swervepy is a library for swerve drive bases in FRC. If unfamiliar, you can read about swerve drive here. This library is extendable to any drive base type (coaxial, differential) or module configuration. Motors, sensors, and swerve modules are interchangeable and easy to develop.
Include the swervepy
folder in your project. Then, import it like any other Python module:
import swervepy
Swerve drivetrains are made up of any number of swerve modules, and swerve modules can be made from different motors and sensors. There are a nearly infinite number of configurations, so the library backing the drivetrain must be infinitely configurable.
All swerve modules can drive and rotate a wheel, so swervepy defines an abstract SwerveModule
with those functions. And, because the basic functionality of all drivetrains is similar (move forward, back, left, right, etc.),
swervepy also provides a concrete SwerveDrive
Users may implement SwerveModule
to define how the swerve module drives and rotates. For example, swervepy includes a
(the most common kind), in which one motor drives a wheel, and another turns it.
Each drivetrain and module is made up of a number of components. A component is any actuator or sensor with one defined purpose, such as a drive motor, turning motor, or azimuth encoder. Gyros and even swerve modules are components that comprise a drive base.
swervepy defines abstract components for the user to implement. For example, swervepy.abstract.motor
contains CoaxialDriveComponent
. This component can follow a velocity and report its velocity. In swervepy.impl.motor
you will find an implementation of CoaxialDriveComponent
called Falcon500CoaxialDriveComponent
. This implementation
defines how a Falcon 500 should fulfill the purpose of a CoaxialDriveComponent
. If the user has, for example, a NEO they
want to use as a drive motor, they can implement it in the same way as swervepy implements the Falcon 500.
Then, the user may create a CoaxialSwerveModule
(or any other implementation of SwerveModule
) by passing in a
drive and azimuth component. These components can be changed out like mechanical parts, accelerating
Let's build a swerve drivetrain. For this example, we'll use SDS Mk4i modules running Falcon 500s.
To build our drive base, we'll eventually create an instance of SwerveDrive
import swervepy.subsystem
swerve = swervepy.subsystem.SwerveDrive(modules, gyro, MAX_VELOCITY, MAX_ANGULAR_VELOCITY)
But first, we need to define some parameters ubiquitous to all our modules.
drive_params = swervepy.impl.TypicalDriveComponentParameters(
wheel_circumference=4 * math.pi * u.inch,
gear_ratio=6.75 / 1, # SDS Mk4i L2
max_speed=4.5 * (u.m / u.s),
azimuth_params = swervepy.impl.TypicalAzimuthComponentParameters(
gear_ratio=150 / 7, # SDS Mk4i
max_angular_velocity=11.5 * (u.rad / u.s),
Now, we can begin creating a swerve module. To do so, we'll create the components making up a module: motors, encoders, etc. These components are implementations of abstract classes that the user can also implement themselves.
import swervepy.impl
# Drive motor on Falcon ID 0
drive_component = swervepy.impl.Falcon500CoaxialDriveComponent(0, drive_params)
# CANCoder on ID 0
absolute_encoder = swervepy.impl.AbsoluteCANCoder(0)
# Azimuth module offset. This is the value reported by the absolute encoder when the wheel is pointed straight.
offset = Rotation2d.fromDegrees(0)
# Azimuth (turning) motor on ID 4. The azimuth component includes the absolute encoder because it needs to reset its
# recorded rotation to absolute.
azimuth_component = swervepy.impl.Falcon500CoaxialAzimuthComponent(4, offset, azimuth_params, absolute_encoder)
Next, create a swerve module from its components.
We'll need to specify where the module is placed relative to the chassis center (placement
import swervepy.impl
module_0 = swervepy.impl.CoaxialSwerveModule(
placement=Translation2d(WHEEL_BASE / 2, TRACK_WIDTH / 2),
Repeat for as many modules as are on the drivetrain, and add them to a list...
modules = [module_0, module_1, ...]
We're getting close now! Swerve drivetrains require a gyro, and like motors and encoders, gyros are implementations of
an interface Gyro
. Let's create a CTRE Pigeon gyro:
import swervepy.impl
# Pigeon IMU on ID 0
gyro = swervepy.impl.PigeonGyro(0, invert=False)
Finally, we can assemble the drive base.
import swervepy.subsystem
swerve = swervepy.subsystem.SwerveDrive(modules, gyro, MAX_VELOCITY, MAX_ANGULAR_VELOCITY)
For more info on assembling drive bases and using commands, check example_robot
Because SwerveDrive
is a subsystem, we can assign it a command to run in teleop period. If you're unfamiliar with the
command-based framework, you can read about it here.
comes with a teleop command, so just instantiate a new instance and assign it as swerve
default command.
import wpilib
# Create an XboxController to control the drive base
joystick = wpilib.XboxController(0)
teleop_command = swerve.teleop_command(
translation=lambda: -joystick.getLeftY(), # Invert input for positive forward
strafe=lambda: -joystick.getLeftX(), # Invert input for positive left
rotation=lambda: -joystick.getRightX(), # Invert input for CCW+
field_relative=True, # Forward is always facing the opposing driver station
drive_open_loop=True, # Motors are not running feedback control
# The swerve subsystem will run the teleop command when no other commands are running (like during teleop)
swervepy comes with some components, such as Falcon motors, a CANCoder, and a Pigeon IMU. In the modern FRC space,
there are many components from which swerve modules can be built. To define a component not included in swervepy,
implement from a class in swervepy.abstract
. Then, you can use your implementation like any of the default ones when
creating a SwerveModule
Check swervepy.impl
for example implementations of motors, encoders, swerve modules, and gyros.
swervepy implements the standard WPILib coordinate system. The robot travels on the XY-plane, and rotates around the Z-axis.
+X is always forward, and +Y is left. Counter-clockwise is the positive direction (CCW+). This is different from FLL, where rotation is clockwise-positive (CW+). "Forward" depends on the frame of reference.
Forward faces the opposing alliance's driver station from the allied driver station wall. In this system, the forward direction never changes.
Forward faces the front of the robot, so "forward" changes as the chassis rotates.
swervepy uses Pint to specify units whenever possible. Whenever a parameter
requires units, it is denoted with a Quantity
type hint.
Take for example, a drive motor's parameters:
from swervepy import u
import swervepy.impl
drive_params = swervepy.impl.TypicalDriveComponentParameters(
wheel_circumference=(4 * math.pi) * u.inch, # 4π in
max_speed=4.5 * (u.m / u.s), # 4.5 m/s
Simply multiply a number by a unit to create a Quantity
. Units can be multiplied/divided together to create new units.
For example, u.m / u.s
creates metres/second, and u.m / (u.s * u.s)
creates m/s².
Please, feel free to contribute any components or improvements you write for swervepy.