/ function_call |
Symbol function_call can be used to "call" already defined functions. The syntax is function_call(name, call_arguments), where name is the encoding of an OpenMath variable (OMV) representing the name of the function and call_arguments are the arguments to pass to the function. Both, name and call_arguments, should be present but call_arguments can be empty. |
prog1/ function_definition |
The symbol function_definition can be is used to define a function. The syntax is function_definition(name, def_arguments, function_block), where name is the encoding of an OpenMath variable (OMV) representing the name of the funtion, def_arguments is the enconding of the arguments that the function receives and function_block is the body of the function (local variables declarations + body of the function). Functions are completely unaware of the rest of the "world" except for the information they received from the arguments. Functions are only allowed to return values by means of the return construct. |
setname3/ function_set |
The function_set operator generates the set of functions between the sets specified as its arguments. cf Hom(A,B) in Category theory, and mapsto in the sts CD. For a set of n-argument functions, function_set will take n+1 arguments, specifying the sets of the n arguments and the range. |
hypergeo0/ gamma |
Euler's gamma function |
nums1/ gamma |
A symbol to convey the notion of the gamma constant as defined in Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, section 6.1.3. It is the limit of 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/m - ln m as m tends to infinity, this is approximately 0.5772 15664. |
physical_consts1/ gas_constant |
This symbol represents the constant which is equal to the ratio of the pressure times the volume and the temperature of an ideal gas. It is approximately 8.31451 +/- 7.0*10^(-05) Joules per mole per Kelvin. |
arith1/ gcd |
The symbol to represent the n-ary function to return the gcd (greatest common divisor) of its arguments. |
poly/ gcd |
The n-ary greatest common divisor of its polynomial arguments. This is unique up to units. |
polynomial3/ gcd |
The n-ary greatest common divisor for univariate polynomials over fields. |
polyoperators1/ gcd |
The n-ary greatest common divisor for univariate polynomials. |
test-x/ gcd |
The symbol to represent the n-ary function to return the gcd (greatest common divisor) of its arguments. |
logic3/ Generalisation |
This symbol represents the generation of a line of a proof by application of Generalisation. The first argument is the new well-formed formula (forall x.B) and the second is the line number in the proof for B. |
gen_hyperbolic1/ generalised_hyperbolic |
This symbol represents the generalised hyperbolic function as recorded by Riccati. It is intended to be applied in the curried form, that is, the symbol should be applied to three arguments in order to return a function which should be applied to one argument. The generalised hyperbolic function may be defined as an infinite sum as in the first CMP/FMP . |
groupname1/ generalized_quaternion_group |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a positive integer. When applied to n it represents the generalized quaternion group of order 4n. This is the group with three generators a, b, and c and relations c = a^2 = b^n, c*a = a*c , b*c = c*b, a*b = b*a*c, and c^2 = 1. |
permgp1/ generators |
This is a function with one argument, which should be a permutation group. When evaluated with argument G it returns the list of permutations which occur in the definition of G. |
relation1/ geq |
This symbol represents the binary greater than or equal to function which returns true if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second, it returns false otherwise. |
scscp2/ get_allowed_heads |
This symbol is used to find the list of procedures supported by an SCSCP server. |
scscp2/ get_service_description |
A symbol for the client to ask for some description of a service. Note that this is a very generic description of the service running on a particular port on a particular machine. More details about for example the available symbols there may be obtained with get_allowed_heads, get_signature or get_transient_cd. |
scscp2/ get_signature |
A symbol for the client to inquire about the signature of a particular function. |
scscp2/ get_transient_cd |
This symbol is used to get the contents of a transient CD created by a server. |
setname2/ GFp |
This symbol represents the finite field of integers modulo p, where p is a prime. |
setname2/ GFpn |
This symbol represents the finite field with p^n elements, where p is a prime. |
units_binaryprefix1/ gibi |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
units_siprefix1/ giga |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
group3/ GL |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a vector space or a module V. When applied to V it represents the group of all invertible linear transformations of V. |
group3/ GLn |
This symbol is a function with two arguments. The first should be a positive integer n, the second a field F. When applied to n and F it represents the group of all invertible linear transformations of the vector space over F of dimension n. |
prog1/ global_var |
This symbol, which can have an aribtrary positive number of arguments which must all be variables, can be used to declare global variables as known to functions. |
weylalgebra1/ gr |
the symbol polynomial of a given differential operator. The inverse of diffop. |
veccalc1/ grad |
This symbol is used to represent the grad function. It takes one argument which should be a scalar valued function and returns a vector of functions. It should satisfy the defining relation: grad(F) = (\partial(F)/\partial(x_1), ... ,\partial(F)/partial(x_n)) |
polyd/ graded_lexicographic |
Total degree order, graded with the lexicographic ordering. Note that, if a poly_ring_d_named is used, lexigographic refers to the order of the variables in the poly_ring_d_named, not to their order as strings. |
polyd2/ graded_lexicographic |
Total degree order, graded with the lexicographic ordering. |
polyd/ graded_reverse_lexicographic |
Total degree order, graded with the reverse lexicographic ordering. Note that, if a poly_ring_d_named is used, lexigographic refers to the order of the variables in the poly_ring_d_named, not to their order as strings. |
polyd2/ graded_reverse_lexicographic |
Total degree order, graded with the reverse lexicographic ordering. |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ gram |
This symbol represents one gram. This unit is implied by the incorporation of the prefix "kilo" in the base unit standard, kilogram. Since SI prefixes may not, by SI standard, be presented by prepending to "kilogram", the gram is introduced for the application of prefixes. By itself, gram should not appear in SI compliant presentation. It has the short symbol form, "g". |
units_metric1/ gramme |
This symbol represents the measure of one gramme. This is not quite the standard SI measure for mass, which is the kilogramme, but OpenMath chooses to regard the gramme as standard, otherwise one would have to call it the milli-kilogramme. |
graph1/ graph |
This symbol represents an undirected graph. It takes two arguments: the vertex set of the graph and the edge set. The vertices can be arbitrary OpenMath objects. Each edge should be a set consisting of two vertices. |
FundamentalPhysicalConstants1/ gravitational-constant |
This symbol represents the constant of proportionality in Newton's law of universal gravitation. By measurement it is found to be approximately equal to 6.6742(10)*10^-11 newton metre^2 per kilogram^2. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, "G". |
physical_consts1/ gravitational_constant |
This symbol represents the constant of proportionality in Newtons law of universal gravitation which states; Two bodies attract each other with equal and opposite forces; the magnitude of this force is proportional to the product of the two masses and is also proportional to the inverse square of the distance between the centers of mass of the two bodies. It is approximately equal to: 6.672*10^(-11) Newton square metres per kilogramme squared. |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ gray |
This symbol represents an SI unit of absorbed dose of ionizing, radiation. A gray of absorbed dose represents one joule of energy absorbed per kilogram of mass. It has the short symbol form, "Gy". |
polyd/ groebner |
The groebner basis (lt-reduced, minimal) of a set of polynomials, with respect to a given ordering. First argument is an ordering, the second is a list of polynomials. A program that can compute the basis is required to return a "groebnered" object. |
polygb1/ groebner |
The groebner basis (reduced, minimal) of a set of polynomials, with respect to a given ordering. First argument is a list of variables, the second is an ordering, the third is a list of polynomials. A program that can compute the basis is required to return a "groebner_basis" object. |
polygb1/ groebner_basis |
The constructor for a Groebner basis (reduced, minimal). The first is a list of variables, the second argument is an ordering, the third is the Groebner Basis itself (with respect to the ordering) that should be represented as a polynomial expression. |
polyd/ groebnered |
The constructor for a Groebner basis (reduced, minimal). The first argument is an ordering, the second is the Groebner Basis itself (with respect to the ordering) that should be represented as a DMPL. |
polygb1/ groebnered |
The constructor for a Groebner basis (reduced, minimal). The first argument is an ordering, the second is the Groebner Basis itself (with respect to the ordering) that should be represented as a DMPL. |
polynomial4/ ground_ring_injected |
A symbol which denotes that the ground ring of a polynomial algebra is considered to be part of the latter. This is used in the polynomial4.factor symbol to indicate that the factor is part of the factorisation of the common coefficient. |
algebraic_cats/ group |
This symbol is the constructor for groups, that is a monoid for which every element is invertible. The group constructor takes four arguments, the set of the group, a binary function taking two elements of the set into itself to represent the operation of the group, an element of the set to represent the identity of the group and a unary function taking the set into itself to specify inverse elements of the group. |
generic_alg_cats/ group |
This Symbol represents the generic category of group. |
gp1/ group |
The n-ary function Group. The group generated by its arguments. The arguments must have a natural group operation associated with them. |
group1/ group |
This symbol is a constructor for groups. It takes four arguments in the following order: a set to specify the elements in the group, a binary operation to specify the group operation, an element to specify the identity, and a unary operation to specify inverses of group elements. Both the binary and unary operations should act on elements of the set and return an element of the set. |
permgp1/ group |
This symbol represents an n-ary function. The first argument is a group operation (usually, left_compose or right_compose), the other n-1 arguments represent permutations. When evaluated on such arguments, the function represents the permutation group generated by the last n-1 arguments. |
algebraic_cats/ group_identity |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a group. It returns the identity of the group. |
algebraic_cats/ group_inverse |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a group. It returns a unary function, which is the inverse mapping for the group. |
algebraic_cats/ group_operation |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a group. It returns a binary function, which represents the operation of the group. |
algebraic_cats/ group_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a group. It returns a set, which should be the set of the group. |
algebraic_cats/ groupoid |
This symbol is the constructor for groupoids, that is an algebraic structure on a set, with a binary operation. The operator of the groupoid must be closed over the set of the groupoid. The groupoid constructor takes two arguments, the set of the groupoid and a binary function which represents the operation of the groupoid. |
generic_alg_cats/ groupoid |
This Symbol represents the generic category of groupoid. |
algebraic_cats/ groupoid_operation |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a groupoid. It returns a binary function which should represent the operation of the groupoid. |
algebraic_cats/ groupoid_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a groupoid. It returns the set of the groupoid. |
relation1/ gt |
This symbol represents the binary greater than function which returns true if the first argument is greater than the second, it returns false otherwise. |
setname2/ H |
This symbol represents the set of quaternions. |
plangeo2/ halfline |
The halfline starting at A and going through B. The symbol takes as arguments the points A and B. |
hypergeo2/ hankel1 |
The first Hankel function. This function is one of the famous two solutions of the Bessel differential equation at z=\infty. |
hypergeo2/ hankel2 |
The second Hankel function. This function is the another one of the famous two solutions of the Bessel differential equation at z=\infty. |
meta_cats/ has |
This symbol represents the notion of category inclusion. It takes two arguments, which should both be categories. It implies that axioms of the second argument apply to the first, and that function signatures in the second category are also in the first. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ heat |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of energy that is transferred from one object to another due to a difference in temperature. |
units_siprefix1/ hecto |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ henry |
This symbol represents an SI unit of electrical inductance. It has the short symbol form, "H". |
linalg5/ Hermitian |
This symbol represents a Hermitian matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of values which determine the upper triangle of the matrix. The lower triangle of the matrix is specified by the following relation: M^* = transpose(M), were M^* denotes the matrix consisting of all the complex conjugates of M. |
linalgsym1/ Hermitian |
This symbol represents a Hermitian matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of values which determine the upper triangle of the matrix. The lower triangle of the matrix is specified by the following relation: M^* = transpose(M), were M^* denotes the matrix consisting of all the complex conjugates of M. |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ hertz |
This symbol represents an SI unit of frequency. It has the short symbol form, "Hz". |
field4/ homomorphism_by_generators |
This is a function with three arguments the first two of which must be fields F and K. The third argument should be a set or a list L of ordered pairs (lists of length 2). Each pair [x,y] from L consists of an element x from F and an element y from K. when applied to F, K, and L, the symbol represents the homomorphism from F to K that maps the first entry x of each pair [x,y] to the second entry y of the same pair. |
group5/ homomorphism_by_generators |
This is a function with three arguments the first two of which must be groups F and K. The third argument should be a set or a list L of ordered pairs (lists of length 2). Each pair [x,y] from L consists of an element x from F and an element y from K. When applied to F, K, and L, the symbol represents the group homomorphism from F to K that maps the first entry x of each pair [x,y] to the second entry y of the same pair. |
ring5/ homomorphism_by_generators |
This is a function with three arguments the first two of which must be monoids F and K. The third argument should be a set or a list L of ordered pairs (lists of length 2). Each pair [x,y] from L consists of an element x from F and an element y from K. when applied to F, K, and L, the symbol represents the monoid homomorphism from F to K that maps the first entry x of each pair [x,y] to the second entry y of the same pair. |
semigroup4/ homomorphism_by_generators |
This is a function with three arguments the first two of which must be semigroups F and K. The third argument should be a set or a list L of ordered pairs (lists of length 2). Each pair [x,y] from L consists of an element x from F and an element y from K. when applied to F, K, and L, the symbol represents the homomorphism from F to K that maps the first entry x of each pair [x,y] to the second entry y of the same pair. |
SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1/ hour |
This symbol represents the measure of one hour of time. It has the short symbol form, "h". |
units_time1/ hour |
This symbol represents the measure of one hour of time. |
hypergeo1/ hypergeometric0F1 |
Hypergeometric function {}_0 F_1. |
hypergeo1/ hypergeometric1F1 |
Kummer's confluent hypergeometric function. |
hypergeo1/ hypergeometric2F1 |
The Gauss hypergeometric function. This function has a branch cut on [1,+infinity). |
hypergeo1/ hypergeometric_pFq |
Generalized hypergeometric function. This function has a branch cut on [1,+infinity). |
logic3/ Hypothesis |
This symbol represents that a wellformed formula is a hypothesis of a deduction of the propositional or predicate calculus. |
nums1/ i |
This symbol represents the square root of -1. |
plangeo5/ ideal |
This symbol is a function in one argument, which should be a coordinatized configuration (that is, each geometric object involved has coordinates). When evaluated at a configuration C it represents a function (given by a lambda binder) mapping the new parameters (arising when the inequality properties in the configuration are being translated into polynomials) to a list of polynomials in the coordinates that are variables which, when equated to zero, represent conditions equivalent to those describing the configuration C. When evaluated at an assertion assertion(C,S) it represents a function (given by a lambda binder) mapping the new parameters (arising when the inequality properties in the configuration are being translated into polynomials) to a list of polynomials in the coordinates that are variables which, when equated to zero, represent conditions equivalent to those describing the configuration C. |
ring3/ ideal |
This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument is a ring R and the second argument is a list or a set. When evaluated on R and such a second argument, the function represents the ideal in R generated by the entries of the list or set. |
field1/ identity |
This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a field. It returns the identity element of the field. |
fns1/ identity |
The identity function, it takes one argument and returns the same value. |
group1/ identity |
This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a group. It returns the identity element of the group. |
linalg4mat/ identity |
This symbol denotes a unary function which is used to construct the (nxn) identity matrix where n is the single argument. The argument n must be a natural number. |
linalg5/ identity |
This symbol denotes a unary function which is used to construct an (nxn) identity matrix where n is the single positive integral argument. |
monoid1/ identity |
This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a monoid. It returns the identity element of the monoid. |
ring1/ identity |
This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a ring. It returns the identity element of the ring. |
prog1/ if |
The symbol can be used to encode the if, then, else construct. The syntax is if(conditional_block,block1,block2), where the conditional_block is the block that determines wich of the block of codes block1 and block2 is going to be executed, block1 is the then block and block2 if the else block. The conditional_block and block1 are required but block2 is optional. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ illuminance |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of illuminance. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of illuminance is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, "E". |
fns1/ image |
This symbol denotes the image of a given function, which is the set of values the domain of the given function maps to. |
complex1/ imaginary |
This represents the imaginary part of a complex number |
logic1/ implies |
This symbol represents the logical implies function which takes two boolean expressions as arguments. It evaluates to false if the first argument is true and the second argument is false, otherwise it evaluates to true. |
list2/ in |
This symbol has two arguments, an element and a list. It is used to denote that the element is in the given list. |
list3/ in |
This symbol represents a boolean function with two arguments, an element and a list. It is used to denote that the element is in the given list. |
multiset1/ in |
This symbol has two arguments, an element and a multiset. It is used to denote that the element is in the given multiset. |
polygb2/ in |
This symbol is a function of at least 4 arguments. The first argument is a polynomial p, the second is a list of variables, the third is an ordering the fourth is a list of polynomials B, and, optionally, the fifth is a polynomial_ring. When applied to its arguments, it represents the boolean value of the assertion that p belongs to the ideal generated by B. |
set1/ in |
This symbol has two arguments, an element and a set. It is used to denote that the element is in the given set. |
polygb2/ in_radical |
This symbol is a function of at least 4 arguments. The first argument should be a polynomial p, the second is a list of variables, the third is an ordering the fourth is a list of polynomials B, and optionally: the fifth is a polynomial_ring. When applied to its arguments, it represents the boolean value of the assertion that p belongs to the radical ideal generated by B. |
plangeo1/ incident |
The symbol represents the logical incidence function which is a binary function taking arguments representing geometric objects like points and lines and returning a boolean value. It is true if and only if the first argument is incident to the second. |
ThreeDgeo2/ incident |
The symbol represents the logical incidence function which is a binary function taking arguments representing geometric objects like points and lines and returning a boolean value. It is true if and only if the first argument is incident to the second. |
poly1p/ index |
index returns the index of a given indexed variable. |
poly1p/ indexed_variable |
indexed_variable(x,i) returns the variable x_i |
indnat/ indNat |
Attribution tag to denote the type of inductively defined natural numbers. It is also denoted as setname1:N. |
icc/ IndType |
Constructor for Inductive Types. Takes arguments the constructor functions for the inhabitants of the type and their signatures. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ inductance |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of electrical inductance. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of inductance is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, "L". |
aggregate_cats/ infiniteSetType |
This symbol represents the type of infinite sets. |
nums1/ infinity |
A symbol to represent the notion of infinity. |
scscp1/ info_memory |
A piece of information from the system, to be used along with a procedure_completed or procedure_terminated message, describing how much memory was spent on the calculation. It should be in bytes, denoted using an OMI. |
scscp1/ info_message |
A piece of information from the server, to be used along with a procedure_completed or procedure_terminated message, giving some additional information. The client may choose to present this information to its user. The argument is an OMSTR. |
scscp1/ info_runtime |
A piece of information from the system, to be used along with a procedure_completed or procedure_terminated message, describing how much cputime was spent on the calculation. It should be in milliseconds, denoted using an OMI. |
intpath1/ infty |
The infty on the Riemann sphere. When the coordinate of the complex plane is z, we call t=1/z the standard coordinate around the infinity of the Riemann sphere. |
numerical2/ initial_value |
This symbol marks an initial value for a parameter, for example this could be the point from which a newton iteration would start. |
polyslp/ inp_node |
This constructor takes one argument, which is a variable. The return value is intended to represent an input node. |
calculus1/ int |
This symbol is used to represent indefinite integration of unary functions. The argument is the unary function. |
calculus1/ int |
This symbol is used to represent indefinite integration of unary functions. The argument is the unary function. |
coercions/ int2flt |
The function that converts an integer to a float. |
omtypes/ integer |
The type of integers |
interval1/ integer_interval |
A symbol to denote a discrete 1 dimensional interval from the first argument to the second (inclusive), where the discretisation occurs at unit intervals. The arguments are the start and the end points of the interval in that order. |
mathmltypes/ integer_type |
A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type of an integer. |
interval_types/ integerIntervalType |
This symbol represents the type of integer intervals. |
ring3/ integers |
This is a symbol representing the ring of integers. |
algebraic_cats/ integral_domain |
This symbol is the constructor for integral domains. An integral domain is a ring which is commutative under *, it has a multiplicative identity (under *), and has no zero divisors. The integral_domain constructor takes six arguments. The set of the integral domain, a binary function from the set into itself to represent the * operation, a binary function from the set into itself to represent the + operation, an element of the set of the ring to represent the multiplicative identity 1, an element of the set of the ring to represent the additive identity 0, and a unary function from the set into itself to represent additive inverses (i.e. inverses under +, or negatives). |
generic_alg_cats/ integral_domain |
This Symbol represents the generic category of integral domain. |
algebraic_cats/ integral_domain_negative |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an integral domain. It returns a unary function which represents the additive inverse function of the integral domain. |
algebraic_cats/ integral_domain_one |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an integral domain. It returns the multiplicative identity of the integral domain. |
algebraic_cats/ integral_domain_plus |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an integral domain. It returns a binary function which represents the additive operation of the integral domain. |
algebraic_cats/ integral_domain_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an integral domain. It returns the set of the integral domain. |
algebraic_cats/ integral_domain_times |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an integral domain. It returns a binary function which represents the multiplicative operation of the integral domain. |
algebraic_cats/ integral_domain_zero |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an integral domain. It returns the additive identity of the integral domain. |
calculus2/ integrand |
This symbol represents the integrand of the integral. |
multiset1/ intersect |
This symbol is used to denote the n-ary intersection of multisets. It takes multisets as arguments, and denotes the multiset that contains all the elements that occur in all of them, with multiplicity the minimum of their multiplicities in all multisets. |
set1/ intersect |
This symbol is used to denote the n-ary intersection of sets. It takes sets as arguments, and denotes the set that contains all the elements that occur in all of them. |
interval1/ interval |
A symbol to denote a continuous 1-dimensional interval without any information about the character of the end points (used in definite integration). The arguments are the start and the end points of the interval in that order. |
sts2/ interval |
A constructor for an interval over a set. |
interval1/ interval_cc |
A symbol to denote a continuous 1-dimensional interval with both end points included in the interval. The arguments are the start and the end points of the interval in that order. |
interval1/ interval_co |
