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Solidity Rust web3
siddharth 0xsiddharthks

@layerzero-labs , @facebook vancouver

Ferrodri ferrodri
Building cool projects with my dev studio • Founded 5 ventures with €2M peak revenue • Hackathon champ with 50+ coded repos

PragmaLayer EVM

Chritch | 克瑞奇 Zerokei

Zhejiang University HangZhou, China

nisedo nisedo
Web3 Security Researcher
SupItsJ jlucus
Knowledge is power, and charging a premium in it's pursuit is akin to charging for air in a bag.

SupItsJ Media Oakland, CA

g4rd393r Shafqathassan
As they say, "Curse of Dimensionality!"
Cioclea Doru Octavian dorucioclea
Tech enthusiast

@CoreBuildSoftware Cluj-Napoca

James Harrison Somto KodeSage
First Principle Engineer (Focusing on building scalable web2/web3 products)

The unknown

Mohamed Monir Ali AL Keshita Ranamom
TOT Ankh Amon

Mohamed Mounir

Pratik Raj Rajpratik71 , Linux @Semicode-OS , Virtualization , Networking , Cloud , Telecom, Stroage, Security & Observability (Monitoring,Logging)

@IBM Pune

0xDemon Emanueldlvg
Smart Contract Security Researcher


Arduino Aficionado ArduinoAficionado
Tinkerer, Maker, Hacker, Optimist.

Arduino Aficionado Detroit

Songhyun Bae bshyuunn

Korea University Republic of Korea

Mahdi Vafaii flamma19
Currently learning and doing Front-End stuff, but generally interested in python, DataScience and Algo Trading.
Smart Contract Developer 🛠️ Security Researcher 🛠


Giorgi Meskhidze GIgako19929
No much

Giorgi Meskhidze New York


@DarkNavySecurity Shanghai

Lalo (Edward) lalohamb
"Jack of all trades master of none, though oftentimes better than master of one." ~unknown; original quote Technologist 25 years of experience.


Gita Alekhya Paul gitaalekhyapaul
BUIDLing @abridged |Prev @MLH-Fellowship @aws-amplify , GitHub Extern @hoppscotch | Blockchain | Full-Stack | Web | IoT | Cybersecurity

@SRM-IST-KTR @team-envision @MLH-Fellowship @hoppscotch @aws-amplify @abridged Kolkata, India

Mohan MohanKalai8
Smart Contract Auditor
no_secrets no-secrets-dev
CSE Grad Student | ZK
John kirathe jonkirathe
I'm a seasoned Senior Fullstack Developer with a passion for crafting efficient and scalable solutions.

Mbid Nairobi, Kenya

HuyHuynh huyhuynh3103
Crafting smart contracts

Viet Nam

Farzan Saqib EggsyOnCode
Blockchain & Web3 Developer | Distributed Systems Engineer | Smart Contract Dev and Auditor

National University of Science and Technology(NUST) Islamabad, Pakistan