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Releases: eclipsesource/tabris-js


28 Feb 13:29
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3.0.0-beta2 Pre-release


StackLayout and StackComposite

The new StackComposite widget arranges all of its children automatically in one vertical stack, starting from the top. Children may be aligned to the left, right, horizontal center, or stretched. The layoutData on the children is currently ignored, but will be supported in the final 3.0 release.


  <StackComposite layoutData='fill' spacing={24} >
    <TextView background='red'>lorem</TextView>
    <TextView background='green'>ipsum dolor</TextView>
    <TextView background='blue'>sit amet</TextView>

This behavior can be added to most widget that inherit from Composite (e.g. Page, ScrollView) by setting the new layout property to a StackLayout instance.


  <ScrollView layoutData='fill' layout={new StackLayout({alignment: 'stretchX'})} >
    <TextView background='red'>lorem</TextView>
    <TextView background='green'>ipsum dolor</TextView>
    <TextView background='blue'>sit amet</TextView>

LayoutData Shorthands

In practice widgets often are made to fill their parent completely, or centered on both axes. That behavior can now be achieved with less code by setting layoutData to 'fill' or 'center' instead of an LayoutData object.

Button Styling

The look-and-feel of the Button widget can now be adjusted by setting the style property to "default", "elevate", "flat", "outline" or "text". The default style will create a platform specific appearance.


Better Stack Traces

Stack traces have been improved in a number of ways:

  • Clean platform-independent format
  • Framework internals are filtered out
  • Source map support, i.e. corrent line numbers when using TypeScript/JSX. (*)
  • cross timer/promise traces - works great in combination with async/ await

(*) Requires the tabris-cli version matching this release, install with npm i [email protected] -g.

The improved stack traces are printed when calling console.trace() or error.toString().

Better warnings

Warnings printed by the framework do now generally include the source objects type and id, and also the file/line number in the application that caused the warning. The phrasing of many warnings has also been revised to be clearer and contain more relevant information.

Improved console.dirxml()

The dirxml method was already introduced in beta 1 as a convenient way to print the applications widget tree (or parts of it), but it only displayed the widget type and id. Now it also prints essential information like widget bounds, selection status, text value, etc.

In addition, dirxml can now also be called with localStorage to inspects its content.


The localStorage now also implements key and length as specified in the W3C standard. This allows programmatically inspecting its content without knowing the keys associated with the contained items.

JSX and TypeScript improvements

New object literals for property types

Various properties in Tabris.js used to accept only CSS-like strings, which are short but error-prone. Since the IDE and TypeScript compiler can not know what format a string is supposed to have, no auto-complete could be provided. As a result typos would not become obvious until the code was executed.

The new object literals for font, color and gradient types have full auto-completion and TypeScript support while staying 100% compatible with the old string formats. While layoutData was already an object literal, it now allows objects to express the constraint values, e.g. left and top.

Each type also has a matching JavaScript class that is used as the default format by the framework. For example:

widget.background = {red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0};
// or
widget.background = '#ff0000';
// are normalized to a `Color` instance, i.e.
console.log(widget.background instance Color); // true
console.log(widget.background.toString());  // #ff0000
console.log(;  //255

JSX support for AlertDialog

As with ActionSheet in beta 1, AlertDialog can now be written as JSX. That allows for more readable code when a the dialog contains TextInput elements:

const dialog =
  <AlertDialog title='Sign-in required' buttons={{ok: 'Sign-in', cancel: 'Cancel'}}>
    Provide sign-in credentials to access your personalized content.
    <TextInput message='Username' />
    <TextInput type='password' message='Password' />
const {texts, button} = await dialog.onClose.promise();

The new static open method that serves as a convenient shorthand to create a very simple message dialog:

await'Comment saved').onClose.promise();
textView.text = 'Dialog closed';


API documentation has been tweaked to improve readability and provide a short, informative overview for each class, method and property at first glance.

