Name of Test Case: Create Assessment
Description: This use case is for a user creating an assessment on OCAT
Actors: User
- The user must be logged in
- Go to the New Assessment Page
- Score should start at 0 and risk level should be Low
- Fill out the Cat Name and Cat Date of Birth
- Click through the scoring questions
- Score and Risk Level should match the correct score
- Click Submit
- The Form should be reset to blank values immediately after submitting
Alternate Flows: No alternate flows
- Submitting the create assessment form without filling out Cat Name and Cate Date of Birth fields should result in the form not submitting
- The score and risk level don't automatically update as the user fills out the questions
- Assessment doesn't appear in the list at post-condition _
- Assessment should appear in the list with the correct Cat Name, Date of Birth, Risk Level, Score, and Creation Date