#Contribution Guidelines
Thank you for your support! node-soap wouldn't be where it is today without contributors like you who are willing to take the time to improve it for everyone else.
Because SOAP Web Services can differ amongst implementations, there is high risk involved in making changes. What works for your WSDL, might not work with another. It is therefore essential that contributors to node-soap adhere to these guidelines:
##Making Changes
- If your issue is WSDL related:
1. Make your WSDL as generic as possible to recreate the issue
2. Add the WSDL to the appropriate path in test/wsdl.
3. Commit your changes to a feature branch within your fork.
4. Issue a pull request.
- If your issue is client related:
1. Capture the request / response XMl via client.lastRequest and client.lastResponse as well as the WSDL.
2. Make the WSDL, request, and response XML as generic as possible.
3. Only include the messages or operations that are having issues.
4. Add the appropriate files to test/request-response-samples (see the README therein)
5. Commit your changes to a feature branch within your fork.
6. Issue a pull request
- If your issue is neither WSDL nor client related:
1. Provide a test of some form in an appropriate *-test.js file under test/
2. Commit your changes to a feature branch within your fork.
3. Issue a pull request.
##Pull Requests The following items are enforced for all pull requests:
1. The pull request must be rebased to a single commit i.e. git checkout feature-branch;git rebase -i master
2. The travis build must pass for that commit
3. The pull request must be able to merge automatically via github.
##Issues It's really easy to file an issue, it's much harder to submit a pull request. The maintainers of this repo do not have time to support every issue that may arise. If you submit an issue without a pull request on the way, it will most likely fall between the cracks. Time is a limited resource, so we appreciate your understanding in this area.
##Issue Expiration Any pull request or issue filed is subject to an expiration date. We will close any open issue that has not recieved a response within a 2 week timeframe. The goal is not to sweep dirt under the rug, but to keep the focus on merging in pull requests. Please provide pull requests that meet the above criteria wherever possible.
##Other ways you can contribute Please add response, request, and WSDL files to test/wsdl, and test/request-response-samples (see README therein). Doing so documents behavior and reduces the likelihood that bugs will be introduced by future pull requests.