From 48011ad006499cb416eb7e9e7ac68e9f46bf1999 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ms2ger The The
mixin is for use of APIs that are to be exposed on
- Window
and WorkerGlobalScope
and WorkerGlobalScope
Other standards are encouraged to further extend it using partial
- interface mixin WindowOrWorkerOrShadowRealmGlobalScope { … };
along with an
- appropriate reference.
Other standards are encouraged to further extend it using partial
+ interface mixin WindowOrWorkerOrShadowRealmGlobalScope { … };
along with an
+ appropriate reference.
interface mixin WindowOrWorkerOrShadowRealmGlobalScope {
- // base64 utility methods
- DOMString btoa(DOMString data);
- ByteString atob(DOMString data);
+ interface mixin WindowOrWorkerOrShadowRealmGlobalScope {
+ // base64 utility methods
+ DOMString btoa(DOMString data);
+ ByteString atob(DOMString data);
- // microtask queuing
- undefined queueMicrotask(VoidFunction callback);
+ // microtask queuing
+ undefined queueMicrotask(VoidFunction callback);
- // structured cloning
- any structuredClone(any value, optional StructuredSerializeOptions options = {});
- };
- Window includes WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope;
- WorkerGlobalScope includes WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope;
- ShadowRealmGlobalScope includes WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope;
+ // structured cloning
+ any structuredClone(any value, optional StructuredSerializeOptions options = {});
+Window includes WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope;
+WorkerGlobalScope includes WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope;
+ShadowRealmGlobalScope includes WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope;