This is a node.js Koa-based API server that exposes API endpoints for user registration, user management, and email.
The following environment variables are utilized:
PORT=3500 # Port to listen on (Defaults to specified)
[email protected] # Email to send from
SMTP=smtp://username:password@host:1025 # SMTP service authentication
CORS_ORIGIN=http://myhost/ # Allowed CORS URI (Defaults to all origins) # Google Developer Client ID
POSTGRES_HOST=localhost # Database authentication (Defaults to specified)
POSTGRES_DB=code_challenge # Database authentication (Defaults to specified)
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgresadmin # Datbase authentication (Defaults to specified)
POSTGRES_USER=postgres # Database authentication (Defaults to specified)
POSTGRES_PORT=5432 # Database authentication (Defaults to specified)
Provided you have node installed, you can get started with:
npm install # Install application dependencies
npm run build # Build the application
npm start # Run the application server
The server supports the following run tasks:
npm start # Start the server
npm test # Run all test suites
npm run build # Build the application
npm run watch # Start a build watch task for development
npm run prettier # Run autoformatter
npm run eslint # Run code linter
You can build/run a Docker image with the following commands:
docker build -t backend . # Build the docker image
docker run --env-file .env -p 3500:3500 --name backend -d backend # Run image
docker stop backend # Stop server
docker start backend # Start server
There is also a docker-compose.yml file in the parent directory of this repository, which is the recommended way for starting a development or demo environment.