Remember when I said that "strings are std::vector<char>
in disguise"?
In practice, very smart folks realized that you may store small strings inside the already allocated memory.
Given that the size of a std::string
is 24 bytes on a 64-bits
platform (to store data pointer, size and capacity), some
very cool tricks allow us to store statically up to 23 bytes
before you need to allocate memory.
That has a huge impact in terms of performance!
For the curious minds, here there are some details about the implementation:
According to your version of the compiler, you may have less than 23 bytes, that is the theoretical limit.
const char* SHORT_STR = "hello world";
void ShortStringCreation(benchmark::State& state) {
// Create a string over and over again.
// It is just because "short strings optimization" is active
// no memory allocations
for (auto _ : state) {
std::string created_string(SHORT_STR);
void ShortStringCopy(benchmark::State& state) {
// Here we create the string only once, but copy repeatably.
// Why is it much slower than ShortStringCreation?
// The compiler, apparently, outsmarted me
std::string x; // create once
for (auto _ : state) {
x = SHORT_STR; // copy
const char* LONG_STR = "this will not fit into small string optimization";
void LongStringCreation(benchmark::State& state) {
// The long string will trigger memory allocation for sure
for (auto _ : state) {
std::string created_string(LONG_STR);
void LongStringCopy(benchmark::State& state) {
// Now we do see an actual speed-up, when recycling
// the same string multiple times
std::string x;
for (auto _ : state) {
As you may notice, my attempt to be clever and say "I will not create a new string every time" fails miserably if the string is short, but has a huge impact if the string is allocating memory.