This is a compiled list of public talks by Zalando Tech: meetup presentations, recorded conference talks, slides, etc. We try to keep the list up-to-date --- please open a Pull Request to add a public presentation.
- 2025-02-01 FOSDEM Go track (lightning talk): pgx-outbox
- 2025-01-22 Helsinki Gophers meetup: Transactional outbox pattern in Golang
- 2024-09-27 Women+ Data & AI Festival: Building Applications with LLMs
- 2024-08-20 DevOps Finland: Production Readiness Review in Zalando
- 2024-06-11 goto; Amsterdam: A field guide to Reliability Engineering at Zalando video
- 2024-06-11 Mastering Unity Catalog: Lessons from Zalando's Adoption Journey
- 2024-06-11 How Zalando's Internal Developer Portal makes >2000 Engineers More Productive
- 2024-03-14 Server Driven UI @ Zalando
- 2024-03-14 Building Interpreters
- 2024-03-05 PostgreSQL Meet-up Berlin March hosted by Zalando
- 2023-10-10 DevOps Finland: APEC - How to ensure your application is operated properly?
- 2023-07-06 DroidCon Berlin: Code metrics for your app
- 2023-07-06 DroidCon Berlin: A Small Leak Can Sink A Great Ship
- 2023-05-15 SLOconf 2023: Driving engineering priorities with SLOs on critical business operations
- 2023-05-14 Women Tech Global Conference: Beauty Meets Fashion: Challenges in Extending E-Commerce beyond Fashion
- 2022-12-06 AWS re:Invent 2022 - Store features across teams with Amazon Feature Store, feat. Zalando (AIM339)
- 2022-10-25 SREcon22 EMEA: Meatbag Systems: How Our Reliability Culture & Practice Evolved over Time (description)
- 2022-10-25 SREcon22 EMEA: Statistics for Engineers (description)
- 2022-10-20 Building Scalable Frontends at Zalando
- 2022-10-20 Kubernetes Native Change Data Capture
- 2022-10-20 Architecting Backends to Service Millions of RPS
- 2022-10-18 DataTalks.Club: Machine Learning Workflows in Production
- 2022-10-07 Mathematical Optimization Meets Machine Learning to Optimize Stock Distribution
- 2022-10-06 Challenges in Large Scale Article Discounting
- 2022-06-22 DevOpsCon Berlin: Zalando's Quest for Operating 10K Micro Services
- 2022-06-17 WomenTech 2022: Tech and Fashion: How to use Machine Learning to create personalised shopping experiences by Tian Su
- 2022-06-17 WomenTech 2022: Get Prepared: The Hiring Process at Zalando
- 2022-06-14 Elasticsearch Berlin meetup: Enriching E-Commerce Search with Elasticsearch 8's k-Nearest Neighbours
- 2022-05-24 AWS Finland meetup: CloudFront authentication and Lambda@Edge
- 2022-05-09 SLOconf 2022: Operation Based SLOs
- 2022-05-03 Platform Engineering webinar: Cloud native developer experience at Zalando
- 2021-11-10 Droidcon Berlin: Extend your Reality with AR
- 2021-11-10 Droidcon Berlin: Scaling App Development at Zalando
- 2021-10-08 UXDX EMEA 2021: Weave: Transforming the Zalando Experience
- 2021-10-08 mobiconf: AppCraft: Lessons Learned building successful Backend Driven Mobile UI
- 2021-10-06 P99CONF: How to Measure Latency
- 2021-09-27 Talking Kotlin #104: How Zalando Adopted Kotlin
- 2021-09-09 Berlin GraphQL meetup: Using GraphQL to manage contributions from multiple teams
- 2021-05-17 SLOConf: The state of the Histogram
- 2021-04-15 Camunda Process Automation Forum Live: Retail
- 2021-04-14 Berlin GraphQL meetup: Scaling GraphQL at Zalando
- 2021-04-14 AI in Retail & Marketing Virtual Summit 2021: AI in Fashion Size & Fit
- 2021-01-21 CTO-CTO Podcast: Zalando Microservices / 20. Pioneers. with Jan Hegewald, Director of Engineering at Zalando
- 2020-10-19 NDC Oslo 2020: Data Mesh in Practice
- 2020-08-18 KubeCon Europe 2020: Autoscaling at Scale: How We Manage Capacity @ Zalando
- 2020-06-18 GopherCon Europe 2020 (lightning talk): Integration Testing with TestContainers-Go
- 2020-02-27 Big Data Warsaw 2020: Presto @ Zalando