A symbol to denote a continuous 1-dimensional interval with the first point included in the interval, but the last excluded. The arguments are the start and the end points of the interval in that order. |
interval1/ interval_oc |
A symbol to denote a continuous 1-dimensional interval with the first point excluded from the interval, but the last included. The arguments are the start and the end points of the interval in that order. |
interval1/ interval_oo |
A symbol to denote a continuous 1-dimensional interval with both end points excluded from the interval. The arguments are the start and the end points of the interval in that order. |
interval_types/ intervalType |
This symbol represents the type of intervals. |
arith2/ inverse |
A unary operator which represents the inverse of an element of a set. This symbol could be used to represent additive or multiplicative inverses. |
field1/ inverse |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a field S. It returns the map sending a nonzero element of S to its multiplicative inverse. |
fns1/ inverse |
This symbol is used to describe the inverse of its argument (a function). This inverse may only be partially defined because the function may not have been surjective. If the function is not surjective the inverse function is ill-defined without further stipulations. No assumptions are made on the semantics of this inverse. |
permutation1/ inverse |
This symbol is a unary function. Its argument should be a permutation. When applied to argument P, the resulting value is the inverse permutation of P. |
group1/ inversion |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a group G. It returns the map sending an element of G to its inverse. |
group3/ invertibles |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a monoid M. When applied to M it represents the group of all invertible elements of M. |
monoid1/ invertibles |
This symbol is a unary function. Its argument should be a monoid M. When applied to M, it denotes the submonoid of M consisting of all invertible elements in M. This is a group. |
ring3/ invertibles |
This is a unary function, whose argument is a ring R. When applied to R, it denotes the set of invertible elements of R with respect to the multiplication on R. |
relation0/ irreflexive |
Proposition; the type of irreflexive binary relations. |
gp1/ is_abelian |
The unary boolean function whose value is true iff the argument is an abelian group |
plangeo4/ is_affine |
Boolean function testing whether a point or line is affine. |
scscp2/ is_allowed_head |
This symbol is used to find whether a particular procedure is supported by an SCSCP server. The reply must be either true or false, described in one of the appropriate symbols from the logic1 content dictionary. |
magma1/ is_associative |
The unary boolean function whose value is true iff the argument is an associative magma. |
field2/ is_automorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first is a field M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes a field automorphism f of M. |
graph2/ is_automorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first is a graph M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes a graph automorphism f of M. |
group2/ is_automorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first is a group M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes a group automorphism f of M. |
magma2/ is_automorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first is a magma M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes a magma automorphism f of M. |
monoid2/ is_automorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first is a monoid M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes a monoid automorphism f of M. |
ring2/ is_automorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first is a ring M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes a ring automorphism f of M. |
semigroup2/ is_automorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first is a semigroup M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes a semigroup automorphism f of M. |
permutation1/ is_bijective |
This symbol has one argument which should be a endomap p. It returns true if {a_1,...,a_n}={1,...,n} where a_1,...a_n are the arguments of p and false otherwise. |
field1/ is_commutative |
The unary boolean function whose value is true iff the argument is a commutative field. |
group1/ is_commutative |
The unary boolean function whose value is true iff the argument is a commutative group. |
magma1/ is_commutative |
The unary boolean function whose value is true iff the argument is a commutative magma. |
monoid1/ is_commutative |
The unary boolean function whose value is true iff the argument is a commutative monoid. |
ring1/ is_commutative |
The unary boolean function whose value is true iff the argument is a commutative ring. |
semigroup1/ is_commutative |
The unary boolean function whose value is true iff the argument is a commutative semigroup. |
plangeo5/ is_coordinatized |
This symbol is a boolean valued function of one argument which must be a configuration. When applied to an argument C, it represent the value true if C is a configuration such that each object occurring in C (as well as in its subconfigurations) has coordinates (that is, the set_affine_coordinates field is present as an argument to the object), and value false otherwise. If an object already has coordinates, these are left as they are. If not, then new variables are introduced to coordinatize the object. |
order1/ is_Dedekind |
This symbol represents a unary boolean function. The argument should be a ring R. When evaluated on R, the function returns true if R is a Dedekind ring and false otherwise. Note that a ring R is a Dedekind ring if it is Noetherian, integrally closed (so integral) and such that every non-zero prime ideal is maximal. |
logic3/ is_deduction |
This symbol expresses whether or not there is a deduction of the form quoted. Hence for items of type complete_pred_deduction, it is always true |
ring4/ is_domain |
This symbol represents a boolean unary function. The argument is a ring R. When evaluated on R, the function returns true if R is a domain and false otherwise. A domain is a commutative ring without zero divisors. |
linalgeig1/ is_eigenvalue |
This symbol represents a Boolean binary function, whose first argument should be a square matrix A over a ring R and whose second argument should be an element of the ring R. Here, the matrix A acts on (row) vectors from the right and the scalar lambda is written to the left of the vector v. When applied to A and lambda, it means that there is an eigenvector vector with eigenvalue lambda. |
linalgeig1/ is_eigenvector |
This symbol represents a Boolean binary function, whose first argument should be a square matrix A over a ring R and whose second argument should be a vector v of size rowcount(A) over the ring R. When applied to A and v, it means that v is a left eigenvector of A. |
permutation1/ is_endomap |
This symbol is an n-ary function. Its arguments should be positive integers. When applied to arguments a_1,...,a_n, the resulting value is true if a_i is at most n for all i, otherwise it is false. |
field2/ is_endomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first argument is a field M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes that f is a field endomorphism from M to M. |
graph2/ is_endomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first argument is a graph M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes that f is a graph endomorphism from M to M. |
group2/ is_endomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first argument is a group M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes that f is a group endomorphism from M to M. |
magma2/ is_endomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first argument is a magma M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes that f is a magma endomorphism from M to M. |
monoid2/ is_endomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first argument is a monoid M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes that f is a monoid endomorphism from M to M. |
ring2/ is_endomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first argument is a ring M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes that f is a ring endomorphism from M to M. |
semigroup2/ is_endomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with two arguments. The first argument is a semigroup M, the second is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of M. When applied to M and f, it denotes that f is a semigroup endomorphism from M to M. |
relation3/ is_equivalence |
This symbol represents the boolean binary function which returns true if and only if the second argument is an equivalence relation on the first. |
ring4/ is_field |
This is unary boolean function whose argument should be a ring R. The value is true if and only if the ring is commutative and every nonzero element has a multiplicative inverse. |
field2/ is_homomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are fields M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a field homomorphism from M to N. |
graph2/ is_homomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are graphs M, N, the third is a map f from the vertex set of M to the vertex set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a graph homomorphism from M to N. |
group2/ is_homomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first two arguments are groups M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a group homomorphism from M to N. |
magma2/ is_homomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are magmas M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a magma homomorphism from M to N. |
monoid2/ is_homomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are monoids M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a monoid homomorphism from M to N. |
ring2/ is_homomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are rings M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a ring homomorphism from M to N. |
semigroup2/ is_homomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are semigroups M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a semigroup homomorphism from M to N. |
ring3/ is_ideal |
The binary boolean function whose value is true if and only if the second argument is an ideal of the second. |
magma1/ is_identity |
This symbols represents a binary boolean function, whose arguments should be a magma and an element of the element set of the magma. When applied to the arguments M and x, it returns true if the element x is an identity of the magma M, that is, x*y = y* x = y for all elements y of M. |
permgp1/ is_in |
This is a Boolean function with two arguments. The first argument should be a permutation, the second a permutation group. When evaluated with first argument x and second argument G, it returns true if and only if x belongs to G. |
monoid1/ is_invertible |
This symbol represents a binary function, whose first argument is a monoid M and whose second argument is an element x of M. Its value is true iff the argument if x is invertible (that is, has a left and a right inverse) in M. |
field2/ is_isomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are fields M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a field isomorphism from M to N. This means that f is a homomorphism from M to N, that f is bijective, and that its inverse is a homomorphism from N to M. |
graph2/ is_isomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are graphs M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a graph isomorphism from M to N. This means that f is a homomorphism from M to N, that f is bijective, and that its inverse is a homomorphism from N to M. |
group2/ is_isomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are groups M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a group isomorphism from M to N. This means that f is a homomorphism from M to N, that f is bijective, and that its inverse is a homomorphism from N to M. |
magma2/ is_isomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are magmas M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a magma isomorphism from M to N. This means that f is a homomorphism from M to N, that f is bijective, and that its inverse is a homomorphism from N to M. |
monoid2/ is_isomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are monoids M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a monoid isomorphism from M to N. This means that f is a homomorphism from M to N, that f is bijective, and that its inverse is a homomorphism from N to M. |
ring2/ is_isomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are rings M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a ring isomorphism from M to N. This means that f is a homomorphism from M to N, that f is bijective, and that its inverse is a homomorphism from N to M. |
semigroup2/ is_isomorphism |
This symbol is a boolean function with three arguments. The first and arguments are semigroups M, N, the third is a map f from the element set of M to the element set of N. When applied to M, N, and f, it denotes that f is a semigroup isomorphism from M to N. This means that f is a homomorphism from M to N, that f is bijective, and that its inverse is a homomorphism from N to M. |
permutation1/ is_list_perm |
This symbol is an n-ary function. Its arguments should be positive integers. When applied to arguments a_1,...,a_n, the resulting value is true if a_i is at most n for all i and all a_i are distinct, otherwise it is false. |
ring4/ is_maximal_ideal |
The binary boolean function whose value is true iff the second argument is a maximal ideal of the first. |
order1/ is_maximal_order |
The unary boolean function whose value is true if and only if the argument is a maximal order. |
plangeo3/ is_midpoint |
The statement that one point is the midpoint of two others. |
ThreeDgeo2/ is_midpoint |
The statement that one point is the midpoint of two others. |
order1/ is_nonzero_divisor |
This symbol represents a boolean binary function. The first argument is a ring R, the second is an element b of R. When evaluated on R and b, the function returns true if b is a nonzero divisor in R. |
gp1/ is_normal |
If G, H are the group arguments, then IsNormal(G,H) returns true precisely when G is normal in H. That is, g^-1*h*g is defined and contained in H for all h in H and g in G. |
group1/ is_normal |
If G, H are the group arguments, then IsNormal(G,H) returns true precisely when H is normal in G. That is, inverse(g)*h*g is defined and contained in H for all h in H and g in G. |
permutation1/ is_perm |
This symbol is a boolean function with one argument. If the argument is not a set of cycles of length at least 2, the boolean value is false. Otherwise it is true if and only if the cycles are disjoint (that is, all entries of all cycles in the argument are mutually distinct. |
permutation1/ is_permutation |
This symbol is a boolean function with one argument. If the argument is not a set of cycles of length at least 2, the boolean value is false. Otherwise it is true if and only if the cycles are disjoint (that is, all entries of all cycles in the argument are mutually distinct. |
ring4/ is_prime_ideal |
The binary boolean function whose value is true iff the second argument is a prime ideal of the first. |
finfield1/ is_primitive |
This symbol represents a binary Boolean function. The first argument should be a finite field, the second a an element of that field. When applied to such arguments, the value represented is true if the second argument is a primitive element of the field, that is, a generator of the multiplicative group of the field. |
permgp1/ is_primitive |
The unary function with one argument, which should be a permutation group. Its value is true if and only if G acts primitively on the support of G. This means that there is no proper subset B of the support of G with more than one element such that the image of B under an element of G meets B in a proper nonempty subset of B. |
permgrp/ is_primitive |
The unary function whose value is true iff its permutation group argument acts primitively. |
finfield1/ is_primitive_poly |
This symbol is a Boolean-valued function with two arguments, the first of which should be a prime number p, and the second of which should be a polynomial with coefficients in GF(p). When applied to p and f, this symbol represents the value true if and only if f is a primitive polynomial, that is, f is irreducible over GF(p), so GF(p)[X]/(f) is a finite field of order p^n, where n is the degree of f, and the image of X in GF(p)[X]/(f) is a generator of the (cyclic) multiplicative group of GF(p)[X]/(f). |
order1/ is_principal_ideal_domain |
The unary boolean function whose value is true if and only if the argument is a principal ideal domain. R is a principal ideal domain if R is a commutative ring without zero divisors and if every ideal of R is a principal ideal. |
relation3/ is_reflexive |
This symbol represents the boolean binary function which returns true if and only if the second argument is a reflexive relation on the first. |
relation3/ is_relation |
This symbol is a boolean function of two arguments, S and R. The first argument should be a set. When applied to S and R, the function returns true if and only if the second argument is a subset of the Cartesian product of S with itself. |
field1/ is_subfield |
The binary boolean function whose value is true iff the second argument is a subfield of the second. |
gp1/ is_subgroup |
The binary function whose value is true if the second argument is a subgroup of the first. |
group1/ is_subgroup |
The binary boolean function whose value is true iff the second argument is a subgroup of the second. |
permgp1/ is_subgroup |
This is a Boolean function with two arguments, both of which are permutation groups. When evaluated with first argument H and second argument G it returns true if and only if H is a subgroup of G. |
magma1/ is_submagma |
The binary boolean function whose value is true iff the second argument is a submagma of the first. |
monoid1/ is_submonoid |
The binary boolean function whose value is true iff the second argument is a submonoid of the second. |
ring1/ is_subring |
The binary boolean function whose value is true iff the second argument is a subring of the second. |
semigroup1/ is_subsemigroup |
The binary boolean function whose value is true iff the second argument is a subsemigroup of the second. |
relation3/ is_symmetric |
This symbol represents the boolean binary function which returns true if and only if the second argument is a symmetric relation on the first. |
logic3/ is_theorem |
This symbol expresses whether or not there is a theorem of the form quoted. Hence for items of type complete_prop_theorem, it is always true |
permgp1/ is_transitive |
This is a Boolean function with one argument, which should be a permutation group. When evaluated at a permutation group G, it returns the value true if and only if the permutation group argument acts transitively on the support of G. |
permgrp/ is_transitive |
The unary function whose value is true iff the permutation group argument acts transitively. |
relation3/ is_transitive |
This symbol represents the boolean binary function which returns true if and only if the second argument is a transitive relation on the first. |
ring4/ is_zero_divisor |
This symbol represents a boolean binary function. The first argument is a ring R, the second is an element x of R. When evaluated on R and x, the function returns true if x a zero divisor and nonzero in R. |
field2/ isomorphic |
This symbol is a Boolean function with n arguments, n at least 2, which are fields. When applied to M_1, ..., M_n, it denotes the fact that there is an isomorphism from each M_i to each M_j. |
graph2/ isomorphic |
This symbol is a Boolean function with n arguments, n at least 2, which are graphs. When applied to M_1, ..., M_n, it denotes the fact that there is an isomorphism from each M_i to each M_j. |
group2/ isomorphic |
This symbol is a Boolean function with n arguments, n at least 2, which are groups. When applied to M_1, ..., M_n, it denotes the fact that there is an isomorphism from each M_i to each M_j. |
magma2/ isomorphic |
This symbol is a Boolean function with n arguments, n at least 2, which are magmas. When applied to M_1, ..., M_n, it denotes the fact that there is an isomorphism from each M_i to each M_j. |
monoid2/ isomorphic |
This symbol is a Boolean function with n arguments, n at least 2, which are monoids. When applied to M_1, ..., M_n, it denotes the fact that there is an isomorphism from each M_i to each M_j. |
ring2/ isomorphic |
This symbol is a Boolean function with n arguments, n at least 2, which are rings. When applied to M_1, ..., M_n, it denotes the fact that there is an isomorphism from each M_i to each M_j. |
semigroup2/ isomorphic |
This symbol is a Boolean function with n arguments, n at least 2, which are semigroups. When applied to M_1, ..., M_n, it denotes the fact that there is an isomorphism from each M_i to each M_j. |
orthpoly/ jacobiG |
The Jacobi polynomial. |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ joule |
This symbol represents an SI unit of energy. It has the short symbol form, "J". |
units_metric1/ Joule |
This symbol represents the measure of one Joule. This is the standard SI measure for energy. |
set3/ k_subsets |
This symbol represents a binary function whose first argument should be a set and whose second argument should be a natural number. When applied to a set X and a number k, it represents the collection of all subsets of X of size k. |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ katal |
This symbol represents an SI unit of equivalent dose of catalytic activity. A katal of catalytic activity represents the amount of catalyst to effect one mole of catalytic conversion per second. It has the short symbol form, "kat". |
SI_BaseUnits1/ kelvin |
This symbol represents the measure of one kelvin, the standard SI unit of measure for quantities of thermodynamic temperature. It has the short symbol form, "K", in upright roman font. |
fns2/ kernel |
This symbol denotes the kernel of a given function. This may be defined as the subset of the range of the given function which maps to the identity element of the image of the given function, however no semantics are assumed. The kernel of a function is also known as the null space of the function. |
hypergeon0/ kernel |
It returns the kernel of the map defined by a matrix in a specified domain. |
linalg1p/ kernel |
It returns the kernel of the map defined by a matrix in a specified domain. |
ring3/ kernel |
This symbol represents a unary function. Its argument is a ring homomorphism f : R -> S. When evaluated on f, the function represents the kernel in R of f, that is, the subset {x in R | f(x) = 0}. |
linalgrank1/ kernel_matrix |
This symbol represents a unary function whose argument should be a matrix. When applied to a matrix A, it represents a matrix whose rows are a basis of the kernel of A acting on the right. |
units_binaryprefix1/ kibi |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
units_siprefix1/ kilo |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
SI_BaseUnits1/ kilogram |
This symbol represents the measure of one kilogram of mass, the standard SI unit of measure for quantities of mass. It has the short symbol form, "kg", in upright roman font. |
SI_functions1/ kind |
The symbol to represent the function to return the kind of a quantity. The value of this function is referred to, but not defined in the SI. Its value, kind(Q) for a given quantity, Q, is left to the user to assign. |
tensor1/ Kronecker_tensor |
This symbol represents the Kronecker tensor or Kronecker delta. |
hypergeo2/ kummer |
Kummer's hypergeometric function. |
norm1/ L_infinity_norm |
This symbol signifies the |
norm1/ L_norm |
This symbol signifies the |
graph3/ labelledgraph |
This symbol represents a labelled (mixed) graph. It takes three arguments: the vertex set of the graph, the set of labelled undirected edges, and the set of labelled directed edges (a.k.a. arrows or arcs). Both vertices and labels can be arbitrary OpenMath objects. Each undirected edge should be a set consisting of two vertices; each directed edge should be a list consisting of two vertices. |
fns1/ lambda |
This symbol is used to represent anonymous functions as lambda expansions. It is used in a binder that takes two further arguments, the first of which is a list of variables, and the second of which is an expression, and it forms the function which is the lambda extraction of the expression |
lc/ Lambda |
The abstraction constructor. It is followed by a list of variables and an OpenMath object. |
veccalc1/ Laplacian |
This symbol is used to represent the laplacian function. It takes one argument which should be a vector of scalar valued functions, intended to represent a vector valued function and returns a vector of functions. It should satisfy the defining relation: laplacian(F) = \partial^2(F)/\partial(x_1)^2 + ... + \partial^2(F)/\partial(x_n)^2 |
altenc/ LaTeX_encoding |
A symbol which heads a piece of LaTeX encoding in an attribution. |
hypergeon2/ lauricella_FA |
Lauricella's hypergeometric series F_A of n variables. In case of one variables, it agrees with the Appel function F_2. reference: authors: "Appel, Kampe de Feriet" title: "Les Fonctions Hypergeometriques de Plusieurs Variables et Polynome d'Hermite" pages: |
hypergeon2/ lauricella_FC |
Lauricella's hypergeometric series F_C of n variables. In case of two variable, it agree with the Appel function F_4. reference: authors: "Appel, Kampe de Feriet" title: "Les Fonctions Hypergeometriques de Plusieurs Variables et Polynome d'Hermite" pages: |
hypergeon2/ lauricella_FD |
Lauricella's hypergeometric series F_D of n variables. In case of two variables, it agree with the Appell function F_1. reference: authors: "Appel, Kampe de Feriet" title: "Les Fonctions Hypergeometriques de Plusieurs Variables et Polynome d'Hermite" pages: |
arith1/ lcm |
The symbol to represent the n-ary function to return the least common multiple of its arguments. |
poly/ lcm |
The least common multiple of its polynomial arguments. This is unique up to units, but the choice must be compatible with that made for gcd: see the CMP/FMP. |
polynomial3/ lcm |
The least common multiple of its polynomial arguments. This is unique up to units, but the choice must be compatible with that made for gcd, so that the product of the gcd and the lcm equals the product of all arguments. |
test-x/ lcm |
The symbol to represent the n-ary function to return the least common multiple of its arguments. |
poly/ leading_coefficient |
The leading coefficient with respect to a variable (the second argument). We note that the leading coefficient of 0 is undefined. |
polynomial1/ leading_coefficient |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be univariate polynomial. When applied to a polynomial, it represents the coefficient of the monomial of highest degree. If the polynomial is zero, the value represented is zero. |
polynomial1/ leading_monomial |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a nonzero univariate polynomial. When applied to such a polynomial, it represents the highest power of the variable occurring in the polynomial. |
polynomial1/ leading_term |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be univariate polynomial. When applied to a polynomial, it represents its leading term, that is the term that is the product of the highest power of the variable and its coefficient. If the polynomial is zero, the value represented is zero. |
fns1/ left_compose |
This symbol represents the function which forms the left-composition of its two (function) arguments. |
permutation1/ left_compose |
This symbol is a binary function. Its arguments should be permutations. When applied to arguments P1 and P2, the resulting value is the permutation which maps x in Support(P1) union Support(P2) to P1(P2(x)). |
group4/ left_coset |
This symbol represents a ternary function whose first argument is a group G, whose second argument is a subgroup H of G, and whose third argument is an element x of G. Its value on G, H, and x is the left coset of H in G containing x, that is, the set x H. |
group4/ left_coset_representative |
This symbol represents a quaternary function whose first argument is a group G, whose second argument is a subgroup H of G, whose third argument is left_transversal T of H in G, and whose fourth argument is an element of G. It assigns to G, H, T, g the element of t of T representing the left coset of H containing g, that is, t H = g H . |
