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  1. setup k8s cluster with kops[email protected]/2021-02-20/setup-k8s-cluster-with-kops-52fc8a54c4

  1. Set Database node
kubectl label nodes [YOUR_NODE_NAME] nodetype=database
  1. Update s3, cloudfront env env-s3-prod-configmap.yaml
  2. Update database env (if you want) env-prod-configmap.yaml
    1. Regenerate RAILS_MASTER_KEY
          rm config/credentials.yml.enc 
          rm config/master.key 
          docker-compose run --no-deps web bin/rails credentials:show
          #NOT WORKING. You should use docker exec for interactive bash shell.
          #docker-compose run --no-deps web EDITOR=vim bin/rails credentials:edit 
          docker exec -it cw-ovp_web_1 /bin/bash
          root@bcde532ff8fd:/myapp# EDITOR=vim bin/rails credentials:edit
          Adding config/master.key to store the encryption key: 
          Save this in a password manager your team can access.
          If you lose the key, no one, including you, can access anything encrypted with it.
                create  config/master.key
          File encrypted and saved.
    2. RAILS_ACTION_CABLE_URL this project used Action cable(websocket). Action cable was working on TCP protocol with AWS ELB(elastic load balancer) in development enviroment.
      but we need HTTPS for secure to MITM in production.
      websocket use http when handshake and use TCP after end of handshake
      if you open 443 port for SSL(TCP) and use 443 port for Action cable. you will see csrf token authenticity on web
      if you open 443 port for HTTPS(HTTP) and use 443 port for Action cable. you will see that action cable connection is not response.

      AWS ELB(elastic load balancer) is not support websocket with HTTP, HTTPS protocal.
      • Solution aws_ELB_442_tcp_for_actioncable.png
        1. open 443 port HTTPS protocal for only Web.
        2. open 442 port SSL protocal for only Action cable.
        3. Change Action cable default port 443 to 442 or another number.
              RAILS_ACTION_CABLE_URL: "wss://[YOUR_DOMAIN]:442/cable"
  3. Create deploy, pod, pvc
kubectl create -f ./k8s-manifests
  1. Delete
kubectl delete -f ./k8s-manifests
kubectl delete pvc --all
  1. Get
kubectl get node
kubectl get pod
kubectl get deploy
kubectl get pvc
kubectl get configmap
kubectl get services

  1. How to Update Image
    1. build image
          docker image prune -a -f
          export IMAGE_URL=x1wins/cw-ovp:latest
          # export IMAGE_URL=[YOUR_PRIVATE_REGISTRY_URL]/cw-ovp:latest
          docker build -t cw-ovp .
          docker tag cw-ovp:latest ${IMAGE_URL}
          docker push ${IMAGE_URL}
    2. Update there is a few method for update image. you can choose following for update image.
      1. set image and rollout
            export IMAGE_URL=x1wins/cw-ovp
            # export IMAGE_URL=[YOUR_PRIVATE_REGISTRY_URL]/cw-ovp:latest
            # Update sidekiq
            kubectl set image deployment/sidekiq-deployment sidekiq=${IMAGE_URL}  --record
            kubectl rollout status deployment/sidekiq-deployment
            # Update web
            kubectl set image deployment/web-deployment web=${IMAGE_URL}  --record
            kubectl rollout status deployment/web-deployment
            # or
            kubectl rollout restart deployment/sidekiq-deployment
            kubectl rollout restart deployment/web-deployment
      2. Force update web-deployment.yaml sidekiq-deployment.yaml has imagePullPolicy: "Always" this option will be auto update when changed image version to new one. but sometime auto update not working. we can force update with following command.

            kubectl delete -f ./k8s-manifests/web-deploy.yaml
            kubectl create -f ./k8s-manifests/web-deploy.yaml
            kubectl delete -f ./k8s-manifests/sidekiq-deploy.yaml
            kubectl create -f ./k8s-manifests/sidekiq-deploy.yaml
    3. Double check digest in remote k8s and local docker image
          % kubectl get pod web-deployment-c9499f695-nx6sd -o json | grep image
              "imageID": "docker-pullable://cw-ovp@sha256:cb0f03db72341c46521d2b18e5463c3c6039229761d7f01bfde457e6c8ed2e2d",
          % docker images --digests
          REPOSITORY                                            TAG                 DIGEST                                                                    IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
          x1wins/cw-ovp                                         latest              sha256:cb0f03db72341c46521d2b18e5463c3c6039229761d7f01bfde457e6c8ed2e2d   509addaaa0ec   47 hours ago    5.34GB
  2. rake db:create, db:migrate
# development
kubectl exec web -- bash -c 'cd /myapp && RAILS_ENV=development bin/rake db:create'
kubectl exec web -- bash -c 'cd /myapp && RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake db:migrate'
# production
kubectl exec web -- bash -c 'cd /myapp && RAILS_ENV=production bin/rake db:create'
kubectl exec web -- bash -c 'cd /myapp && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate'
kubectl exec web -- bash -c 'cd /myapp && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile'
  1. Script
    1. Bash
        kubectl exec --stdin --tty web-deployment-5b4cddf4dc-kc2vb -- /bin/bash
    1. Log
        kubectl exec --stdin --tty web-deployment-5b4cddf4dc-7hxm4 -- tail -f log/production.log
    1. Build
        cd CW-OVP/
        export IMAGE_URL=[YOUR_PRIVATE_REGISTRY_URL]/cw-ovp:latest
        export GIT_BRANCH=master
        git checkout ${GIT_BRANCH} && git fetch origin ${GIT_BRANCH} && git reset --hard origin/${GIT_BRANCH} \
        && git branch -a && git rev-parse HEAD && git --no-pager log -n 60 --all --decorate --oneline --graph \
        && yes | docker system prune \
        && docker build --build-arg RAILS_MASTER_KEY=${RAILS_MASTER_KEY} -t cw-ovp . \
        && docker tag cw-ovp:latest ${IMAGE_URL} \
        && docker push ${IMAGE_URL}
    1. Deploy
        kubectl delete -f ./k8s-manifests/env-prod-configmap.yaml
        kubectl create -f ./k8s-manifests/env-prod-configmap.yaml
        kubectl describe configmap env-prod
        kubectl delete -f ./k8s-manifests/web-deploy.yaml
        kubectl create -f ./k8s-manifests/web-deploy.yaml
  2. Dashboard

kubectl apply -f
kubectl proxy

Open web browser