- 2020-02-04 AWS This is My Architecture - Zalando: Highly Scalable Data Processing Pipeline
- 2020-02-02 FOSDEM 2020: PostgreSQL on K8S at Zalando: Two years in production
- 2020-01-29 HU Berlin Guest Lecture: Continuous Delivery at Zalando
- 2020-01-23 Go Days Berlin: Integration testing with TestContainers-Go (slides
- 2020-01-20 Search Technology Meetup: Machine Learned Search - setting up a production pipeline
- 2020-01-20 HPI Startup Talks: How I got proselytized - from large-scale standard ERP to custom-built micro services (YouTube)
- 2019-12-09 Helsinki JUG meetup: Integration testing with TestContainers and JUnit 5
- 2019-12-05 AWS re:Invent: How Zalando runs Kubernetes clusters at scale on AWS (slides, PDF)
- 2019-12-03 AWS re:Invent: Machine learning at Zalando
- 2019-12-03 AWS re:Invent: Zalando's technology journey
- 2019-12-04 PottJS: Learnings from 4 Years of TypeScript
- 2019-11-28 Scale Up 360° Better Software 2019: Simplifying Application Management in Kubernetes (slides, PDF)
- 2019-11-20 KubeCon San Diego 2019: Developing Operators with Kubernetes Operators Pythonic Framework "Kopf" (slides, PDF)
- 2019-11-13 Product Management Festival: Building Products Internal Teams Love
- 2019-11-07 OSB Open Source Day: Open Source at Zalando
- 2019-11-04 RabbitMQ Summit 2019: Monitoring & scaling based on RabbitMQ telemetry
- 2019-10-31 Voxxed Days Cluj Napoca: Integration and end-to-end testing with TestContainers and JUnit 5
- 2019-10-28 Haystack EU: How to Kill Two Birds with One Stone: Learning to Rank with Multiple Objectives (slides)
- 2019-10-24 GOTO Berlin: Why I love Kubernetes Failure Stories and you should too (slides)
- 2019-10-23 PostgreSQL Finland October Meetup: PostgreSQL Monitoring in Zalando
- 2019-10-17 Databricks Spark AI Summit - Building an AI-Powered Retail Experience with Delta Lake, Spark, and Databricks (slides)
- 2019-10-17 ACID ORC, Iceberg and Delta Lake - An Overview of Table Formats for Large Scale Storage and Analytics
- 2019-10-16 PGConf.EU 2019: Patroni in 2019: What's New and Future Plans
- 2019-10-03 SREcon EMEA: Are we all on the same page? Let's fix that (slides)
- 2019-10-03 OpenInfra Nordics: Kubernetes and Developer Experience at Zalando
- 2019-09-26 OWL Tech & Innovation Day: Why Kubernetes? Cloud Native and Developer Experience at Zalando (slides)
- 2019-09-10 Continuous Testing Meetup Berlin: End-to-end load testing at scale
- 2019-09-05 AWS Finland September Meetup: Using Amazon Neptune to build Fashion Knowledge Graph
- 2019-09-05 Cloud Native Prague: Kubernetes + Python = ❤
- 2019-08-23 Python Pizza Night Berlin: Kubernetes operators in Python with Kopf
- 2019-07-23 Dublin Scala Meetup: Functional resource safety management in Scala
- 2019-07-03 Agile Testing Munich: Agile Testing @ Zalando
- 2019-06-26 ContainerDays Hamburg: Kubernetes Failure Stories, or: How to Crash Your Cluster
- 2019-05-25 ContainerDays Hamburg: TestContainers + JUnit5 = elegant end-to-end tests for microservices
- 2019-06-20 GraphQL Conf: Compiling GraphQL to be Blazing Fast
- 2019-06-20 Data Engineering Meetup Berlin: Nakadi SQL - SQL Engine for Streaming Queries over Nakadi Event Types
- 2019-06-20 OpenExpo Europe Madrid: Open Source Within Corporate Walls
- 2019-06-18 MICES: Coping with the challenge of sorting large product catalogs (slides)
- 2019-06-13 DevOpsCon Berlin: Why we don’t use the Term DevOps: the Journey to a Product Mindset
- 2019-06-04 Destination AARhus: Why we don't use the term DevOps
- 2019-05-21 KubeCon Barcelona: Es operator: Building an Elasticsearch Operator From the Bottom Up (slides)
- 2019-05-21 KubeCon Barcelona: Kubernetes Failure Stories (slides)
- 2019-05-20 DATA Festival 2019: Using ML to fashion the business of online retailing
- 2019-05-17 PGDay Italy: PostgreSQL at low level: stay curious!