Breaking changes

Object 'ui' removed

The 'ui' object used to be a pseudo-widget that contained the main ContentView, the Drawer instance and various pseudo-widgets like StatusBar. This proved to be confusing and sometimes inconvenient, so all objects held by ui are now available as direct imports from the tabris module:


import {ui, TextView} from 'tabris';
ui.contentView.append(new TextView());


import {contentView, TextView} from 'tabris';
contentView.append(new TextView());

Removed 'installPatch' method

The method app.installPatch allowed to patch a Tabris.js application on the fly without installing a complete new version. This API was always marked as experimental and is now removed again. It encouraged a risky practice (bypassing store policies) and was never widely used.

As a replacement the app.reload method now takes an URL parameter, allowing to execute any local or remote JavaScript in place of the packaged code. This, combined with fetch and the fs file system API would theoretically allow implementing this feature in-app, if desired.

Property 'backgroundImage' merged in to background

The property background was already supporting both colors and gradients, so it was an obvious move to make it accept images as well, eliminating the need for a separate backgroundImage property.

Version 2.7.0

14 Feb 10:27
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Validate SSL connections against custom certificates

The new property trustedCertificates on the App objects allows to add a set of certificates to validated SSL connections against. The certificates are applied in addition to the system wide default certificates.

The ArrayBuffer entries of the trustedCertificates array consist of the bytes of the certificate files. On Android the certificate file has to be a *.pem (Privacy Enhanced Mail) file whereas on iOS it has to be *.der (Distinguished Encoding Rules) file.

Version 1.11.0

06 Nov 15:50
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This is intended to be the final 1.x Tabris.js release.
Development continues on master for the upcoming 3.x release.
Maintenance continues for 2.x.

iOS platform update

The iOS platform corresponding to this release was updated to allow build artifacts to be published to Apple's app store. Apps built using Tabris.js versions before 1.11.0 are not accepted by Apple anymore.

Otherwise this release does not contain any significant changes compared to v1.10.0.

Version 2.6.2

09 Oct 09:17
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This release addresses bug fixes in the client platforms.


Fix TextView linkTap bug

With the added support for linkTap the TextView would consume touch events when markupEnabled would be set to true.

Send error on invalid url in XHR requests

Using an url like ":8080" would crash the app.


Fix intrinsic size of the multiline checkbox

Widget was not growing properly when text in the label was wrapped to more than one line.

Fix possible crash in getImageData

It was possible to perform read operation out of bounds of the array.

Fix Switch being unable to disable

enabled property on delegating switch was not set when setting enabled on JS side.


02 Oct 10:28
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3.0.0-beta1 Pre-release


You can now run code in parallel. Not only can that give you a performance boost for CPU intensive tasks, it prevents the UI from becoming unresponsive. The Worker API follows the w3c worker API so it should be very familiar.

const worker = new Worker('worker-add-numbers.js');
  worker.onmessage = (event) => {
    console.log(`result: ${}`);
  worker.onerror = (error) => {
    console.log(`onerror: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
  worker.postMessage([number1, number2]);

New Event API

For Tabris 3.0 we ported the enhanced event API introduced in the tabris-decorators project to the core module. It does not replace the old API, but offers a more convenient, higher level interface especially useful for TypeScript projects and asynchronous programming via async/await.

(async function() {  
  textView.text = 'Tap here!';  
  await textView.onTap.resolve();  
  textView.text = 'Thank you!';

JSX and TypeScript improvements

For Beta 1 we revised many internals to help with future JSX and TypeScript enhancements. A number of APIs have been tweaked for convenience and consistency. Most notably, JSX elements now always need to be imported.