group4/ left_cosets |
The binary function whose value is the set of left cosets of the second argument in the first. |
magma1/ left_divides |
This symbol is a ternary function. Its first argument should be a magma M and the second and third arguments should be elements of M. When applied to M, a, and b, it denotes the fact that a is a left_divisor of b in M. This means that there is v in M such that av=b. |
magma1/ left_expression |
This symbol is a binary function. Its first argument should be a magma M, the second argument a list L of elements of M. When applied to M and L, it denotes the left product (L[1] * ( ... (L[n-1] * L[n]) ... )) of all elements in the list L. |
fns1/ left_inverse |
This symbol is used to describe the left inverse of its argument (a function). This inverse may only be partially defined because the function may not have been surjective. If the function is not surjective the left inverse function is ill-defined without further stipulations. No other assumptions are made on the semantics of this left inverse. |
field2/ left_multiplication |
This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a field M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes left multiplication on M by x. |
group2/ left_multiplication |
This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a group M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes left multiplication on M by x. |
monoid2/ left_multiplication |
This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a monoid M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes left multiplication on M by x. |
ring2/ left_multiplication |
This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a ring M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes left multiplication on M by x. |
semigroup2/ left_multiplication |
This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a semigroup M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes left multiplication on M by x. |
group5/ left_quotient_map |
This symbol is a binary function whose first argument is a group G and whose second argument is an subgroup H of G. When applied to G and H, its value is the natural quotient map from G to the quotient group G/H, sending x to the right coset Hx of G. |
polyslp/ left_ref |
Takes as argument a node of an slp. Returns the value of the left hand pointer of the node. |
monoid3/ left_regular_representation |
This is a unary function whose argument must be a monoid M. When applied to M, it represents the map from M to the maps monoid on M that assigns to m left multiplication by m on M. |
semigroup3/ left_regular_representation |
This is a unary function whose argument must be a semigroup M. When applied to M, it represents the map from M to the maps semigroup on M that assigns to m left multiplication by m on M. |
group4/ left_transversal |
The binary function whose value is a set of representatives for the left cosets of the second argument as a subgroup of the first. |
orthpoly/ legendreP |
The first Legendre function. This function is one of the two famous solutions of Legendre differential equation. |
orthpoly/ legendreQ |
The second Legendre function. This function is the another one of the famous two solutions of Legendre differential equation. |
dimensions1/ length |
This symbol represents the length physical dimension. |
list3/ length |
This symbol represents a function whose argument should be a list. It returns the length of its argument. |
list3/ length |
This symbol represents a function whose argument should be a list. It returns the length of its argument. |
permutation1/ length |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which must be a cycle. When applied to cycle(a_1,a_2,...,a_n), it returns the number n. This number is referred to as the length of the cycle. |
permutation1/ length |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which must be a cycle. When applied to cycle(a_1,a_2,...,a_n), it returns the number n. This number is referred to as the length of the cycle. |
polyslp/ length |
A unary function taking an slp as argument and returning the length of this slp. |
SI_BaseQuantities/ length |
This symbol represents the SI base quantity of length. It has the short symbol form, "L". |
relation1/ leq |
This symbol represents the binary less than or equal to function which returns true if the first argument is less than or equal to the second, it returns false otherwise. |
tensor1/ Levi-Civita |
This symbol represents the Levi-Civita alternating pseudo-tensor or permutation symbol. It's definition depends on the number of dimensions, d, of the space: it has as many indexes as there are dimensions in the space. It is totally antisymmetric, its value being: 1 for an even permutation of unequally valued indexes (e.g., (1,2,...,d)); -1 for an odd permutation of unequally valued indexes, and; 0 whenever two indexes take the same value. |
polyd/ lexicographic |
The lexicographic ordering of terms. Note that, if a poly_ring_d_named is used, lexigographic refers to the order of the variables in the poly_ring_d_named, not to their order as strings. |
polyd2/ lexicographic |
The lexicographic ordering of monomials. |
expint/ li |
The symbol li defines the basic logarithmic integral as in Abramovitz & Stegun equation 5.1.2. This is a Cauchy principal value integral: |
set2/ lift_binary |
This symbol denotes the lift of a binary operator on elements of X to a component-wise operators on subsets of X. |
physical_consts1/ light_year |
This symbol represents the distant for which a beam of light would take a year to traverse, in a vacuum. |
limit1/ limit |
This symbol is used to denote the limit of a unary function. It takes 3 arguments: the limiting value of the argument, the method of approach (either null, above, below or both_sides) and the function. |
moreerrors/ limitation |
This symbol represents the error which is returned when an application reads an error caused by the limitations of an implementation when dealing with OpenMath objects such as limits on the size of objects or on the kind of objects manipulated. This can include limits on the size of a bytearray or integer, a limit on the number of arguments of an application or the inability to deal with Unicode characters outside ISO latin 1. It will have at least one argument, which is a string describing the problem. It may have a second argument which is relevant to the error. |
plangeo1/ line |
The symbol is used to indicate a line of planar Euclidean geometry by a variable. The line may (but need not) be subject to constraints. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the constraints as further arguments. |
ThreeDgeo1/ line |
The symbol is used to indicate a line of 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry by a variable. The line may (but need not) be subject to constraints. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the constraints as further arguments. |
ThreeDgeo2/ line_parallel |
The symbol represents a binary boolean function with input two lines or segments. Its value is true whenever the first argument is parallel to the second. |
equations1/ linear |
A predicate to indicate that an equation or system of equations is linear, i.e. is expressed in terms of constants and first order terms. |
list1/ list |
This symbol denotes the list construct which is an n-ary function. The list entries must be given explicitly. |
list1/ list |
This symbol denotes the list construct which is an n-ary function. The list entries must be given explicitly. |
list1/ list |
This symbol denotes the list construct which is an n-ary function. The list entries must be given explicitly. |
sts2/ list |
A constructor for the type of a homogeneous list |
list3/ list_of_lengthn |
This symbol represents a function with two arguments, the first of which is a natural number and the second of which is a list. The first argument is the length of the list. |
list4/ list_of_lengthn |
This symbol represents a function with two arguments, the first of which is a natural number and the second of which is a list. The first argument is the length of the list. |
permutation1/ list_perm |
This symbol is an n-ary constructor. Its arguments should be distinct positive integers in the interval [1,n]. When applied to arguments a_1,...,a_n, the resulting value is the permutation mapping i to a_i for i=1,...,n. |
list2/ list_selector |
This symbol takes a positive integer n and a list, and represents the n-th element of that list. |
list3/ list_selector |
This symbol takes a positive integer n and a list, and represents the n-th element of that list. |
linalg7/ list_to_matrix |
This symbol denotes a binary function. Its first argument must be a ring R, its second argument must be list L of lists of equal lengths whose entries belong to the ring R, up to ring1.expression. When applied to R and L it represents the matrix whose i,j entry consists of the j-th entry from the list L[i]. In particular, the matrix has length(L) rows and length(L[1]) columns. |
polyd3/ list_to_poly_d |
This symbol is a function with two arguments. The first argument is a ring R and the second argument is a list L. The entries of L are elements of R or can be cast canconically onto elements of R. When applied to R and L, the symbol denotes the distributed (univariate) polynomial over R with terms (L[i-1],i) for i running over the indices of L (i=1, ..., length(L)). |
linalg5/ list_to_vector |
This symbol denotes a binary function. Its first argument must be a ring R, its second argument must be list L with entries belonging to the ring R, up to ring1.expression. When applied to R and L it represents the vector of the same length as the list L whose i-th coordinate is L[i] (or ring1.expression(L[i])). |
linalg7/ list_to_vector |
This symbol denotes a binary function. Its first argument must be a ring R, its second argument must be list L with entries belonging to the ring R, up to ring1.expression. When applied to R and L it represents the vector of the same length as the list L whose i-th coordinate is L[i] (or ring1.expression(L[i])). |
mathmltypes/ list_type |
A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type for a list. |
permutation1/ listendomap |
This symbol is a function with one argument which is a permutation whose support consists of positive integers. When applied to such a permutation P, it represents the list of length n whose i-th entry is the image of i under P, where n is the maximum of the support of P. |
permutation1/ listperm |
This symbol is a function with one argument which is a permutation whose support consists of positive integers. When applied to such a permutation P, it represents the list of length n whose i-th entry is the image of i under P. Here n is at least the maximum of the support of P. |
rdf/ literal_lang |
A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify the language of an RDF literal. The annotation value should be an OpenMath string. |
rdf/ literal_type |
A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify the type of an RDF literal which is represented as an OpenMath object. The annotation value should be an rdf.resource. |
SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1/ litre |
This symbol represents the volume measure of one litre. It has the short symbol form, "l" or "L". |
units_metric1/ litre |
This symbol represents the measure of one litre. This is a standard metric measure for physical volume. |
units_metric1/ litre_pre1964 |
This symbol represents the previous (1901-1964) measure of one litre. This used to be a standard metric measure for physical volume. |
transc1/ ln |
This symbol represents the ln function (natural logarithm) as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.1. It takes one argument. Note the description in the CMP/FMP of the branch cut. If signed zeros are in use, the inequality needs to be non-strict. |
transc3/ ln |
This symbol represents the ln function (natural logarithm) as a multivalued function. |
prog1/ local_var |
This symbol, which can have an aribtrary positive number of arguments which must all be variables, can be used to declare local variables. represents |
ThreeDgeo3/ locus |
The symbol is used to indicate by a variable the locus set traced by a point T in a 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry configuration C. That is, the set of all points satisfying the conditions imposed on T in the configuration C. The locus may (but need not) be defined by constraints on the point T additional to those in the configuration. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument, the tracer point T as second argument and the additional constraints as further arguments. |
transc1/ log |
This symbol represents a binary log function; the first argument is the base, to which the second argument is log'ed. It is defined in Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, section 4.1 |
transc3/ log |
This symbol represents a binary log function; the first argument is the base, to which the second argument is log'ed. It is defined in Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, section 4.1 |
directives1/ look_up |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a mathematical expression. When applied to a mathematical expression, it asks for mathematical expressions related to the argument. If the argument is a single OpenMath symbol, the service might respond by the list of all properties in the CD containing the argument. Alternatively, the service can provide a list of CDs which use the CD in which the argument occurs. Another service might return all documents in which the symbol occurs. If the argument is a more complicated object, the same services could be called for, but then with all OpenMath symbols occurring in the argument instead of the single one. |
physical_consts1/ Loschmidt_constant |
This symbol represents the number of particles per unit volume of an ideal gas at standard temperature and pressure. It is approximately 2.686763 * 10^(25) +/- 2.3 * 10^(20) per metre cubed. |
linalg5/ lower-Hessenberg |
This symbol represents a lower-Hessenberg matrix, it takes one argument, the argument is a vector of vectors representing the non-zero elements. The first element of the argument specifies the value of the first super-diagonal, the subsequent elements specify the value of the diagonal and subsequent subdiagonals, all other elements are zero. |
linalg5/ lower-triangular |
This symbol represents a lower-triangular matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of elements of the matrix. |
matrix1/ lower_band |
This symbol is a binary function whose first argument is a non-negative OpenMath integer which denotes the index of the lower band which is specified in the second argument. Hereby the first lower band is the one immediately below the main (generalised) diagonal, its starting coordinates relative to the top-left of the matrix thus are (2, 1). |
linalgspec2/ lower_Hessenberg |
This symbol represents a lower_Hessenberg matrix, it takes one argument, the argument is a vector of vectors representing the non-zero elements. The first element of the argument specifies the value of the first super-diagonal, the subsequent elements specify the value of the diagonal and subsequent subdiagonals, all other elements are zero. |
linalgspec1/ lower_triangular |
This symbol represents a lower-triangular matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of elements of the matrix. |
relation1/ lt |
This symbol represents the binary less than function which returns true if the first argument is less than the second, it returns false otherwise. |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ lumen |
This symbol represents an SI unit of luminous flux. It has the short symbol form, "lm". |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ luminous-flux |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of luminous flux. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of luminous flux is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, "Φv" (\phi; sub V). |
SI_BaseQuantities/ luminous-intensity |
This symbol represents the SI base quantity of luminous intensity. It has the short symbol form, "J". |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ lux |
This symbol represents an SI unit of illuminance. It has the short symbol form, "lx". |
ring3/ m_poly_ring |
This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument should be a ring and the second a list or a set. When evaluated on such arguments R and L, the function represents the free commutative ring over R generated by the elements (or entries) of L. This ring can also be viewed as the ring of polynomials over R with variables the elements of L. |
magma1/ magma |
This symbol is a constructor for magmas. It takes two arguments in the following order: a set to specify the elements in the magma and a binary operation to specify the magma operation. The binary operation should act on elements of the set and return an element of the set. |
semigroup1/ magma |
This symbol is a unary function. Its argument should be a semigroup S. When applied to S, it denotes the magma with the same element set and binary operation as S. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ magnetic-flux |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of magnetic flux. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of magnetic flux is commonly represented with the italic, upper case greek letter, "\Phi;". |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ magnetic-flux-density |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of magnetic flux density. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of magnetic flux density is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, "B". |
physical_consts1/ magnetic_constant |
This symbol represents the ratio of the magnetic flux density in a substance to the external field strength for vacuum. It is equal to 4 pi x 10^(-7) H/m. |
semigroup/ make_Semigroup |
The contructor for the tuples consisting of a setoid, and an associative binary operation. |
setoid/ make_Setoid |
The contructor for the tuples consisting of a set, an equivalence relation on the set, and a proof that the relation is actually an equivalence relation. |
list1/ map |
This symbol represents a mapping function which may be used to construct lists, it takes as arguments a function from X to Y and a list over X in that order. The value that is returned is a list of values in Y. The argument list may be a set or an integer_interval. |
list1/ map |
This symbol represents a mapping function which may be used to construct lists; it takes as arguments a function from X to Y and a list over X in that order. The value that is returned is a list of values in Y. The argument list may be a set or an integer_interval. |
list1/ map |
This symbol represents a mapping function which may be used to construct lists; it takes as arguments a function from X to Y and a list over X in that order. The value that is returned is a list of values in Y. The argument list may be a set or an integer_interval. |
set1/ map |
This symbol represents a mapping function which may be used to construct sets, it takes as arguments a function from X to Y and a set over X in that order. The value that is returned is a set of values in Y. The argument list may be a set or an integer_interval. |
set3/ map_with_condition |
This symbol represents a function with three arguments. The first argument is a function assignment f (in the form of a lambda binding), the second argument is a set X. The third argument specifies a Boolean function P on X defining the subset Z of X (so Z = {x in X| P(x)}) on which the first argument f is defined, The symbol is used to denote the image {f(x) | x in X and P(x)} of application of the function f on the elements of Z. |
set3/ map_with_target |
This symbol represents a function with three arguments. The first argument is a function assignment f (in the form of a lambda binding), the second argument is a set X on which the first argument f is defined. The third argument specifies the range Y of the function. The symbol is used to denote the image {f(x) in Y | x in X} of application of the function f on the elements of X (so as to form a subset of Y). |
set3/ map_with_target_and_condition |
This symbol represents a function with four arguments. The first argument is a function assignment f (in the form of a lambda binding), the second argument is a set X on which the first argument f is defined. The third argument specifies the range Y of the function. The fourth argument specifies a Boolean function P on X defining the subset Z of X (so Z = {x in X| P(x)}) on which the first argument f is defined, The symbol is used to denote the image {f(x) in Y | x in X and P(x)} of application of the function f on the elements of Z. |
monoid3/ maps_monoid |
This is a unary function whose argument must be a set X or a positive integer. When applied to X, it refers to the monoid of all functions from X to X if X is a set and to {1,...,X} if X is an integer, whose binary operation is composition of maps and whose identity element is the identity map on the set X, respectively {1,...,X}. |
semigroup3/ maps_semigroup |
This is a unary function whose argument must be a set X or a positive integer. When applied to X, it refers to the semigroup of all functions from X to X if X is a set and to {1,...,X} if X is an integer, whose binary operation is composition of maps and whose identity element is the identity map on the set X, respectively {1,...,X}. |
fns4/ maps_to |
This symbol denotes a binding constructor. The body of the binder should be a list [A1,A2] of length 2. It is used to represent a function assignment A1 -> A2, where the bound variables occur in A1 and possibly in A2. The expressions A1, A2 should represent objects uniquely determined by given values of the bound variables, wihtin the range of definition of the domain. |
lc/ mapsto |
The type constructor of non-dependant function space. The first n-1 children denote the types of the arguments, the last denotes the return type. Contrary to sts:mapsto, arguments cannot be variables but have to be OpenMath objects that map to ground OpenMath terms (they contain no variables). |
sts/ mapsto |
This symbol represents the construction of a function type. The first n-1 children denote the types of the arguments, the last denotes the return type. |
dimensions1/ mass |
This symbol represents the mass physical dimension. |
SI_BaseQuantities/ mass |
This symbol represents the SI base quantity of mass. It has the short symbol form, "M". |
altenc/ MathML_encoding |
A symbol which heads a piece of MathML encoding in an attribution. The MathML encoding is an XML encoding, and the details may be found at: http://www.w3.org/Math/Overview.html |
linalg2/ matrix |
This symbol is an n-ary matrix constructor which requires matrixrow's as arguments. It is used to represent matrices. |
linalg2col/ matrix |
This symbol is an n-ary matrix constructor which requires matrixcolumn's as arguments. It is used to represent matrices. |
linalg3/ matrix |
This symbol is an n-ary matrix constructor which requires matrixcolumn's as arguments. It is used to represent matrices. |
matrix1/ matrix |
This symbol is a binary function whose first argument must be a matrix algebra constructor and the second argument can be any of the below matrix entry constructors. Additionally it is possible to use the matrix constructors of the linalg2 or linalg3 CDs. |
sts2/ matrix |
A constructor for the type of a matrix |
matrix1/ matrix_domain |
This symbol is a ternary function, whose first argument should be a matrix1.entry_domain application. The second and third arguments must be matrix1.row_dimension and matrix1.column_dimension. When applied to these arguments this `creates' the domain of linear mappings between modules of specified dimensions over a common ground domain, conveniently represented by matrices. |
polyd/ matrix_ordering |
The argument is a matrix with as many columns as indeterminates (= rank). Each row in turm is multiplied by the column vector of exponents to produce a weighting for comparison purposes. |
polyd2/ matrix_ordering |
The argument is a matrix with as many columns as indeterminates (= rank). Each row in turm is multiplied by the column vector of exponents to produce a weighting for comparison purposes. |
ring3/ matrix_ring |
This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument is a positive integer n, the second is a ring R. When evaluated on such argument n and R, the function represents the ring of n x n matrices over R. |
linalg1/ matrix_selector |
This symbol represents the function which allows individual entries to be selected from a matrix. It takes three arguments, the first is the index of the row and the second is the index of the column of the required element, the third argument is the matrix in question. The indexing is one based, i.e. the element in the top left hand corner is indexed by (1,1). |
linalg6/ matrix_tensor |
This symbol denotes a n-nary function which is used to construct the tensor product matrix of its arguments, which must be matrices. |
linalg5/ matrix_to_list |
This symbol denotes a unary function. Its argument must be a matrix A. When applied to A it represents the list L whose i-th entry (for i=1,...rowcount(A)) is the lists L[i] whose j-th entry (for j=1,...columncount(A)) is the element A[i,j]. |
mathmltypes/ matrix_type |
A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type for a matrix (n tuple of rows, where each row is an m tuple for some m, it should be noted that each row must be the same length). |
linalg2col/ matrixcolumn |
This symbol is an n-ary constructor used to represent columns of matrices. Its arguments should be members of a ring. |
linalg3/ matrixcolumn |
This symbol is an n-ary constructor used to represent columns of matrices. Its arguments should be members of a ring. |
linalg2/ matrixrow |
This symbol is an n-ary constructor used to represent rows of matrices. Its arguments should be members of a ring. |
minmax1/ max |
This symbol denotes the unary maximum function which takes a set as its argument and returns the maximum element in that set. |
order1/ maximal_order |
This is a binary function, whose first argument is a Dedekind ring R and the second is a polynomial f. When applied to R and f, it returns the maximal order A among the orders of f (over the polynomial ring of R) in the quotient field of A. Note that the result is unique. |
s_data1/ mean |
This symbol represents an n-ary function denoting the mean of its arguments. That is, their sum divided by their number. |
s_dist1/ mean |
This symbol represents a unary function denoting the mean of a distribution. The argument is a univariate function to describe the distribution. That is, if f is the function describing the distribution. The mean is the expression integrate(x*f(x)) w.r.t. x over the range (-infinity,infinity). |
units_binaryprefix1/ mebi |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
s_data1/ median |
This symbol represents an n-ary function denoting the median of its arguments. That is, if the data were placed in ascending order then it denotes the middle one (in the case of an odd amount of data) or the average of the middle two (in the case of an even amount of data). |
units_siprefix1/ mega |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
SI_BaseUnits1/ metre |
This symbol represents the measure of one metre of length, the standard SI unit of measure for quantities of length or physical distance. It has the short symbol form, "m", in upright roman font. |
units_metric1/ metre |
This symbol represents the measure of one metre. This is the standard SI unit measure for physical distance. |
units_metric1/ metre_sqrd |
This symbol represents the measure of one metre squared. This is the standard SI measure for physical area. |
units_metric1/ metres_per_second |
This symbol represents the measure of one metre per second. This is the standard SI measure for speed. |
units_metric1/ metres_per_second_sqrd |
This symbol represents the measure of one metre per second squared. This is the standard SI measure for acceleration. |
tensor1/ metric_tensor |
This symbol represents the metric tensor, typically depicted using a lower case g. The metric tensor is a nondegenerate, symmetric bilinear form. It defines the ideas of leng th and angle in a metric space, the most common example being the Euclidean metric. The square of a differential length, ds*ds, is given by the bilinear product of the coordinate differentials, dx^i, with the metric tensor. |
units_siprefix1/ micro |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
