- Added several RMAPS for pars-resamplestep/specstep [#1038]
- Added support for pars- reference files [#1036]
- Use try/except for np.float128 import [#1037]
- Added metrics_logger decorator to Roman tests delivered with older builds [#1034]
- Pytest configuration changes to address ongoing test suite failures, marked individual tests with their respective observatory [#1034]
-Added MODEL to be a PEDIGREE option for JWST. [#1032]
- Formalize the stale-by-context report tool [#1039]
-Added new rmap for MIRI pars-emicorrstep. [#1030]
-Added new rmap for NIRISS nrm. [#1027] -Added new rmap for NIRSPEC drizpars. [#1028] -Added new rmap for NIRISS pars-whitelightstep. [#1029]
- Added new rmap for miri_pars-pixelreplacestep [#1025]
- Fixed issue with releases and CHANGES.rst [#1026]
- Added new rmap for miri_mask [#1020]
- for the test caching CI workflow (
), explicitly checkout CRDS to enable reuse in other repositories' CI [#1022]
- Remove jwst pub and add roman tvac to submission list. [#1018]
- Replaced deprecated
- Add n/a to components of the cos badttab reftype [#1019]
-Removed constraints in nirspec_pathloss.tpn. [#1017]
-Fixed value of suffix in rmap for miri_emicorr. [#1016]
-Fixed value of filetype in rmap for miri_emicorr. [#1015]
- Added PIXAR_SR and PIXAR_A2 to miri photom tpn. [#1013]
- Added new rmap for miri.emicorr. [#1014]
- bugfix: get observatory metadata inside asdf file handler [#1012]
- Update tests for expected output with asdf 3.0+ [#1004]
- Downgrade unhandled name in crds.io.naming.newer from an error to a warning [#1008]
- Add setval() and getval() methods to crds.io.asdf.AsdfFile class [#1009]
- Added documentation on how to search for and download bestrefs by dataset ID programatically [#1001]
- Added Filter and Subarray to miri_pars-jumpstep.rmap [#1010]
- Added BAND to miri_gain and DETECTOR to miri_pars-detector1pipeline spec files. [#1011]
- Replaced deprecated np.product with np.prod in crds.certify.validators.core [#975]
- Remove "lxml" from submission optional dependencies [#999]
- Migrated test suite from nose to pytest, running CI tests for python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 [#998]
- Added a substitution to miri_ipc [#958]
- Added new rmap nirspec outlier detection [#950]
- Added new rmap miri Interpixel Capacitance [#954]
- Added CHANNEL to parkeys for miri_apcorr.rmap [#955]
- Added new rmap niriss charge_migration step [#956]
- Added new rmap miri gain [#945]
- Added metrics-logger decorators with DMS tags to appropriate Roman tests [#943]
- Added WFC3 SATUFILE new reference file [#941]
- Removed python 3.8 check from ci.yml [#934]
- Removed references to ICD-47 in users guide [#936]
- translate 'ANY' as equal to '*' when selecting match rules in rmap changes. Prevents equal weight special case errors from occurring unnecessarily [#939]
- Refactor setup_test_cache to allow for simply updating local cache [#966]
- Switch jwst DATAMODEL to jwst.datamodels.JwstDataModel [#938]
- Replace W146 with F146 [#932]
- Replace
dependency withBeautifulSoup
for submission/login html error parsing [#926]
- Added stale archive report core code [#928]
- Update miri pars-jumpstep parkeys [#931]
- Added new rmap WFI Reference Pixels [#924]
- Replace deprecated import
. [#923]
- Added new rmap WFI Inverse Linearity [#920]
- Added new reference file type: IPC Kernel [#918]
- add SUB400X256ALWB to the NIRCam subarray list [#915]
- bugfix: getreferences uses get_locator_module to call dataset_to_ref_header [#916]
- bestrefs calls
outside of the "fast" condition. Header translation for Roman will occur regardless of the "fast" arg (which can sometimes be determined by the logging verbosity level). [#917]
- Dataset to Ref header key matching where "roman" prefix is missing [#910]
- exclude build/ and install.log from source control [#907]
- update versions in github actions workflows [#914]
- Add subarray to the miri filteroffset spec [#908]
- Initial spec implementations for pars-jumpstep for miri, nircam, and nirspec [#909]
