10clicks.org is an attempt by Benjamin DeWeese van Schooneveld and Oleksandr Gorpynich to translate percieved requirements for happiness into simplified tasks.
The site is built on the Deno framework and deployed through Deno Deploy. Our codebase is hosted here, on GitHub.
- Deno Land install is required: https://github.com/denoland/deno_install
$ deno task start
- It is possible there may be an error with the deno.lock file. If this happens, delete it, run again and a new lock file should populate inside your repository folder.
Benjamin DeWeese van Schooneveld
Website: bdeweesevans.com
LinkedIn: @bdeweesevans
GitHub: @bdeweesevans
Oleksandr Gorpynich
Website: imoleks.com
LinkedIn: @oleksandrgorpynich
GitHub: @olexg
- March 21, 2023
- Version 1.2 (User Profile & Data Implemented)
- February 6, 2023
- Version 1.1 (Google Analytics Implemented)
- January 12, 2023
- Version 1.0 (Base Site Complete)
- December 22, 2022
- Initial Commit (N/A)