plangeo3/ midpoint |
The midpoint between two points or two endpoints of a segment. |
ThreeDgeo1/ midpoint |
The symbol is used to indicate the midpoint of a segment in 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry by a variable. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the segment as second argument. |
units_imperial1/ mile |
This symbol represents the measure of one (land, or statute) mile. This is a standard imperial measure for distance, defined in terms of the foot. |
units_us1/ mile_us_survey |
This symbol represents the measure of one U.S. Survey mile. |
units_imperial1/ miles_per_hr |
This symbol represents the measure of one mile per hour. This is a standard imperial measure for speed. |
units_imperial1/ miles_per_hr_sqrd |
This symbol represents the measure of one mile per hour squared. This is a standard imperial measure for acceleration. |
units_siprefix1/ milli |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
minmax1/ min |
This symbol denotes the unary minimum function which takes a set as its argument and returns the minimum element in that set. |
polygb2/ minimal_groebner_element |
This symbol is a function with 3 arguments. First argument is a list of variables, the second is an ordering, the third is a list B of polynomials. [Optionally, the fourth is a polynomial ring.] When applied to its arguments, it represents the polynomial in the Groebner basis of B with respect to the ordering with the least leading monomial. |
finfield1/ minimal_polynomial |
This symbol represents a function with one or two arguments. Its first argument should be an element x of a finite field F. The second argument should be a subfield K of F. It returns the minimal polynomial of x over K. If there is only one argument, K defaults to the prime subfield of F. |
linalgpoly1/ minimum_poly |
This symbol represents a binary function. This first argument should be a square matrix A defined over a field F, the second argument a variable X. When applied to A and X, it represents the minimum polynomial of A in the variable X over the field F. (The output should be semantically equivalent to an object obtained by the poly_ring_d_named constructor of the CD polyd1.) |
arith1/ minus |
The symbol representing a binary minus function. This is equivalent to adding the additive inverse. |
field1/ minus |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a field S. It returns the map sending an element of S to its additive inverse. |
opnode/ minus |
A constant value, constructs the minus for subtraction nodes. |
polyd1/ minus |
The sum. The argument is a DMPL. The sum lies within the same "poly_ring_d", i.e., a program implementing this operation should return a DMP with the same "poly_ring_d". |
test-x/ minus |
The symbol representing a binary minus function. This is equivalent to adding the additive inverse. |
hypergeon0/ minus_part |
The argument is a vector. It replaces positive elements in the vector to zero and negative elements to their absolute values. |
linalg1p/ minus_part |
The argument is a vector. It replaces positive elements in the vector to zero and negative elements to their absolute values. |
SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1/ minute |
This symbol represents the measure of one minute of time. It has the short symbol form, "min". |
units_time1/ minute |
This symbol represents the measure of one minute of time. |
SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1/ minute-of-arc |
This symbol represents the angular measure of one minute of arc. It has the short symbol form, "'". |
graph3/ mixedgraph |
This symbol represents a mixed graph. It takes three arguments: the vertex set of the graph, the set of undirected edges, and the set of directed edges (a.k.a. arrows or arcs). The vertices can be arbitrary OpenMath objects. Each undirected edge should be a set consisting of two vertices; each directed edge should be a list consisting of two vertices. |
s_data1/ mode |
This symbol represents an n-ary function denoting the mode of its arguments. That is the value which occurs with the greatest frequency. |
integer2/ modulo_relation |
This symbol represents a univariate function, whose argument should be an integer. When applied to an integer m, it denotes the equivalence relation of being equal modulo m on Z. |
polynomial2/ modulo_relation |
This symbol represents a univariate function, whose argument should be a polynomial. When applied to a polynomial m, it denotes the equivalence relation of being equal modulo m. |
logic3/ ModusPonens |
This symbol represents the generation of a line of a proof by application of Modus Ponens. The first argument is the new well-formed formula (B), the second is the line number in the proof for A and the third is the line number in the proof for A implies B. |
physical_consts1/ mole |
This symbol represents the number of atoms in one gramme of carbon(12). |
SI_BaseUnits1/ mole |
This symbol represents the measure of one mole, the standard SI unit measure for quantities of amount of substance. It has the short symbol form, "mol", in upright roman font. |
s_data1/ moment |
This symbol is used to denote the i'th moment of a set of data. The first argument should be the degree of the moment (that is, for the i'th moment the first argument should be i), the second argument should be the point about which the moment is being taken and the rest of the arguments are treated as the data. For n data values x_1, x_2, ..., x_n the i'th moment about c is (1/n) ((x_1-c)^i + (x_2-c)^i + ... + (x_n-c)^i). See CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, editor: Dan Zwillinger, CRC Press Inc., 1996, section 7.7.1. |
s_dist1/ moment |
This symbol represents a ternary function to denote the i'th moment of a distribution. The first argument should be the degree of the moment (that is, for the i'th moment the first argument should be i), the second argument is the value about which the moment is to be taken and the third argument is a univariate function to describe the distribution. That is, if f is the function which describe the distribution. The i'th moment of f about a is the integral of (x-a)^i*f(x) with respect to x, over the interval (-infinity,infinity). |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ moment-of-force |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of force. |
dimensions1/ momentum |
This symbol represents the momentum physical dimension, it is mass times velocity. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ momentum |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of momentum. |
algebraic_cats/ monoid |
This is the constructor for monoids. A monoid comprises a set and an operation over elements of the set. The set must contain a unique identity element (relative to the operation). That is an element, I, such that I*a=a*I=a where a represents an arbitrary element of S and * represents the operation. The operation * must be associative over S. The monoid constructor takes three arguments, the set of the monoid, a binary function taking two elements of the set into itself to represent the operation of the monoid and an element of the set to represent the identity of the monoid. |
generic_alg_cats/ monoid |
This Symbol represents the generic category of monoid. |
group1/ monoid |
This symbol is a unary function, whose argument should be a group G. When applied to G its value is the monoid underlying G. |
monoid1/ monoid |
This symbol is a constructor for monoids. It takes three arguments in the following order: a set to specify the elements in the monoid, a binary operation to specify the monoid operation, and an element to specify the identity. The binary operation should act on elements of the set and return an element of the set. |
algebraic_cats/ monoid_identity |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a monoid, it returns the identity of the monoid. |
algebraic_cats/ monoid_operation |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a monoid, it returns the operation of the monoid. |
algebraic_cats/ monoid_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a monoid, it returns the set of the monoid. |
polyslp/ monte_carlo_eq |
This is a Monte-Carlo equality test, it takes three arguments, the first two are slps representing polynomials, the third argument is the maximum probability of incorrectness that is required of the equality test. (Monte-Carlo equality tests are very important for slps as they offer the only tractable method of solving the equality problem in many cases) |
hypergeon2/ multi_pochhammer |
multi_pochhammer is a product of pochhammer symbols. |
hypergeon0/ multi_power |
multi_power is for using the multi-index notation. |
poly1p/ multi_power |
multi_power is for using the multi-index notation. |
combinat1/ multinomial |
The multinomial coefficient, multinomial(n, n1, ... nk) is the number of ways of choosing ni objects of type i (i from 1 to k) without regard to order, in such a way that the total number of objects chosen is n. multinomial(n, n1, ... nk) is equal to n!/(n1!*n2! ...*nk!). |
field1/ multiplication |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a field S. It returns the multiplication map on the field. We allow for the map to be n-ary. |
group1/ multiplication |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a group G. It returns the multiplication map on G. We allow for the map to be n-ary. |
magma1/ multiplication |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a magma G. It returns the multiplication map on G. We allow for the map to be n-ary. |
monoid1/ multiplication |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a monoid M. It returns the multiplication map on M. We allow for the map to be n-ary. |
ring1/ multiplication |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a ring S. It returns the multiplication map on S. We allow for the map to be n-ary. |
semigroup1/ multiplication |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a semigroup S. It returns the multiplication map on S. We allow for the map to be n-ary. |
field1/ multiplicative_group |
This symbol is a unary function, whose argument should be a field S. When applied to S its value is the multiplicative group on the nonzero elements of S. |
ring3/ multiplicative_group |
This is a unary function, whose argument is a ring R. When applied to R, it denotes the group of invertible elements of R with respect to the multiplication on R. |
ring1/ multiplicative_monoid |
This symbol is a unary function, whose argument should be a ring S. When applied to S its value is the monoid underlying S. |
polynomial4/ multiplicity |
A symbol which represents the multiplicity of a factor in a factorisation and takes exactly one argument which must be a positive integer. |
multiset1/ multiset |
This symbol represents the multiset construct. It is either an n-ary function, in which case the multiset entries are given explicitly, or it works on an elements construct. There is no implied ordering to the elements of a multiset. |
aggregate_cats/ multisetType |
This symbol represents the type of multisets. |
setname1/ N |
This symbol represents the set of natural numbers (including zero). |
meta/ Name |
An element containing the string corresponding to the name of the symbol being defined. This must match the syntax for symbol names given in the OpenMath Standard. Here and elsewhere white space occurring at the begining or end of the string will be ignored. |
nums1/ NaN |
A symbol to convey the notion of not-a-number. The result of an ill-posed floating computation. See IEEE standard for floating point representations. |
logic1/ nand |
This symbol represents the logical nand function which is an n-ary function taking boolean arguments and returning a boolean value. It is false if all arguments are true or true otherwise. |
units_siprefix1/ nano |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
sts/ nary |
Constructs a child of mapsto which denotes an arbitrary number of copies of the argument of nary. |
sts/ nassoc |
Constructs a child of mapsto which denotes an arbitrary number of copies of the argument of nassoc. The operator is associative on these arguments which means that repeated uses may be flattened/unflattened. |
ring1/ negation |
This symbol represents a unary function, whose argument should be a ring S. It returns the map sending an element of S to its additive inverse. |
SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1/ neper |
This symbol represents the dimensionless measure of one neper, the natural unit for representing logarithms of ratios of field amplitudes, such as voltage or pressure. It has the short symbol form, "Np". |
relation1/ neq |
This symbol represents the binary inequality function. |
integer2/ neqmod |
This symbol represents a Boolean valued trivariate function, whose arguments should be integers. When applied to integers a, b, m, it denotes the Boolean evalue of the assertion that a and b are not equal modulo m. |
polynomial2/ neqmod |
This symbol represents a Boolean valued trivariate function, whose arguments should be polynomials. When applied to polynomials a, b, m, it denotes the Boolean evalue of the assertion that a and b are not equal modulo m. |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ newton |
This symbol represents an SI unit of force. It has the short symbol form, "N". |
units_metric1/ Newton |
This symbol represents the measure of one Newton. This is the standard SI measure for force. |
units_metric1/ Newton_per_sqr_metre |
This symbol represents the measure of one Newton per square metre. This is another (deprecated in OpenMath) name for the standard SI measure for pressure, the Pascal. |
list2/ nil |
The empty list |
list2/ nil |
The empty list |
scscp2/ no_such_transient_cd |
Used for errors that arise when the client asks for a transient cd that the server cannot handle. |
polyslp/ node_selector |
Takes an slp as the first argument, the second argument is the position of the required node. Returns the node of the slp at this position. |
algebraic_cats/ non_commutative_ring |
This symbol is the constructor for non commutative rings, these are rings over which the * operator is not commutative. the non_commutative_ring constructor takes five arguments: The set of the non-commutative ring. A binary function into itself to represent the multiplication operation, *. A binary function into itself to represent the addition operation, +. A member of the set of the non-commutative ring to specify the additive identity, 0. And a unary function taking the set of the non-commutative ring into itself to represent the additive inverses of the non-commutative ring (i.e. inverses under +, or negatives). |
generic_alg_cats/ non_commutative_ring |
This Symbol represents the generic category of non-commutative ring. |
algebraic_cats/ non_commutative_ring_negative |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a non-commutative ring. It returns a unary function, which represents the multiplicative inverse of the non-commutative ring. |
algebraic_cats/ non_commutative_ring_plus |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a non-commutative ring. It returns a binary function, which represents the additive function of the non-commutative ring. |
algebraic_cats/ non_commutative_ring_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a non-commutative ring. It returns the set of the non-commutative ring. |
algebraic_cats/ non_commutative_ring_times |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a non-commutative ring. It returns a binary function, which represents the multiplicative function of the non-commutative ring. |
algebraic_cats/ non_commutative_ring_zero |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a non-commutative ring. It returns the zero of the non-commutative ring. |
aggregate_cats/ non_continuousSetType |
This symbol represents the type of non-continuous sets. |
equations1/ non_linear |
A predicate to indicate that an equation or system of equations is non-linear, i.e. contains terms of order greater than 1. |
patterns/ none_of |
This symbol represents a pattern constructor for matching the complement of its arguments. |
linalg6/ nonZeroRowSparseMatrix |
This symbol may be used for representing matrices, it is designed for efficiently representing sparse matrices where every row has at least one non-zero entry. This is an n+1 ary symbol, where n is the number of rows in the matrix. The first argument must be the number of columns in the matrix, every following argument of the symbol must be an application of a sparseMatrixRow symbol which has arguments which are sparseMatrixElement2, one sparseMatrixElement2 element for each row in the matrix, in the order in which they occur in the matrix. Any non-specified entry is implicitly zero. |
linalgspars1/ nonZeroRowSparseMatrix |
This symbol may be used for representing matrices, it is designed for efficiently representing sparse matrices where every row has at least one non-zero entry. This is an n+1 ary symbol, where n is the number of rows in the matrix. The first argument must be the number of columns in the matrix, every following argument of the symbol must be an application of a sparseMatrixRow symbol which has arguments which are sparseMatrixElement2, one sparseMatrixElement2 element for each row in the matrix, in the order in which they occur in the matrix. Any non-specified entry is implicitly zero. |
linalg6/ nonZeroRowSparseMatrix01 |
This symbol may be used to represent matrices which have no zero rows, and for which every row is in Z_2 efficiently. The first argument is the number of columns in the matrix, the following arguments are sparseMatrixRow elements where the arguments are sparseMatrixElement4 elements. Any non-specified entry is implicitly zero. |
linalgspars1/ nonZeroRowSparseMatrix01 |
This symbol may be used to represent matrices which have no zero rows, and for which every row is in Z_2 efficiently. The first argument is the number of columns in the matrix, the following arguments are sparseMatrixRow elements where the arguments are sparseMatrixElement4 elements. Any non-specified entry is implicitly zero. |
logic1/ nor |
This symbol represents the logical nor function which is an n-ary function taking boolean arguments and returning a boolean value. It is false if any of the arguments are true or true otherwise. |
ThreeDgeo2/ normal |
The symbol represents a binary boolean function with a line as first argument and a plane as second argument. Its value is true whenever the first argument is normal to the second. |
gp1/ normal_closure |
The binary function whose value is the set of conjugates of the elements of the second group by elements of the first, where multiplication between them is defined. |
group1/ normal_closure |
The binary function whose value is the set of conjugates of the elements of the second group by elements of the first, where multiplication between them is defined. |
group3/ normalizer |
This symbols represents a binary function whose first argument should be a group G and whose second argument should be a set of elements or a subgroup L of the group G. Its value is the subgroup of G of all elements normalizing L. |
logic1/ not |
This symbol represents the logical not function which takes one boolean argument, and returns the opposite boolean value. |
multiset1/ notin |
This symbol has two arguments, an element and a multiset. It is used to denote that the element is not in the given multiset. |
set1/ notin |
This symbol has two arguments, an element and a set. It is used to denote that the element is not in the given set. |
multiset1/ notprsubset |
This symbol has two (multiset) arguments. It is used to denote that the first multiset is not a proper subset of the second. A proper subset of a multiset is a subset of the multiset but not actually equal to it. |
set1/ notprsubset |
This symbol has two (set) arguments. It is used to denote that the first set is not a proper subset of the second. A proper subset of a set is a subset of the set but not actually equal to it. |
multiset1/ notsubset |
This symbol has two (multiset) arguments. It is used to denote that the first multiset is not a subset of the second. |
set1/ notsubset |
This symbol has two (set) arguments. It is used to denote that the first set is not a subset of the second. |
calculus1/ nthdiff |
This symbol is used to express the nth-iterated ordinary differentiation of a unary function. The first argument is n, and the second the unary function. |
calculus1/ nthdiff |
This symbol is used to express the nth-iterated ordinary differentiation of a unary function. The first argument is n, and the second the unary function. |
calculus1/ nthpartialdiff |
This symbol is used to express the nth-iterated partial differentiation of a function of more than one variable. It has three arguments, the first is a list of positive integers which index the variables of the function, the second is a list of integers which specify the order of differentiation with respect to the corresponding variable, the third argument is the function. Application of the symbol should be taken as meaning the following: differentiation of the third argument with respect to the variables indexed by the first argument. The orders of differentiation are specified by the second argument, in the following manner: The i'th element of the second argument is the order of differentiation of the variable indexed by the i'th element of the first argument. |
limit1/ null |
This symbol is used within a limit construct to avoid specifying the method of approach to the limit. It takes no arguments. |
SI_functions1/ num |
The symbol to represent the function to return the numerical value of a quantity in terms of a product of powers of SI base units. |
order1/ number_field |
This symbol is a constructor for number fields. It takes two arguments in the following order: a ring R and a monic irreducible univariate polynomial f. If the ring R is Z (or Q), it returns the absolute number field. Otherwise it returns the relative number field over the number field whose ring of integers is R. This symbol is intended to be used in upcoming CDs for e.g. describing discriminants of number fields, or Galois groups, unit groups, class groups, regulators, etc.; all useful number theoretical notions. |
sts/ NumericalValue |
Denotes an OpenMath object that is to be thought of as something that represents a numerical value, or a numerical value. |
asymp1/ O |
The O symbol represents a unary function which constructs a set of certain functions of type reals to reals. The condition f(n)=O(g(n)) is intended to express an upper bound condition on f. |
asymp1/ o |
The o symbol represents a unary function which constructs a set of certain functions of type reals to positive reals. The condition f(n) = o(g(n)) is intended to express a lower bouund condition on f. Formally we say that f(n) = o(g(n)) if and only if the limit as n tends to infinity of f(n)/g(n) exists and is equal to 0. |
sts/ Object |
Denotes any OpenMath object. |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ ohm |
This symbol represents an SI unit of electrical resistance. It has the short symbol form, "\Omega;". |
asymp1/ omega |
The omega symbol represents a unary function which constructs a set of certain functions of type reals to positive reals. The omega symbol represents a set of functions such that for any function in the set omega(g(x)), f(x); it is not true that f(x) is in o(g(x)). Formally we say that f(x) = omega(g(x)) if and only if there is an epsilon > 0 and an infinite sequence x_1, x_2, x_3, ... such that for all j then abs(f(x_j)) > epsilon * g(x_j). |
asymp1/ Omega |
The Omega symbol represents a unary function which constructs a set of certain functions of type reals to positive reals. The Omega symbol represents a set of functions such that for any function in the set Omega(g(x)), f(x); it is not true that f(x) is in O(g(x)). |
omtypes/ omtype |
The type of symbolic type symtype |
alg1/ one |
This symbol represents the multiplicative identity element. |
alg1/ one |
This symbol represents the multiplicative identity element. |
SI_BaseQuantities/ one |
This symbol represents the proposed SI base quantity of dimension one, or the dimensionless quantity. It has the short symbol form, "1". |
SI_BaseUnits1/ one |
This symbol represents the dimensionless unit corresponding to the dimensionless quantity dimension. It has the short symbol form, "1". |
linalg1p/ ones |
It returns a vector of a specifed size of which elements are one. 1-ary function. |
polyslp/ op_node |
This constructor takes three arguments. The first argument is a symbol from opnode, meant to specify whether the node is a plus, minus times or divide node, the second and third arguments are integers, which are the numbers of the lines which are the arguments of the operation |
scscp1/ option_debuglevel |
An option, to be given along with a procedure call, describing the amount of debug information the client is interested in. Should be an integer. |
scscp1/ option_max_memory |
An option, to be given along with a procedure call, describing the maximum amount of memory (in bytes) the system should spend on this call. |
scscp1/ option_min_memory |
An option, to be given along with a procedure call, describing the minimum amount of memory (in bytes) the system should be able to spend on this call. The idea is that in certain cases we know in advance that we will need a large amount of memory. If the system will never be able to provide that, it would be a waste of time and resources to even start the computation. |
scscp1/ option_return_cookie |
An option, to be given along with a procedure call, indicating that the client would like to have a cookie (i.e. a reference to an OpenMath object residing somewhere) as return value. |
scscp1/ option_return_nothing |
An option, to be given along with a procedure call, indicating that the client expects no return value. |
scscp1/ option_return_object |
An option, to be given along with a procedure call, indicating that the client would like to have the actual OpenMath object as return value. |
scscp1/ option_runtime |
An option, to be given along with a procedure call, describing the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) the system should spend on this call. |
logic1/ or |
This symbol represents the logical or function which is an n-ary function taking boolean arguments and returning a boolean value. It is true if any of the arguments are true or false otherwise. |
permgp1/ orbit |
The binary function whose first argument should be a permutation group G. If the second argument is an element of the support of G, the value is the orbit of the second argument under the action of G. Otherwise, it is the singleton consisting of the second argument. |
permgrp/ orbit |
The binary function whose value is the set of integers which are in the orbit of the second argument under the action of the first argument which is a permutation group. |
permgp1/ orbits |
This is a function with one argument, which should be a permutation group. When evaluated at a permutation group G, it returns the set of all orbits of G on elements from the support of G. |
integer2/ ord |
This symbol denotes a binary function. Its first argument shoud be a prime number p, the second an integer n. When applied to p and n, it represents the highest power of p occurring in a factorization of n. |
order1/ order |
This is a binary function, whose first argument is a Dedekind ring R and the second is a polynomial f. When applied to R and f, it returns an order of f over the polynomial ring R: it is a ring A containing R, which is finitely generated R-module with no nilpotent non-zero ideal and as a R-module it is torsion-free. Note that the result is not unique. Also this function allows to compute an order of a polynomial over another polynomial ring. The idea behind this computation is to coerce f into the polynomial ring of R and then compute the order. |
permgp1/ order |
This is a function with one argument, which should be a permutation group. When evaluated with argument G it returns the size of the group G. |
permutation1/ order |
This symbol is a function with one argument which should be a permutation. When applied to a permutation P, it represents the least positive integer n for which composition of n copies of P represents the identity (that is, a permutation with empty support). Note: in this definition of the order, it does not matter whether left_compose or right_compose is being used. |
permutation1/ order |
