At the current moment there are two possible approaches to install Klaviyo integration plugin for your shopware 6 instance: installation from the Shopware 6 administration UI and installation from server's command line. Please check detailed description below
- Download Plugin source code as a zip archive from the GitHub site
- Install Shopware 6 Application if not installed
- Open Administration UI
- Follow to the "My Extensions" page
- Click "Upload extension" button at the top right corner of the page and upload your previously downloaded plugin source code archive
- After this step "My Extensions" page will be reloaded and new plugin will appear in the list. If you do not see it in the list, please check that you "Hide inactive extensions" switcher is off
- If everything works fine so far then press "Install app" link in the "Klaviyo integration plugin" extension row
- After few reloads of the page you should see that the "Klaviyo integration plugin" is already installed but inactive
- Now we need to activate and configure it, so press to the activation switcher on the plugin row and wait for page reloading
- After page reloaded, open three dots menu of the "Klaviyo integration plugin" extension and press on the "Configuration" link, you will be redirected to the plugin configuration page
- Fill the configuration and press "Save" button
- At this point everything should be installed.
- Install Shopware 6 Application if not installed
- Open application root directory and execute next commands:
- composer require "klaviyo/integration"
- bin/console plugin:refresh
- If everything works fine so far you should see similar row in the output
--------------------------- -------------------------------- --------- ----------------- ------------- ----------- -------- -------------
Plugin Label Version Upgrade version Author Installed Active Upgradeable
--------------------------- -------------------------------- --------- ----------------- ------------- ----------- -------- -------------
KlaviyoIntegrationPlugin Klaviyo integration plugin 1.0.0 No No No
- Execute next command
bin/console plugin:install --activate KlaviyoIntegrationPlugin
then continue from the point 10 of the first approach description