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207 lines (147 loc) · 5.52 KB

File metadata and controls

207 lines (147 loc) · 5.52 KB


GUI, great for training the camera and positioning it correctly:

Python (must be run on Linux) to send the data from Pixy to other applications:

  • VirtualBox
    • VirtualBox allows docker to access the macs usb devices
    • Free and Open Source

Note the default image, tinycore, does not use apt-get etc. Use linux mint for now instead.

On the host:

brew install virtualbox

or find and download virtual box manually

Use VBoxManages GUI to create the VM. The commented out code is for the terminal. Which I have not gotten to work for mint.

[] Try to replace SATA/IDE with SATA/IDE controller

NOTE The install disk might open on a single click depending on the distro

For persistant storage When the VM spins up, make sure to click the disk to install Linux. Otherwise the OS runs from the disk, which will be ejected on the next restart.

In the VM:

sudo apt-get update
sudo visudo

Add this to the end of the opened file:

sudo apt-get install openssh-server
sudo shutdown now

On host:

VBoxManage modifyvm $VM_NAME --natpf1 "ssh,tcp,,'$VM_SSH_PORT',,22"
VBoxManage startvm $VM_NAME --type headless
sudo ssh $VM_NAME@ -p $VM_SSH_PORT

password is possibly pixy (if you set it to this ofc).

[] TODO: find setup for this or alternative that supports apt-get and usb with a smaller distribution than mint

vboxmanage modifyvm pixy --usb on
vboxmanage list usbhost

Use the VendorId and ProductId from the list usbhot

vboxmanage usbfilter add 0 --target pixy --name pixy --vendorid 0xb1ac --productid 0xf000

NOTE: Replug the pixy usb after starting the VM


NOTE: Replug the pixy usb after starting the VM

sudo apt-get install libjack-jackd2-dev portaudio19-dev swig libusb-1.0.0-dev g++ build-essential git python3-pip

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.8 1

git clone
cd pixy2/scripts
cd ../build/python_demos
echo "'http://{}:{}/'.format(HOST, PORT),
                    data={'note': blocks[index].m_signature, 'velocity': blocks[index].m_x})" >>
sudo python3

NOTE: Replug the pixy usb after starting the VM Segmentation fault will be caused by not doing this.

When returning later use this:

cd pixy2/build/python_demos
sudo python3

Local network (including host)

Add network adapter with bridged / host only network for the VM

The HOST is the hosts local ip (not tied to the VM)

To ping the host:

from requests import post
from sys import argv

if __name__ == '__main__':
  post('http://{}:{}'.format(argv[1], argv[2]),data={'note': 30, 'velocity': 40})

To visualise the points. Add the following to the .glsl file of the scene -- some may already have drawCircle defined. Just delete oone of the functions then.

float drawCircle(vec2 position, float size){
    if (distance(_uvc, position)<size){
        return 1.0;
    return 0.0;

vec4 getCircle(vec2 position, float circleSize) {
    vec3 backgroundColor = vec3(0.0);
    vec3 circleColor = vec3(1.0);

    float insideCircle = drawCircle(position, circleSize);
    vec3 finalColor = backgroundColor*(1.0-insideCircle);

    finalColor += circleColor*insideCircle;

    return vec4(finalColor, 0.0);

In the render function add:

  vec2 circleCenter0 = vec2(x0_location,y0_location);
  vec4 circle0 = getCircle(circleCenter, size0);

  vec2 circleCenter1 = vec2(x1_location,y1_location);
  vec4 circle1 = getCircle(circleCenter, size1);

  vec4 circles = circle0 + circle1

Access vm from network

Use port forwarding under NAS (probably, needs testing) Then use the macs local network ip -- ipconfig getifaddr en0

Web to Syphon

ChromeSyphon from github.

NOTE it does not support

  • const name = () =>, use function name(){}
  • let, use var
  • template strings ``, use regular strings ''

Access Developer Tools at localhost:8088 (in a separate window)