Can my data be seen by other students?
No - you can view your own data only.
Is the data editable?
No - you can only browse the data
Why is this data being collected?
We are collecting this data largely for course management purposes. For example, time spent on lab steps is valuable intelligence that will feed into the design of the labs. Also, averaged lab times across the course will help us better understand course load and relative load across modules.
Should I be trying to improve my numbers?
No, this information has no bearing on assessment. Lower/higher numbers reflect personal learning styles and interaction patterns - not necessarily learning achievements.
What is the Labs data?
The number of minutes the lab is visible in the browser - excluding when the browser is minimised or in an inactive tab.
What is the Calendar data
The number of minutes a page in the current module is open in the browser - excluding when the browser is minimised or in an inactive tab.
Is this all of the data that is being collected?
For each learning resource (topic, talk, lab etc...), the number of visits + the time/date it was last visited is also recorded
Who can see this data?
The data is under the control of the primary module lecturer. He/she may share this with the course tuition team if appropriate.
Will the data be used for anything else?
Anonymised versions of the data may be used for research purposes
If I think the data is inaccurate, what should I do?
You may be correct! - this is an experimental system. If you notice any anomalies please contact your lecturer
Can I see how this data is gathered?
The data is collected within the Tutors Course Reader. The Analytics Service is where the information is coallated and saved