- Basic value transitions
// Already implemented via: Motion::new(0.0) .to(100.0) .duration(Duration::from_millis(300))
- Duration control
- Easing functions
- Common animation properties
- x, y (transform)
- scale
- rotate
- opacity
- Duration (implemented via
) - Easing functions (implemented via
) - Animation completion callbacks
- Delay
- Spring animations
- Animation state tracking (Idle, Running, Completed)
- Progress tracking
- Running state detection
- Start animation -> Will always start from the initial value
- Stop -> Will stop on the stopped value
- Resume -> Will continue from the stopped value
- Reset animation -> Will reset back to initial value
- ✅ Solid foundation for value animations
- ✅ Cross-platform support (Web/Desktop)
- ✅ Clean API design
- ✅ Good state management
- ✅ Performance consideration (frame rate control)
- Simple, intuitive API
- Smooth animations
- Small bundle size
- Easy to understand documentation
- Basic but powerful feature set