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mentormike4419 mentormike4419
Lead Mentor FRC 4419 / Owner OHM3D Design

San Diego, CA

Arshan ArshansGithub
16-year-old future millionaire

Vice President @ FRC Team #2658 California

I'm a high school kid who is interested in robotics, anime, and video games. I am also a Fortnite OG.


MinerSkills #10019 MinersSkill1

Brazil, MG

Yutong Zhu Wu-Fan-529
Julian Garcia julianalg

Mira Mesa High School + MarauderTech 9573 San Diego, CA

RITESH RAJ AS riteshrajas

@Rochester-CS-Club Rochester HIlls

Darmin T. CoderTea-1
Hi! I work for @MillenniumFalcons.

@MillenniumFalcons. San Diego

Jacob Hotz Jacob1010-h
A college student who is now a mentor for the FRC Team, @Patribots4738 and also love to do personal projects too ;)

@Patribots4738 United States

Errorz KaneBarnes
"You're allowed to cheat if you're in charge." - Tayler Uva


Tayler Uva TaylerUva
Alumni and Head Coach of @FRCTeam3255

@FRCTeam3255 California