- Fixed bug with whole day events with times at midnight
- Rewrote a lot of functionality using recurring-ical-events package
- All day events are in UTC. Fixes #42
- manage events with single attendees (closes #37)
- Manage declined events (closes #36), using
- Added
flag - Many other bug fixes
- Support excluding dates EXDATE (#32)
- Remove misleading info of package not being in PyPI (#31)
- Include location data, if present. Closes #30
- catch errors when end datetime of event is missing
- fix #28 by also checking datetimes for missing timezone info
- Add license and small fixes (mailmap)
- Slightly modify README to include installation from git source
- fix the "TypeError: 'range' object does not support item deletion"
- Removed import of unicode_literals as it is discouraged (by click)
- Made py2 and py3 compatible (tested 2.7, 3.5, 3.6)
- Removed extraneous prints from testing
- Added test suite (pytest based)
- CLI by click: added --timezone, --days and --print-timezones
- Readme.md updated and renamed to README.rst. tox.ini updated
- Refactored to Convertor class
- Code reformatted, fixed some exception handling
- Print warning, if cannot import tzlocal
- Script refactored to main and convert functions
- Rewrite from script to python package
- Add GPL v3 license
- Use system timezone via tzlocal
- Handle zero length events
- * Proper printout of all day events
- Die gracefully if ical file is corrupt
- README: Little change in installation instructions
- ! indentations
- ! remove unnecessary escapes from SUMMARY
- Update Readme.md
- Update ical2org.py
- ! take care of unnecessary escapes and newline for DESCRIPTION
- write to the output file when provided
- Do not use EventRecurDailyIter/EventRecurWeeklyIter. Use EventRecurDaysIter instead
- fix bug
- fix little bug
- Complete rewriting of ical2org using iterators
- last day of daily repeat was being omitted
- Fix end time of recurring events
- include descriptions in the items
- Add instructions for installing dependencies
- get input from STDIN if no filename given
- Deal with yearly recurring events
- add .gitignore
- Add Readme
- put main loop under a try block
- do not crash on monthly or yearly recurring events
- Store interval time following UTC
- Fix bug. Add date normalizations where needed
- Add user-defined parameters for window and tag
- Properly deal with dates in other timezones
- do not use utc for canonical date
- Take timezones into account
- Add recurring tag to recurring events
- first version, seems to work
- init commit