- Write tests
- Add full pagination support, similar to table pagination
- Support more providers like pexels, bing images ???
- DOCS: Add warning & example for using extraAlpineAttributes in FileUpload
- Add upgrade guide
- DOCS: Depricate per_page, use_square_display config
- DOCS: Add custom theme css instructions
- Add option to initially pick search keywords from an existing input like title
- Add a method to run after the upload, so that user can also interact with unsplash data
- Allow to pick images based on remaining max upload limit
- Disable image select or entire modal including the search input once user hits submit
- Show loading indicator when searching.
- Check if it works with Spatie Media Library plugin
- Disable action when reached max upload limit
- Add support for multipe uploads use a custom form field to
- Use events to add file using Filepond instance