This symbol is a function with one argument which should be a permutation. When applied to a permutation P, it represents the least positive integer n for which composition of n copies of P represents the identity (that is, a permutation with empty support). Note: in this definition of the order, it does not matter whether left_compose or right_compose is being used. |
relation0/ order |
Proposition; the type of order relations, namely relations that are reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_Abelian_group |
This symbol is the constructor for ordered Abelian groups, that is an Abelian group on which there is an ordering relation. The ordered_Abelian_group constructor takes five arguments, the set of the ordered Abelian group, a binary function taking two elements of the set into itself to represent the operation of the ordered Abelian group, an element of the set to represent the identity of the ordered Abelian group, a unary function taking the set into itself to specify inverse elements and a binary function taking two elements of the set into the booleans to specify the ordering of the ordered Abelian group. |
generic_alg_cats/ ordered_Abelian_group |
This Symbol represents the generic category of ordered Abelian group. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_Abelian_group_identity |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered Abelian group. It returns the identity of the ordered Abelian group. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_Abelian_group_inverse |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered Abelian group. It returns a unary function, which is the inverse function of the ordered Abelian group. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_Abelian_group_operation |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered Abelian group. It returns a binary function, which represents the operation of the ordered Abelian group. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_Abelian_group_order |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered Abelian group. It returns a binary function, which should represent the ordering of the ordered Abelian group. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_Abelian_group_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered Abelian group. It returns the set of the ordered Abelian group. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_Abelian_monoid |
This symbol is the constructor for ordered Abelian monoids, that is Abelian monoids on which there is an ordering relation. The ordered_Abelian_monoid constructor takes four arguments, the set of the ordered Abelian monoid, a binary function taking two elements of the set into itself to represent the operation of the ordered Abelian monoid, an element of the set to represent the identity of the ordered Abelian monoid and a binary function taking two elements of the set into the booleans to represent the ordering of the ordered Abelian monoid. |
generic_alg_cats/ ordered_Abelian_monoid |
This Symbol represents the generic category of ordered Abelian monoid. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_Abelian_monoid_identity |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered Abelian monoid. It returns an element of the set of the ordered Abelian monoid, which should be the identity of the ordered Abelian monoid. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_Abelian_monoid_operation |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered Abelian monoid. It returns a binary function between elements of the set of the ordered Abelian monoid, which should represent the operation of the ordered Abelian monoid. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_Abelian_monoid_order |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered Abelian monoid. It returns a binary function between elements of the set of the ordered Abelian monoid, which should represent the ordering relation on the ordered Abelian monoid. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_Abelian_monoid_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered Abelian monoid. It returns a set which should be the set of the ordered Abelian monoid. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_group |
This symbol is the constructor for ordered groups, that is a group on which there is an ordering relation. The ordered_group constructor takes five arguments, the set of the ordered group, a binary function taking two elements of the set into itself to represent the operation of the ordered group, an element of the set to represent the identity of the ordered group, a unary function taking the set into itself to specify inverse elements of the ordered group and a binary function taking two elements of the set into the booleans to specify the ordering of the ordered group. |
generic_alg_cats/ ordered_group |
This Symbol represents the generic category of ordered group. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_group_identity |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered group. It returns the identity of the ordered group. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_group_inverse |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered group. It returns a unary function, which is the inverse function of the ordered group. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_group_operation |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered group. It returns a binary function, which represents the operation of the ordered group. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_group_order |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered group. It returns a binary function, which represents the ordering of the ordered group. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_group_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered group. It returns the set of the ordered group. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_monoid |
This is the constructor for ordered monoids, that is monoids on which there is an ordering relation. The ordered_monoid constructor takes four arguments, the set of the ordered monoid, a binary function taking two elements of the set into itself to represent the operation of the ordered monoid, an element of the set to represent the identity of the ordered monoid and a binary function taking two elements of the set into the booleans to represent the ordering on the ordered monoid. |
generic_alg_cats/ ordered_monoid |
This Symbol represents the generic category of ordered monoid. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_monoid_identity |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered monoid. It returns an element of the set of the ordered monoid, which should be the identity of the ordered monoid. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_monoid_operation |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered monoid. It returns a binary function between elements of the set of the ordered monoid, which should represent the operation of the ordered monoid. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_monoid_order |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered monoid. It returns a binary function between elements of the set of the ordered monoid, which should represent the ordering relation on the ordered monoid. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_monoid_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered monoid. It returns a set which should be the set of the ordered monoid. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_ring |
This symbol is the constructor for ordered rings, that is a ring on which there is an ordering relation. The ordered_ring constructor takes six arguments, the set of the ordered ring, a binary function from the set into itself to represent the multiplicative operation (*), a binary function from the set into itself to represent the additive operation (+), an element of the set of the ordered ring to represent the additive identity 0, a unary function from the set into itself to represent additive inverses (i.e. inverses under +, or negatives) and a binary function from the set into the booleans to represent the ordering relation. |
generic_alg_cats/ ordered_ring |
This Symbol represents the generic category of ordered ring. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_ring_negative |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered ring. It returns a unary function to represent the additive inverse function of the ordered ring. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_ring_order |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered ring. It returns a binary function, which represents the order function on the ordered ring. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_ring_plus |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered ring. It returns a binary function, which represents the additive operation of the ordered ring. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_ring_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered ring. It returns the set of the ordered ring. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_ring_times |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered ring. It returns a binary function, which represents the multiplicative operation of the ordered ring. |
algebraic_cats/ ordered_ring_zero |
This symbol takes one argument which should be an ordered ring. It returns the zero of the ordered ring. |
polyd/ ordering |
Used as an attribute to indicate an ordering of the terms in a polynomial or list of polynomials. The value of this attribute should be one of the constructors specifying ordering. |
polyd2/ ordering |
Used as an attribute to indicate an ordering of the monomials in a polynomial or list of polynomials. The value of this attribute should be one of the constructors specifying ordering. |
interval1/ oriented_interval |
A symbol to denote a continuous 1-dimensional interval without any information about the character of the end points (used in definite integration). The arguments are the start and the end points of the integration, in either order. |
mathmlattr/ other |
A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify the MathML "other" attribute of the object. The annotation should be an OpenMath string representing the value of the other attribute. |
piece1/ otherwise |
This symbol introduces the 'default' value of a piecewise construct. If none of the previous piece constructs can provide the value, this will. It has a single child, the value. |
linalg1/ outerproduct |
This symbol represents the outer product function. It takes two vector arguments and returns a matrix. It is defined as follows: if we write the {i,j}'th element of the matrix to be returned as m_{i,j}, then: m_{i,j}=a_i * b_j where a_i,b_j are the i'th and j'th elements of a, b respectively. |
setname1/ P |
This symbol represents the set of positive prime numbers. |
ecc/ Pair |
The pairing constructor. It takes two OpenMath objects as first element and second element of the pair, and a third optional OpenMath object that represents the type of the pair. |
ecc/ PairProj1 |
The first projection function that extracts the first component of a Pair. It satisfies the sigma-reduction rule. |
ecc/ PairProj2 |
The second projection function that extracts the second component of a Pair. It satisfies sigma-reduction rule. |
plangeo3/ parallel |
parallel is a binary boolean function with input two lines, halflines or segments. Its value is true whenever the two inputs are parallel. |
relation0/ partial_equivalence |
Proposition; the type of partial_equivalence relations, namely relations that are symmetric, and transitive. |
calculus1/ partialdiff |
This symbol is used to express partial differentiation of a function of more than one variable. It has two arguments, the first is a list of integers which index the variables of the function, the second is the function. |
calculus1/ partialdiff |
This symbol is used to express partial differentiation of a function of more than one variable. It has two arguments, the first is a list of positive integers which index the variables of the function, the second is the function. Application of the symbol should be taken as meaning the first partial differentiation of the function (the second argument) in each one of the variables indexed by the list of integers (its first argument). |
weylalgebra1/ partialdiff |
partial differentiation of a given function. |
calculus1/ partialdiffdegree |
This symbol is used to express partial differentiation of a function of more than one variable. It has three arguments, the first is a list of integers which give the degrees by which the function is differentiated by the corresponding variable. The second is the total degree (which should therefore be the sum of the values in the first list, but may be given symbolically). The third is the function. |
poly/ partially_factored |
The constructor for a factorization. Its arguments are formal powers (see operator above), where nothing in particular is assumed about the polynomials (they may or may not be irreducible, or relatively prime). |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ pascal |
This symbol represents an SI unit of pressure. It has the short symbol form, "Pa". |
units_metric1/ Pascal |
This symbol represents the measure of one Newton per square metre. This is the standard SI measure for pressure. |
intpath1/ path_in_sector |
The symbol path_in_sector(c,t1,t2) is an outgoing path in a sufficiently small sector with the center c and the angles t1 and t2. The path starts from the point c and it is sufficiently short. When the center is intpath1.infty, the angle should be given in the coordinate t=1/z. |
intpath1/ path_in_sector2 |
The symbol path_in_sector2(c,t1,t2,z0) is an outgoing path in the sector with the center c and the angles t1 and t2. The path is the segment from the point c to the point z0 which lies in the sector. |
units_binaryprefix1/ pebi |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
permutation1/ perm |
This symbol is an n-ary function. Its arguments should be positive integers. When applied to arguments a_1,...,a_n, the resulting value is the permutation mapping i to a_i. |
permut1/ permutation |
The n-ary constructor permutation. The arguments are the integers 1 .. n in some order. permutation(p1, ..., pn) is the function which takes 1 to p1, 2 to p2 and so on. |
permutation1/ permutation |
This symbol is an n-ary constructor whose arguments are cycles of length at least 2 with the property that all entries of all cycles are mutually distinct. The permutation symbol constructs a bijective map from the set X of entries of the cycles to X. The map is defined as follows: if E occurs as an entry of a cycle, then the permutation maps E to the entry following E in the same cycle if it exists and to the first entry in the same cycle otherwise. When applied to an element y outside X, the constructed permutation is considered to fix y. |
permutation1/ permutation |
This symbols is an n-ary function whose arguments are cycles of length at least 2 with the property that all entries of all cycles are mutually distinct. The permutation symbol constructs a bijective map from the set X of entries of the cycles to X. The map is defined as follows: if E occurs as an entry of a cycle, then the permutation maps E to the entry following E in the same cycle if it exists and to the first entry in the same cycle otherwise. |
permutation1/ permutationsn |
This symbol is a unary function. Its argument should be a positive integer. When applied to argument n, the resulting value is the set of all permutations of the set {1,..., n}. |
plangeo3/ perpbisector |
Given two distinct points A and B, this is the line of all points at equal distance to both A and B. |
plangeo3/ perpendicular |
perpendicular is a binary boolean function with input two lines, halflines or segments. Its value is true whenever the two inputs are perpendicular to each other. |
ThreeDgeo2/ perpendicular |
The symbol represents a binary boolean function with input two lines or segments. Its value is true whenever the first argument is perpendicular to the second. |
plangeo3/ perpline |
Given a point p and a line L, this defines the line through p perpendicular to L. |
units_siprefix1/ peta |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
nums1/ pi |
A symbol to convey the notion of pi, approximately 3.142. The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. |
units_siprefix1/ pico |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
piece1/ piece |
This introduces an individual component of a piecewise definition. It has precisely two arguments: the first is the value, and the second is a Boolean (meant to be a predicate) which is true if and only if this piece is to provide the value of the piecewise construct. |
piece1/ piecewise |
This operator heads an expression that is being defined piecewise. Its arguments are n objects built with the piece constructor, optionally followed by one built with otherwise constructor. |
fns3/ piecewise_continuous |
A predicate to indicate that a function is piecewise continuous everywhere, i.e. continuous at all but a finite number of points in its domain. |
fns3/ piecewise_continuous_on |
A predicate to indicate that a function is continuous at all but a finite number of points in a region. |
aggregate_cats/ piecewiseContinuousSetType |
This symbol represents the type of piecewise continuous sets. |
units_imperial1/ pint |
This symbol represents the measure of one (imperial) pint. This is the standard imperial measure for volume. See units_us1 for the U.S. pint. |
units_us1/ pint_us_dry |
This symbol represents the measure of one U.S. dry pint. |
units_us1/ pint_us_liquid |
This symbol represents the measure of one U.S. liquid pint. |
lc/ PiType |
The type constructor of dependant function space. It binds the (type-attributed) variables in the body, that is an OpenMath object. |
FundamentalPhysicalConstants1/ Planck-charge |
The Planck charge is defined to be sqrt(h-bar*c*4*pi*eps0). Its value derived from measurement is 1.875545870(47) * 10^−18 coulomb. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, "q", subscripted with an upright capital "P". |
FundamentalPhysicalConstants1/ Planck-constant |
This symbol represents the fundamental constant equal to the ratio of the energy of a photon to its frequency. By measurement it is found to be approximately equal to 6.62606896(33)*10^(-34) J s [CODATA 2006]. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, "h". |
FundamentalPhysicalConstants1/ Planck-length |
The Planck length is defined to be sqrt(h-bar*G/(c^3)). Its value derived from measurement is 1.616252(81) * 10^−35 metre. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, "l", subscripted with an upright capital "P". |
FundamentalPhysicalConstants1/ Planck-mass |
The Planck mass is defined to be sqrt(h-bar*c/G). Its value derived from measurement is 2.17644(11) * 10^−8 kilogram. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, "m", subscripted with an upright capital "P". |
FundamentalPhysicalConstants1/ Planck-temperature |
The Planck temperature is defined to be sqrt(h-bar*c^5/(G*k^3)). Its value derived from measurement is 1.416785(71) × 10^32 kelvin. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, "T", subscripted with an upright capital "P". |
FundamentalPhysicalConstants1/ Planck-time |
The Planck time is defined to be sqrt(h-bar*G/(c^5)). Its value derived from measurement is 5.39124(27) * 10^−44 second. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, "t", subscripted with an upright capital "P". |
physical_consts1/ Planck_constant |
This symbol represents the fundamental constant equal to the ratio of the energy of a quantum of energy to its frequency. It is approximately equal to 6.6260755*10^(-34) +/- 4.0*10^(-40) Joule seconds. |
ThreeDgeo1/ plane |
The symbol is used to indicate a plane in 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry by a variable. The plane may (but need not) be subject to constraints. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the constraints as further arguments. |
ThreeDgeo2/ plane_parallel |
The symbol represents a binary boolean function with input two planes. Its value is true whenever the first argument is parallel to the second. |
arith1/ plus |
The symbol representing an n-ary commutative function plus. |
indnat/ plus |
Addition of natural numbers defined recursively by using the successor. |
opnode/ plus |
A constant value, constructs the plus for addition nodes. |
polyd/ plus |
The sum. The argument is a DMPL. The sum lies within the same "PolyRingD" i.e. a program implementing this operation should return a DMP with the same "poly_ring_d" (or "poly_ring_d_named"). |
polyd1/ plus |
The sum. The argument is a DMPL. The sum lies within the same "poly_ring_d", i.e., a program implementing this operation should return a DMP with the same "poly_ring_d". |
test-x/ plus |
The symbol representing an n-ary commutative function plus. |
hypergeon0/ plus_part |
The argument is a vector. It replaces negative elements in the vector to zero. |
linalg1p/ plus_part |
The argument is a vector. It replaces negative elements in the vector to zero. |
hypergeo0/ pochhammer |
Pochhammer symbol |
plangeo1/ point |
The symbol is used to indicate a point of planar Euclidean geometry by a variable. The point may (but need not) be subject to constraints. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the constraints as further arguments. |
ThreeDgeo1/ point |
The symbol is used to indicate a point of 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry by a variable. The point may (but need not) be subject to constraints. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the constraints as further arguments. |
plangeo3/ polarline |
Given a point p and a circle C this defines the polar line of p with respect to C. |
polyd3/ poly_d_named_to_arith |
This symbol is a unary function. Its argument is a DMP with named variables. When applied to R, the symbol denotes the arithmetic expression that is the sum of the terms. |
polyd3/ poly_d_to_arith |
This symbol is a binary function. The first argument is a DMP and the second argument is a list of objects, typically variables or arithmetic expressions, at least as many as there are variables in the ring to which the DMP belongs. When applied to R and L, the symbol denotes the arithmetic expression that is the sum of the terms with the i-th variable of the ring of the DMP being substituted by the i-th expression or variable of the list L. |
polyr/ poly_r_rep |
A constructor for the representation of polynomials. The first argument is the polynomial variable, the rest are monomials (in decreasing order of exponent). |
ring3/ poly_ring |
This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument should be a ring and the second a variable. When evaluated on such arguments R and X, the function represents the free commutative ring over R generated by X. This ring can also be viewed as the ring of polynomials over R with indeterminate X. |
polyd/ poly_ring_d |
The constructor of polynomial ring. The first argument is a ring (the ring of the coefficients), the second is the number of variables as an integer. |
polyd1/ poly_ring_d |
The constructor of polynomial ring. The first argument is a ring (the ring of the coefficients), the second is the number of variables as an integer. |
polyd/ poly_ring_d_named |
The constructor of polynomial ring. The first argument is a ring (the ring of the coefficients), the remaining arguments are the names of the variables. The first variable given is the most important from the point of view of lexicographic ordering, then the second, and so on. |
polyd1/ poly_ring_d_named |
The constructor of polynomial ring. The first argument is a ring (the ring of the coefficients), the remaining arguments are the names of the variables. The first variable given is the most important from the point of view of lexicographic ordering, then the second, and so on. |
polyslp/ poly_ring_SLP |
The constructor of the polynomial ring. The first argument is a ring, (the ring of the coefficients), the rest are the variables, in any order. |
polyu/ poly_u_rep |
A constructor for the representation of polynomials. The first argument is the polynomial variable, the rest are monomials (in decreasing order of exponent). |
plangeo5/ polynomial_assertion |
This symbol is a function in one argument, which should be an assertion whose configuration is coordinatized (that is, each geometric object involved has coordinates). When evaluated at an assertion assertion(C,T) it represents the assertion that the constant polynomial 1 belongs to the ideal of the polynomial ring over a coefficient ring R containing the rationals and all global (unbound) coordinates of C, in the bound variables of ideal(C) and an external variable t, generated by ideal(C)[bound variables] and 1-f_T t. Here f_T is a polynomial such that f_T=0 is equivalent to the thesis T being true. This means f_T is in the radical ideal of ideal(C)[bound variables]. The interpretation is as follows: There are no parameter choices for the bound variables such that f_T is nonzero. In other words, for all parameter choices of a coordinatization of C, we must have f_T=0. So the truth of the assertion that thesis T holds in configuration C is reflected by the truth of polynomial_assertion(C,T). |
polyr/ polynomial_r |
The constructor of Recursive Polynomials. The first argument is the polynomial ring containing the polynomial and the second is a "poly_r_rep". |
polysts/ polynomial_ring |
The type of all polynomial rings, e.g. from polyr or polyd OCDs |
polyr/ polynomial_ring_r |
The constructor of a recursive polynomial ring. The first argument is a ring (the ring of the coefficients), the rest are the variables (in order). |
polyu/ polynomial_ring_u |
The constructor of a univariate polynomial ring. The first argument is a ring (the ring of the coefficients), the second is the variable. |
polyslp/ polynomial_SLP |
The constructor of Polynomials built with Straight Line Program representation. The first argument is the polynomial ring containing the polynomial built with poly_ring_SLP, The second argument is the program body built with prog_body. |
polyu/ polynomial_u |
The constructor of Recursive Polynomials. The first argument is the polynomial ring containing the polynomial and the second is a "poly_u_rep". |
polynomial4/ possibly_reducible |
A symbol which denotes that the irreducibility of a factor of the factorisation is not guaranteed. |
units_imperial1/ pound_force |
This symbol represents the measure of force of one pound. |
units_imperial1/ pound_mass |
This symbol represents the measure of the mass which weighs one pound under the influence of standard gravity. |
arith1/ power |
This symbol represents a power function. The first argument is raised to the power of the second argument. When the second argument is not an integer, powering is defined in terms of exponentials and logarithms for the complex and real numbers. This operator can represent general powering. |
dimensions1/ power |
This symbol represents the power physical dimension, it is energy per time. |
field1/ power |
This is a symbol with two or three arguments. Its first argument should be an element g of a field and the second argument should be an integer. The optional third argument is the field G containing g. It denotes the element g^k in G. |
group1/ power |
This is a symbol with three arguments. The first argument is a group G. Its second argument is an element g of G and the third argument is an integer k. It denotes the element g^k in G. |
poly/ power |
Takes a polynomial and a (non-negative) integer and produces a formal power. Although OpenMath does not specify operational semantics, the idea here is that these powers are not evaluated. We note that the power from arith1 would suggest the expanded form. |
polyd/ power |
The power. First argument is a DMP, second argument is the integer power. The power lies within the same "PolyRingD" i.e. a program implementing this operation should return a DMP with the same "poly_ring_d" (or "poly_ring_d_named"). |
polyd1/ power |
The power. First argument is a DMP, second argument is the integer power. The power lies within the same "poly_ring_d", i.e., a program implementing this operation should return a DMP with the same "poly_ring_d". |
ring1/ power |
This is a symbol with two or three arguments. Its first argument should be a an element g of a ring and the second argument should be an integer. The optional third argument is the ring G containing g. It denotes the element g^k in G. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ power |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of power, or energy divided by time. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of power is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, "P". |
