To use a heightmap from Heightmapper as a displacement map in Blender on MacOS, using the
Note the "z:x scale factor" in the Heightmapper.
Export the current image from heightmapper, and save it in the same location as
For the next command, you will need the paths of three things:
- your blender install
- the script
- your exported heightmap
If you navigate in a terminal window to the location of any of these things, you can just use the filename in the command.
- Enter the blender command:
Some examples:
- Blender path is
- script path is
- heightmap path is
- z:x scale factor is
The full command would be:
/Applications/ --python ~/work/blender-tests/ -- ~/downloads/heightmapper-1507306626578.png .000008993847
If you're already in the heightmapper directory and moved the exported image there as well:
/Applications/ --python -- heightmapper-1507306626578.png .000008993847
You can also add an alias to your terminal profile to make things even cleaner.
echo "alias blender=/Applications/" >> ~/.bash_profile
Then your command would be:
blender --python -- heightmapper-1507306626578.png .000008993847
So tidy! 💅
You can drag a file directly from a finder window into a terminal window to insert the filepath at the current cursor position.
If after importing your plane appears flat, click the tools menu (wrench icon) and increase "Strength"
This also works with Bforartists, the Blender fork for humans.