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Using JCounterpoise

Benedict Hazel edited this page Feb 14, 2015 · 1 revision

JCounterpoise runs from the command-line and is controlled by flags. If an error occurs when opening a file an error message will describe what has happened.

Using the Bash Script

If you built the bash script you can use a simplified short-hand to run JCounterpoise:

jcp calc.log -o calc.csv -f csv

This opens calculation file calc.log and exports its data in CSV to calc.csv. Supported values for the -f flag are csv, json and xml. Both the -f and -o flags are optional.

A long-flag variant can also be used:

jcp calc.log --output=csv --format=csv

An additional flag -v/--version returns the JCounterpoise version info.

Using the Java Runtime Directly

All the instructions for using the Bash script apply except swap jcp for java JCounterpoise:

java JCounterpoise calc.log -o calc.csv -f csv