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236 lines (192 loc) · 13.7 KB

License: GPL v3

Spatial Equity Data Tool

This repo contains some example files, code and data which power Urban's Spatial Equity Data Tool. We also have robust public documentation describing how the tool works.

All of the tool's infrastructure is deployed using GitHub Actions (a CI/CD service). If you are just interested in the tool methodology/calculations and/or don't want to setup your own AWS infrastructure for the tool, you can skip most of the files in this repo and head straight to scripts/lambda/ Make sure to read the description of that script below to get a sense of the changes you will have to make.


This code is licensed under the GPLv3 license.


Environment Variables

Environment variables need to be set in an .env file in the root of this repo. This file will be used by scripts that are run locally on your machine. The .env file should look like:


By default the .env file is added to the gitignore so it will need to be added manually to your repo locally. For confidentiality reasons, we have inserted several placeholder values within the files in this repo that look like <some-name> that you will need to provide yourself.

Staging and Production

Updates to the staging and production branches in this repo will trigger a GitHub Actions workflow to deploy the updates to the relevant resources on AWS. GitHub Actions will display a green check when the updates are deployed. If there was an error deploying the updates, GitHub Actions will email the person who triggered the workflow.

The AWS resources are managed through separate staging and production CloudFormation stacks.

AWS credentials

You will need AWS credentials (we used AWS admin creds) in order to run the data update scripts and upload data to S3. Install the AWS CLI, and configure the credentials with the aws configure command. Your AWS creds will need access to the following S3 buckets:

  • <equity_infrastructure_bucket>-stg
  • <equity_infrastructure_bucket>-prod
  • <equity_file_bucket>-stg
  • <equity_file_bucket>-prod

Conda environment

You will need to install a conda environment with the packages laid out in environment.yml. Note right now they all list OSx specific packages, as that is a limitation of conda. The packages are also laid out in packagelist.txt (Mac) and packagelist-win.txt (Windows) and you can recreate the conda environment with:

conda create --name <env> --file packagelist.txt


conda create --name <env> --file packagelist-win.txt

Key packages to install are geopandas version >= 0.9.0,pandas version = 1.3.0, and boto3.

As a backup, here is a manual list of python packages to install in a conda environment from the conda-forge channel:

  • geopandas
  • boto3

And R packages below:

  • sf
  • tidycensus
  • tidyverse
  • tigris
  • dtplyr
  • testthat
  • dotenv
  • aws.s3
  • stringi
  • readxl
  • here
  • jsonlite
  • httr


Below is an explanation of all folders and files in this repo.

  • .env: A gitignored env file which contains environment variables used by scripts in the scripts/ folder. Will need to be placed there manually when you first clone this repo.

  • .github/workflows/sam-pipeline.yml: A gitignored fole containing the GitHub Action workflow that builds and deploys the SAM application. This is triggered by updates to the staging and production branches. The workflow first defines a STAGE and STACK_NAME parameter based on which branch was updated. It then uses the relevant IAM role to build and deploy the application to AWS.

  • template.yml: A gitignored SAM template that defines all the AWS resources needed for the backend operation of the Spatial Equity Data Tool. This includes 2 S3 buckets, 4 Lambda functions, an API Gateway, a state machine, an EventBridge rule, and appropriate permissions for all of them. Note that we make use of some predefined roles (equity-assessment-tool-lambda-role , sedt-invoke-stepfunction-role, and sedt-stepfunction-role) that we have manually created and are only available in Urban's AWS account. You can create the policies yourself in this template file, but it was really finicky and just an absolute pain to get setup properly, so we resorted to manually creating the policies in the IAM console and then referencing them in this template file.

  • samconfig.toml: A gitignored SAM configuration file that is referenced when building and deploying the SAM application. This is also where AWS resources tags are defined and applied to all resources in the stack.

  • environment.yml: A gitignored conda environment file which lists all dependencies and packages used to run the R and python scripts in scripts/. Since this file has not been pushed to GitHub, we recommend using one fo the following two files:

    • packagelist.txt: A list of all packages in the Conda environment for OSx users. You can recreate the conda environment by running $ conda create --name <env> --file packagelist.txt from the root of the repo. Note that the R packages required to run the code in scripts/update-data may not show up correctly in this file and may need to still be manually installed into the conda environment.
    • packagelist-win.txt: A list of all packages in the Conda environment for Windows users. You can recreate the conda environment by running $ conda create --name <env> --file packagelist-win.txt from the root of the repo. Note that the R packages required to run the code in scripts/update-data may not show up correctly in this file and may need to still be manually installed into the conda environment.
  • speed-test-data/: Gitignored folder which contains datasets of varying sizes used to perform speed tests. CSVs are written into this folder by scripts/run-tests/run_speed_tests.R.

  • edge-test-data/: Gitignored folder which contains datasets used to perform edge case testing. CSV's are written into this folder by scripts/run-tests/run_edge_case_tests.R.