- Add new reftypes pars-residualfringestep and pars-undersamplecorrectionstep [#911]
- Add (260, 2048) as a valid size for nirspec saturation [#912]
- Affected datasets script sets BIASFILE bestref to N/A when specific conditions are met for ACS WFC datasets (CCDGAIN=0.5 or 1.4) [#906]
- Don't issue warning in
crds sync
for files with status "delivered" [#903] - Documentation minor updates: command_line_tools, programmatic_interface [#905]
- Automatic confirmation for roman pipeline reference file submissions [#904]
- Equal Weight Special Case log messages include filenames and useafter dates [#901]
- Updated README to reference
- Reversion: "equal weight special case" generates a warning instead of error for HST [#898]
- File submission object includes 'file_map' dictionary attribute of uploaded and renamed filenames [#897]
- Add LAMP_MODE and LAMP_STATE to NIRSpec SFLAT spec [#896]
- Update nirspec fflat specs [#895]
- User Guide updates: mission-based tabs for code examples, Roman content added [#894]
- Allow variation in reftype naming convention for ASDF validation checks in crds.certify [#893]
- Changed "equal weight special case" warning to an error [#892]
- Revised core.utils to allow I/O to work under Windows [#891]
- update niriss pars-jumpstep parkeys [#890]
- Updated GH action release token [#889]
- Useafter string reformats with space instead of "T" between date and time [#888]
- Update the timeout for RPC calls [#887]
- Allow forward slash and equals signs in Reason for Delivery [#886]
- added ref-rmap header translation for p_optical_element, updated tests [#885]
- Hotfix for API character validation with more thorough testing added [#884]
- Minor bugfix checks for invalid (special) chars in "reason for delivery" text submitted via programmatic api [#882]
- Update and add specs for all instruments for reftype pars-rampfitstep. [#883]
- Manually added release date for previous release [#881]
- Added new rmap for NIRISS filteroffset [#881]
- Add substitutions for HST ACS to support biasfile selection [#880]
- Added top-level tag validation for roman asdf [#878]
- Add back pars-masterbackgroundnrsslitsstep in the jwst specs [#879]
- move MA_TABLE_NUMBER WFI dark rmap parkey from observation to exposure [#877]
- Create new reftype mrsptcorr [#875]
- add new reftype mrsxartcorr [#874]
- Update miri pars-spec2pipeline for exp_type addition to parkeys [#873]
- Add spec for new pars-wfsscontamstep [#872]
- Update parkeys for NIRSpec/NIRISS pars-spec2pipeline [#871]
- Rename MasterBackgroundNrsSlitsStep pars files to MasterBackgroundMosStep [#870]
- update parkeys for WFI dark references [#868]
- useafter based on exposure.start_time instead of observation.date, observation.time [#876]
- Implement timeout on CRDS Server network requests [#869]
- added: distortion rmap + tpn [#867]
- update parkeys for NIRSpec apcorr and extract1d references [#866]
- Fix bug in script where bash syntax was used with /bin/sh. [#865]
- Add V3 of ACS precondition header hook. [#864]
- corrected area rmap to match updates to schema [#863]
- Add LITREF check to tpns for synphot component files. [#862]
- New PixelArea RefType + PyTests. [#861]
- New Photom RefType + PyTests. [#860]
- Add pub to the possible submission groups. [#859]
- Update submission urls to include jwst-crds-pub [#856]
- Fix syntax in all_tpn affecting readpatt verification [#857]
- Update minimum python to 3.8 [#858]
- Trim translations to be specific to roman [#854]
- Update miri pathloss spec [#855]
- Update documentation for the Submission API [#853]
- Add new reftype fringefreq [#846]
- Added new reftype saturation [#847]
- Changed dark reftype definition [#852]
- Changed readnoise reftype definition [#851]
- Change JWST validation errors into warnings. [#845]
- Update STIS and ACS IMPHTTAB validations to permit additional values in the DATACOL column. [#844]
- Update JWST certifier to show all datamodels validation failures instead of stopping at the first. [#842]
- Switch to setuptools_scm for package version management and
variable. [#843]