The one-step solution for using ember-css-modules in concert with another preprocessor like Sass or Less is to use a plugin like ember-css-modules-sass. However, if you want to tweak the default behavior or are looking to implement your own integration with another preprocessor, the settings here will help you in that direction.
High level, there are two approaches to using ECM alongside another preprocessor.
The first is to have your modules be completely separate from e.g. your Sass, only combining the two at the very end of the build into a single stylesheet. In this scenario, you use vanilla CSS (possibly with some PostCSS plugins) in all your .css
module files, and ember-css-modules doesn't touch any of your .scss
/etc files, leaving them to behave globally exactly as they did before.
The advantage to this approach is that it provides a clear migration path: as you convert global classes into local modularized styling, the file extension and syntax you use also changes with it, making the divide clear.
For example, with Sass you could install ember-cli-sass and then configure ember-css-modules to emit a _modules
cssModules: {
intermediateOutputPath: 'app/styles/_modules.scss'
And then in your app.scss
, simply import it:
// other Sass code and imports
@import 'modules';
Note: when specifying intermediateOutputPath
, for an app you must include app/styles/_modules.scss
at the front, but addon styles output is already implicitly scoped, so you would just set intermediateOutputPath
to _modules.scss
The second approach is viable for preprocessors for which there is a PostCSS syntax extension, such as Sass and (at least partially) Less. It allows for using custom preprocessor syntax directly in CSS modules, handing off the concatenated final output directly to the preprocessor. This is the approach taken by plugins like ember-css-modules-sass
Again using Sass as an example, you would specify app.scss
as your intermediate output file so that ember-cli-sass would pick it up directly, and then tell ember-css-modules to look for .scss
files and pass through custom PostCSS syntax configuration.
cssModules: {
// Emit a combined SCSS file for ember-cli-sass to compile
intermediateOutputPath: 'app/styles/app.scss',
// Use .scss as the extension for CSS modules instead of the default .css
extension: 'scss',
// Pass a custom parser/stringifyer through to PostCSS for processing modules
postcssOptions: {
syntax: require('postcss-scss')
When you configure an intermediateOutputPath
, ember-css-modules will automatically pass through all files with stylesheet-like extensions for subsequent processors to be able to include. If you're relying on being able to reference data from other files in a downstream processing step, you may configure the extensions of files that should be passed on.
cssModules: {
passthroughFileExtensions: ['json']