test-x/ power |
This symbol represents a power function. The first argument is raised to the power of the second argument. When the second argument is not an integer, powering is defined in terms of exponentials and logarithms for the complex and real numbers. This operator can represent general powering. |
set3/ powerset |
This symbol represents unary function whose argument should be a set. When applied to a set X, it represents the collection of all subsets of X. |
relation0/ pre_order |
Proposition; the type of preorder relations, namely relations that are reflexive and transitive. |
logic3/ pred_deduction |
This symbol is used to claim that a statement (the first child) is a deduction of the classical predicate calculus, i.e. that it follows by applications of Modus Ponens, forall-introduction and exists-elimination, from instantiations of the axioms (which may be the common three involving applications of Modus Ponens, and generalisation from instantiations of the Axioms (which may be the common three involving 'implies', together with forall-instantiation and moving forall inside implication, but need not be), and the hypotheses (elements of the set which is the second child). |
logic3/ pred_theorem |
This symbol is used to claim that a statement is a theorem of the classical first-order predicate calculus, i.e. that it follows by applications of Modus Ponens, and generalisation from instantiations of the Axioms (which may be the common three involving 'implies', together with forall-instantiation and moving forall inside implication, but need not be). |
fns2/ predicate_on_list |
This symbol is used to denote the chains of application or a binary predicate typified by a < b < c. In particular it is used to support the usage in MathML, where transative relations are classed as nary, but the underlying OpenMath symbols are binary. The symbol takes two arguments; the first of which is the binary predicate, the second a list. It is true if every application of the predicate on a pair of elements of the list, taken in order, returns true, otherwise it is false. |
rdf/ prefix |
A symbol to be used as the head of the OpenMath application to construct a prefix mapping that can be used as a value of the prefixes attribution. The two arguments of this function should be OpenMath strings representing in order, the prefix and the corresponding namespace URI. |
units_ops1/ prefix |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by 1,000 ( |
rdf/ prefixes |
A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify one or more RDF namespace prefixes. The annotation value should be a set1.set of pairs of strings (prefix name, namespace URI) constructed with the prefix symbol. |
dimensions1/ pressure |
This symbol represents the pressure physical dimension. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ pressure |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of pressure. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of pressure is commonly represented with the italic, lower case letter, "p". |
finfield1/ primitive_element |
This symbol has one or two arguments. If there is only one argument, it must be a prime power q. The optional second argument is a polynomial m which is primitive over the prime subfield of GF(q). This symbol returns a primitive element for GF(q) with minimal polynomial m. If there is only one argument, then the minimal polynomial is assumed to be the conway polynomial for GF(q). |
order1/ primitive_element |
This is a unary function, whose argument is a number field K. It returns a primitive element of K. Note that the result is not unique. |
ring3/ principal_ideal |
This symbol represents a binary function. The first argument is a ring R and the second argument is an element of R. When evaluated on R and such a second argument, the function represents the ideal in R generated by the second argument. |
prog1/ procedure_block |
The block of code defining the body of the procedure. The syntax is procedure_block(local_var, global_var, block1), where local_var encodes the local variables (private to the procedure body), gloval_var are global variables that are know to the procedure and block1 is the body of the procedure. All these elements, locar_var, global_var and block1, should be present (but they can also be empty). |
prog1/ procedure_call |
Symbol procedure_call can be used to "call" already defined procedures. The syntax is procedure_call(name, call_arguments), where name is the encoding of an OpenMath variable (OMV) representing the name of the function and call_arguments are the arguments to pass to the function. Both, name and call_arguments, should be present but call_arguments can be empty. |
scscp1/ procedure_call |
The actual procedure call. Its only argument is an OpenMath Application, whose head symbol describes the procedure to be called, and whose arguments are the arguments to the procedure. |
scscp1/ procedure_completed |
The result of a successful computation. Should come along with a call_id and, possibly, some extra information. |
prog1/ procedure_definition |
This symbol can be used to define a procedure. The sintax is procedure_definition(name, def_arguments, procedure_block), where name is the encoding of an OpenMath variable representing the name of the procedure, def_arguments encodes the argument the procedure can receive and procedure_block encodes the body of the procedure. Contrary to function procedures can have knowledge about global objects by means of the global_var construct (see procedure block). |
scscp1/ procedure_terminated |
The result of a failed computation. Should come along with a call_id, an error description, and possibly some extra information. |
arith1/ product |
An operator taking two arguments, the first being the range of multiplication e.g. an integral interval, the second being the function to be multiplied. Note that the product may be over an infinite interval. |
test-x/ product |
An operator taking two arguments, the first being the range of multiplication e.g. an integral interval, the second being the function to be multiplied. Note that the product may be over an infinite interval. |
polyslp/ prog_body |
The constructor of the body of the straight line program the arguments represent straight line instructions, as constructed by the following three constructors, op_node, inp_node and const_node, possibly wrapped in the return symbol (from the opnode CD). The order is taken to be the order in which they appear. |
logic3/ proof |
This symbol represents a sequence of justified well-formed formulae (i.e. objects of type ProofLine). The single argument is a List of ProofLine objects. |
typesorts/ Prop |
The type of propositions |
logic3/ prop_deduction |
This symbol is used to claim that a statement (the first child) is a deduction of the classical propositional calculus, i.e. that it follows by applications of Modus Ponens from instantiations of the axioms (which may be the common three involving 'implies', but need not be), and the hypotheses (elements of the set which is the second child). |
logic3/ prop_theorem |
This symbol is used to claim that a statement is a theorem of the classical propositional calculus, i.e. that it follows by applications of Modus Ponens from instantiations of the axioms (which may be the common three involving 'implies', but need not be). |
directives1/ prove |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a clause. When applied to a clause C, it asks for a proof of C. |
directives1/ prove_in_theory |
This symbol is a function with two arguments, the first of which should be a clause and the second of which should be a symbol indicating a logic theory. When applied to arguments C, T, it asks for a proof of C in theory T. |
multiset1/ prsubset |
This symbol has two (multiset) arguments. It is used to denote that the first multiset is a proper subset of the second, that is a subset of the second multiset but not actually equal to it. |
set1/ prsubset |
This symbol has two (set) arguments. It is used to denote that the first set is a proper subset of the second, that is a subset of the second set but not actually equal to it. |
fieldname1/ Q |
This is a symbol representing the field of rational numbers. |
setname1/ Q |
This symbol represents the set of rational numbers. |
groupname1/ quaternion_group |
This symbol represents the quaternion group of order 8. |
permgp2/ quaternion_group |
This symbol represents the quaternion group of order 8, viewed as a permutation group by means of the regular representation (multiplication from the right). It is generated by (1,2,3,4)(5,8,6,7) and (1,5,2,6)(3,7,4,8). (In the usual notation, the 8 elements are 1, -1, i, -i, j, -j, k, -k.) |
ringname1/ quaternions |
This symbol represents a unary function. Its argument is a ring R. When evaluated on R, the function represents the ring of quaternions over R, that is, the ring with basis 1,i,j,k over R such that ij=-ji=k, i^2=j^2=k^2=-1. |
integer1/ quotient |
The symbol to represent the integer (binary) division operator. That is, for integers a and b, quotient(a,b) denotes q such that a=b*q+r, with |r| less than |b| and a*r positive. |
polynomial3/ quotient |
This symbol represents the binary division operator on univariate polynomials over fields. That is, for univariate polynomials a and b, quotient(a,b) denotes the polynomial q such that a=b*q+r, with degree(r) less than degree(b). |
polynomial4/ quotient |
This symbol contains the quotient of polynomial4.divide. Cf. polynomial4.quotient_remainder for an example. |
polyslp/ quotient |
A quotient function for polynomials represented by slps. It is a requirement that this is an exact division. |
ring5/ quotient_by_poly_map |
This symbol is a binary function whose first argument is a ring R, and whose second argument is a univariate polynomial f with coefficients from R. So, if the indeterminate is X, when applied to R and f, the function has value the natural quotient map from R[X] to the quotient ring R[X]/(f). |
gp1/ quotient_group |
The binary function whose value is the factor group of the first argument by the second, assuming the second is normal in the first. |
group3/ quotient_group |
The binary function whose value is the factor group of the first argument by the second, assuming the second is normal in the first. |
ring5/ quotient_map |
This symbol is a binary function whose first argument is a ring R and whose second argument is an ideal I of R. When applied to R and I, its value is the natural quotient map from R to the quotient ring R/I. |
polynomial4/ quotient_remainder |
This symbol is a container for the result of polynomial4.divide. It takes 2 arguments in unspecified order, polynomial4.quotient and polynomial4.remainder. Using the above polynomial4.divide call we may obtain: |
ring3/ quotient_ring |
This is a binary function, whose first argument is a ring R and whose second argument is an ideal I of R. When applied to R and I, it denotes the quotient ring of R by I. |
setname2/ QuotientField |
This symbol represents the quotient field of any integral domain. |
fieldname1/ R |
This is a symbol representing the field of real numbers. |
setname1/ R |
This symbol represents the set of real numbers. |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ radian |
This symbol represents one radian, the natural unit of measure for angle. It has the short symbol form, "rad". |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ radioactivity |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of radio nuclide activity, or radioactivity. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of radioactivity is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, "A". |
plangeo3/ radius |
The radius of a circle. |
plangeo3/ radius_of |
Gives the radius of a circle. |
hypergeon1/ raising_multi_factorial |
raising_multi_factorial is a product of pochhammer symbols. 2-ary function. reference: authors: "Saito, Sturmfels, Takayama" title: "Grobner Deformations of Hypergeometric Differential Equations" pages: 127 |
fns1/ range |
This symbol denotes the range of a function, that is a set that the function will map to. The single argument should be the function whos range is being queried. It should be noted that this is not necessarily equal to the image, it is merely required to contain the image. |
linalg4/ rank |
This symbol represents the function which takes one matrix argument and returns the number of linearly independent rows (or columns) of that matrix. |
linalgrank1/ rank |
This symbol represents the function which takes one matrix argument and returns the number of linearly independent rows (or columns) of that matrix. |
polyd1/ rank |
This is a unary function, whose argument can be a DMP, a poly_ring_d, or a poly_ring_d_named. When applied to its argument, it represents the number of variables of the polynomial ring involved. |
nums1/ rational |
This symbol represents the constructor function for rational numbers. It takes two arguments, the first is an integer p to denote the numerator and the second a nonzero integer q to denote the denominator of the rational p/q. |
mathmltypes/ rational_type |
A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type of a rational number. |
interval_types/ rationalIntervalType |
This symbol represents the type of rational intervals. |
complex1/ real |
This represents the real part of a complex number |
mathmltypes/ real_type |
A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type of a real number. |
interval_types/ realIntervalType |
This symbol represents the type of real intervals. |
polyd/ reduce |
The reduction of a polynomial with respect to a Groebner basis. First argument is a DMP, the second argument is a "groebnered" object. i.e. a program implementing this operation should return a DMP which represents the polynomial reduced with respect to the Groebner basis. |
polygb1/ reduce |
The reduction of a polynomial with respect to a list P of polynomials. First argument is a polynomial expression p, the second argument is the list P of polynomials, the third argument is a list of variables, the fourth argument is a monomial reduction ordering. A program implementing this operation should return a polynomial which represents a polynomial reduced from p with respect to P. This means that p is expressible as the sum of the returned polynomial and a linear combination of the polynomials from P with coefficients being polynomials in the variables given in the third argument, and that no monomial of the returned polynomial is divisible by the leading monomial of an element from P. |
FundamentalPhysicalConstants1/ reduced-Planck-constant |
This symbol represents the Planck constant divided by 2*pi. It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, h with a horizontal bar ("h-bar"), Unicode: U+210F , HTML: ℏ. |
relation0/ reflexive |
Proposition; the type of reflexive binary relations. |
relation3/ reflexive_closure |
This symbol represents a binary function whose first argument is a set S, whose second argument is a relation R on S. When applied to S and R, it represents the smallest reflexive relation (with respect to inclusion) on S containing R. |
relation0/ relation |
Type constructor; returns the type of binary relations on a set. |
numerical1/ relative_error_bound |
This symbol marks an estimated upper bound for the relative error ( |true-computed|/|computed| ) on a computation. |
numerical1/ relative_error_requested |
This symbol marks a requirement for the relative error ( |true-computed|/|computed| ) on a computation. |
integer1/ remainder |
The symbol to represent the integer remainder after (binary) division. For integers a and b, remainder(a,b) denotes r such that a=b*q+r, with |r| less than |b| and a*r positive. |
polynomial3/ remainder |
The symbol represents a binary function, whose arguments should be univariate polynomials in the same polynomial ring whose coefficient ring is a field. When applied to a and b, it represents the polynomial remainder after division of a by b. |
polynomial4/ remainder |
This symbol contains the remainder of polynomial4.divide. Cf. polynomial4.quotient_remainder for an example. |
list4/ remove |
This symbol represents a function with two arguments, both lists. When applied to two lists, it represents a list made up of all the elements of the first list with those elements removed whose entries occur in the second list. |
dimensions1/ resistance |
This symbol represents the resistance physical dimension, it is the resistance that an electrical circuit has to flow of charge. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ resistance |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of electrical resistance, the resistance that an electrical circuit has to electrical current. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of electrical resistance is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, "R". |
rdf/ resource |
This symbol represents an unary construction function for representing a specific RDF resource. It takes one string argument denoting an IRI reference as prefixed name in the form "prefix:resourceName" or as a full IRI in the form ">IRI<". |
rdf/ resourceset |
This symbol represents an unary construction function for constructing a set of RDF resources. It takes one string argument representing a Manchester Syntax description as described by http://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-manchester-syntax/#Descriptions in order to construct a set of RDF resources. Please note that it may also be possible to represent the class description by using OpenMath set operations: rdf.resourceset( set1.intersect( rdf.resourceset("foaf:Person"), set1.suchthat(rdf.resourceset("rdfs:Resource"), fns1.lambda[$r -> set1.size(rdf.valueset("foaf:age", $r) > 0)]) ) ) |
directives1/ response |
This symbol is a function of one argument, which should be a query. When applied to a query, it refers to the response a service might give. It will mainly be used in this CD to express formal mathematical properties of queries. |
list2/ rest |
This symbol represents a function which returns a list made up of all the elements except the first of its argument, which should be a list. |
list2/ rest |
This symbol represents a function which returns a list made up of all the elements except the first of its argument, which should be a list. |
fns1/ restriction |
restriction takes two arguments, a function f, and a set S, which should be a subset of domain(f) and returns the function f restricted to S. |
poly/ resultant |
Function taking three arguments, it represents the resultant of two polynomials, which are the first two arguments, with respect to the given variable which is the third argument. |
scscp2/ retrieve |
Using the cookie that was obtained earlier by calling the scscp2.store_session or scscp2.store_persistent procedure or another procedure call, return to the client an OM object representing the object, referred by the cookie. |
opnode/ return |
A unary function, takes a node of an slp, returns the value of the polynomial which corresponds to this node of the slp. |
prog1/ return |
This symbol, which can have an aribtrary positive number of arguments, can be used to return values from functions. |
polyslp/ return_node |
Takes an slp as the argument, and returns the return node of the slp. |
list2/ reverse |
The reverse of a list |
list4/ reverse |
The reverse of a list |
polyd/ reverse_lexicographic |
The reverse lexicographic ordering of terms. Note that, if a poly_ring_d_named is used, lexigographic refers to the order of the variables in the poly_ring_d_named, not to their order as strings. |
polyd2/ reverse_lexicographic |
The reverse lexicographic ordering of monomials |
fns2/ right_compose |
This symbol represents a function forming the right-composition of its two functional arguments. |
permutation1/ right_compose |
This symbol is a binary function. Its arguments should be permutations. When applied to arguments P1 and P2, the resulting value is the permutation which maps x in Support(P1) union Support(P2) to P2(P1(x)). |
group4/ right_coset |
This symbol represents a ternary function whose first argument is a group G, whose second argument is a subgroup H of G, and whose third argument is an element x of G. Its value on G, H, and x is the right coset of H in G containing x, that is, the set H x. |
group4/ right_coset_representative |
This symbol represents a quaternary function whose first argument is a group G, whose second argument is a subgroup H of G, whose third argument is right_transversal T of H in G, and whose fourth argument is an element of G. It assigns to G, H, T, g the element of t of T representing the right coset of H containing g, that is, H t = H g. |
group4/ right_cosets |
The binary function whose value is the set of right cosets of the second argument in the first. |
magma1/ right_divides |
This symbol is a ternary function. Its first argument should be a magma M and the second and third arguments should be elements of M. When applied to M, a, and b, it denotes the fact that a is a right_divisor of b in M. This means that there is v in M such that va = b. |
magma1/ right_expression |
This symbol is a binary function. Its first argument should be a magma M, the second argument a list L of elements of M When applied to M and L, it denotes the right product (( ... (L[1] * L[2]) * ... ) * L[n]) of all elements in the list L. |
fns1/ right_inverse |
This symbol is used to describe the right inverse of its argument (a function). This inverse may only be partially defined because the function may not have been surjective. If the function is not surjective the right inverse function is ill-defined without further stipulations. No other assumptions are made on the semantics of this right inverse. |
group2/ right_inverse_multiplication |
This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a group M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes right multiplication on M by the inverse of x. |
field2/ right_multiplication |
This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a field M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes right multiplication on M by x. |
group2/ right_multiplication |
This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a group M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes right multiplication on M by x. |
monoid2/ right_multiplication |
This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a monoid M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes right multiplication on M by x. |
ring2/ right_multiplication |
This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a ring M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes right multiplication on M by x. |
semigroup2/ right_multiplication |
This symbol is a function with two arguments, which should be a semigroup M and an element x of M. When applied to M and x, it denotes right multiplication on M by x. |
group5/ right_quotient_map |
This symbol is a binary function whose first argument is a group G and whose second argument is an subgroup H of G. When applied to G and H, its value is the natural quotient map from G to the quotient group G/H, sending x to the left coset xH of G. |
polyslp/ right_ref |
Takes as argument a node of an slp. Returns the value of the right hand pointer of the node. |
gp1/ right_transversal |
The binary function whose value is a set of representatives for the right cosets of the second argument as a subgroup of the first. |
group4/ right_transversal |
The binary function whose value is a set of representatives for the right cosets of the second argument as a subgroup of the first. |
algebraic_cats/ ring |
This symbol is the constructor for rings. A ring is a set together with two operations + and *. A ring is an Abelian group under + and a semigroup under *. A ring has a further rule which associates the two operation, that is left and right distributivity. The ring constructor takes five arguments, the set of the ring, a binary function from the set into itself to represent the * operation, a binary function from the set into itself to represent the + operation, an element of the set of the ring to represent the additive identity 0 and a unary function from the set into itself to represent additive inverses (i.e. inverses under +, or negatives). |
generic_alg_cats/ ring |
This Symbol represents the generic category of ring. |
ring1/ ring |
This symbol is a constructor for rings. It takes six arguments R, a, o, i, m, e,: which are, respectively, a set R to specify the elements in the ring, a binary operation a on R, an element o of R, and a unary operation i on R such that [R,a,o,i] is a commutative group, a binary operation m on R and an element e of R such that [R,m,e] is a monoid. |
order1/ ring_integers |
This is a unary function, whose argument is a number field K. When applied to K, it returns the ring of integers of K. It is the Dedekind ring of K. |
algebraic_cats/ ring_negative |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a ring. It returns a unary function which should be the negative function of the ring. |
algebraic_cats/ ring_plus |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a ring. It returns a binary function which represents the additive operation of the ring. |
algebraic_cats/ ring_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a ring. It returns the set of the ring. |
algebraic_cats/ ring_times |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a ring. It returns a binary function which represents the multiplicative operation of the ring. |
algebraic_cats/ ring_zero |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a ring. It returns the additive identity of the ring. |
algebraic_cats/ ringoid |
This symbol is the constructor for ringoids. A ringoid is a set together with two operations + and *. * is left and right distributive over +. The ringoid constructor takes three arguments, the set of the ringoid, a binary function from the set into itself to represent the * operation and a binary function from the set into itself to represent the + operation. |
generic_alg_cats/ ringoid |
This symbol represents the generic category of ringoid. |
algebraic_cats/ ringoid_plus |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a ringoid. It returns a binary function which represents the additive operation (+) of the ringoid. |
algebraic_cats/ ringoid_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a ringoid. It returns a set which represents the set of the ringoid. |
algebraic_cats/ ringoid_times |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a ringoid. It returns a binary function which represents the multiplicative operation (*) of the ringoid. |
meta/ Role |
An element containing the string corresponding to the role of the symbol being defined. |
arith1/ root |
A binary operator which represents its first argument "lowered" to its n'th root where n is the second argument. This is the inverse of the operation represented by the power symbol defined in this CD. Care should be taken as to the precise meaning of this operator, in particular which root is represented, however it is here to represent the general notion of taking n'th roots. As inferred by the signature relevant to this symbol, the function represented by this symbol is the single valued function, the specific root returned is the one indicated by the first CMP. Note also that the converse of the second CMP is not valid in general. |
patterns/ root |
This symbol represents a pattern constructor for matching the root element of an expression. |
test-x/ root |
A binary operator which represents its first argument "lowered" to its n'th root where n is the second argument. This is the inverse of the operation represented by the power symbol defined in this CD. Care should be taken as to the precise meaning of this operator, in particular which root is represented, however it is here to represent the general notion of taking n'th roots. As inferred by the signature relevant to this symbol, the function represented by this symbol is the single valued function, the specific root returned is the one indicated by the first CMP. Note also that the converse of the second CMP is not valid in general. |
rounding1/ round |
The round to nearest operation. |
matrix1/ row_dimension |
This symbol is a unary function whose first argument must be either a non-negative OpenMath integer or nums1.infinity. When applied this creates an object that denotes the dimension of the codomain of the linear mapping represented by the matrix. |
linalg3/ rowcount |
This symbol represents the function which takes one matrix argument and returns the number of rows in that matrix. |
