ACCESS-NRI supports ACCESS models: Australia's climate modelling infrastructure for the Australian research community.
ACCESS-NRI is committed to open source development because it enables scrutiny and review, which is the best way to develop research critical software.
For a socially essential service like climate modelling it is even more important to make climate models the best they can be and trusted sources of information for the future.
ACCESS-NRI is hosted by the Australian National University (ANU) and funded by the Australian Federal Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).
This GitHub organisation is open for all to view. All repositories are public where licensing allows, and as an organisation we welcome contributions. For administrative and security reasons the preferred method is by forking and creating pull requests from your fork.
ACCESS-NRI exists to serve the Australian research community, and provides a number of services to engage and support the community apart from the software infrastructure services:
ACCESS Hive Docs and
ACCESS Hive Forum
ACCESS-NRI also provides the ACCESS Community Hub GitHub Organisation as an open and shared organisation for community projects.