Install dependencies
cd src/e2e npm install
Choose which dev image to run: deb install or docker image
deb install
make run-tests-e2e SEEDSYNC_VERSION=latest SEEDSYNC_ARCH=<arch code> DEV=1
docker image
make run-tests-e2e SEEDSYNC_DEB=`readlink -f build/*.deb` SEEDSYNC_OS=<os code> DEV=1
Compile and run the tests
cd src/e2e/ rm -rf tmp && \ ./node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc && \ ./node_modules/protractor/bin/protractor tmp/conf.js
The dev end-to-end tests use the following docker images:
- myapp: Installs and runs the seedsync deb package
- chrome: Runs the selenium server
- remote: Runs a remote SSH server
The automated e2e tests additionally have: 4. tests: Runs the e2e tests
In dev mode, the app is visible at http://localhost:8800 However the url used in test is still http://myapp:8800 as that's how the selenium server accesses it.
The app requires a fully configured settings.cfg. This is done automatically in during the start of the docker image that runs the app.