Be able to contact the agent, log in to/out of a badge and place a call through voice commands.
Server should be database-backed.
Be prompted to accept/reject a call.
A predefined minimal list of names (wide name recognition is not a blocker).
Support DND function on the badge.
Support text message function on the badge.
Robin should have su…
Be able to contact the agent, log in to/out of a badge and place a call through voice commands.
Server should be database-backed.
Be prompted to accept/reject a call.
A predefined minimal list of names (wide name recognition is not a blocker).
Support DND function on the badge.
Support text message function on the badge.
Robin should have support for communicating with at least one external data source or controllable object.
Server should support configuring a new badge with wifi settings and server address.
All functions implemented should work on B2000, B3000, B3000N, with V5000 and C1000 being stretch goals. (Especially C1000, as hardware is not readily available).