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76 lines (60 loc) · 3.03 KB

File metadata and controls

76 lines (60 loc) · 3.03 KB


Very awesome ChatTriggers module for all kinds of feature from dungeons to nether Has both legit and cheater versions

command to toggle everything in cheater version is "/oc" or "/odincheata"

command to toggle everything is "/od" or "/odinclient" for legit




  • Auto ready: automatically gets in range to mort opens the gui and ready/start the dungeon
  • Auto mort: automatically gets from dungeon spawn to mort and opens his gui
  • Auto ult: uses your ult whenever giants spawn/maxor is stuck in first laser/goldor starts
  • Auto shield: uses wither shield every 5 seconds when not in full health (works for all wither swords)
  • Auto wish: wishes for your temmates if they are low
  • Auto mask: switches spirit and bonzo masks on cooldown priorities spirit mask since it has lower cd
  • Auto edrag: equips edrag after you place relics
  • Auto leap: leaps to a party member if he writes "!tp" in party chat
  • Auto sell: automatically sells items in the trades gui, /autosell to configure


  • Party cmds: custom commands for party use !help in party chat
  • Guild cmds: custom commands for guild use !help in guild chat
  • Guild gm: Automatically sends gm/gn in guild chat when someone else says it
  • Dragon boxes: Custom boxes around the statues in p5 more accurate than sbe
  • Dragon spawn: timer (m7 dragons dont be dumb)
  • Powerdisplay: (shows the power blessing on ur screen) cmd is /movepower
  • Abiphone ghoster: Ghosts calls from abiphone
  • FPS: boosts fps cause yes
  • FragBot: automatically makes you a fragbot whenever you enter limbo automatically disables when leaving limbo
Exclusive to legit


  • EdragReminder: reminds you to equip edrag after you place relics
  • ReadyReminder: reminds you to ready up after certain amount of time in a dungeon
  • UltReminder: reminds you to use your ult at specific events in m6/m7


  • Broken hype notifier: (now u can stop using dulkir mod)
  • Flare timer: (sos flare alert flare warning flare) cmd is is /moveflare
  • Vanqnotifier: (also marks a beacon for when coords are sent in chat)
  • Kuudra alerts: (shows text on screen when certain stuf happen in kuudra)
Nice to have


  • Relic aura: changes the way you look and click a relic if there is one in 5 blocks from you
  • Item macros: soul whip aots 0 tick swap hotkey in controls
  • Terminator ac: Automatically clicks when holding terminator randomized ac for very good anti cheat
  • Customizeable esp: (you can add whatever mob name u want to see) cmd is /esp
  • FUCK DIORITE": replaces the diorite with glass in the p2 pillars in f7/m7 so you can watch storm get stuck
  • Pre ghostblock: makes ghost blocks in convinient spots in the m7 boss
  • Very awesome gui: reminder cmds are /oc and /ol
  • Descriptions: when u hover at features in the gui