The Cart (in the scope of order) described in the Order model.
The cart should be able to calculate total
s for each item and the cart total
Two cart implementations provided in the cart
basic: <
U extends CartItem,
T extends Cart<U>
>(request: T) => T & CartTotals<U & Total>
This implementation just does enrichItem()
for each item,
and calculates cart total
as the sum of items total
order: <
V extends CartItem & Total,
T extends Order<CartTotals<V>>
>(order: T) =>
<S extends Cart<V>>(request: S) => S & Total
This cart uses the order information (related to the cart).
First, we should give the current order state,
then the cart proportionally adjusts cart total
based on subtotal values (see the Order model).
Both implementations are synchronous pure functions. In this case, sales calculation could be done synchronously and without side effects. The "order cart" is commonly used, that's why there is already provided wrapper for order functions calculated with the "order cart".
orderCart: <
S extends CartItem,
I extends S & Total,
R extends Items<I>,
T extends Order<R & Shipping & Total>
>(order: T) => {
invoice: <D extends Cart<S>>(invoice: D) => D & CartTotals<I>;
refund: <D extends Cart<S>>(refund: D) => D & CartTotals<I>;
cancel: <D extends Cart<S>>(cancel: D) => D & CartTotals<I>;
So, with the orderCart
initialized by the order, we have 3 functions easy to use:
, refund()
and cancel()
- to create the "sales document".
- README home
- Order model
- Interfaces
- Business scenarios
- Basics (low-order functions)
- Documents
- Invariants
- Order (high-order functions)
- Injectable API