Annotation-based parallel dependency injection (calling). Think of it as an upgraded version of the Spring @Async
Getting dependencies asynchronously
All dependencies defined by
will be got asynchronously. The provider method is executed when all the dependencies of the provider method parameters are got . -
Unlimited nesting
Dependencies support deep nesting. The following example has only one layer of nesting relationship.
Exception handling
Currently supports two processing methods: ignore or stop
Ignore means that the provider method ignores the exception and returns a null value when it is executed. Stop means that once a provider method throws an exception, it will be thrown up step by step, and stop subsequent processing.
Exception handling configuration item supports consumer level or global level, and consumer level is priority to global level
Query Cache
In one query life cycle of calling the Facade's query method, the result called by
method may be reused. As long as the method signature and the parameters are consistent, the default method is idempotent, and the cached query result will be used directly.** However, this Not an absolute. Considering the multi-threading feature, sometimes the cache is not used. -
Timeout Control
annotation supports configuration timeout, query timeout will throw interrupt exception (InterruptedException), follow exception handling logic.
# Specify the package to scan the annotations
: define the data provider -
: define the method parameter dependency type as return the value of other interfaces, the other interface is a@DataProvider
: define the method parameter dependency type as the user input value
Query the specified data via DataFacade.get
static facade
Developing a user summary data interface that includes the user's basic information and blog list.
Use @DataProvider
to define the interface as a data provider.
Use @InvokeParameter
to specify the input parameters to pass.
Blog list service
require input parameter userId
public class PostServiceImpl implements PostService {
public List<Post> getPosts(@InvokeParameter("userId") Long userId) {
User basic information query service
require input parameter userId
public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {
public User get(@InvokeParameter("userId") Long id) {
User user = DataFacade.get(
Collections.singletonMap("userId", 1L),
new Function2<User, List<Post>, User>() {
public User apply(@DataConsumer("user") User user,
@DataConsumer("posts") List<Post> posts) {
return user;
Assert.notNull(user,"User must not be NULL");
Assert.notNull(user.getPosts(),"User's posts must not be NULL");
Combine @DataProvider
( @DataConsumer
\ @InvokeParameter
) to achieve aggregation function
public class UserAggregate {
public User userWithPosts(
@DataConsumer("user") User user,
@DataConsumer("posts") List<Post> posts) {
return user;
Specify queried data id, invoke parameters, and return type to invoke facade.get
User user = DataFacade.get(/*data id*/ "userWithPosts",
/*Invoke Parameters*/
Assert.notNull(user,"User must not be NULL");
Assert.notNull(user.getPosts(),"User's posts must not be NULL");
Invoke result
As you can see, user
interface and posts
interface are executed by the asynchronous thread while userWithPosts
service is executed by the calling thread.
- Basic user information query takes 1000ms
- User blog list query takes 1000ms
- Total query takes 1005ms
[aggregateTask-1] query id: user, costTime: 1000ms, resultType: User, invokeMethod: UserServiceImpl#get
[aggregateTask-2] query id: posts, costTime: 1000ms, resultType: List, invokeMethod: PostServiceImpl#getPosts
[ main] query id: userWithPosts, costTime: 1010ms, resultType: User, invokeMethod: UserAggregate#userWithPosts
[ main],user.posts.size:1
Feego ([email protected])
Iris G