  • sample-data/: Folder which contains all of the sample datasets used in the tool, with the exception of the New Orleans data as it is bigger than Github's 100 MB file size limit. It also contains JSONS for each sample dataset which specify any default filters and weights which are used by the frontend.

  • reference-data/: Contains all of the tool's reference data. Some subfolders may not exist when cloning, but are written out by scripts/update-data/. The reference-data/ directory will have a subdirectory for each ACS 5-year Survey end year currently supported by the tool. That is currently 2019, 2021, and 2022.

    • {year}/:
      • acs_variable_definitions/:
        • poverty_population.csv: CSV with manually checked ACS variable codes which correspond to human readable file names for the low-income population variables used in the tool
        • total_population.csv: CSV with manually checked ACS variable codes which correspond to human readable file names for the total population variables used in the tool
        • under18_population.csv: CSV with manually checked ACS variable codes which correspond to human readable file names for the child population variables used in the tool
      • clean-acs-data/: Contains cleaned ACS geography files written out by scripts/update-data/01_download-and-clean-acs-data.R
      • city/: city level precomputed statistics and tract files (for writeout to S3)
      • county/: county level precomputed statistics and tract files (for writeout to S3)
      • state/: state level precomputed statistics and tract files (for writeout to S3)
      • national/: national level precomputed statistics and tract files (for writeout to S3)
  • scripts/:

    • create-sample-data/

      • 01_generate_sample_bike_data.R: Generates sample dataset on bike share stations from Minneapolis, MN using the Nice Ride MN API.
      • 02_upload_sample_data_to_s3.R: Uploads sample datasets from the sample-data folder into S3.
      • 03_impute_sample_data.R: For a couple of the sample datasets, we impute some values in columns which we use as filters and weights in the tool, and then re-upload to S3.
    • lambda/

      • equity-calculations
        • The key workhorse lambda function which performs geographic and demographic disparity calculations for datasets. This lambda function is triggered whenever a file is written to the input-data/ prefix of the <equity_file_bucket>. At a high level, this lambda function reads in user uploaded data, determines the dataset's source geography (by performing a spatial join on a small sample of the data), reads in the geography's demographic and geographic data, and calculates disparity scores. It then writes out the outputs into S3 to be returned to the user by the API. Because this is a lambda function, the main code logic is contained in the handler function. This code is only meant to work in conjunction with the other AWS infrastructure setup by template.yml. If you do not want to use our AWS infrastructure to run the equity calculations, you will need to modify this script a good deal. To start with, you'd need to rewrite the data readin/writeout functions to read/write data locally instead of from S3, and remove most of the update_status_json calls. If you want to create a version of this script to calculate disparity scores locally and need help modifying this script to meet your needs, please reach out to us!
        • Dockerfile: The Dockerfile that defines a custom Lambda container image with the requisite Python packages needed by the calculator Lambda function. See here for more information on using Lambda container images.
        • requirements.txt The Dockerfile installs the packages in the requirements.txt file in this directory. We specify that we want the equity-calculator Lambda function to use this image in the template.yml file using the PackageType property and by specifying the DockerFile, DockerContext, and DockerTag metadata.
      • Lambda function which determines whether the user-submitted request is from the public API and, if so, whether it includes custom demographic and geographic files. The function looks for files with the input-data/ prefix in the <equity_file_bucket>. It is the first of three files in the step function. To read more about the step function, see this blog post.

      • Lambda function which determines whether the files identified in have been successfully uploaded to <equity_file_bucket>. This function checks for the identified files with the input-data/ prefix in the <equity_file_bucket>. If the files have not finished uploading, the step function waits and then triggers this Lambda function again. This cycle repeats until this lambda function determines that all of the files have finished uploading.

      • Lambda function which checks status of existing jobs and gets data for completed jobs. This lambda function is connected to an API Gateway with different endpoints for checking status and getting completed files. See template.yml for the exact endpoint configurations. This API works closely with the internal frontend API to get the status of existing jobs and get data for completed jobs.

    • update-data/: Updates tool data

      • Contains more specific instructions on exactly how to generate or update the data for a year.
      • main-update-data-script.R: Main handler update script which source()'s scripts 01 to 03. You can set the year parameter in this script to choose which year of ACS data to update. For the chosen year, you need to ensure that you have manually created and checked ACS variable definition files at reference-data/{year}/acs_variable_definitions/
      • 01_download-and-clean-acs-data.R: Downloads and cleans ACS data, then writes to reference-data/{year}/cleaned-acs-data/
      • 02_generate-baseline-proportions.R: Generates baseline proportions based on the denominator geography and writes out tool specific files to reference-data/{year}/{geography}/*
      • Uploads the contents of reference-data/{year}/{geography}/* into the S3 infrastructure bucket as CSVs and pickles (pickled files used for performance speedups).

Please provide feedback by opening GitHub Issues or contacting us at [email protected].