CHANGELOG 7.X 7.0.1 Fixes c24bc93 🐛 Properly define exports in package.json (#758) 7.0.0 Breaking Changes 2c94832 🏷️ Move to "import type" when feasible (#736) 3741a63 🏷️ Mark getState as compulsory on RandomGenerator (#733) Features 228c73d ⚡️ Faster uniform distributions on bigint (#757) 86869a1 ✨ Expose generators and distributions (#735) Fixes 680a672 🚚 Do not export mersenne as default (#738) e1758c0 🚚 Split ArrayInt into two files (#737) 0c356cf 🚚 Moving files around (#734) 6d9b7b4 📝 Document generation of float/double (#715)