Run the following command:
python ./rippling_cli/cli/
If the setup is complete, you should see the following output.
- Install pyinstaller using the following command:
pip install pyinstaller
- Install the pyinstaller executable using the following command:
pyinstaller rippling_cli/cli/ --name rippling --noconfirm
- Run the executable using the following command:
./dist/rippling/rippling [your command here]
You can set up alias for the path of executable to run it from anywhere in the terminal.
- Install the homebrew
- Generate the pyinstaller executable as mentioned above.
- Create the tar file using pyinstaller executable.
tar -cvf rippling.0.1.0.tar dist/rippling
- Gzip the tar file using the below command
gzip rippling.0.1.0.tar
- Create a formula file rippling.rb in the current directory.
- replace the url with the path of the tar file.
- generate the sha256 of the tar file using the below command.
shasum -a 256 rippling.0.1.0.tar.gz
class Rippling < Formula
desc "Rippling CLI"
homepage ""
url "file:///path/to/rippling-cli/rippling.0.1.0.tar.gz"
sha256 "copy the sha256 of the tar file"
def install
bin.install "rippling/_internal"
bin.install "rippling/rippling"
- Install the formula using the below command.
brew install rippling.rb
Now you can run the rippling command from anywhere in the terminal.