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Protocols are widely used in Swift APIs, but can present unique challenges with concurrency.

Non-isolated Protocol

You have a non-isolated protocol, but need to add conformance to an MainActor-isolated type.

protocol MyProtocol {
    func doThing(argument: ArgumentType) -> ResultType

class MyClass {

extension MyClass: MyProtocol {
    func doThing(argument: ArgumentType) -> ResultType {

Solution #1: non-isolated conformance

extension MyClass: MyProtocol {
    nonisolated func doThing(argument: ArgumentType) -> ResultType {
        // at this point, you likely need to interact with self, so you must satisfy the compiler
        // hazard 1: Availability
        MainActor.assumeIsolated {
            // here you can safely access `self`

Solution #2: make the protocol async

If the protocol is under your control, you can make it compatible by making all functions async.

protocol MyProtocol {
    // hazard 1: Async Virality (for other conformances)
    func doThing(argument: String) async -> Int

class MyClass: MyProtocol {
    // hazard 2: Async Virality (for callers)
    func doThing(argument: String) async -> Int {
        return 42

Solution #3: non-isolated actor conformance

You can also use a variant of solution #1 to add conformance to an non-Main actor. This does come with limitations. Particular caution should be used if this protocol comes from Objective-C. It is common for Objective-C code to be incorrectly or insufficiently annotated, and that can result in violations of the Swift concurrency invariants. In other words, deadlocks and isolation failure (which will produce crashes, you hope).

protocol NotAsyncFriendly {
    func informational()

    func takesSendableArguments(_ value: Int)

    func takesNonSendableArguments(_ value: NonSendableType)

    func expectsReturnValues() -> Int

actor MyActor {
    func doIsolatedThings(with value: Int) {

extension MyActor: NotAsyncFriendly {
    // purely informational calls are the easiest
    nonisolated func informational() {
        // hazard: ordering
        // the order in which these informational messages are delivered may be important, but is now lost
        Task {
            await self.doIsolatedThings(with: 0)

    nonisolated func takesSendableArguments(_ value: Int) {
        // hazard: ordering
        Task {
            // we can safely capture and/or make use of value here because it is Sendable
            await self.doIsolatedThings(with: value)
    nonisolated func takesNonSendableArguments(_ value: NonSendableType) {
        // hazard: sendability

        // any action taken would have to either not need the actor's isolated state or `value`.
        // That's possible, but starting to get tricky.

    nonisolated func expectsReturnValues() -> Int {
        // hazard: sendability

        // Because this function expects a synchronous return value, the actor's isolated state
        // must not be needed to generate the return. This is also possible, but is another indication
        // that an actor might be the wrong option.
        return 42

Solution #4: don't use a protocol

This is not a joke! If you are in control of both the protocol and all of its usage, functions may be able to serve the same purpose. A good example of this is a delegate pattern.

// example protocol/consumer pair
protocol MyClassDelegate: AnyObject {
    func doThings()

class MyClass {
    weak var delegate: MyClassDelegate?

// problematic usage:
class MyUsage {
    let myClass: MyClass
    init() {
        self.myClass = MyClass()
        myClass.delegate = self

extension MyUsage: MyClassDelegate {
    // this needs to be non-isolated
    nonisolated func doThings() {

Contrast this with a function-based implementation. This provides very flexible isolation - can work with a MainActor type but also a plain actor.

class MyClass {
    var doThings: () -> Void = {}

actor MyUsage {
    let myClass: MyClass

    init() {
        self.myClass = MyClass()

        myClass.doThings = { [unowned self] in
            // accessing self is fine here because `doThings` is not Sendable

Non-isolated NSObjectProtocol-inheriting Protocol

This is similar to the above problem, but with the significant constraint that the type conforming to the protocol must inherit from NSObject. You can use all of the same solutions, with the exception of an actor type, which cannot inherit from anything.

actor MyActor {}

// ERROR: ... 'MyActor' should inherit 'NSObject' instead ...
extension MyActor: URLSessionDelegate {

Solution #1: Functional Proxy

This solution works for objects that strongly retain their delegates. URLSession does, but I'm sure there are many examples types that do not.

// first, make a simple type that conforms to the NSObjet-based protocol
final class URLSessionDelegateProxy: NSObject {
    var eventsFinished: () -> Void = { }

extension URLSessionDelegateProxy: URLSessionDelegate {
    func urlSessionDidFinishEvents(forBackgroundURLSession session: URLSession) {

// Use the proxy as a stand-in
actor MyActor {
    private let session: URLSession

    init() {
        let proxy = URLSessionDelegateProxy()

        self.session = URLSession(configuration: .default, delegate: proxy, delegateQueue: nil)

        // once self has been fully, initialized, assign the callbacks
        proxy.eventsFinished = {
            Task { await self.eventsFinished() }
    private func eventsFinished() {

Solution #2: Event Sequence

Solution #1 doesn't work any more for URLSessionDelegate, because it now requires a Sendable type. If you do not have to return values any values, this can work.

