Session by Jörn
The general idea was to find people interested in joining the orga team and how to motivate people to support JSCC in general. We're only as good as our community and we should invest in its health. We talked about how it currently works and what we could do to improve it. Since this topic was basically spread over the whole event, I'm writing down everything that we talked about.
In the beginning of the year, the old orga team reaches out to ask about interest in organizing a new JSCC. Usually, we poke Wolfram to give a "go ahead", but he always insists that it isn't on him to decide anymore and reminds the orga team that they could decide it themselves to start organizing. I guess we all just want to have Wolfram stay the face of the event 😅
- Decide to do another JSCC (end of the year / beginning of the year)
- Tell community about it and have an initial call to start organizing
- Copy old sponsoring tasks into a new board, add additional information to it if we have some (new prices, who was last years sponsor, etc)
- Create milestones and issues what to organize next (location and date needs to be settled ASAP, so finding a location sponsor goes first)
- After location and date is set, create buzz for the event: Let people know that it happens, use the #jsccXX hash tag, define registration opening date, reach out for more potential sponsors
- During registration, review the PRs, talk to the people who register, make them feel welcome
- Organize lunch, shirts, etc. with the sponsors - the caterers and services need to create invoices directly for the sponsors.
- Buy event insurance (Wolfram did this every year)
Based on the many conversations before, during and after the JSCC, there seems to be a lot of interest in having smaller JSCCs throughout the year. There was Web&Wine Unconference Style recently, we should check how it could be done. In person events would be great.
Wolfram told us that he envisioned to have someone somewhere else in the world clone the JSCC repository and conduct a similar event somewhere else in the world.