It is seen in the video that while the people were protesting, a few cops tried dispersing them, and shoved a woman to her knees, and later hit her on the head.
Miami Herald later reports the officer has a history of drawing his weapon and using force. He has been suspended.
A more recent update states that the officer has been charged with battery.
tags: shove, protester
id: fl-fortlauderdale-1
A line of police officers are standing in front of a building with shields, and protesters can be seen filming them with phones. A shot is heard, and a woman collapses. A news report indicates that she was hit with a foam rubber bullet in her head just above the right eye, fracturing her eye socket.
tags: shoot, rubber-bullet, protester
id: fl-fortlauderdale-2
- CNN Interview
Body cam video released by Fort Lauderdale PD on Youtube shows police laughing and joking after shooting protesters with rubber bullets and tear gas. They are speaking candidly to one another because they mistakenly believe their cams are in "standby" mode and not recording. Policing experts who reviewed the footage say that the behavior is unprofessional and that the officers felt "comfortable about talking about turning the camera off." At 2:55, a cop can be heard saying "if you need it, give me a target." The Miami Herald quotes a retired Lieutenant Colonel as commenting, "If you're not seeing a threat, why are you asking for a threat? That would almost lead you to believe that they were indiscriminately firing."
tags: shoot, rubber-bullet, tear-gas, abuse-of-power, body-cam, incitement
id: fl-fortlauderdale-3
- Bodycam video released by FLPD
A protester in the street can be seen milling about before an officer charges them, tackling them to the ground to make an arrest. Filmer states that the officer pulled his gun on the individual as well.
Filmer also states that tear gas was used against a peaceful protest.
tags: tackle, arrest, shove, throw, gun, tear-gas, protester
id: fl-jacksonville-1
Police are in a van. A man walking on the sidewalk with another man begins to speak to them. An officer exits the van and grabs the first man. Other officers standing nearby tackle the man to the ground and then chase after the second man. The video then cuts to the first man being led away in restraints by two officers.
Miami PD states the man was arrested for breaking the 8pm curfew, but the poster states the arrest occurred around 5:45pm.
tags: tackle, arrest, protester
id: fl-miami-1
A group of protesters blocked highway 395 in Miami. Police deployed tear gas at 9:00 pm and 9:09 PM to clear protesters.
In the 9:00 PM round, the filmer can be heard saying, "They're smoke bombs. No, they're not. They're tear gas." The filmer then flees with other protesters. Footage then shows a woman screaming and in sufficient pain that another protester is needed to carry her away quickly.
Around 9:09 PM, protesters gathered on the highway on-ramp. Police then, without warning, fired another round of tear gas, forcing protesters to flee. The caption states multiple protesters were shot with rubber bullets, but no shots can be heard in this footage.
tags: tear-gas, protester
id: fl-miami-2
Footage shows police arresting a woman. A man who walked nearby with his hands up is thrown to the ground by two officers and arrested.
Additional footage shows an officer grabbing the breast of the woman arrested. It should be noted that police use an "open hand" frisking technique to check along the breasts during an arrest. However the officer does not appear to be using an open hand and appears to be grabbing the woman, rather than frisking her. While having a male officer frisk a female protester without warning is another subject of controversy, this incident appears to even be outside the bounds of "proper conduct" according to police guidelines.
tags: arrest, shove, abuse-of-power, inhumane-treatment, protester
id: fl-miami-3
Footage shows a small group of protesters on the sidewalk. Police single out one woman, Noura, who has been a prominent organizer during the recent BLM protests. They arrest her and shove another protester who attempts to intervene.
tags: arrest, shove, protester, abuse-of-power
id: fl-miami-4
A group of protesters is exiting the on ramp of I-4 on May 31st. A water bottle is thrown by a protester, landing far from police. Police throw a flashbang. A protester then throws a water bottle, landing near police. On both occasions, the crowd decries the actions of the bottle throwers. Police then deploy tear gas against the protesters.
tags: protester, tear-gas, stun-grenade
id: fl-orlando-7
Footage shows police charging at protesters and tackling one to the ground. Several officers join to support. The crowd becomes agitated. Police release the tackled individual, then pepper-spray him and another peaceful protester. Police continue to discharge pepper spray and force away protesters trying to aid victims.
tags: tackle, pepper-spray, spray, protester
id: or-orlando-5
During a protest in Orlando, at the intersection of W South St. and S Division Ave, police tackle a protester and arrest them. The crowd becomes agitated and gathers around. Police pepper spray protesters, including one man in a wheelchair, who then has difficulty leaving the scene. Protesters then rush to aid the man in the wheelchair.