linalg4/ rowcount |
This symbol represents the function which takes one matrix argument and returns the number of rows in that matrix. |
linalg4mat/ scalar |
This symbol represents a square matrix which is a scalar constant times the identity matrix. It should take two arguments, the first and second specify the number of rows and columns in the matrix, respectively, and the third specifies the scalar multiplier. |
linalg5/ scalar |
This symbol represents a matrix which is a scalar constant times the identity matrix. It should take two arguments, the first specifes the number of rows and columns in the matrix respectively and the third specifies the scalar multiplier. |
linalg1/ scalarproduct |
This symbol represents the scalar product function. It takes two vector arguments and returns a scalar value. The scalar product of two vectors a, b is defined as |a| * |b| * cos(\theta), where \theta is the angle between the two vectors and |.| is a euclidean size function. Note that the scalar product is often referred to as the dot product. |
permgp1/ schreier_tree |
This is a function with two arguments. The first argument should be a permutation group G, the second argument a point x permuted by G. When evaluated at G and x, it returns a list of three lists X,V,B. The first list, X, enumerates the points of the G-orbit of x. The second list and the third list both have the same length as X, say n. The second list represents a map V from [1,...,n] to {-m,...,-1,0,1,...,m}, where m is the number of generators of G, and the third list represents a map B from [1,...,n] to X. These maps satisfy the following properties: X(1) = B(1) = x. Moreover, V(i) = 0 if and only if i = 1. For each index i distinct from 1, the value B(i) is equal to X(j) for some index j smaller than i. If V(i) is positive, then X(i) is the image of B(i) under the V(i)-th generator of G. If V(i) is negative, then B(i) is the image of X(i) under the (-V(i))-th generator of G. |
s_data1/ sdev |
This symbol represents a function requiring two or more arguments, denoting the sample standard deviation of its arguments. That is, the square root of (the sum of the squares of the deviations from the mean of the arguments, divided by the number of arguments). See CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, editor: Dan Zwillinger, CRC Press Inc., 1996, (7.7.11) section 7.7.1. |
s_dist1/ sdev |
This symbol represents a unary function denoting the standard deviation of a distribution. The argument is a univariate function to describe the distribution. The standard deviation of a distribution is the arithmetical mean of the squares of the deviation of the distribution from the mean. |
polyd/ SDMP |
The constructor for multivariate polynomials without any indication of variables or domain for the coefficients. Its arguments are just "term"s. No terms should differ only by the coefficient (i.e it is not permitted to have both "2*x*y" and "x*y" as terms in a SDMP). SDMP can be attributed with the "ordering" symbol to indicate a particular ordering of its terms. This attribute shall not be set if the SDMP is part of DMPL that has this attribute set. If the SDMP is ordered, explicitly or implicitly via an outer ordering, the terms must be in decreasing order with respect to this order. The zero polynomial is represented by an SDMP with no terms. |
polyd1/ SDMP |
The constructor for multivariate polynomials without any indication of variables or domain for the coefficients. Its arguments are just "monomial"s. No monomials should differ only by the coefficient (i.e it is not permitted to have both "2*x*y" and "x*y" as monomials in a SDMP). SDMP can be attributed with the "ordering" symbol to indicate a particular ordering of its monomials. This attribute shall not be set if the SDMP is part of DMPL that has this attribute set. |
transc1/ sec |
This symbol represents the sec function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument. |
transc1/ sech |
This symbol represents the sech function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument. |
SI_BaseUnits1/ second |
This symbol represents the measure of one second of time, the standard SI unit of measure for quantities of time. It has the short symbol form, "s", in upright roman font. |
units_metric1/ second |
This symbol represents the measure of one second. This is the standard SI measure for time. |
units_time1/ second |
This symbol represents the measure of one second of time. This is the standard SI unit measure for time. |
SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1/ second-of-arc |
This symbol represents the angular measure of one second-of-arc. It has the short symbol form, '"'. |
intpath1/ segment |
The symbol segment(a,b) is the segment from the point a to the point b in the complex plane. If the arguments are sectors given by path_in_sector, it means the segment from a point in the circular border of the sector to a point in the circular border of the another sector. |
plangeo2/ segment |
The segment of a line between two points of the line. The segment is contained in the affine part of the line. The symbol takes as arguments the two points. |
ThreeDgeo1/ segment |
The symbol is used to indicate a segment of a line in 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry by a variable. The segment is contained in the affine part of the line. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the endpoints as second and third arguments. |
list3/ select |
This symbol takes two lists as arguments, L and M say. The second argument is a list containing only entries from [1..n], where n is the length of L. The symbol represents the function which returns a list whose length is equal to the length of M, and having at position k the value of L at position M_k. |
list3/ select |
This symbol takes two lists as arguments, L and M say. The second argument is a list containing only entries from [1..n], where n is the length of L. The symbol represents the function which returns a list whose length is equal to the length of M, and having at position k the value of L at position M_k. |
patterns/ self_or_descendant |
This symbol represents a pattern constructor for matching the current element itself or any of its descendants. |
algebraic_cats/ semigroup |
This symbol is the constructor for semigroups, that is groupoids for which the operator of the semigroup is associative over the set of the semigroup. The semigroup constructor takes two arguments, the set of the semigroup and a binary function which represents the operation of the semigroup. |
generic_alg_cats/ semigroup |
This Symbol represents the generic category of semigroup. |
monoid1/ semigroup |
This symbol is a unary function, whose argument should be a monoid M. When applied to M its value is the semigroup underlying M. |
semigroup/ Semigroup |
The contructor for the type of semigroups as a Setoid with a binary operation. |
semigroup1/ semigroup |
This symbol is a constructor for semigroups. It takes two arguments in the following order: a set to specify the elements in the semigroup, and a binary operation to specify the semigroup operation. The binary operation should act on elements of the set and return an element of the set. |
algebraic_cats/ semigroup_operation |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a semigroup. It returns a binary function which should represent the operation of the semigroup. |
algebraic_cats/ semigroup_set |
This symbol takes one argument which should be a semigroup. It returns the set of the semigroup. |
scscp2/ service_description |
The symbol for the server to use in a response to scscp2.get_service_description. It takes three OMSTR arguments: Name, Version, and Description. |
set1/ set |
This symbol represents the set construct. It is an n-ary function. The set entries are given explicitly. There is no implied ordering to the elements of a set. |
plangeo4/ set_affine_coordinates |
Defines the affine coordinates of an affine point or line. |
ThreeDgeo3/ set_affine_coordinates |
Defines the affine coordinates of an a point in 3-dimensional Euclidean space. Takes the point as first argument and the vector with the coordinates as second argument. |
plangeo4/ set_coordinates |
This symbol defines the coordinates of a point or a line. The coordinates are the projective coordinates and consist of a vector of length 3. Points whose third coordinates are zero are the points at infinity. The line whose first two coordinates are zero is the line at infinity. |
mathmltypes/ set_type |
A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type for a set. |
multiset1/ setdiff |
This symbol is used to denote the multiset difference of two multisets. It takes two multisets as arguments, and denotes the multiset that contains all the elements that occur in the first multiset with strictly greater multiplicity than in the second. The multiplicity in the result is the difference of the two. |
set1/ setdiff |
This symbol is used to denote the set difference of two sets. It takes two sets as arguments, and denotes the set that contains all the elements that occur in the first set, but not in the second. |
sts/ SetNumericalValue |
Denotes an OpenMath object that is to be thought of as something that represents a set of numerical values, or a set of numerical values. |
setoid/ Setoid |
The contructor for the type of set with an equivalence relation on it. |
aggregate_cats/ setType |
This symbol represents the type of sets. |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ siemens |
This symbol represents an SI unit of electrical conductance. It is not plural. It has the short symbol form, "S". |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ sievert |
This symbol represents an SI unit of equivalent dose of ionizing, radiation. A sievert of equivalent dose represents one joule of biologically damaging energy absorbed per kilogram of mass. It has the short symbol form, "Sv". |
ecc/ SigmaType |
The binder symbol used to construct the type of Cartesian products. The (either plain or attributed) variables might occur in the body \OM\ object. |
permutation1/ sign |
This symbol is a function with one argument which should be a permutation. When applied to a permutation P, it represents the sign of P, which is equal to -1 if P is an odd permutation and equal to 1 otherwise. |
permutation1/ sign |
This symbol is a function with one argument which should be a permutation. When applied to a permutation P, it represents the sign of P, which is equal to -1 if P is an odd permutation and equal to 1 otherwise. |
metasig/ Signature |
This symbol is used to represent the element of a signature file which specifies the signature of a symbol. It should take two string children, the first should be the symbol who's signature is being specified, the second should be an 'OMOBJ' element which specifies the signature. Additionally the second argument should specify an object which must represent a valid type in the type system identified by the XML attribute 'type' corresponding to the element which corresponds to the symbol 'CDSignatures' enclosing this symbol. |
scscp2/ signature |
The symbol to use for describing the types of arguments of a particular function. |
transc1/ sin |
This symbol represents the sin function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument. |
transc1/ sinh |
This symbol represents the sinh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument. |
linalg3/ size |
This symbol represents the function which takes one vector argument and returns the length of that vector. |
linalg4/ size |
This symbol represents the function which takes one vector argument and returns the length of that vector. |
list2/ size |
This symbol is used to denote the number of elements in a list. It is either a non-negative integer. |
multiset1/ size |
This symbol is used to denote the number of elements in a multiset. It is either a non-negative integer, or an infinite cardinal number. The symbol infinity may be used for an unspecified infinite cardinal. |
set1/ size |
This symbol is used to denote the number of elements in a set. It is either a non-negative integer, or an infinite cardinal number. The symbol infinity may be used for an unspecified infinite cardinal. |
linalg5/ skew-symmetric |
This symbol represents a skew-symmetric matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of elements of the matrix. For j>i the ij'th element of the matrix is the (j-i+1)'th element of the i'th element of the argument. This determines the elements above the diagonal of the matrix, the elements below the diagonal of the matrix must conform to the rule M = - transpose M. This rule implies that the elements on the diagonal must be equal to 0, therefore we do not include these in the argument. |
linalgsym1/ skew_symmetric |
This symbol represents a skew-symmetric matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of elements of the matrix. For j>i the ij'th element of the matrix is the (j-i+1)'th element of the i'th element of the argument. This determines the elements above the diagonal of the matrix, the elements below the diagonal of the matrix must conform to the rule M = - transpose M. This rule implies that the elements on the diagonal must be equal to 0, therefore we do not include these in the argument. |
group3/ SL |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a a module V over a commutative ring. When applied to V it represents the group of all invertible linear transformations of V of determinant 1. |
group3/ SLn |
This symbol is a function with two arguments. The first should be a positive integer n, the second a field F. When applied to n and F it represents the group of all invertible linear transformations of the vector space over F of dimension n having determinant 1. |
polyslp/ slp_degree |
A unary function taking an slp as argument and returning the apparent multiplicative degree of the slp, without performing any cancellation. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ solid-angle |
This symbol represents the quantity of a two dimensional, geometric solid angle. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of solid angle is commonly represented with the italic, upper case greek variable, "\Omega;". |
poly1p/ sorted_set_of_indexed_variables |
sorted_set_of_indexed_variables(x,s) returns the vector of variables indexed by the sorted set s. |
graph1/ source |
Given an arrow, this symbol refers to the vertex where the arrow starts. It takes one argument, the arrow. |
equations1/ sparse |
A predicate to indicate that an equation or system of equations is sparse. |
linalg4mat/ sparse |
The sparse symbol is a constructor for sparse matrices. It is (n+1)-ary, where the first argument is the rowcount (row dimension) of the matrix, the second argument is the columncount (column dimension) of the matrix and every following argument specifies a possibly non-zero element in the following way. The argument is a list which should have length three. The first element in the list is the row index, the second element is the column index (one based), whilst the third element in the list is the value. Every other element of the matrix is implicitly zero. |
linalg4vec/ sparse |
The sparse symbol is a constructor for sparse vectors. It is (n+1)-ary, where the first argument is the length (dimension) of the vector, and every following argument specifies a possibly non-zero element in the following way. The argument is a list which should have length two. The first element in the list is the position (one based), whilst the second element in the list is the value. Every other element of the vector is implicitly zero. |
linalg7/ sparse |
The sparse symbol is a constructor for sparse vectors, it is (n+1)-ary, where the first parameter is the length (dimension) of the vector, and every following parameter specifies a possibly non-zero element in the following way. The parameter is a list which should have length two. The first element in the list is the position (one based), whilst the second element in the list is the value. Every other element of the vector is implicitly zero. |
matrix1/ sparse |
The constructor for sparse matrices without any indication of dimension or domain for the coefficients. Its arguments are just matrix1.sparse_entrys. Attention: No two matrix1.sparse_entrys must specify the same location. |
matrix1/ sparse_entry |
This symbol denotes a ternary function whose first two arguments specify the location of an entry inside the matrix, and whose final argument is the entry itself. The entry MUST be either from the specified ground domain directly, or be a diagonal constructor as described below, a block constructor as described below, or a banded constructor as described below. In the block case, the dimensions of the block MUST NOT exceed the total dimensions of the matrix algebra. In the diagonal case, the dimension of the diagonal MUST NOT exceed the total dimensions of the matrix algebra. |
linalg6/ sparseMatrix |
This symbol may be used for representing matrices, it is designed for efficiently representing sparse matrices. The symbol is n+2 ary, where the first argument is the number of rows in the matrix, the second argument is the number of columns in the matrix and n is the number of non-zero entries. The following arguments must be applications of the symbol sparseMatrixElement1. Any non-specified entry is implicitly zero. |
linalgspars1/ sparseMatrix |
This symbol may be used for representing matrices, it is designed for efficiently representing sparse matrices. The symbol is n+2 ary, where the first argument is the number of rows in the matrix, the second argument is the number of columns in the matrix and n is the number of non-zero entries. The following arguments must be applications of the symbol sparseMatrixElement1. Any non-specified entry is implicitly zero. |
linalg6/ sparseMatrix01 |
This symbol may be used for representing matrices which have all entries in the modular field Z_2, i.e. 1 or 0. It allows efficient representation of sparse matrices, more so than the 'sparseMatrix' symbol, since the value of the entries with values of 1 need not be stored, only their positions. The symbol is n+2 ary, where the first argument is the number of rows in the matrix, the second argument is the number of columns in the matrix. The following arguments are sparseMatrixElement3 elements described in this content dictionary. Any non-specified entry is implicitly zero. |
linalgspars1/ sparseMatrix01 |
This symbol may be used for representing matrices which have all entries in the modular field Z_2, i.e. 1 or 0. It allows efficient representation of sparse matrices, more so than the 'sparseMatrix' symbol, since the value of the entries with values of 1 need not be stored, only their positions. The symbol is n+2 ary, where the first argument is the number of rows in the matrix, the second argument is the number of columns in the matrix. The following arguments are sparseMatrixElement3 elements described in this content dictionary. Any non-specified entry is implicitly zero. |
linalg6/ sparseMatrixElement1 |
This symbol may be used to represent a non-zero element of a sparse matrix in the following way. It takes three arguments, the first of which represents the column index, the second of which represents the row index and the third represents the value. The indexing is one based; that is an element in the top left position of the matrix will have first and second indices of 1,1 respectively. Applications of this symbol will be expected as arguments of the symbol sparseMatrix in this content dictionary. |
linalgspars1/ sparseMatrixElement1 |
This symbol may be used to represent a non-zero element of a sparse matrix in the following way. It takes three arguments, the first of which represents the column index, the second of which represents the row index and the third represents the value. The indexing is one based; that is an element in the top left position of the matrix will have first and second indices of 1,1 respectively. Applications of this symbol will be expected as arguments of the symbol sparseMatrix in this content dictionary. |
linalg6/ sparseMatrixElement2 |
This symbol may be used to represent a non-zero element of a sparse matrix in the following way. It takes two arguments, the first of which represents the column index, the second of which represents the value of the element. The row index is deduced from the index of the sparseMatrixRow symbols of which applications of this symbol are arguments. Applications of this symbol occur as arguments of arguments of the symbol nonZeroRowSparseMatrix only. |
linalgspars1/ sparseMatrixElement2 |
This symbol may be used to represent a non-zero element of a sparse matrix in the following way. It takes two arguments, the first of which represents the column index, the second of which represents the value of the element. The row index is deduced from the index of the sparseMatrixRow symbols of which applications of this symbol are arguments. Applications of this symbol occur as arguments of arguments of the symbol nonZeroRowSparseMatrix only. |
linalg6/ sparseMatrixElement3 |
This symbol may be used to represent a non-zero element of a sparse matrix over Z_2 in the following way. The first and second arguments are the column and row indices of the non-zero elements respectively i.e. elements with value 1. Applications of this symbol occur as arguments of arguments of the symbol sparseMatrix01 only. |
linalgspars1/ sparseMatrixElement3 |
This symbol may be used to represent a non-zero element of a sparse matrix over Z_2 in the following way. The first and second arguments are the column and row indices of the non-zero elements respectively i.e. elements with value 1. Applications of this symbol occur as arguments of arguments of the symbol sparseMatrix01 only. |
linalg6/ sparseMatrixElement4 |
This symbol may be used to represent a non-zero element of a sparse matrix over Z_2 in the following way. The single argument is the column index of non-zero elements of the matrix, i.e. elements with value 1. Applications of this symbol occur as arguments of arguments of the symbol nonZeroRowSparseMatrix01 only. |
linalgspars1/ sparseMatrixElement4 |
This symbol may be used to represent a non-zero element of a sparse matrix over Z_2 in the following way. The single argument is the column index of non-zero elements of the matrix, i.e. elements with value 1. Applications of this symbol occur as arguments of arguments of the symbol nonZeroRowSparseMatrix01 only. |
linalg6/ sparseMatrixRow |
This symbol may be used to represent rows of sparse matrices, it is a fairly general symbol in that it may be used to represent rows of any type of sparse matrix from this CD. However the particular type of sparse matrix must have as elements symbols of the corresponding type, as described in that symbols description. |
linalgspars1/ sparseMatrixRow |
This symbol may be used to represent rows of sparse matrices, it is a fairly general symbol in that it may be used to represent rows of any type of sparse matrix from this CD. However the particular type of sparse matrix must have as elements symbols of the corresponding type, as described in that symbols description. |
fns3/ specification |
This symbol denotes the specification of a function. It is a unary function. When aplied to its argument, which should be a function applied to three arguments, it returns the third argument of the function, that is, the function specification. |
dimensions1/ speed |
This symbol represents the speed physical dimension. It is the size of the derivative of distance with respect to time. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ speed |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of speed. It is the size of the derivative of position with respect to time. |
FundamentalPhysicalConstants1/ speed-of-light |
This symbol represents the speed of light in a vacuum. Its value is implied by the definition of the metre [17th CGPM (1983)]. Consequently, the speed of light is defined to be exactly 299,792,458 metre per second (in the SI). It is commonly represented with the short, italic symbol, "c". |
physical_consts1/ speed_of_light |
This symbol represents the speed of light in a vacuum. It is approximately 299792458 metres per second. |
ThreeDgeo1/ sphere |
The symbol is used to indicate a sphere in 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry by a variable. The sphere may (but need not) be subject to constraints. The symbol takes the variable as the first argument and the constraints as further arguments. |
ThreeDgeo2/ sphere_center |
The statement that a sphere in 3-dimensional Euclidean space has a given point as center. Takes the sphere as first argument and the point as second argument. |
sts2/ square_matrix |
A constructor for the type of a square matrix |
poly/ squarefree |
The square-free decomposition of its argument. A program that can compute the factorization is required to return a "squarefreed" object. |
poly/ squarefreed |
The constructor for a square-free factorization. Its arguments should have the structure of the above "factored", where the polynomials should be square-free. Note that this is not necessarily a minimal square-free decomposition: some exponents can occur more than once. Again, this is a statement that we have a square-free factorisation, rather than a request to compute one. |
permgp1/ stabilizer |
This is an n-ary function with n at least 2. The first argument is a permutation group G, the other arguments are elements x_2,x_3,...,x_n upon which G acts. The value is the subgroup of G consisting of all permutations which stabilize each of x_2,x_3,...,x_n. |
permgrp/ stabilizer |
The first argument is a permutation group, the second is some object (point or set) upon which the first argument acts. The value is the subgroup of the first argument which stabilize the second argument. |
permgp1/ stabilizer_chain |
This function takes one argument which should be a permutation group. When applied to the permutation group G, its value is a list consisting of two lists B, H of equal length. The first list B is a base for G, whereas the i-th entry H[i] of the second list is the stabilizer in G of the elements B[1], ..., B[i]. |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ steradian |
This symbol represents one steradian, the natural unit of measure for solid angle. It has the short symbol form, "sr". |
combinat1/ Stirling1 |
The Stirling numbers of the first kind. (-1)^(n-m)*Stirling1(n,m) is the number of permutations of n symbols which have exactly m cycles. Note that there are a few slightly different definitions of these numbers. |
combinat1/ Stirling2 |
The Stirling numbers of the second kind. Stirling2(n, m) is the number of partitions of a set with n elements into m non empty subsets. Note that there are a few slightly different definitions of these numbers. |
scscp2/ store_persistent |
This indicates the request to store an object on the server side (possibly after computing or simplifying it), returning only a cookie (actually, OM reference) pointing to an object that is usable (using OMR) in the foreseeable future, possibly from different sessions, to get access to the actual object. The server is encouraged to describe the expected lifetime of this object and whether references to this object from different SCSCP sessions are allowed in the response to a scscp2.get_signature request on this symbol. However, at this time we provide no automated or machine-readable mechanism for handling these lifetimes. |
scscp2/ store_session |
This indicates the request to store an object on the server side (possibly after computing or simplifying it), returning only a cookie (actually, OM reference) pointing to an object that is usable (using an OMR) in the remainder of the current SCSCP session to get access to the actual object. |
relation0/ strict_order |
Proposition; the type of strict order relations, namely relations that are irreflexive, antisymmetric and transitive. |
omtypes/ string |
The type of character strings |
monoid3/ strings |
This symbol represents a unary function. The argument is a list or a set. When evaluated on such an argument, the function represents the set of all strings whose characters are entries of the list or set. |
sts/ structure |
The structure element is used to represent a structure of a particular (algebraic) type. |
mathmlattr/ style |
A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify the style attribute of the object. The annotation should be an OpenMath string representing the value of the style attribute. |
field1/ subfield |