- 2019-05-17 CodingSerbia: Are we all on the same page? Let's fix that
- 2019-05-16 CodingSerbia: Alerting, Monitoring and All That Jazz
- 2019-05-16 CodingSerbia: Tackling the Complexity in the Middle of the Platform
- 2019-05-15 TEQnation: Platform Design and Migration in the Real World
- 2019-05-15 JAX DevOps London: Optimizing Kubernetes Resource Requests/Limits for Cost-Efficiency and Latency
- 2019-05-07 QCon: Building and running applications at scale in Zalando
- 2019-05-01 Strata Data: Insights From Engineering Europe’s Largest Marketing Platform For Fashion
- 2019-04-23 GAIA: Putting Data Science in Production
- 2019-04-18 CNCF End User SIG-DX: Developer Experience at Zalando
- 2019-04-02 Codemotion Amsterdam: First Steps As A Lead - Dan Persa
- 2019-04-02 microXchg Berlin 2019: Operating Elasticsearch in Kubernetes
- 2019-03-21 Data Engineering Meetup Berlin: Data Infrastructure as Code (slides)
- 2019-03-13 DevOps Gathering 2019: Ensuring Kubernetes Cost Efficiency across (many) Clusters (slides)
- 2019-02-11 Hamburg Meetup: Kubernetes Failure Stories
- 2019-02-03 FOSDEM: Nakadi: Streaming Events for 100s of Teams
- 2019-01-23 Handelsblatt Strategisches IT-Management: Developer Experience at Zalando
- 2018-12-11 KubeCon North America: Building your own PostgreSQL-as-a-Service on Kubernetes
- 2018-12-05 DevOpsCon Munich 2018: Running Kubernetes in Production: A Million Ways to Crash Your Cluster (slides)
- 2018-11-15 LISA18: Modern HTTP Routing (Skipper)
- 2018-11-08 HighLoad++ Moscow 2018: Optimizing Kubernetes Resource Requests/Limits for Cost-Efficiency and Latency (slides)
- 2018-10-08 mobiconf: ModelDiff state based UI rendering in iOS
- 2018-09-28 Agile Greece Summit 2018: Organized Autonomy: Cracking the Paradox by Eric Bowman
- 2018-09-25 DevOps Lisbon Meetup 2018: Kubernetes at Zalando
- 2018-09-07 Container Camp UK 2018: Running Kubernetes in Production: A Million Ways to Crash Your Cluster
- 2018-07-24 Data Engineering Meetup Berlin: Enabling Machine Learning at Zalando
- 2018-05-04 KubeCon Copenhagen 2018: Continuously Deliver your Kubernetes Infrastructure
- 2018-03-28 DevOps Gathering 2018: CI/CD at Zalando
- 2018-03-13 JavaLand 2018: Resiliente Microservices mit Spring Boot und Failsafe
- 2018-02-04 FOSDEM: Automating style guide documentation
- 2018-02-03 FOSDEM: Nakadi Event Broker
- 2018-02-03 FOSDEM: Blue elephant on-demand: Postgres + Kubernetes
- 2018-01-24 Zalando Dortmund Meetup: Kubernetes Deployments: A “Hands-Off” Approach
- 2017-12-15 KubeCon Austin 2017: Kubernetes on AWS: Practices & Opinions
- 2017-11-29 AWS re:invent 2017: Mastering Kubernetes on AWS
- 2017-10-11 code.talks 2017: The Recipe For Scalable Frontends
- 2017-10-04 Kubernetes on AWS at Zalando - First Kubernetes & CNCF meetup in Finland
- 2017-09-28 Large Scale Kubernetes on AWS at Europe's Leading Online Fashion Platform - AWS Tech Community Days Cologne
- 2017-07-19 Automatic infrastructure for Kubernetes ingress in AWS - Berlin Docker Meetup
- 2017-07-12 Docker Hamburg Meetup: Large Scale Kubernetes on AWS at Europe's Leading Online Fashion Platform
- 2017-07-12 Docker Hamburg Meetup: PostgreSQL on Kubernetes
- 2017-06-15 Berlin Buzzwords: The modern architecture of search
- 2017-05-18 Berlin Kubernetes Meetup: From AWS/STUPS to Kubernetes on AWS at Zalando
- 2017-05-09 Berlin AWS User Group: Kubernetes on AWS at Zalando
- 2017-04-13 CNCF End User Committee: Kubernetes at Zalando
- 2017-04-03 "Kubernetes on AWS at Europe’s Leading Online Fashion Platform” on YouTube
- 2017-03-27 Kubernetes on AWS at Europe's Leading Online Fashion Platform
- 2016-12-11 OSMC 2016: ZMON: Zalando's OS approach to monitoring in the cloud and DCs
- 2016-11-20 PyMunich: Connexion, API-First Framework for Python
- 2016-11-15 GOTO 2016: The Frontend Taboo: a Story of Full Stack Microservices
- 2016-08-08 GOTO 2016: From Monolith to Microservices at Zalando
- 2016-05-31 Atmosphere 2016: ZMON: Zalando's OS approach to monitoring in the cloud and DCs
- 2016-05-21 PyData Berlin 2016: Data integration in the world of microservices
- 2016-05-12 Plan B: Service to Service Authentication with OAuth
- 2016-05-10 London Microservices Day: Data integration in the world of microservices
- 2015-10-29 AWS Enterprise Webday: STUPS – Eine Cloud Infrastruktur für autonome Teams
- 2015-09-03 DevOps Meetup Dublin: ZMON: Monitoring Zalando's Engineering Platform
- 2015-05-26 JBCNConf: Auto-scaling your API: Insights and Tips from the Zalando Team
- 2015-06-01 DevOps Con 2015: Radical Agility with Autonomous Teams and Microservices in the Cloud (YouTube)