Nyaplotjs is a 2D/3D plotting library built on the top of d3.
Nyaplotjs was originally developed as the back-end library for Nyaplot, an interactive plot library for Ruby language. It is frienendly with other script languages like Ruby and Python due to its origin.
This software has been developed as a product in Google Summer of Code 2014 (GSoC2014) under the support of SciRuby. The mentor was Pjotr Prins.
You can try Nyaplotjs interactively on JSFiddle.
- Scatter
- Line
- Line2
- Histogram
- Vectors
- Benn
- Bar chart
- Multiple bar chart
- Box plot
- Beans plot
- Area plot
- Rect and Circle
The Latest document is here.
cd Nyaplotjs
npm install
grunt release
MIT License