This symbol is a constructor symbol with one or two arguments. The first argument is a list or set, D, of field elements. The optional second argument is the field G containing D. It denotes the subfield of G generated by D. |
group1/ subgroup |
This symbol is a constructor symbol with one or two arguments. The first argument is a list or set, D, of group elements. The optional second argument is the group G containing D. It denotes the subgroup of G generated by D. |
magma1/ submagma |
This symbol is a constructor symbol with two arguments. The first argument is a magma M, the second a list or set, D, of elements of M. When applied to M and D, it denotes the submagma of M generated by D. |
monoid1/ submonoid |
This symbol is a constructor symbol with two arguments. The first argument is a monoid M, the second a list or set, D, of elements of M. When applied to M and D, it denotes the submonoid of M generated by D. |
ring1/ subring |
This symbol is a constructor symbol with one or two arguments. The first argument is a list or set, D, of ring elements. The optional second argument is the ring G containing D. It denotes the subring of G generated by D. |
semigroup1/ subsemigroup |
This symbol is a constructor symbol with two arguments. The first argument is a semigroup S, the second a list or set, D, of elements of S. When applied to S and D, it denotes the subsemigroup of S generated by D. |
multiset1/ subset |
This symbol has two (multiset) arguments. It is used to denote that the first set is a subset of the second, i.e. every element of the first occurs with multiplicity at least as much in the second. |
set1/ subset |
This symbol has two (set) arguments. It is used to denote that the first set is a subset of the second. |
linalgpoly1/ substitute |
This symbol represents a binary function. This first argument should be a polynomial f in a single variable X, the second should be a square matrix A defined over a field F. When applied to f and A, it represents the matrix obtained by replacing X by A and the constant term by the corresponding scalar matrix. |
field1/ subtraction |
This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a field. It returns the binary operation of subtraction on the field. |
ring1/ subtraction |
This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a ring. It returns the binary operation of subtraction on the ring. |
indnat/ succ |
Successor function on the natural number. Constructor for the inductively defined natural numbers. Takes argument a a natural number and returns a natural number. |
list1/ suchthat |
This symbol represents the suchthat function which may be used to construct lists, it takes two arguments. The first argument should be the set which contains the elements of the list, the second argument should be a predicate, that is a function from the set to the booleans which describes if an element is to be in the list returned. |
list1/ suchthat |
This symbol represents the suchthat function which may be used to construct lists; it takes two arguments. The first argument should be a set X which contains the elements of the list, the second argument should be a predicate, that is a function from the set X to the booleans which describes if an element is to be in the list returned. |
list1/ suchthat |
This symbol represents the suchthat function which may be used to construct lists; it takes two arguments. The first argument should be a set X which contains the elements of the list, the second argument should be a predicate, that is a function from the set X to the booleans which describes if an element is to be in the list returned. |
set1/ suchthat |
This symbol represents the suchthat function which may be used to construct sets, it takes two arguments. The first argument should be the set which contains the elements of the set we wish to represent, the second argument should be a predicate, that is a function from the set to the booleans which describes if an element is to be in the set returned. |
arith1/ sum |
An operator taking two arguments, the first being the range of summation, e.g. an integral interval, the second being the function to be summed. Note that the sum may be over an infinite interval. |
test-x/ sum |
An operator taking two arguments, the first being the range of summation, e.g. an integral interval, the second being the function to be summed. Note that the sum may be over an infinite interval. |
permgp1/ support |
This represents a unary function whose argument should be a permutation group. When evaluated at a permutation group G, it is the set of points which are moved a member of G. |
permutation1/ support |
This symbol is a function with one argument which is a permutation. When applied to a permutation whose arguments are the cycles A1,...,An, it represents the set A which is the union of the entries of all Ai for i=1,...,n. |
permutation1/ support |
This symbol is a function with one argument which is a permutation. When applied to a permutation P whose arguments are the cycles A1,...,An, it represents the set A which is the union of the entries of all Ai for i=1,...,n. |
gp1/ sylow_subgroup |
The largest p-subgroup of the argument (up to conjugacy). |
group3/ sylow_subgroup |
This symbol represents a binary function with two arguments, the first is a group G and the second a prime number p. When applied to G and p, it represents a Sylow p-subgroup of G (which is unique up to conjugacy in G). |
scscp2/ symbol_set |
This symbol is used in the reply to a scscp2.get_allowed_heads call. It should be the head of an OM Application, the contents of the OMA being arbitrarily many OM Symbols (meaning that a particular symbol is supported), OMA's with head meta.CDName (meaning that all symbols of a particular CD are supported) or OMA's with head meta.CDGroupName (meaning that all symbols of all CDs of a particular CD group are supported). See the example at scscp2.get_allowed_heads. |
scscp2/ symbol_set_all |
This symbol is used in the reply to a scscp2.get_signature message. It means that this particular service takes any OpenMath object as argument. |
linalg5/ symmetric |
This symbol represents a symmetric matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of elements of the matrix. For j>=i the ij'th element of the matrix is the (j-i+1)'th element of the i'th element of the argument. This determines the upper triangle of the matrix, the lower triangle is specified by the rule M = transpose M. |
linalgsym1/ symmetric |
This symbol represents a symmetric matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of elements of the matrix. For j>=i the ij'th element of the matrix is the (j-i+1)'th element of the i'th element of the argument. This determines the upper triangle of the matrix, the lower triangle is specified by the rule M = transpose M. |
relation0/ symmetric |
Proposition; the type of symmetric binary relations. |
relation3/ symmetric_closure |
This symbol represents a binary function whose first argument is a set S, whose second argument is a relation R on S. When applied to S and R, it represents the smallest symmetric relation (with respect to inclusion) on S containing R. |
group3/ symmetric_group |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a set X. When applied to a set X it represents the group of all permutations on X . |
permgp2/ symmetric_group |
This symbol represents a unary function. Its argument is either a positive integer or a set. When evaluated on a set, it represents the permutation group of all permutations of that set. When evaluated on a positive integer n, it represents the permutation group of all permutations of the set {1,..., n}. |
group3/ symmetric_groupn |
This symbol is a function with one argument, which should be a natural number n. When applied to n it represents the group of all permutations on the set {1,2,... ,n}. |
omtypes/ symtype |
The type of symbolic types introduced in other CDs |
transc1/ tan |
This symbol represents the tan function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.3. It takes one argument. |
plangeo3/ tangent |
Given a line L and a circle C this boolean checks whether L is a tangent line to C. |
transc1/ tanh |
This symbol represents the tanh function as described in Abramowitz and Stegun, section 4.5. It takes one argument. |
graph1/ target |
Given an arrow, this symbol refers to the vertex the arrow points to. It takes one argument, the arrow. |
units_binaryprefix1/ tebi |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
dimensions1/ temperature |
This symbol represents the temperature physical dimension. |
SI_BaseQuantities/ temperature |
This symbol represents the SI base quantity of thermodynamic temperature. It has the short symbol form, "\Theta;". |
tensor1/ tensor_selector |
This symbol takes 3 arguments: a tensor, a basis, and a tuple of contravariant and/or covariant indexes. It returns the indexed tensor component in the given basis. |
units_siprefix1/ tera |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
polyd/ term |
The constructor of terms. Valid applications are of the form Term(coeff, exp1, exp2, ... expn) which represents the term coeff * var1^exp1*...varn^expn where n is the number of variables, expi are non-negative integers. coeff should be non-zero. |
polyd1/ term |
The constructor of monomials. Valid applications are of the form Term(coeff, exp1, exp2, ... expn) which represents the monomial coeff * var1^exp1*...varn^expn where n is the number of variables, expi are non-negative integers. |
polyr/ term |
A constructor for monomials, that is products of powers and elements of the base ring. First argument is from N (the exponent of the variable implied by an outer poly_r_rep) second argument is a coefficient (from the ground field, or a polynomial in lesser variables). |
polyu/ term |
A constructor for monomials, that is products of powers and elements of the base ring. First argument is from N (the exponent of the variable implied by an outer poly_u_rep) second argument is a coefficient (from the ground field) |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ tesla |
This symbol represents an SI unit of magnetic flux density. It has the short symbol form, "T". |
asymp1/ theta |
The theta symbol represents a unary function which constructs a set of certain functions of type reals to positive reals. The theta symbol represents a set of functions which all have the same 'rate of growth'. Formally we say that f(x) = theta(g(x)) if and only if there are constants c_1 not= 0 and c_2 not= 0 and x_0 such that for all x > x_0 it is true that c_1*g(x) < f(x) < c_2*g(x). |
dimensions1/ time |
This symbol represents the time physical dimension. Note that the main units for time are defined in the units_time1 CD. |
SI_BaseQuantities/ time |
This symbol represents the SI base quantity of time. It has the short symbol form, "T". |
arith1/ times |
The symbol representing an n-ary multiplication function. |
arith2/ times |
The symbol representing an n-ary multiplication function inheriting from the times in arith1, but with the extra property that here it must be commutative. |
freealg1/ times |
Multiplication in the free algebra. |
indnat/ times |
Multiplication of natural numbers defined recursively by using the successor and plus. |
opnode/ times |
A constant value, constructs the times for multiplication nodes. |
polyd/ times |
The product. The argument is a DMPL. The product lies within the same "PolyRingD" i.e. a program implementing this operation should return a DMP with the same "poly_ring_d" (or "poly_ring_d_named"). |
polyd1/ times |
The product. The argument is a DMPL. The product lies within the same "poly_ring_d", i.e., a program implementing this operation should return a DMP with the same "poly_ring_d". |
test-x/ times |
The symbol representing an n-ary multiplication function. |
weylalgebra1/ times |
multiplication in D |
SIUsed_OffSystemUnits1/ tonne |
This symbol represents the mass measure of one tonne. It has the short symbol form, "t". |
relation0/ transitive |
Proposition; the type of transitive binary relations. |
relation3/ transitive_closure |
This symbol represents a binary function whose first argument is a set S, whose second argument is a relation R on S. When applied to S and R, it represents the smallest transitive relation (with respect to inclusion) on S containing R. |
linalg1/ transpose |
This symbol represents a unary function that denotes the transpose of the given matrix or vector |
linalg5/ tridiagonal |
This symbol represents a tridiagonal matrix, it takes one argument which should be a vector of vectors which should have three elements. These should be vectors representing the sub-diagonal, the diagonal and the super-diagonal in that order. |
linalgspec1/ tridiagonal |
This symbol represents a tridiagonal matrix, it takes one argument which should be a vector of vectors which should have three elements. These should be vectors representing the sub-diagonal, the diagonal and the super-diagonal in that order. |
logic1/ true |
This symbol represents the boolean value true. |
rounding1/ trunc |
The round to zero operation. |
ecc/ Tuple |
The n-ary tupling constructor when n>2. The arguments are the element of the tuple. Tuple objects can also be constructed by successive nesting of Pair. |
tensor1/ tuple |
This symbol is an n-ary symbol, returning an n-tuple of the arguments. The number of arguments, n, is a non-negative integer. The elements of the n-tuple are ordered as the arguments are ordered. Elements of a tuple may have the same type and value as each other, or not. An n-tuple, unlike a list, is generally not mutable. |
tensor1/ tuple_selector |
This symbol takes 2 arguments, a tuple and a natural number index, and returns the tuple component indicated by the index value. |
cc/ type |
Attribution tag to denote type-judgement |
ecc/ type |
Attribution tag to denote type-judgement |
icc/ type |
Attribution tag to denote type-judgement |
lc/ type |
Attribution tag to denote type-judgement |
mathmltypes/ type |
A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify the type of the object. |
meta_cats/ type |
This symbol is unary and returns the type of its argument. |
plangeo1/ type |
The symbol represents the type of the basic geometric objects: points, lines, configuration. |
sts/ type |
A symbol to be used within an OpenMath attribute to specify the type of the object. |
typesorts/ Type |
The cumulative type of the type of sets in a hierarchy of types. |
typesorts/ Type0 |
The type of sets in a hierarchy of types. |
cc/ typecoerce |
Attribution tag to denote type-judgement with coercion |
ecc/ typecoerce |
Attribution tag to denote type-judgement with coercion |
icc/ typecoerce |
Attribution tag to denote type-judgement with coercion |
lc/ typecoerce |
Attribution tag to denote type-judgement with coercion |
arith1/ unary_minus |
This symbol denotes unary minus, i.e. the additive inverse. |
test-x/ unary_minus |
This symbol denotes unary minus, i.e. the additive inverse. |
scscp2/ unbind |
This indicates the request to remove the object, referred by the cookie, from the server. |
moreerrors/ unexpected |
This symbol represents the error which is returned when an application reads an error caused by an unexpected problem. It will have at least one argument, which is a string describing the problem. It may have a second argument which is relevant to the error. |
error/ unexpected_symbol |
This symbol represents the error which is raised when an application reads a symbol which is not present in the mentioned content dictionary. When receiving such a symbol, the application should act as if it had received the OpenMath error object constructed from unexpected_symbol and the unexpected symbol as in the example below. |
error/ unhandled_symbol |
This symbol represents the error which is raised when an application reads a symbol which is present in the mentioned content dictionary, but which it has not implemented. When receiving such a symbol, the application should act as if it had received the OpenMath error object constructed from unhandled_symbol and the unhandled symbol as in the example below. |
multiset1/ union |
This symbol is used to denote the n-ary union of multisets. It takes multisets as arguments, and denotes the multiset that contains all the elements that occur in any of them, with multiplicity the sum of all the multiplicities in the multiset arguments. |
set1/ union |
This symbol is used to denote the n-ary union of sets. It takes sets as arguments, and denotes the set that contains all the elements that occur in any of them. |
SI_functions1/ unit |
The symbol to represent the function that returns the units of its argument in terms of a product of powers of SI base units. |
tensor1/ unit_Cartesian |
This symbol takes one argument, a natural number, and returns the Cartesian basis element, of a right handed Cartesian coordinate frame, corresponding to the value of the argument. The unit_Cartesian basis elements are each constant with respect to position in the space and define an orthonormal vector space basis. |
units_sts/ unit_prefix |
The type of all unit prefixes, such as "kilo". |
error/ unsupported_CD |
This symbol represents the error which is raised when an application reads a symbol where the mentioned content dictionary is not present. When receiving such a symbol, the application should act as if it had received the OpenMath error object constructed from unsupported_CD and the symbol from the unsupported Content Dictionary as in the example below. |
transc2/ unwind |
The unwinding number denotes the extent to which |
linalg5/ upper-Hessenberg |
This symbol represents an upper-Hessenberg matrix, it takes one argument, the argument is a vector of vectors representing the non-zero elements. The first element of the argument specifies the value of the first subdiagonal, the subsequent elements specify the value of the diagonal and subsequent super-diagonals, all other elements are zero. |
linalg5/ upper-triangular |
This symbol represents an upper-triangular matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of elements of the matrix. |
matrix1/ upper_band |
This symbol is a binary function whose first argument is a non-negative OpenMath integer which denotes the index of the upper band which is specified in the second argument. Hereby the first upper band is the one immediately above the main (generalised) diagonal, its starting coordinates relative to the top-left of the matrix thus are (1, 2). |
linalgspec2/ upper_Hessenberg |
This symbol represents an upper_Hessenberg matrix, it takes one argument, the argument is a vector of vectors representing the non-zero elements. The first element of the argument specifies the value of the first subdiagonal, the subsequent elements specify the value of the diagonal and subsequent super-diagonals, all other elements are zero. |
linalgspec1/ upper_triangular |
This symbol represents an upper-triangular matrix, it takes one argument. The argument should be a vector of vectors of elements of the matrix. |
rdf/ value |
This symbol represents a function for accessing the value of an RDF property. It takes two arguments, a string denoting the property and an object denoting the RDF resource whose property value should be retrieved. |
rdf/ valueset |
This symbol represents a function for accessing all values of multivalued RDF property. It takes two arguments, a string denoting the property and an object denoting the RDF resource whose property values should be retrieved. |
calculus2/ variable_of_integration |
This symbol represents the variable with respect to which an integral is calculated. |
polyd1/ variables |
This is a unary function, whose argument is a poly_ring_d_named. When applied to its argument, it represents the list of variables of the polynomial ring. |
s_data1/ variance |
This symbol represents a function requiring two or more arguments, denoting the variance of its arguments. That is, the square of the standard deviation. |
s_dist1/ variance |
This symbol represents a unary function denoting the variance of a distribution. The argument is a function to describe the distribution. That is if f is the function which describes the distribution. The variance of a distribution is the square of the standard deviation of the distribution. |
linalg2/ vector |
This symbol represents an n-ary function used to construct (or describe) vectors. Vectors in this CD are considered to be row vectors and must therefore be transposed to be considered as column vectors. |
linalg2col/ vector |
This symbol represents an n-ary function used to construct (or describe) vectors. Vectors in this CD are considered to be column vectors, and must therefore be transposed to be considered as row vectors. |
linalg3/ vector |
This symbol represents an n-ary function used to construct (or describe) vectors. Vectors in this CD are considered to be column vectors, and must therefore be transposed to be considered as row vectors. |
sts2/ vector |
A constructor for the type of a vector |
sts2/ vector_n |
A constructor for the type of a vector of size n |
poly1p/ vector_of_indexed_variables |
vector_of_indexed_variables(x,n) returns the vector of variables (x_1, ..., x_n). vector_of_indexed_variables(x,[m,n]) returns the vector of variables (x_{1,1}, ..., x_{m,n}). Any vector of numbers can be given as an argument. |
linalg1/ vector_selector |
This symbol represents the function which allows individual entries to be selected from a vector, or a matrixrow. It takes two arguments. The first argument is the position in the vector (or matrixrow) of the required entry, the second argument is the vector (or matrixrow) in question. The indexing is one based, i.e. the first element is indexed by one. |
linalg6/ vector_tensor |
This symbol denotes a n-nary function which is used to construct the tensor product vector of its arguments, which must be vectors. |
linalg5/ vector_to_list |
This symbol denotes a unary function. Its argument must be a vector v. When applied to v it represents the list whose entries are the coordinates of v (with the same indexing). |
mathmltypes/ vector_type |
A symbol to be used as the argument of the type symbol to convey the type of a (column) vector, an n-tuple of entries. |
linalg1/ vectorproduct |
This symbol represents the vector product function. It takes two three dimensional vector arguments and returns a three dimensional vector. It is defined as follows: if we write a as [a_1,a_2,a_3] and b as [b_1,b_2,b_3] then the vector product denoted a x b = [a_2b_3 - a_3b_2 , a_3b_1 - a_1b_3 , a_1b_2 - a_2b_1]. Note that the vector product is often referred to as the cross product. |
dimensions1/ velocity |
This symbol represents the velocity physical dimension. It is the derivative of distance with respect to time. |
graph1/ vertexset |
This symbol represents the vertex set of a (directed or undirected) graph. It takes one argument, the graph. |
permgp2/ vierer_group |
This symbol represents the Klein Vierer group of order 4, viewed as a permutation group of degree 4. It consists of the identity, (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4), and (1,4)(2,3). |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ volt |
This symbol represents an SI unit of voltage or electric tension. It has the short symbol form, "V". |
units_metric1/ volt |
This symbol represents the measure of one volt. This is the standard SI measure for voltage. |
dimensions1/ voltage |
This symbol represents the voltage physical dimension. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ voltage |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of voltage or electric tension. A variable representing an arbitrary quantity of voltage is commonly represented with the italic, upper case letter, "V". |
dimensions1/ volume |
This symbol represents the volume physical dimension. |
SI_DerivedQuantities1/ volume |
This symbol represents the physical quantity of volume. It has the short symbol form, "V". |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ watt |
This symbol represents an SI unit of power, a joule per second. It has the short symbol form, "W". |
units_metric1/ Watt |
This symbol represents the measure of one Watt. This is the standard SI measure for power. |
SI_NamedDerivedUnits1/ weber |
This symbol represents an SI unit of magnetic flux. It has the short symbol form, "Wb". |
units_time1/ week |
This symbol represents the measure of one week of time. |
polyd/ weighted |
The first argument is a list of integers to act as variable weights, and the second is an ordering. The result is an ordering. |
polyd2/ weighted |
The first argument is a list of integers to act as variable weights, and the second is an ordering. The result is an ordering. |
polyd/ weighted_degree |
The total degree of its argument, taking into account any weights declared. The value returned is an integer: non-negative if the weights are. We note that the degree of 0 is undefined. |
polyd2/ weighted_degree |
The total degree of its argument, taking into account any weights declared. The value returned is an integer: non-negative if the weights are. We note that the degree of 0 is undefined. |
hypergeon0/ where |
The word "where" is often used in mathematical expressions to set variables or to say side conditions. CDname logic1.implies can be used for these purposes, but "where" will be more intuitive and more friendly expression for authors. |
logic1p/ where |
The word "where" is often used in mathematical expressions to set variables or to say side conditions. CDname logic1.implies can be used for these purposes, but "where" will be more intuitive and more friendly expression for formula book writers. |
prog1/ while |
This symbol represents the while loop. The syntax is while(conditional_block, block1), where conditional_block is the block that determines when to stop the while loop and block1 is the body of the while loop. |
logic1/ xnor |
This symbol represents the logical xnor function which is an n-ary function taking boolean arguments and returning a boolean value. It is false if there are an odd number of true arguments or true otherwise. |
logic1/ xor |
This symbol represents the logical xor function which is an n-ary function taking boolean arguments and returning a boolean value. It is true if there are an odd number of true arguments or false otherwise. |
units_imperial1/ yard |
This symbol represents the measure of one yard. This is a standard imperial measure for distance, defined in terms of the foot. |
units_us1/ yard_us_survey |
This symbol represents the measure of one U.S. Survey yard. |
units_siprefix1/ yocto |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
units_siprefix1/ yotta |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
ringname1/ Z |
This symbol represents the ring of integers. |
setname1/ Z |
This symbol represents the set of integers, positive, negative and zero. |
units_siprefix1/ zepto |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
alg1/ zero |
This symbol represents the additive identity element. |
alg1/ zero |
This symbol represents the additive identity element. |
field1/ zero |
This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a field. It returns the zero element of the field. |
indnat/ zero |
The natural number 0, also constant base function for the inductive definition of the type of natural numbers |
linalg4mat/ zero |
This symbol denotes a function with two arguments, m and n, which should be natural numbers. When applied to m and n, it represents the m x n zero matrix. |
linalg4vec/ zero |
This symbol represents a function with one argument, which should be a natural number n. When applied to n, it represents the zero vector of size n (in the terminology of linalg3; dimension n in some terminology). |
linalg5/ zero |
This symbol denotes a function with two integral arguments m,n which is used to construct an (mxn) zero matrix. |
linalg7/ zero |
The zero symbol represents the zero vector, it takes one parameter which should be the length (dimension in some terminology) of the vector. |
ring1/ zero |
This symbols represents a unary function, whose argument should be a ring. It returns the zero element of the ring. |
physical_consts1/ zero_Celsius |
This symbol represents the zero of the Celsius temperature scale. |
physical_consts1/ zero_Fahrenheit |
This symbol represents the zero of the Fahrenheit temperature scale. |
units_siprefix1/ zetta |
This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been effectively multiplied by |
ringname1/ Zm |
This symbol represents the ring of integers modulo m, where m is not necessarily a prime. It takes one argument, the integer m. |
setname2/ Zm |
This symbol represents the set of integers modulo m, where m is not necessarily a prime. It takes one argument, the integer m. |