- dark mode/light mode added
- smooth scroll
- Authentication
- chatting system
- upgrade frontend to next13 app
- post creation
- post upload system
- post preview system + images
- change the auth token checking strategy to direct port token checking
- fix userdata of profiles page
- application is 60% client side with faulty structures
- build is corrupted, fix all data types (least priority)
- avoid JSDocs, not necessary.
- posts working perfectly for loadups, extend to pushdowns
- client_app has too many updates, app is no longer functional against backend systems
- chatting system with profiles
- see other profiles existing
- profile search options
- profile and profile system with context
- one command system up script *****
- indentity setup
- session management accross all services
- chatting, profile with identity
- friends and connection
- friends post show up
- React:18
- tailwindcss
- nextUI
- Socket.io-client
- Auth : - nodejs - express - prisma: mysql
- backend : - nodejs - express: socket.io - mongoose: mongo
- profile : - python - fastapi - mongo - rate limite: redis - [Zookeeper : Kafka]
- CDN : - python - flask - rate limite: redis - os
- Docker
- mysqlDB
- mongoDB
- ZooKeeper : Kafka
- react DND + react dnd backend html
- login page added
- signup page added
- chat page added
- nextUI added
- navbar added
- footer added
- home page as posts added
- lenis scroll added
- google eslint added **
- socket io added
- chat schema built
- cors added
- chat rooms created
- express created
- prisma initated : mysql
- User, Group models added
- model functions added
- validation functions added
- data types
- get and post methods
- cors set up
- mongoDB integration : create, read
- singleton connection: Mongo, Kafka
- rate limiting using redis and fastapi_rateLimit