Releases: meshery/meshery-cilium
Meshery Adapter for Cilium Service Mesh v0.6.2
What's New
- Add meshmodel components support @gr455 (#95)
- Fix slack & community link @RahulGopathi (#94)
- Relax Go req @acald-creator (#91)
- Bump from 0.6.5 to 0.6.6 @dependabot (#86)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@RahulGopathi, @Revolyssup, @acald-creator, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @gr455, @leecalcote and @theBeginner86
Meshery Adapter for Cilium Service Mesh v0.6.1
What's New
- Fixed the wrong docker release tags in this adapters @bishal7679 (#85)
- Upgraded meshkit and meshery-adapter-library. @acald-creator (#81)
- Added components to doc workflow @asubedy (#80)
- Revert "Bump from 0.5.32 to 0.6.5" @leecalcote (#83)
- Bump from 0.5.32 to 0.6.5 @dependabot (#82)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Revolyssup, @acald-creator, @asubedy, @bishal7679, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @gr455 and @leecalcote
Meshery Adapter for Cilium Service Mesh v0.6.0
What's New
- update build and release workflow (multiplatform) @everly-gif (#77)
- Send detailed error response to client @MUzairS15 (#69)
- Fix missing title in Cilium workloads @Revolyssup (#68)
🧰 Maintenance
- Upgrade Go 1.19 @acald-creator (#74)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@MUzairS15, @Revolyssup, @acald-creator, @everly-gif and @leecalcote
Meshery Adapter for Cilium Service Mesh v0.5.15
What's New
- Cilium: Remove arch hardcode and kubeopenapi-jsonschema @gr455 (#63)
- Add version to components @gr455 (#66)
- Change Issue template to add adapter spreadsheet @Revolyssup (#65)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Revolyssup and @gr455
Meshery Adapter for Cilium Service Mesh v0.5.14
What's New
- [CI] Normalize Makefile @leecalcote (#62)
- Workflow Updates @MUzairS15 (#55)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@MUzairS15 and @leecalcote
Meshery Adapter for Cilium Service Mesh v0.5.13
What's New
- Bump from 0.5.20 to 0.5.22 @dependabot (#59)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@dependabot, @dependabot[bot] and @leecalcote
Meshery Adapter for Cilium Service Mesh v0.5.12
What's New
- Multi context refactor @Revolyssup (#56)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Revolyssup and @leecalcote
Meshery Adapter for Cilium Service Mesh v0.5.11
What's New
- Use cuelang for component generation @sudo-NithishKarthik (#57)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@sudo-NithishKarthik and Nithish
Meshery Adapter for Cilium Service Mesh v0.5.10
What's New
- [CI] E2E Core workflow update @Chadha93 (#54)
- Added Error code util check to CI tests @kethavathsivanaik (#53)
- Bump from 0.5.17 to 0.5.18 @dependabot (#52)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Chadha93, @Revolyssup, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @kethavathsivanaik and @leecalcote
Meshery Adapter for Cilium Service Mesh v0.5.9
What's New
- [CI] Add end-to-end tests @MUzairS15 (#43)
- Bump from 0.5.3 to 0.5.4 @dependabot (#50)
- Bump from 0.5.12 to 0.5.17 @dependabot (#49)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@MUzairS15, @Revolyssup, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot] and @leecalcote