tags: protester, person-with-disability, pepper-spray, spray, tackle, arrest
id: or-orlando-8
A police officer grabs a protester from behind (light grey hoodie), pull him out of the crowd and several police tackle him to the ground. Other officers pepper spray and shove other people in the aftermath.
tags: tackle, pepper-spray, arrest, shove, spray, protester
id: fl-orlando-1
A man limping away from the protest is tackled by police and kneeled on to make arrest. Filmer states the man was fleeing from tear gas. 6 officers join to help make the arrest. The protester begs police not to hurt him.
tags: tackle, arrest, knee, protester
id: fl-orlando-3
A woman films a BLM protest in Orlando from a window. Protesters have gather around a police bike line blocking an intersection. Police begin shouting and shove protesters back with their bikes.
tags: bike, shove, protester
id: fl-orlando-4
Police open fire on protesters outside of city hall with tear gas, flashbangs, and apparently rubber bullets.
Additional footage shows the incident was instigated when officers shoved a protester. The protester then fled. Officers tackled another protester on the sidewalk, then began firing riot control rounds.
tags: shoot, tear-gas, stun-grenade, rubber-bullet, shove, push, tackle, protester
id: fl-orlando-2
- Location on Google Maps
A woman is in her car leaving a protest. Police stop her, stating she was blocking a roadway. The officer says she can exit the car or be removed. The woman says she doesn't believe she did anything wrong. The officer then reaches inside her window for the lock. He cannot, so the window is broken.
She was released shortly after with minor abrasions and no charges.
tags: arrest, property-destruction, protester
id: fl-orlando-6
Police declare unlawful assembly on a small, peaceful protest outside of police station a little bit before midnight. The police officer informs that they have 3 to 5 minutes to leave. In less than 3 minutes the police come out of their building and throw explosives at protesters. The explosives appear to be stun grenades.
tags: protester, stun-grenade
id: fl-stpetersburg-1
Supercut video from June 5th shows multiple incidents where police fire rubber bullets at protesters.
Incidents include firing at peaceful protesters, fleeing protesters and medics.
Video also includes a bleeding eyewitness describing events.
tags: rubber-bullet, shoot, protester
id: fl-tampa-4
- Timestamps: 00:00-00:30, 00:38-00:45
Supercut video from June 5th shows multiple incidents where police sprayed peaceful protesters, including protesters attempting to flee the scene. In addition, footage from the cut shows police shoving and pushing protesters before spraying.
Additional footage shows the isolated incident videos.
tags: pepper-spray, spray, protester
id: fl-tampa-3
- Timestamps at 00:30-00:38, 00:45-01:49, 02:01-02:17
Police officers are walking down a street. A woman in a purple shirt is pulled to the ground by several officers, who remain on top of her. Another woman yells at the officers to get off the first woman, and to get off her neck. The second woman is pepper-sprayed by an officer. They end up using tear-gas on the crowd.
Additional footage states the woman in a purple shirt is a minor.
tags: child, tackle, shove, throw, knee, knee-on-neck, pepper-spray, spray, tear-gas, protester
id: fl-tampa-1
- Location on Google Street View
Police fire tear gas at peaceful protesters, while simultaneously ordering protesters to lie down, forcing them to remain in the immediate area.
tags: tear-gas, arrest, protester
id: fl-tampa-2
Video shows a medic treating another woman for a bleeding wound to her head. The filmer says the medic is her sister and a nurse; the filmer claims to be an Air Force medic. She states that the injured woman was struck by a less-than-lethal round. At the end of the video, the filmer says, "Here they come." She and her sister hurry to move the injured woman as shots are heard.
tags: shoot, projectile, rubber-bullet, medic
id: fl-tampa-6
Footage is short, but it shows protesters chanting near police, asking why another protester is being arrested. A protester with a megaphone approaches an officer. He is shouting. Without warning police charge protesters. They slam one protester against a car, throw him on the ground and kneel on him to make an arrest.
Pepper spray can be heard in the audio.
tags: tackle, strike, knee, arrest, pepper-spray, spray
id: fl-tampa-7
Shortly after 8 PM on August 12th, an organizer leaving a protest was singled out and arrested for unknown cause. During the arrest an officer knelt on her neck. Other protesters allege she was left without medical care for 20 minutes before being transported to the hospital. As of August 13th, she had not been booked by the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office.
tags: protester, arrest, knee, knee-on-neck, inhumane-treatment
id: fl-tampa-8