All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Main version site uses 'x' stand for idea main version.
- Plugin Icon
- PlaceholderStringSQLi fix literal placeholder
- Mybatis XML whereIn contains blank
- Mybatis XML prefix bug of ${var}
- 1003: Ignore Mybatis wrapper "ew.*" segment
- Optimize sql injection judgement
- Remove unused code and dependencies
- 1011: Change risk comment and description.
- 1004: Fix false positive on mybatis plus
- 1025: HardcodedIp
- 1020: support jdbc url and except not ASCII text
- vendor change to
- add Chinese description
- aspect annotation support 'SetBoolArgQuickFix'
- 1021: PublicControllerOnSpring
- 1022: SpringSessionFixProtection
- 1023: ReplacePseudorandomGenerator
- 1024: OpenSAML2IgnoreComment
- 1009: support New SecureRandom Expression
- Github issue#5 HardcodedCredentials support Property key
- Replace TrueArgToFalseQuickFix by SetBoolArgQuickFix
- optimize sql sentence regex pattern
- optimize constant String trace method
- Replace entropy algorithm
- Replace deprecated api
- 1020: HardcodedCredentials
- scaffold for add/delete Inspection
- remove unused test code
- i18n for Inspection Message, QuickFix, DisplayName
- upgrade org.jetbrains.intellij to 0.5.0
- Support more XML Parser to detect XXE vuln.
- Show green screen when use XXE quickfix.
- Github issue#2 XML foreach Error.
- Replace deprecated API.
- Order by with limit end, false positive.
- Feedback data adds plugin version.
- Optimize the packaging process.
- Redis could use Jackson as cache, false positive.
- Some statements see as SQLi, false positive.
- Whitelist on vulnerable signs.
- Added gain FQName of an Element.
- Make vulnerable sign method to public.
- MOMOBootConfiguration suffix judge.
- SQL joint on INSERT field, false positive.
- SQL joint judge variable type.
- SQL joint on FIELD, false positive.
- SQL joint on INSERT VALUE(S), false positive.
- Judge if use MOMOBoot to reduce, false positive.
- 1017: LDAPUnserialize
- 1018: BroadCORSAllowOrigin
- 1019: SpringSecurityDebugEnabled
- Split MOMOBoot rules.
- Constants InputStream has null point exception.
- 1001: PolyadicExpressionSQLi
- 1002: PlaceholderStringSQLi
- 1003: MybatisAnnotationSQLi
- 1004: MybatisXmlSQLi
- 1005: RegexDos
- 1006: JacksonDatabindDefaultTyping
- 1007: FastjsonAutoType
- 1008: NettyResponseSplitting
- 1009: PredictableSeed
- 1010: XxeInspector
- 1011: XStreamUnserialize
- 1014: WeakHashInspector
- 1015: OutdatedEncryptionInspector
- 1016: XMLDecoderUnserialize