final class URLSessionDelegateProxy: NSObject {
    enum Event: Sendable {
        case didFinishEvents

    private let streamPair = AsyncStream<Event>.makeStream()

    public var eventStream: AsyncStream<Event> {

extension URLSessionDelegateProxy: URLSessionDelegate {
    func urlSessionDidFinishEvents(forBackgroundURLSession session: URLSession) {

// Use the proxy as a stand-in
actor MyActor {
    private let session: URLSession

    init() {
        let proxy = URLSessionDelegateProxy()

        self.session = URLSession(configuration: .default, delegate: proxy, delegateQueue: nil)

        // once self has been fully, initialized, consume the events
        Task { [weak self] in
        for await event in proxy.eventStream {
            // don't forget to be careful with self's lifetime here
            guard let self else { break }

            switch event {
            case .didFinishEvents:
                await self.finishedEvents()
    private func eventsFinished() {

Non-isolated Init Requirement

You need to satisfy an initializer requirement in a non-isolated protocol with an isolated type. This is a particularly tricky special-case of the problem above if you need to initialize instance variables.

All credit to Holly Borla for the solutions here.

protocol MyProtocol {

class MyClass: MyProtocol {
    let value: NonSendable
    // WARNING: Main actor-isolated initializer 'init()' cannot be used to satisfy nonisolated protocol requirement
    init() {
        self.value = NonSendable()

Solution #1: non-isolated conformance + SE-0414

The solution below will work once Region-Based Isolation is available. But, right now it will still produce a warning.

class MyClass: MyProtocol {
    let value: NonSendable
    required nonisolated init() {
        // WARNING: Main actor-isolated property 'value' can not be mutated from a non-isolated context
        self.value = NonSendable()

Solution #2: unchecked Sendable transfer

This solution resorts to an @unchecked Sendable wrapper to transfer the value across domains. You can see why Region-Based Isolation is so nice, as this solution is pretty ugly.

struct Transferred<T>: @unchecked Sendable {
  let value: T

class MyClass: MyProtocol {
    private let _value: Transferred<NonSendable>
    var value: NonSendable { _value.value }
    required nonisolated init() {
        self._value = Transferred(value: NonSendable())

Solution #3: property wrapper

This is a nicer and more-reusable version of #2. By setting up an @unchecked Sendable as a property wrapper you can reduce some of the boilerplate.

struct InitializerTransferred<Value>: @unchecked Sendable {
    let wrappedValue: Value

    init(_ wrappedValue: Value) {
        self.wrappedValue = wrappedValue

class MyClass: MyProtocol {
    @InitializerTransferred private(set) var value: NonSendable
    required nonisolated init() {
        sself._value = InitializerTransferred(NonSendable())

Static Variables

You want to conform to a protocol that requires a non-isolated static let property. This can be really tricky to handle. This comes up a lot with SwiftUI's EnvironmentKey and PreferenceKey.

// for reference, here's how EnvironmentKey is defined
public protocol EnvironmentKey {
    associatedtype Value

    static var defaultValue: Self.Value { get }

class NonSendable {

struct MyKey: EnvironmentKey {
    // WARNING: Static property 'defaultValue' is not concurrency-safe because it is not
    // either conforming to 'Sendable' or isolated to a global actor; this is an error in Swift 6
    static let defaultValue = NonSendable()

Solution #1: MainActor + non-isolated init

This solution took me a while to even fully understand. Adding MainActor establishes isolation, making the type Sendable. But, that also means the now MainActor-isolated init cannot be used at the definition site. Remember, defaultValue is non-isolated. If your type doesn't need to reference other MainActor-isolated types in its init, which is surprisingly common, this will work well.

class NonSendable {
    nonisolated init() {

struct MyKey: EnvironmentKey {
    // This is now ok because:
    // a) our type is globally-isolated (and that means Sendable)
    // b) the init can be called from a non-isolated context
    static let defaultValue = NonSendable()

Solution #2: MainActor + non-isolated init + default values

A non-isolated init can be hard to create when the type involves non-Sendable properties. Sometimes you can work around this by using default property values.

class NonSendable {
    // this is MainActor-only
    private var value = AnotherNonSendable()

    nonisolated init() {
        // ok because self's isolated properties are not accessed

Solution #3: Define a read-only accessor

Instead of trying to share a single non-Sendable value, create a new one on each access. This can work really well if the value is not accessed frequently and distinct instances make sense for your usage.

struct MyKey: EnvironmentKey {
    static var defaultValue: NonSendable { NonSendable() }

Solution #4: nonisolated(unsafe) Optional

If you happen to be storing an optional value, you can safely cheat if you want to initialize the value to nil. But, you have to be careful here. It is very unusual for instances of a type to differ in thread-safety. This is just a very special case.

struct MyKey: EnvironmentKey {
    nonisolated(unsafe) static let defaultValue: NonSendable? = nil