Also, ActionSheet popups can now be created via JSX:
    <ActionSheet title='Actions' onSelect={onSelect} onClose={onClose}>
      Select any of the actions below to proceed.
      <ActionSheetItem title='Search' image='resources/[email protected]' />
      <ActionSheetItem title='Share' image='resources/[email protected]' />
      <ActionSheetItem title='Settings' image='resources/[email protected]' />
      <ActionSheetItem title='Delete' style='destructive' image='resources/[email protected]' />
      <ActionSheetItem title='Cancel' style='cancel' image='resources/[email protected]' />

Image scale by convention

Providing images for high density displays does not require you to give a scale factor explicitly if it can be determined by the file name:

<ActionSheetItem image={{src: 'resources/[email protected]', scale: 3}} />

Can be replaced by this:

<ActionSheetItem image='resources/[email protected]' />

New property scrollbarVisible on ScrollView

The ScrollView received a new property to scrollbarVisible which allows to hide the scrollbars.


07 Aug 14:48
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  • Fix issue where promises would not resolve properly


07 Aug 14:45
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Add support for "selection" on TextInput

A new selection property allows to get and set the text cursor position and selection. The selection is a two element number array representing the text selections start and end position. The native platform usually shows selection handles so that the selection can be changed by the user. A selection array where both numbers are the same represent a single cursor at the given position. The selection can be observed via the selectionChanged event as usual.

Add "tapLink" event on TextView

The new tapLink event on TextView fires when the user clicks on a link in an html text. It requires to set markupEnabled to true and to provide a text containing an anchor (<a>) with an href attribute. Eg. textView.text = 'Website: <a href=\"></a>'. The event object contains a property url which provides the anchors href url.

Add textInputs property on AlertDialog

An AlertDialog can now contain TextInput widgets to gather user input. The inputs are displayed alongside the title and message. The text values inserted by the user can be read in the dialogs close event from the respective TextInputs. Eg.: dialog.on('close', (e) =>[0].text).


29 May 13:58
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This release fixes two regression discovered in the 2.5.0 release.

  • Page not properly disposed on iOS
  • Image property not supported on Button on Android


23 May 08:48
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New Popover dialog

A new Popover popup has been introduced. It allows to cover the app UI in a modal fashion with a custom UI. On large screen devices the Popover will be shown in a window style appearance while on small devices it covers the entire screen.

let popover = new Popover();
popover.contentView.append(new TextView({text: 'Hello Popover'}));;

New navigationAction property on NavigationView

The navigationAction can be used to replace the menu action on the NavigtationView. This can be useful to e.g. create a custom "close" action.

Support for linear gradients

The background property on a Widget now supports linear gradients. The gradient syntax follows the same notation as the W3C linear-gradient specification.

new Composite({
  left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0,
  background: 'linear-gradient(to right top, red, green 50%, aqua 150%)',

Child selectors

All methods that accept selector a string can now also handle child selectors in the CSS-like syntax of 'selectorA > selectorB. For example:

widget.apply({'.columnLayout > *': {left: 0, top: 'prev() 10', right: 0});

This will apply the given properties to all widgets who's parent has columnLayout in its class attribute.

:host selector

The widget find and apply methods now also support the selector :host, inspired by the Web Component API. It always refers to the widget instance of the method that is called. Used with the apply method it allows a widget to refer to itself or descendants of a specific relationship to itself. Example:

 ':host': {left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0},
 ':host > Composite': {left: 0, top: 'prev() 10', right: 0}

Previously this would have required either assigning specific id/class attributes to the targets or separate children/set calls.

New tap event on StatusBar

The StatusBar supports a new tap event on iOS. It can be used to e.g. trigger a "scroll-to-top" when the main content of the app consists of a scrolling container.

New name property on Device

The new name property on Device returns the user provided name of a device, e.g. "Joe's iPhone". The property is supported on iOS only.

Added support for printing images

The printing capabilities have been extended to print images. An images will be printed fullscreen in the center of the page. To support this new output type a property contentType has been added to the print options. It has to be either image/<format> or application/pdf.

printer.print(data, {jobName: 'image.jpg', contentType: 'image/jpg'}))
  .then(event => console.log('Printing finished', event))
  .catch(err => console.error(err));


03 Apr 08:15
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  • Fix for build system