selma is virtual assistant built by Algerian engineers in 2018 to control different appliances in your home over bluetooth low energy this project touches diffrent technologies such as dialogflow TensorFlow RxJava bluetooth low energy so to get started let's have look on the project architecture
the dimmer is built around nrf51822 beacon which can be controlled by using bluetooth low energy the electrical scheme of the dimmer is illustrated in the figure below.
you can find the code source of the dimmer [here]( dimmer), to get started with bluetooth low energy you can check these posts on medium first part and the seconde part
to build augmented reality features we have used SDD (single shot multibox detector) our model can recognize three objects air conditioner TV lamp, we have created our model by using TensorFlow bellow some images of our detections.
the virtual assistant allows the user to interact with his home natively so to build this features we have used speech to text engine a module to make natural language understanding dialogflow and text to speech engine to get started with dialogflow i suggest you to take a look at this post and read this code
to allow the user to add his appliances remote we have created a graphical interface the code fo this programme is thre
the video shows you a demo of our project