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Mike James edited this page Aug 10, 2023 · 2 revisions

Starting from version 11.0.0-preview 7, Avalonia has introduced anonymous telemetry collection during builds.

Why are we collecting telemetry?

Telemetry informs us about the community's needs. It's a means to make informed decisions to enhance Avalonia based on real-world usage.

Does it affect your applications?

No. Telemetry is only active during build time. The applications you build with Avalonia are unaffected.

How can you opt-out?

Set the environment variable 'AVALONIA_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT' to 1.

What data do we collect?

(Note: "Hash of" means data is anonymised using SHA256)

  • Timestamp of the build
  • Hash of Project Name
  • Project's output type, target framework, runtime identifier, and Avalonia version Unique, anonymous GUID for machine ID
  • IDE in use: VS, VS4Mac, Rider, or CLI
  • Operating system details: version and architecture
  • If on CI, the CI Provider (e.g., Azure DevOps or GitHub Actions)

Comparison with other platforms:

Our telemetry approach aligns with other popular .NET OSS frameworks, including Uno Platform and WinUI.

Privacy Assurance:

  • Anonymity: All data is anonymous, with no personally identifiable information.
  • Focus: The data solely pertains to Avalonia UI usage without capturing sensitive information.
  • Security: Information is hashed for an added layer of protection.
  • Storage: The data is stored in the EU using Microsoft Azure.

We respect and prioritise your privacy. This initiative aims to strengthen the Avalonia UI community by garnering insights for framework improvement and enriching the developer experience. We believe it's a step forward, making Avalonia even better for all its users.