A Python implementation of a UDP client and server, augmented with Protobuf messages
There is no lib folder here as this code is meant to be added as a Git submodule in lib.
To generate Protobuf files:
mkdir generated # if needed
protoc --python_out=generated Protobuf/*.proto
Always treat imports as starting from the top-level directory, not this submodule. For example:
network/ (this repository)
To import a file in src
from lib.network import UdpClient
Imports rely on __init__.py
spelling out every single file to import. Since this is annoying for generated files, you must import Protobuf files directly:
from lib.network.generated.Protobuf.wrapper_pb2 import WrappedMessage
The Protobuf files must be in generated/Protobuf
, not generated
, due to the protoc
compiler using absolute imports, not relative imports.