Hecate Dispatch
(2)GitHub action to send emails notifying of merged pull requests. Super handy for keeping your stakeholders who aren't on GitHub informed of releases.
Free version limited to 5 emails per user/organization per day.
Pro version is a GitHub app with no notification limits, allows org wide (rather than per repo) configuration, can do daily rollup newsletters, notify via slack, and more.
Learn more on the Hecate Dispatch product page
Example workflow:
workflow "Email stakeholders on release" {
on = "pull_request"
resolves = ["hecateapp/dispatch-action"]
action "hecateapp/dispatch-action" {
uses = "hecateapp/[email protected]"
secrets = ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]
env = {
EMAILS = "[email protected], [email protected]"
Hecate Dispatch is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.