Csaba Molnar, BIOMAG Group, Biological Research Centre, Szeged
In this workshop we aim to implement an image-based analysis of a biological system by profiling the phenotipic response of a cancer cell line following perturbation with a small-molecule compound library. (...being extended...)
All the following softwares are recommended to be installed by the time of the TS.
Required softwares:
- Matlab R2015b or newer version with Image
Processing Toolbox, Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox, and Bioinformatics Toolbox
- Demo licences for Matlab R2017b are provided during the Training School TS7.
- The participants who applied for demo licences get the location and installation guide via e-mail from the hungarian distributor of Matlab.
- Installation guide is available here
- The demo licence packages contain all the necessary toolboxes.
- Note: old laptops and computer with 32-bit processors are not capable of running this newest version of Matlab. For those who has 32-bit workstations the R2015b version is required, but they should state their demo licence demand separately!
- CellProfiler 2.2.0
- Download CellProfiler 2.2.0 release from here.
- Be aware of non-English characters in the path of your home directory! If you have those, you have to change the plugin directory by editing registry.
- Advanced Cell Classifier
- Download ACC 3.0 from here. You can use Win standalone version, or you can run it's source code in Matlab.
- Download ExportToACC CellProfiler module for saving data in ACC format. Copy exporttoacc.py file into the CellProfiler's plugins directory (File->Preferences->CellProfiler plugins directory).
- Approximate total size of sample data set: ~2GB raw data -> ~10GB in total
- Capturing conditions
- organism: human MCF-7 breast cancer cells
- labeled: DNA (DAPI), F-actin (Phalloidin) and B-tubulin (anti–β-tubulin antibody)
- microscopy: fluorescent, ImageXpress 5000A high-content imaging platform (Molecular Devices), ×20 PanFluor ELWD Ph1 DM objective, 16-bit camera binning resolution of 1
- spatial resolution: 0.5μm
- time resolution [dt]: -.
- Location: will be locally distributed in the school
- Repository of TS7 on GitHub (being prepared)
- Advanced Cell Classifier http://www.cellclassifier.org/
- CellProfiler http://cellprofiler.org/releases/
- Image data were selected from the Broad Bioimage Benchmark Collection (BBBC021)
- Caie D. et. al.: High-Content Phenotypic Profiling of Drug Response Signatures across Distinct Cancer Cells http://mct.aacrjournals.org/content/9/6/1913
- Caicedo C. et. al.: Data-analysis strategies for image-based cell profiling https://www.nature.com/articles/nmeth.4397