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nixie123 edited this page Dec 8, 2024 · 37 revisions

Using "/hud reload" does not move the y coordinate.

Don't forget you need to reapply the resourcepack.

HUD doesn't appear

Don't see any bossbars, don't see any HUD, it's empty.

  • If you're using ItemsAdder, will need to set text-effect to false.


If the bossbar for Enderdragon or Wither pops up, the HUD loses its alignment.

  • Change merge-boss-bar: in config.yml merge-boss-bar: false
  • This is a specialized bossbar and cannot be resolved.

Optimize resourcepack

  1. If you don't use shader.yml set:
#shader.yml file
  disable: false #true by default

and config.yml to:

#config.yml file
load-minecraft-default-textures: false
  1. font.yml: If you don't use default font scale: 1

  2. Minimize font usage types.

Text is displaying strangely

It's a problem with that font. You need to replace it with a different font.

Items turned black

itemsadder used as an example, but the general cause and solution is the same

Shader core files used by betterhud. rendertype_entity_cutout.vsh, rendertype_entity_translucent_cull.vsh, rendertype_text.vsh, block.fsh, block.vsh, item.fsh, item.vsh, text.vsh, text.fsh

the resourcepack for betterhud was not merged properly, resulting in only some shader cores being applied. this happens when you make a mistake in itemsadder, or when itemsadder has a different shader core inside and ignores the betterhud's shader core. check and resolve the console error caused by a configuration error in itemsadder, or delete all shader core files that are duplicated with betterhud in the folders included in “merge_other_plugins_resourcepacks_folders” or in "itemsadder/contents"

When I display PAPI placeholders, the HUD disappears.

Be aware of legacy format in PlaceholderAPI. Some placeholders return text with legacy format. it can cause errors with BetterHud.

for example, a color code. e.g.&aText

Even if it is plainly printed in white, it may be color-coded like "&fText", "§fText".

This issue can be caused by the following

  1. text layout has use-legacy-format set to false (default: true)
  2. legacy-serializer in config.yml contains legacy characters of a different type than the one set.

This is usually caused by issue 2. If you encounter this error, try applying a different type and restarting the server. types of legacy-serializer: ampersand(&), section(§)

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