Ensure destructuring and symmetric naming of useState hook value and setter variables (react/hook-use-state)
💼 This rule is enabled in the following configs: all
💡 This rule provides editor suggestions.
This rule checks whether the value and setter variables destructured from a React.useState()
call are named symmetrically.
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
import React from 'react';
export default function useColor() {
// useState call is not destructured into value + setter pair
const useStateResult = React.useState();
return useStateResult;
import React from 'react';
export default function useColor() {
// useState call is destructured into value + setter pair, but identifier
// names do not follow the [thing, setThing] naming convention
const [color, updateColor] = React.useState();
return useStateResult;
Examples of correct code for this rule:
import React from 'react';
export default function useColor() {
// useState call is destructured into value + setter pair whose identifiers
// follow the [thing, setThing] naming convention
const [color, setColor] = React.useState();
return [color, setColor];
import React from 'react';
export default function useColor() {
// useState result is directly returned
return React.useState();